Dementia: An Explanation of Causes and Risks

Dementia is a term used to describe several diseases that negatively impact memory, thinking, and the ability to perform daily activities. Dementia progresses over time. It primarily affects older people, but not everyone develops dementia as they age. Factors that increase the risk of developing dementia include: age (dementia is more common among those aged 65 and older); high blood pressure (hypertension); high blood sugar levels (diabetes); overweight or obesity; smoking; excessive alcohol consumption; lack of physical activity; social isolation; depression.


July 14, 2024

The Best Anti-Aging Products

The best anti-aging products include: avocado, blueberries, eggs, gelatin, onions and garlic, broccoli, spinach and greens, pine nuts, soy and other legumes, green tea, honey.


July 14, 2024

Anti-Aging Nutrition

The rules for the anti-aging menu are quite simple: daily diet should include at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables; the basis of the diet should be plant-based food: legumes, grains, vegetables; dairy products should be consumed daily; fats should preferably be plant-based; the amount of sweets and red meat should be minimized. These products should not be consumed daily. Since one of the problems of aging is sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass), daily consumption of protein sources (fish, eggs, meat) is necessary. Anti-aging recipes will include a large amount of vegetables and fruits. Preference should be given to fresh greens rather than heat-treated or canned ones. The most common cooking methods in the anti-aging menu are boiling, baking, and steaming. Caution should be exercised when grinding food in a blender to a uniform consistency. Despite some advantages, this processing increases the absorption of sugars.


July 14, 2024

An air purifier in the form of headphones invented in England

Aerate creates a space of clean air around the user's face and is intended for use in the subway or polluted urban environments.


July 7, 2024

Scientists Discover Cure for Late-Stage Prostate Cancer

Scientists have learned to treat late-stage prostate cancer – in 85% of cases, the tumor either completely disappeared or significantly reduced in size. The miracle drug proved to be so effective that American regulators immediately initiated an accelerated approval procedure. For comparison, standard treatment helps only 20-40% of patients and very rarely leads to a complete cure.


July 5, 2024

Engineers from Massachusetts have created revolutionary prosthetics

Engineers from Massachusetts have created revolutionary prosthetics that feel like natural limbs. The bionic legs are controlled automatically - a special interface sends signals directly from the brain to the limb.


July 5, 2024

Heat Is Melting Your Brain and Impairing Its Function - Scientists Found Out

High temperatures increase irritability and cause you to lose self-control. As a result, it is impossible to concentrate on anything, and literally any little thing can trigger fits of rage.


July 3, 2024

Doctors Advise More Rest in Extreme Heat

Doctors advise more rest in extreme heat. Temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius are too extreme for the human body, so it needs more rest. Avoid physical exertion and coffee, and drink more water instead.


July 3, 2024

Remote controlled robot tablet

A remotely controlled robotic capsule has been developed in the USA, making endoscopy faster and easier. The device is equipped with a camera, lighting, and motors that allow it to be directed by a physician to the desired location. After the procedure, the capsule naturally leaves your body. Sales are expected to begin in 2026 at a price of approximately $50. Today, examinations with a similar but uncontrolled video capsule cost around $1000.


June 27, 2024

Scientists Develop Breakthrough Drug for Nasopharyngeal Cancer

Scientists have created a drug that induces self-destruction of cancer cells. In Hong Kong, researchers have developed a drug for the treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer. It destroys mutating cells and interacts with immune cells to enhance their fighting capabilities. The invention has shown promising results during trials on mice. Developers note that the drug surpasses its counterparts as it minimizes the consequences for healthy cells. The drug specifically targets cells infected with the Epstein-Barr virus, which is linked to the formation of nasopharyngeal tumors. Another risk factor is smoking.


June 26, 2024

The Dangers of Pyramid Tea Bags and Plastic Contamination

Tea in pyramid tea bags can lead to the development of cancer, warns a surgeon. When brewing pyramid-shaped bags, nanoparticles from the bag enter the body, and with regular consumption, the accumulation of these particles can cause tissue inflammation. Plastic induces mutations in cells, which can eventually lead to oncogenesis. The surgeon advises against drinking such teas whenever possible and recommends using loose leaf teas instead.


June 25, 2024

Introducing a Smart Bed for Couples with Personalized Temperature Control

A smart bed has been created for couples who experience different comfort levels during sleep. The bed automatically adjusts the temperature for each sleeper, ensuring that one is warm while the other is cool. It also adapts to the body, preventing snoring by changing the sleeping position. Through a smartphone app, users can monitor sleep quality, track sleep cycles, and adjust the temperature to their liking. The price of this innovative bed is $9,000.


June 24, 2024

Neural networks enable at-home dental diagnostics

Neural networks have learned to conduct dental diagnostics at home. A startup has released the Dental Monitoring gadget - just attach it to a smartphone and insert it into the mouth. The built-in AI will examine the oral cavity and advise whether to take a loan for new teeth. The accuracy of its work is impressive - the model can detect 89% of diseases.


June 24, 2024

Video Games Can Improve Family Relationships, According to British Scientists

British scientists have discovered that playing video games reduces stress levels in men, enabling them to be calmer and more respectful towards their loved ones. Researchers also noted the importance of not interrupting men while they are gaming to avoid triggering stress outbursts and maintaining a stable emotional state, which positively affects the family atmosphere and contributes to strengthening family relationships.


June 23, 2024

The Link Between Mental Health and Cheese Consumption

Scientists have discovered a connection between strong mental health and cheese consumption. A large-scale study (2.3 million people) has shown that cheese lovers have noticeably better overall well-being. To be precise, cheese improves the body's condition by 3.67%. Fruits, for example, improve it by 1.96%, while watching TV worsens it by 7.39%.


June 21, 2024

American Startup Invents Device that Stimulates Hair Growth and Reduces Balding

An American startup has invented a device that stimulates hair growth and reduces balding. According to numerous studies, Graphene Times interacts with minoxidil-based lotions and enhances the activity of hair follicle cells.


June 21, 2024

Jumping Rope: An Effective Way to Burn Calories

Did you know that jumping rope for an hour can burn more than 700 calories? That's slightly more than fast running, by the way! Jumping rope is a highly effective tool in fighting leg deposits and cellulite. During rope jumping, muscles are not being built but instead all the work is focused on burning fat. Don't be afraid of daily rope jumping workouts, as it's just a series of jumps. On the first day, jump as much as you can, time yourself or count your jumps (by the way, there are ropes with timers and jump counters available). Each subsequent day, add 5-10 minutes to your jumping time. Take breaks, but not long ones. Jump for a while, rest for 40 seconds, and then continue (this applies to the beginning of the training). The best rhythm is typically 30 minutes of jumping, followed by 5-7 minutes of rest, and another 30 minutes of jumping. Alternatively, you can divide an hour into four parts: 15 minutes of jumping, no more than 2 minutes of rest, 15 minutes of jumping, and so on.


June 20, 2024

The Impact of Bad Sleep on Health

A lack of sleep leads to obesity and other health problems. The mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases is 12% higher among those who constantly sleep less compared to those who get enough sleep. Go to bed at the same time every night, ideally before 10 o'clock. Each hour before midnight counts as two, and it is recommended to sleep for about 7-9 hours every day. Avoid using electronic devices for 2-3 hours before sleep, and enable the warm light feature on your screen. Take a walk before bedtime and wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning.


June 20, 2024

Edema, Wrinkles: How Posture Affects Facial Beauty

Edema, wrinkles: how posture affects facial beauty? Beauty and human health are directly related to proper posture. The spine is the foundation that connects all organs and systems of our body into a unified whole, so a straight and beautiful back is not only aesthetically pleasing but also necessary for the normal functioning of the body. If there are muscle clamps in the area of the shoulders and neck, it means that the inflow of oxygen-rich blood and microelements will be partially restricted. Do this exercise for correct posture: Approach the wall and stand so that the heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades, shoulders, and back of the head touch the wall. The arms hang freely, do not press them against the wall. Stretch your head upwards. In this position, you need to stand for three minutes. Gradually increase this time to 10 minutes.


June 19, 2024

How to Strengthen and Grow Nails Quickly

Strong, smooth, and shiny nails are indicators of overall health. However, they can sometimes become weak and brittle. This usually happens due to one of the following reasons: 1. Lack of nutrients, 2. Exposure to harsh chemicals, 3. Nervous tension and stress, 4. Certain illnesses. How to strengthen nails from within? 1. Biotin. Found in liver, egg yolks, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, salmon, almonds. 2. Other B vitamins. Found in spinach, oranges, peas, almonds, oysters, avocado. 3. Iron. Found in fish, meat, chicken eggs, dried fruits, spinach, beans. 4. Magnesium. Found in cereals, spinach, cabbage, nuts. 5. Vitamin C. Found in citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries.


June 19, 2024