Cinnamon improves memory and learning ability.

Iranian researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 40 scientific papers that focused on the health effects of cinnamon. Most of them reported positive effects of the spice on learning and memory. Most likely, such components of the substance as cinnamic acid, eugenol and cinnamaldehyde bring benefits. The addition of cinnamon to the cell environment, for example, increases cell viability and reduces protein aggregation associated with Alzheimer's disease.


February 6, 2023

Doctors for the first time in the world restored kidney cells.

Doctors from Singapore and Germany for the first time in the world restored the cells of a kidney damaged due to a chronic disease. In this they were helped by blocking one of the immunoregulatory proteins. The discovery will improve the treatment of patients with diseased kidneys.


February 6, 2023

Fewer cigarettes smoked does not reduce the risk of dementia.

Study participants who quit smoking completely had an 8% lower risk of developing dementia, a 6% lower risk of Alzheimer's disease, and a 16% lower risk of vascular dementia. And those who simply reduced the number of cigarettes they smoked per day even had increased risks. One explanation could be compensatory smoking among people who cut back on cigarettes. The feeling of nicotine withdrawal can cause people to inhale deeper, negating any potential health benefits.


February 6, 2023

Have you heard about a new topic in perfumery - anti-stress fragrances?

Recently, scientific studies have been carried out based on the method of electroencephalography, which have shown how certain molecules affect the limbic system of our brain. Based on these studies, the French brand Edeniste has developed fragrances with telling names: energy, tranquility, happiness, etc., you can choose exactly what you need at the moment. Cool topic, do you agree? I got up in the morning on the wrong foot, no mood, no strength either. I sprayed with “happiness” and “energy” and now, you are already a different person!


February 4, 2023

How to find out your daily water intake?

Water is essential for the life of every person. Depending on the age, 45-75% of the weight is she. You need to drink just plain water, you help your body, save it from unnecessary efforts to get clean water. The body perceives tea, coffee, milk, compote and juices as food. For example, in ancient times they even said not to drink milk, but to “eat milk”. None of the drinks can replace the body of clean water. But how much water should you drink daily? It is advisable for an adult to drink up to two liters of pure water per day. And it is best to adhere to the proportion: 30 milliliters of liquid per 1 kilogram of weight. It is on this formula that the World Health Organization insists. That is, a 70-kilogram person needs 2 liters 100 ml per day. water. Drink water evenly throughout the day. And don't drink a lot, drinking too much water at once can be very dangerous. Stick to the formula.


February 4, 2023

Why do we get angry and nervous when we are hungry.

The more time passes since the last meal, the less nutrients circulate in the blood. This includes lowering glucose levels. And if the values change significantly, the brain regards this as a potential threat to life and sends signals to release regulatory hormones. One of them is adrenaline, the hormone of fear. After the release of adrenaline into the blood, the emotional state is similar to that which occurs with a strong fright. A surge of this hormone can be accompanied by bouts of aggression or anger.


February 4, 2023

Disputes with a partner impair immunity.

Disputes and secrets between partners worsen not only their mental, but also their physical condition. Omissions and quarrels can lead to emotional stress and weaken the immune system. Scientists measured the level of C-reactive protein in the blood of volunteers, made them small wounds on their forearms and then watched how soon they healed in the process of communication between spouses. It was this indicator that made it possible to assess how well the immune system works.


February 4, 2023

Neural networks have learned to make diagnoses.

Neural networks have learned to make diagnoses. Glass AI can identify your ailment from a textual description. The essence is simple: we write our age, acquired chronic diseases and current symptoms, and the neural network will issue a list of possible diseases and “assign” additional tests to determine the exact diagnosis.


February 1, 2023

Returned vision

Blogger MrBeast restored sight to a thousand blind and visually impaired people around the world by paying them for expensive lens replacement surgeries. There are many special stories in the videos. For example, one participant experienced difficulties all his life due to vision problems and could not drive a car. After a successful operation, MrBeast gave him a Tesla.


January 31, 2023

Exhaust fumes can disrupt brain connections in as little as two hours.

These findings are based on a study of 25 healthy adults who were exposed to vehicle pollution in a laboratory setting. In another step, participants were also exposed to clean, filtered air. Computer scans showed that after inhaling the fumes, connections between areas of the brain that are responsible for functions such as introspection and memory decreased. Scientists warn that chronic exposure to polluted air can be detrimental to the brain. This is especially dangerous since up to 99 percent of the world's people live in unclean environments.


January 31, 2023

A well-known bio-hacker was able to rejuvenate his heart by 5, and his lungs by 27 years.

Brian Johnson, a 45-year-old entrepreneur from the United States, experienced an experimental body rejuvenation program. After completing the Project Blueprint program and spending $2 million, he was able to achieve tangible results: judging by the tests, his heart became 5 years younger, his skin was like that of a 28-year-old, and his lungs were like those of an 18-year-old. The same - as a teenager, according to him, and nocturnal erections. It is not yet clear whether this is an advertisement for the company, however, scientists have been approaching this problem for a long time and the appearance of such rejuvenation has long been suggested.


January 31, 2023

The number of burgers that negatively affect the liver has been determined.

The Keck School of Medicine in Southern California concluded that 20% of daily calories from fast food lead to a real risk of getting health problems. To be more precise, we are talking about non-alcoholic fatty liver disease - to get it, it is enough to have a fast food snack at least once during the day.


January 28, 2023

Are low fat foods good?

This is a marketing ploy. These 2 magic words explain everything. Do you know what 100% fat free food tastes like? Like a piece of cardboard. You wouldn't eat it. Food manufacturers know this and are trying to compensate. How? Use sweeteners: sugar, fructose, corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. Many studies show a link between high doses of sweeteners and the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and depression. In fact, fat-free foods are foods that replace natural and healthy fats with artificial substances that are bad for the body.


January 25, 2023

Walking on toes is good for your health

Walking on toes is one of the ways to work out the foot, increase the activity of the muscles of the legs and back. In addition, when you walk on tiptoe, the body expends several times more energy compared to normal walking. Of course, you should not completely abandon the usual way of moving. However, daily walking on your toes for five minutes will strengthen the muscles involved in walking, and at the same time get rid of excess calories.


January 25, 2023

Weight loss rules

12. Love rose hips and sea buckthorn. They are high in vitamin C, which promotes the synthesis of carnitine, an amino acid that helps convert fat into energy. 13. Prepare for holiday feasts in advance. In order not to overeat, eat an hour before the celebration. Then during the feast you will be satisfied with a small amount of food. 14. Cut food into small pieces and chew each one thoroughly. Give your body time to realize you're full, and you won't overeat.


January 25, 2023

Weight loss rules

9. Stick to your restaurant diet. Actually it's not that difficult. In any of them there is boiled rice, durum wheat pasta, fresh vegetables. Choose meat or fish in one piece, without batter, sauce and gravy. Ask for salad dressing to be served separately. 10. Adjust to your biological clock. If you are hungry at 4 p.m., it is easier to time lunch at this time than to overdo yourself. 11. Add olive oil. It contains oleic acid. It starts the production of substances that reduce the feeling of hunger.


January 25, 2023

Weight loss rules

5. Choose the brightest fruits and vegetables: they have more vitamins and minerals. Some are used fresh, for example in salads. 6. Eliminate animal fats as much as possible. 7. Strictly do not forbid yourself. So the risk of breaking is higher. If you really want tiramisu, eat it, but with full consciousness of responsibility and a diary entry. 8. Eat alone sometimes. According to recent research, we eat an average of 35% more food when we're social.


January 25, 2023

Weight loss rules

1. Do not allow the diet to drop below 1000 kilocalories per day. 2. Include complex carbohydrates in it: cereals, whole grain bread, pasta. Without them, you will feel exhausted and quickly give up on a new diet. 3. Drink water: 30 ml per kilogram of body weight. You can include mineral water and unsweetened tea in this amount, but not soups, juices and carbonated drinks (which are better not to drink at all). 4. Change your cooking methods. Eliminate those that use oil, instead boil, steam, airfry, in a skillet without oil.


January 25, 2023

A meeting of sunsets and dawn improves mental health.

Observation of sunset or dawn improves mood and social behavior. All due to the fact that, meeting and escorting the sun, people experience reverentwe and delight. Usually these emotions are difficult to cause. The contemplation of the rainbow and other natural phenomena has a similar effect. Scientists believe: a wow effect from observing sunsets and dawn can become part of the therapy of some mental disorders. The contemplation of the morning and evening nature causes a short -term but very significant surge in positive emotions.


January 25, 2023

Antidepressants cause emotional dullness.

SSRI antidepressants cause emotional blunting. This is a state in which emotions and reactions are poorly expressed, feelings lose their brightness, understanding of the intricacies of communication with people disappears, and the expressiveness of facial expressions decreases. These conclusions were reached by scientists from Cambridge during a study involving 66 people who took a placebo or the drug escitalopram for three weeks, and then underwent cognitive tests. Scientists used to think it was one of the symptoms of depression, but now they've figured it's a side effect of the drugs.


January 24, 2023