Skipping breakfast undermines the immune system.

Skipping breakfast constantly compromises the immune system and can increase the risk of cancer and heart disease. The researchers observed two groups of mice. The first was fed a hearty breakfast immediately after waking up. The second - gave only water. At the same time, immediately after the rise and after four and eight hours, blood was taken from the rodents for analysis. It turned out that fasting mice had a sharp drop in the levels of monocytes - white blood cells that help fight tumors, pathogens and inflammation. About 90% of these cells disappeared from the bloodstream of rodents as early as four hours after the missed breakfast. Four more years later, they were gone.


February 27, 2023

More than a billion people in the world can get cholera.

More than a billion people could become ill with cholera - last week three countries reported new outbreaks of infection, their total number rose to 22. According to a WHO representative, 50% more countries experienced cholera outbreaks last year than in 2021. This year, the disease threatens residents of 43 states. Cholera is a particularly dangerous infectious disease, its causative agent enters the human body along with contaminated food or water.


February 27, 2023

MIT has created a technology for printing a completely artificial heart.

But with one caveat. This heart is a complete copy of the patient's heart - the 3D printer receives information from the scan and reproduces the organ of a particular patient. And on it, surgeons can both train before operations and carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures without interfering with a living person.


February 25, 2023

The third person in the world has been cured of HIV thanks to a stem cell transplant.

German doctors reported the third case in the history of curing a person from HIV. The woman managed to recover thanks to a cord blood transplant - transplantation of stem cells from an unrelated newborn. The fact that a mixed-race woman was cured of HIV "marks a big step forward in drug development," the scientists said.


February 24, 2023

The brains of children have literally grown old during the pandemic.

By studying MRI scans of adolescents before and after the lockdown, Oxford scientists found signs of premature brain aging. The lockdown lasted less than a year, and the difference in brain age was 3 years. Due to the pandemic, many teenagers have experienced mental health problems - many have suffered from panic attacks and depression. These conditions led to physical changes in the organ.


February 22, 2023

Glaxo hid the truth for 40 years.

The British manufacturer hid the risk of developing cancer when taking the popular drug Zantac for 40 years. For the first time, studies confirming that the medicine for stomach ulcers and heartburn "Zantac" can cause the development of cancer appeared in 1978, when its release began. The manufacturer, the British pharmaceutical company Glaxo, withheld this information. The drug was the world's best-selling prescription drug. The company received an award from Queen Elizabeth II for its success. In 2019, it became known that the active substance of the drug, ranitidine, contains a carcinogen. After that, it was banned from sale.


February 21, 2023

Doctors have learned to diagnose covid by analyzing tears.

Brazilian scientists were able to diagnose coronavirus by analyzing tears collected with a cotton swab. The new method was tested on 61 patients. Some had covid, the other did not. In terms of accuracy, the test can replace a swab from the nasopharynx.


February 21, 2023

Scientists have found that purple fruits and vegetables may protect against diabetes.

Finnish researchers have found that red and purple fruits and vegetables contain pigments called anthocyanins that can prevent diabetes. Purple potatoes are especially beneficial for health. Anthocyanins may reduce the risk of diabetes by affecting metabolism, gut microbiota, and inflammation. This substance is found in abundance in purple potatoes, radishes, purple carrots, and red cabbage. Foods such as blueberries and mulberries contain mostly non-acylated anthocyanins. They are less digestible, but they have other important functions. For example, they improve gut health, suppress inflammation, and regulate glucose and lipid metabolism, which reduces the risk of developing diabetes.


February 21, 2023

A brain chip that gives "sight" to the blind.

Scientists from the Netherlands have created a chip that is implanted in the brain and works in conjunction with special glasses with a small camera. The camera transmits an image of the environment to a computer wearing glasses. It converts the image into a dot image using AI, and the chip receives this image wirelessly and projects it to the brain using electrical impulses.


February 18, 2023

Alzheimer's seems to be no longer a disease of the elderly.

In China, a 19-year-old boy who has been suffering from problems with concentration and memory has been officially diagnosed with the disease. He became the youngest carrier of Alzheimer's on the planet.


February 17, 2023

In honor of Keanu Reeves, a remedy for the fungus was named.

In Germany, scientists for the first time managed to isolate a natural substance that destroys pathogenic microorganisms and fungi. The group of molecules responsible for killing has been given the name "Kyanumycins". According to one of the authors, Sebastian Goetze, Keanu was chosen because in the movies he destroys his enemies just as quickly.


February 17, 2023

American scientists have learned to control HIV with a single injection.

They used the drug cabotegravir and injected it into a special subcutaneous implant. In this case, the drug is released gradually, ensuring a gradual and safe delivery of the drug to the blood. An experiment in macaques showed that one injection gave complete protection against the development of infection for five to six months. Further research should confirm the effectiveness of the technology for humans.


February 15, 2023

Mode for fast weight loss.

Sitting down on one kefir or buckwheat porridge, you need to be prepared for the fact that the lost kilograms will quickly return. But you can rebuild your own diet so as to reduce weight and fix it at the same level, plus or minus 2 kg. To do this, you should eat fractionally: not in large portions three times a day, but in small doses 5 times. You will also have to give up all high-calorie foods: carbonated sweet drinks; alcohol; desserts; fried and baked potatoes; fatty red meat; sausages and sausages; cereals, fast food breakfasts; fast food; muffins and other pastries made from white wheat flour. The basis of the diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits, lean fish and white meat, cereals with the exception of white rice. It is useful to keep a food diary, taking into account all meals, even the smallest ones. You should also calculate the daily calorie intake for your weight and lifestyle, subtract 300-500 units from it, and stick to just such a calorie content.


February 15, 2023

Doctors have denied the connection between female performance and menstruation.

American researchers have proven that hormonal changes associated with the phases of the menstrual cycle do not affect the physical endurance and performance of women. To do this, scientists analyzed numerous training results. They found no difference in endurance thresholds for women at different stages of the menstrual cycle. The level of estrogen or progesterone did not affect the results of the training.


February 12, 2023

Kourtney Kardashian introduced probiotic gummies to flavor the vagina.

In a promo, Lemme Purr marmalade promises to keep the female genitals "fresh and good tasting". Although the probiotics indicated in the composition really improve the intestinal microflora, experts criticized the idea, saying that if you have unpleasant odors, you should still consult a doctor.


February 12, 2023

Prostate cancer gave the American an Irish accent.

In the US, a 50-year-old man suddenly developed an Irish accent after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. This is the third known case of foreign accent syndrome due to cancer, and the first specifically due to this type of cancer. Usually, the disorder appears after a stroke or traumatic brain injury. In an American, the syndrome manifested itself 20 months after the diagnosis. At the same time, the man had never been to Ireland, like his immediate ancestors.


February 12, 2023

A couple of beers or glasses of wine a day can reduce your risk of dementia.

South Korean scientists monitored the health of four million people for eight years and came to the conclusion that daily, but small alcohol consumption is associated with a lower risk of developing dementia. Those who drank one can of beer (0.33 liters) or a glass of wine per day had a 21% lower risk of developing dementia than non-drinkers. Those who drank twice as much - 17% lower. Those who consumed three or more servings of drinks - 8% higher. Scientists suggest that the fact is that alcohol in small and moderate amounts reduces inflammation in the brain and thickens the blood, helping it to circulate better.


February 12, 2023

Bathing in cold water is good for the brain.

During the trial, healthy volunteers were immersed in a pool of water at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius for five minutes, measuring the physiological parameters of the bodies, after which a functional MRI of the brain was performed. It turned out that the brain rebuilt habitual connections to help a person cope with shock. The changes were associated, in particular, with the medial prefrontal cortex and parietal cortex, which control emotions and help maintain attention and make decisions. The scientists now plan to use their findings to better understand the connections between parts of the brain in people with mental illness.


February 11, 2023

Chinese scientists have found glue in snails for healing wounds.

It reduces inflammation and provides a moist environment for tissue regeneration more effectively than clinical fibrin gel. The natural material is called d-SMG. It is 30-50% protein and 10-16% sulfated glycosaminoglycan (GAG). During the experiments, the biomaterial healed skin wounds in ordinary rodents and in animals with diabetes. Based on snail glue, it will be possible to create bioactive dressings and bioengineered scaffolds for the treatment of wounds in humans.


February 7, 2023


Biotechnologists have grown small human intestines inside mice, pea-sized organelles that allow researchers to study the immune function of the gastrointestinal tract without human experiments. Mini-guts were created from stem cells obtained from human blood and skin. The scientists injected a special molecular cocktail into the cells and in four weeks grew spheres several millimeters in diameter. They were transplanted into mice with suppressed immunity - so that there would be no rejection. Already in the body of rodents, after the intervention of scientists, organelles began to produce human immune cells. After 20 weeks, the mini-guts contained 20 types of them. With this model, researchers will be able to study disorders of the gastrointestinal tract that provoke ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and other health problems.


February 7, 2023