Salty food increases stress levels.

These conclusions were reached by Scottish scientists in the course of experiments on mice. One group of rodents was fed salty food for 2-8 weeks - the dose was about the same as in human food. The second - sat on a normal diet. A blood test showed that the mice in the first group had elevated levels of cortisol, the “stress hormone.” Also, after euthanasia, brain tissue samples were taken from rodents. They found increased activity of genes that produce proteins responsible for the response to stress. This effect appeared after only two weeks of the high-salt diet. Probably people are affected too.


December 27, 2022

How can you quickly reduce the pressure.

1. First of all, you need to relax and try to hold your breath on the exhale for 7-10 seconds for 2-3 minutes. This simple trick can drop up to 30 units of blood pressure. After the first self-help measures, try other ways to reduce blood pressure. 2. It is recommended to use cold water to quickly reduce the pressure. You can hold your hands under a stream of cold water up to your forearms, splash in your face, moisten cotton napkins and apply them to the thyroid gland and solar plexus. 3. If you apply cotton napkins to your feet for 10 minutes, which are abundantly soaked in apple cider vinegar, you can reduce blood pressure by 30-40 units.


December 26, 2022

Drinking tea at night is unhealthy.

Especially if you drink a lot of tea, several cups per evening. A large amount of fluid drunk loads the kidneys. And the kidneys are an organ that needs to rest at night. Drinking tea at night does not allow the kidneys to go into the "night mode" of rest, and as a result, they work for wear and tear. And this leads to increased pressure. And most of all, among lovers of evening tea and night food, the pressure rises in the morning or in the morning.


December 26, 2022

Stoop Prevention Exercises

1. Squats for a flat lower back. Stand with your back to the wall (distance - 10 cm). Place your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your straight arms up. Perform a squat - when your back touches the wall, press your lower back, shoulder blades and shoulders against it and lower yourself even lower until your knees form a right angle. Hold for 30-60 seconds. 2. "Plank" for a strong press. Get into a push-up position, resting on your forearms. Transfer the main body weight to your hands. Without losing your balance, bend your left leg at the knee and pull your heel twice towards your buttocks. Return leg to starting position, repeat with right leg. 10 times. 3. Rotations for straightened shoulders. Take a towel, roll it into a bundle. Straighten your back, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms out in front of you and stretch the towel so that your arms are as wide apart as possible. Raise your hands and move back as far as you can. Count to five. Return to starting position. Repeat 5 times.


December 26, 2022

Be the best

▫️ Strengthening a sense of self-confidence and control over life situations. ▫️ The biorhythm of the body suggests that waking up at 6-7 in the morning is always easier and more useful than, for example, at 9. With such a schedule, a person feels much more cheerful. ▫️ Emotional satisfaction. Waking up in the morning, you get the feeling that you are already one step ahead of everyone else, which certainly affects the level of motivation.


December 21, 2022

New wellness and beauty trends for 2023! A lot of interesting things are waiting for us:

7. Emphasis on natural beauty. Interestingly, during the pandemic, cosmetics sales fell by 19%. But at the same time, the demand for skin care products increased by 42%. And this trend continues: beautiful, well-groomed and healthy skin plus a minimum of cosmetics. 8. Taking care of your sex life. According to BusinessWire, the sex wellness market will be worth $125 billion by 2026. The impressive amount is explained by the fact that in the coming years we will finally get used to the idea that the satisfaction of our sex desires is one of the forms of self-care.


December 21, 2022

New wellness and beauty trends for 2023! A lot of interesting things are waiting for us:

3. Eco-friendly sneakers. This trend began in 2022 and is moving into 2023 with renewed vigor. Now sneakers made of wood, as Gucci did, no longer surprise anyone. 4. Refusal of long nails. In general, this fashion for painted nails-claws just frightened me personally. It's good that it ends. 5. Soft drinks. Not a bad message, but a glass of good wine with dinner is a classic. 6. Digital detox. This, in my opinion, is a super trend that especially needs to be developed among teenagers. Hanging in gadgets they have a completely unhealthy character. Well, I periodically arrange such detoxes for myself to unload my head.


December 21, 2022

New wellness and beauty trends for 2023! A lot of interesting things are waiting for us:

1. Tracking the level of stress. Preventing stress is extremely difficult, but you can track your levels to understand which events have the most impact on you. Psychologists say that in 2023 we will do this more often. You can even start a diary of emotions - this way it will be much easier to find the irritant. 2. Digital wellness. Online training has a lot of advantages, including the absence of the need to leave your home. And the opportunity to play sports, wherever you are at that moment.


December 21, 2022

A selection of documentaries about sugar.

"I want to change" The film, which is more correctly translated from English as "Hunger for Change", talks about being overweight, why we go on diets, and then break down and start eating junk high-calorie foods. Already in the credits, we are given to understand that “diets don’t work” and that after them we gain even more weight, drawing an analogy with a loan: taking a certain amount, we return it with interest.


December 20, 2022

A selection of documentaries about sugar.

Corporation "Food" Perhaps after watching this movie you will become more attentive while going to the supermarket. This documentary soberly and clearly tells without conspiracy theories and other biased things about what is hidden from the eyes of buyers. The key idea throughout the film is that companies in pursuit of profit go to any lengths.


December 20, 2022

A selection of documentaries about sugar.

"Sugar Rush" A documentary by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver about sugar. But, unlike the previous tape, while watching, you will learn not about where sugar is found and how to avoid it, but how it becomes a catalyst for diseases: caries, type 2 diabetes, heart and vascular diseases. As chef Jamie Oliver devotes a significant part of the film to the analysis of dishes and the amount of sugar in everyday products.


December 20, 2022

A selection of documentaries about sugar.

"Sugar" One of the most high-profile films about sugar and its effect on the body is built around the personal experience of Australian Damon Gamo, the main character and director of the tape. He experiments with himself by including in his balanced diet the "hidden" sugars found in "healthy" foods: smoothies, juices, low-fat yogurts, cereals and muesli.


December 20, 2022

What does sugar do to our skin?

The answer is clear: it destroys. How it works, says a nutritionist. Not only sugar is harmful, but also foods with a high glycemic index, which quickly turn into sugar in the body. Simple carbohydrates such as: - refined sugar -White bread - instant porridge - fruit juices - desserts, etc. They cause a spike in insulin levels, which leads to permanent inflammation. High levels of insulin in the blood trigger the release of growth hormones, which increase sebum production, unregulated cell growth, and androgen production. Against the background of sugar inflammation, enzymes are produced that break down collagen and elastin, which leads to sagging skin and the appearance of wrinkles. The processed sugar in the body is permanently attached to the collagen in the skin through a process known as glycation. In addition to accelerating aging, glycation can also aggravate acne and rosacea. In addition, the more sugar you eat, the more likely you are to develop insulin resistance, which can manifest as excessive hair growth (hirsutism) and dark spots on your neck, armpits, and elbows.


December 20, 2022

Sleep on bee hives.

Have you heard about such an unusual way of recovery and relaxation as sleeping on bee hives. This is one of the youngest and most unique trends in apitherapy. In a wooden house on top of the beehives is a special bed. Don't be afraid, the bees won't get to you, thanks to the closed design of the bed. What is the secret of influence: - healing air with microparticles of pollen, nectar, propolis, wax and honey, which is ideal for inhalation. - useful microvibrations that come from the flapping of the bees' wings and act on the body as a vibration massage. This is for me now from the realm of fantasy! - the monotonous buzz of bees soothes, relieves stress and tension. From such an impact, a person immediately falls into a deep and healing sleep. Sounds tempting, doesn't it? As one of the best and most unusual SPA offer for residents of the metropolis.


December 20, 2022

Roller massager

To enhance the effect of serum and / or cream, purchase a roller massager on any marketplace. After applying the cream, walk along the massage lines with a little effort for a couple of minutes. Care will work harder and penetrate deeper. Repeat daily - after a couple of weeks you will begin to notice a significant difference.


December 20, 2022

Golden turmeric is recognized as a "superfood"

The spice has long been used in China to treat depression, skin problems, and other ailments. A study published in the Journal of Classical Immunology confirms the observations of ancient doctors. Curcumin really improves brain function, suppresses inflammation and regulates the immune system.


December 19, 2022

Walking in nature is officially a working remedy for depression.

Psychiatrists at McGill University conducted a large-scale study of people with depression, dividing them into three groups. One sat at home, the second walked around the city, and the third - in nature. It was the team of naturalists who showed the most serious positive changes.


December 19, 2022

Scientists have come up with a vaccine against cat allergies.

It has successfully passed preliminary studies and is ready for clinical trials. The researchers claim that the product is safe and effective against all cat allergens. Clinical trials will take place in 2023 and 2024, after which the drug can be registered. At least 30% of adults worldwide are allergic to cats. The disease reduces the standard of living, and in some cases can seriously threaten health.


December 14, 2022

An exercise that will significantly extend your life

Such lymphatic drainage gymnastics is an effective prevention of thrombophlebitis, myocardial infarction and stroke. Stand up straight, connect your feet. Raise your heels 3-5 cm from the floor, then drop sharply. As a result of the resulting shaking, the venous valves receive an additional impulse to push the blood up. ▫️ Do 30 such ups and downs 5 times a day, and there will be no thoughts about illnesses. Perform the exercise slowly: 1 per second. ▫️ Such gymnastics is especially useful for people who are forced to stand or sit at work for a long time.⠀ ▫️ This exercise can be performed even by those who are prohibited from running or brisk walking.


December 11, 2022

What herbs will relieve you of bags under the eyes?

▫️ Linden and chamomile Make a mixture of linden flowers and chamomile inflorescences, taking 1 tablespoon of each raw material. Pour 2 cups boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes in a water bath. After filtering, apply a moistened gauze cloth in infusion to the eyes for 15 minutes. This compress relieves inflammation from the eyes and helps to deal with bags under the eyes. ▫️Birch An eye compress made from birch leaves is effective in combating swelling of the eyelids. Pour a handful of fresh birch leaves with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes in a water bath. Cold lotions will relieve swelling for 15 minutes. ▫️X field wax Horsetail compresses also help with swelling on the eyelids. We take 1 tablespoon of horsetail grass, pour 2 cups of boiling water. Cook in a water bath for 30 minutes, let it brew for 10 minutes. Wet cotton swabs in the decoction and apply on the eyelids for 15 minutes. This compress relieves not only swelling, but also inflammation.


December 11, 2022