Belief in paranormal phenomena can impair sleep.

This was found out with the help of an experiment in which 8,853 people took part. All of them answered a series of questions regarding their sleep and their relationship to supernatural forces. They noted that such subjects had low sleep duration and increased symptoms of insomnia. In addition, some people have experienced sleep paralysis, in which the person is self-aware and awake but unable to move. Researchers suggest that belief in the paranormal causes anxiety that interferes with sleep. Fear of encountering ghosts can interfere with a night's rest, and this does not only apply to children.


January 24, 2023

Posture and internal organs.

The internal organs are connected with the spinal cord by nerve fibers, thanks to which they function. With violations of posture, displacement of the vertebrae, the occurrence of vertebral hernias, these connections are also violated. From here, pains and disorders appear in a variety of organs, ranging from headaches to flat feet and vascular diseases.


January 22, 2023

Posture, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Slouching can increase stress on the sympathetic nervous system in several ways. First, when you slouch, your ribcage contracts, resulting in restricted breathing. This can lead to shallow breathing and an increase in breathing rate, which triggers the body's stress response. Chronic muscle tension can also activate the sympathetic nervous system and make the body feel like it is in a constant state of stress. The sympathetic system triggers the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can increase heart rate and constrict blood vessels in the body. When this reaction is activated over a long period of time, it can lead to an increase in blood pressure and an increased risk of developing hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Cortisol also contributes to weight gain!


January 22, 2023

Posture and digestion.

When the body position is incorrect, the organs inside the abdominal cavity are displaced. Weakened muscles do not support the intestines and stomach. The outflow of bile is disturbed, intestinal peristalsis worsens. The result is digestive disorders: constipation, heartburn and even hernia.


January 22, 2023

Posture and breathing.

Poor posture, in particular stooping, prevents the lungs from fully expanding when inhaling, and less air enters them. In addition, with poor posture, the diaphragm - the main respiratory muscle - contracts and cannot move freely. This also reduces the amount of oxygen entering the body. The so-called vital capacity of the lungs also depends on the position of the head. When it is strongly tilted forward (protraction), the biomechanics of breathing changes, and lung capacity decreases by a third. All this means that insufficient oxygen enters the body - first of all, this will affect the functioning of the brain, and will manifest itself with symptoms such as fatigue, drowsiness, impaired concentration and memory.


January 22, 2023

Posture and spine.

Significant violations of posture further lead to diseases of the spine. Muscle imbalance resulting from pathological kyphosis or lordosis causes degenerative changes in the spine, leads to disc protrusions and subsequently the development of intervertebral hernias, leading to pain in its different parts. Pain in the lower back, neck, chest - very often a consequence of poor posture.


January 22, 2023

Benefits of walking.

Finnish scientists have proven that walking in the park reduces the need for medication by 3-4 times: for a visible effect, it is enough to walk through the greenery once a week for several hours. The result will be especially noticeable to people with asthma, mental disorders and diseases of the circulatory system.


January 21, 2023

Scientists have found a protein that helps repair and build muscle.

They found that the protein, which in humans is encoded by the PDGF-B gene, is constantly produced by skeletal muscle cells and helps repair muscle. The researchers hope that their discovery will help develop effective treatments for muscle wasting and injury, as well as improve training plans.


January 21, 2023

Trials of an implant for the treatment of depression.

The first implant to treat depression, Inner Cosmos, entered the second stage of human clinical trials. Once every 15 minutes, the device measures the levels of activity in the required part of the brain and stimulates them if necessary.


January 21, 2023

Biologists have suggested using spirulina algae as an alternative to beef.

Seaweed has almost the same nutritional value as beef. But growing it is easier and more environmentally friendly. It is even proposed to release it in the form of nutritional tablets.


January 21, 2023

A key breakthrough in the prevention of aging has been achieved.

A study appeared in the journal Cell about successfully influencing the epigenome, a function of our body that indicates whether a cell will become skin, brain, and so on. Scientists have reported that by playing with epigen, they managed to age the mouse on fast forward. And then, on the contrary, slow down some aspects of her aging.


January 20, 2023

American students have created a spoon that improves the taste of food.

A group of US students developed the Sugarware Spoon, which enhances the sweet taste without adding calories or chemicals. The cutlery has several convex parts on the underside that stimulate the taste buds that normally respond to sugar. They send signals to the brain that indicate the sensation of sweetness. It is not yet known whether the spoon will reach mass production. The creators believe that it will be especially useful for people with diabetes who are forced to diet.


January 18, 2023

Chinese scientists transplanted spinach particles into mice to teach them photosynthesis.

Biologists from Zhejiang University injected chloroplast particles from spinach into the cartilage of mice with osteoarthritis. This made it possible to restore the missing chemical compounds in the cells and cure the disease. They tested a fundamentally new way to treat joints and expect that this technology can be further optimized for the treatment of other diseases associated with changes in metabolism.


January 18, 2023

Engineers have created a glove for learning Braille.

The BrailleWear glove has a built-in electronic module with a small camera and a light. Light hits the printed braille dots at an oblique angle, causing each of them to cast a shadow. The software analyzes the received image and reads the text to the user using a synthetic voice system. The idea is that a person will eventually learn to recognize symbols by touch on their own. BrailleWear gloves should go on sale before the end of the year and will cost about $300.


January 18, 2023

Scientists have discovered a previously unknown protective layer of the brain.

Neurophysiologists from the UK and Denmark have found a hitherto unknown brain membrane. It is involved in the filtration of cerebrospinal fluid and serves as a "depot" for the accumulation of immune cells. The new shell was named SLYM - short for Subarachnoidal Lymphatic-like Membrane, "subarachnoid lymphatic-like membrane." The main studies were carried out on mice, but the presence of the membrane was confirmed in humans.


January 16, 2023

Tomorrow is a new day

Wake up as early as possible, exercise, have a good breakfast. The earlier you get out of your bed, the more things you can do throughout your day. If you are full of enthusiasm, ready to make your life full of positive events and things, create a rule for yourself to get up earlier than usual. A good and plentiful breakfast charges your battery for the whole day. Plentiful start allow you the opportunity to feel over the moon with happiness, because when you just woke up, your body is weakened, make it recharge. Jogging or push-ups from the floor will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.


January 12, 2023

Neuralink has launched a patient registry.

To learn more about specific diseases to improve brain implantation. People with medical conditions such as tetraplegia or tetraparesis, paraplegia, visual loss, deafness, and aphasia can apply. This application may enable future clinical trials with Neuralink. The company expects to start conducting human trials in the first half of 2023, but it all depends on the FDA approval process.


January 12, 2023

Withings U-Scan smart urine analyzer introduced.

He assesses the condition of the body and gives advice on improving health. The device is attached to the rim of the toilet bowl and, due to a special radar, is able to determine who is going to urinate. The results are transferred to a proprietary application. One cartridge is designed for 100 tests. In women, it even determines the menstrual cycle and the ovulation window.


January 11, 2023

Scientists managed to grow retinal cells that fuse with natural ones.

This is an insanely important study - they learned how to grow a retina from stem cells plus or minus ten years ago. However, until that time, scientists had problems with its implantation in specific people and the ability to turn from dummies into really working mechanisms. The day before yesterday, a study was published where scientists reported on the successful connection of the grown cells with all the inhabitants of the eyes. This is great news for people with some types of blindness.


January 11, 2023

Lack of interest in sex in men may indicate a risk of early death.

Scientists analyzed data on 20,969 people (8,558 men and 12,411 women) over 40 years old. For six years, they underwent regular medical examinations, and also assessed the level of their sexual interest. During the study, 503 subjects died. An analysis of the data obtained showed that mortality from cancer and other causes was significantly higher in men who were less interested in sex. This association persisted even when the researchers controlled for factors such as age, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, alcohol use, body mass index, education, marital status, and psychological stress levels.


January 11, 2023