Benefits of Manuka honey.

A large number of tests indicate that manuka is able to destroy more than 80 strains of bacteria, including staphylococcus aureus and pyogenic streptococcus. In 2013, scientists at the University of the United Arab Emirates found that when combined with other therapies, intravenous manuka honey helped slow the growth of cancerous tumors in mice. Well, if we talk about cosmetics, then manuka honey in combination with cosmetic components has a soothing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect on the skin.


November 9, 2022

Manuka honey. What is this product?

This is a New Zealand product that many people in the world go crazy for, calling it "the most useful honey." When the Manuka shrub blooms, the plant produces an antibacterial substance called methylglyoxal, which is collected along with bees' nectar during flower pollination. Thanks to this substance, the healing properties of manuka are preserved even when exposed to light, heat and sterilization. Manuka has its own system for measuring effectiveness, which is calculated based on the rate of death of bacteria and viruses. This is the "Unique Manuka Factor" (UFM), or "Indicative of Dietary Methylglyoxal Level" (MGO). Accordingly, the higher this indicator, the higher the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties of honey.


November 9, 2022

Regular exercise can help manage anxiety.

1. Sport has a positive effect on the production of dopamine and endorphins. And they literally create a good mood and additionally motivate. 2. Exercise has an anti-inflammatory effect, and therefore reduces anxiety. There are studies in the field of neurology that confirm this. 3. Sports exercises reduce sensitivity to physical pain. You probably noticed yourself that a headache can easily go away during a workout. Was it like this or was it just me that got lucky? 4. A big plus from playing sports is communication. With a coach, with a group, with like-minded people. It's like coming to a hobby group: you train with benefit, and you get to know cool people.


November 9, 2022

A few simple rules for hair care in the cold season.

1. Wear hats. “Don't forget to wear a hat,” my mother always told me, but I ignored her words. Familiar? Of course, she herself wanted us not to catch a cold, but there are benefits for the hair from the hat. The fact is that cold adversely affects both the hair itself and the scalp, disrupting local blood circulation. And one of the key problems that opponents of hats can face is hair loss. 2. Refuse shampoos with aggressive formulations. Too active components like salicylic acid or scrub particles destroy the protective film of the scalp, which can lead to both dry and oily skin. Therefore, do not use scrubs and super-cleansing shampoos "just because you feel like it." 3. Choose leave-in care with oils. Due to temperature changes, hair can become brittle. To avoid this, choose hair products with natural oils. In addition to smoothing and nourishing properties, they have an antistatic effect.


November 9, 2022

Stress can accelerate the development of cancer by changing the activity of genes in the brain.

Scientists from the Institute of Cytology and Genetics have found genes in the hypothalamus whose activity changes in laboratory animals with a predisposition to developing cancer due to social stress. To talk about the discovery, you need to conduct additional experiments. In the future, they can help create drugs that slow down the growth of tumors.


November 9, 2022

Caring for the skin around the eyes.

Interestingly, the skin under the eyes does not have any particular type: it is neither oily nor combination. Since the skin here has a completely different structure: it is devoid of sebaceous and sweat glands. Therefore, the skin under the eyes is absolutely thin, sensitive and dry for everyone! This explains why eye creams are never divided by skin type. And this is one of the reasons why a separate cream is always needed here and a regular face cream is not suitable!


November 6, 2022

Acceleration of metabolism for harmony, beauty and health.

It is believed that drinking hot water stimulates the release of hormones and also speeds up metabolism. This, in turn, helps to eliminate toxins and harmful substances from the body. According to a German study, 500 ml of water before a meal "accelerates" the metabolism by 30%. And if you heat the water to 98.6 ° C - by all 40%. I hope you understand what you need to do - drink hot water! Just be careful not to burn yourself! In the morning, at least two glasses after waking up and do not forget to drink some water before each meal.


November 6, 2022

Eye exercises.

1. Drive with open eyes, repeating the silhouette of the number eight. Repeat these movements 5-7 times. Exercise is good for the eye muscles. 2. Choose a few objects that surround you - a closet, a doorknob, a vase of flowers, and so on. Take a look at their outlines. Repeat the exercise 5-8 times. 3. Gently massage the closed eyelids with your fingertips for a minute. So you relieve eye strain, which is especially important for those who spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen. 4. Extend your arm. Bring your finger closer to your face, while looking at its tip until it seems to you that it doubles. 5. Close your eyelids tightly. Close your eyes with your palms. Sit like this for about a minute, then remove your palms from your face and open your eyes. Repeat all 3-5 times. This will give your eyes a rest.


November 6, 2022

Gymnastics for the eyes.

It will help you improve your eyesight, relax the oculomotor muscles and relieve the tension accumulated in them. The main advantages of gymnastics for the oculomotor muscles are that it can help: ▫️ relieve fatigue, relax get rid of nervousness, ▫️ restore blood circulation in the eyes, ▫️ strengthen eye muscles, ▫️ fall asleep quickly and sleep well, because it is the tension in the eye muscles that affects the quality of sleep. Main contraindications: ▪️ inflammatory diseases of the eyes, such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis, ▪️ retinal detachment, ▪️ violation of the work of the oculomotor muscles.


November 6, 2022

You need to wash your face in the mornings and evenings, but you need to wash yourself only twice a week.

Israeli doctors warn - frequent trips to the shower can cause serious harm to your body! It is especially dangerous to wash your hair every day. Upon contact with water, and the worst - with shampoo, gel or soap - the skin undergoes alkaline changes and becomes more vulnerable to fungi and allergies. Starts to dry and even lose vitamin "D". In this regard, doctors recommend not to get involved in daily bath procedures. Well, if the heat takes you by surprise - take a shower without using soap, shampoo and gels, but just enjoy cool water.


November 6, 2022

What does each conscious breath do to us?

Massages the abdominal organs with the movement of the diaphragm. At this point, information is exchanged between the environment and the immune system. Informs your nervous system which organ to activate or suppress. Through the brainstem, it connects to your every thought and emotion. Affects your blood pressure and the degree of vasodilation/constriction. Determines the quality of your thoughts, attention and actions. Affects every beat of your heart. Sets the pace at which anxiety changes to calm and vice versa. Determines the level of metabolism in mitochondria. Helps to move and not stagnate the substance of the brain and cerebrospinal fluid. Affects the pH level of blood and tissues. Regulates the level of inflammation in the body. Opens the way to return to your center. Promotes self-expression and a thirst for activity.


November 3, 2022

Breath. New facts.

“I think people ignore the work with the breath, because it is already given to them, it would seem, simply and for free. Why pay for something that costs nothing,” says James Nestor, author of Breathing: New Facts on Lost Art. According to Dan Brule, a pioneer of the Spiritual Breathing movement, even just reading Shakespeare's sonnets is therapeutic. “Reciting certain verses and prayers slows your breathing to about four to eight breaths per minute, which lowers blood pressure and cortisol levels,” Brule says.


November 3, 2022

Let's talk about breathing.

The world's leading universities - Stanford, Harvard, Johns Hopkins - conduct clinical studies of breathing and real data confirm truths known for centuries: the way we breathe has a profound effect on our mental and physical health and abilities. Biohackers necessarily include breathing in the program for prolonging active life and youth. However, people who are far from biohacking do not always understand why learning to breathe.


November 3, 2022

Proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass.

Mass - a period of time aimed at a rapid increase in muscle volume and strength, due to training, subject to an excess of kcal. Properly selected nutrition will allow girls to gain muscle mass, not fat. What is needed for this? - creating a moderate excess of kcal - up to 500 kcal per day, weight gain of about 300 grams per week, - consumption of 1.5-2 g of protein per kg of 1 weight, - exclusion of empty kcal in the form of fast carbohydrates, - post-workout nutrition: proteins and carbohydrates together for 40 minutes after exercise, - fats - 10-20%, proteins - 20-30%, complex carbohydrates - 50-60%. Do not confuse excess weight with excess muscle mass when a person just needs to lose weight. Dieting and drying are fundamentally different processes, without a sufficient amount of muscle, drying is not suitable for you.


November 3, 2022

Programs for muscle growth.

Having correctly assessed your body type, you can already begin to draw up a program for muscle growth. A skinny girl needs to work with heavy weights with fewer reps. High repetitions from 15 repetitions, on the contrary, will give endurance to your muscles and reduce volume. - Workouts should include basic multi-joint exercises (deadlift, squat, leg press, lunges, etc.) - Training 3-4 times a week (for example, Monday, Tuesday down/up, Wednesday - rest, Thursday, Friday down/up, Saturday and Sunday - rest) - We train every other day with 3 days of training and 2 days of rest. - From 6 to 12 repetitions with working weights in 4 sets. - The duration of the training is up to 1 hour.


November 3, 2022

Genetics and body type when gaining muscle mass.

What types of muscle fibers will prevail in a particular person, as well as the ratio of testosterone to estrogen, and where the body stores body fat, is genetically determined. And these factors are also influenced by body type. Ectomorphs have a thin skeleton with a minimum of fat and muscle, they are the hardest to gain muscle mass. Mesomorphs gain muscle mass faster as they tend to be muscular, but endomorphs will have to work hard to lose fat before they see the desired relief.


November 3, 2022

Rules for gaining muscle mass for women.

How to properly gain muscle mass, so as not to go into bodybuilding, but at the same time, so that a sexy relief appears. Most women, coming to the gym, experience the biggest fear is not to swing. Since the female body does not react to strength training as much as the male body, it is almost impossible to pump over, this is due to low testosterone levels.


November 3, 2022

What is the secret to calorie reduction? Continuation.

The same principle, by the way, works with potatoes and pasta. If you boil potatoes and then leave them overnight in the refrigerator, the cold will make the starch more resistant, and our body will digest it more slowly. And by adding fats, such as coconut oil, we create additional protection against rapid digestion. Another issue is that most people like to eat freshly prepared meals, rather than reheat them several times. But here let everyone decide for himself. By the way, rice reheated the next day is no worse than freshly cooked rice.


November 3, 2022

What is the secret to calorie reduction?

Rice consists of digestible and indigestible (resistant) starch. Humans do not have type 2 digestion enzymes, so this starch is not converted to sugar and absorbed into the bloodstream as it is being digested. The more resistant starch a product contains, the fewer calories our body will receive. Rice cooked in the above way has 10 times more indigestible starch than rice cooked in the conventional way and has 50-60% fewer calories. That is, the calorie content, in this case, of ready-made rice will remain almost the same, but only half will be absorbed, and the rest will be excreted from the body.


November 3, 2022

How to cook white rice.

How to cook white rice. Put 1 teaspoon of coconut oil into boiling water. Add rice and cook as usual. After cooking, be sure to cool and put the rice in the refrigerator for 12 hours. You can reheat the rice a little before serving. And that's it!


November 3, 2022