Scientists have found that friendship in old age prolongs life.

Chinese researchers have proven that regular meetings with friends at a later age increase life expectancy. For people over 80, daily communication more than halves the risk of death. While one in five of the elderly living alone died during a five-year follow-up, only one in 14 socially active people died during that time. Even those who communicated only occasionally had a lower risk of death.


March 9, 2023

Sales of ear cleaning systems have begun, in the form of regular headphones.

OtoSet are equipped with transparent containers and an upper chamber with a liquid solution that enters the ears. The liquid destroys the earwax, and the pump pulls it along with the solution to the bottom of the containers. The system costs ~$3,000 - an FDA approved medical device. Only medical professionals can carry out the procedure.


March 9, 2023

Dedicated to coffee lovers...

Caffeine increases the risk of developing drug addiction and different types of dependent behavior. It is known that people who drink coffee, compared with those who abstain from it, have a higher percentage of obesity, as well as smoke and drink alcohol more. This information has also been proven in experiments: experimental rats were kept for a certain time on a diet made up of refined products (approximately the same diet preferred by most American schoolchildren). Then, the animals were offered a choice of 10%-alcohol or water. Many of the rats tested preferred alcohol. When coffee was added to the food, alcohol consumption increased significantly. Coffee lovers also have a craving for other types of drugs. They not only smoke more, but more often use various sedative medications. So, think about this throughly when you once again are helping yourself to your favorite beverage…


March 8, 2023

To burn calories from a glass of beer, you need to walk 5,000 steps.

The creators of the WeWard mobile app have calculated how many calories are in the most popular alcoholic drinks. They also indicated the number of steps it takes to make up for them. A glass of cider contains about 240 calories, which are burned in approximately 51 minutes of walking. Slightly less cost will require light beer - its 200 calories can be burned in about 5000 steps. This walk will take about 43 minutes. A glass of champagne contains 90 calories, and you only need to walk 2520 steps in about 19 minutes. The most dietary portion of whiskey turned out to be - it has only 60 calories. In order to burn them, it would take about 1680 steps to walk in about 12 minutes.


March 8, 2023

Scientists have created edible sensors to monitor health.

They have successfully tested new biodegradable sensors for monitoring heart rate and temperature. They are made from salt, seaweed and graphene. Such devices are safer for humans than other analogues, and more accurately record the vital signs of the body. In addition, they do not contain microplastics that enter water sources as they decompose.


March 8, 2023

AI has been taught to predict a person's chance of surviving cancer.

Canadian agency BC Cancer, led by Dr. John Nunez, said it had trained a neural network based on 47,625 cases. And now she, reading the doctor's notes, very accurately predicts the outcome of treatment, advises life hacks from other doctors and helps a lot in the process of therapy.


March 6, 2023

Scientists have learned how to print biomaterials directly inside the human body.

Researchers from Australia have presented a prototype device for 3D printing of living cells directly inside the body. A miniature robot can create biomaterial without major surgery. The new 3D bioprinter allows biomaterials to be directly delivered to target tissues or organs using a minimally invasive approach. This system enables accurate 3D reconstruction of injuries within the body.


March 6, 2023

Sleep mask improves memory and attention.

A recent study found that wearing a sleep mask can improve cognitive performance the next day. Participants in the experiment demonstrated higher levels of episodic memory and attentiveness. The cycle of sleep and wakefulness is regulated by the change in illumination day and night. Therefore, any light sources such as the sun, street lights and gadget screens can affect the quality of relaxation.


March 6, 2023

IKEA buffets are experimenting with insect menus.

The goal is to get people to think about how much meat they are consuming and encourage them to consider alternative sources of protein. New mealworm meatballs developed by the IKEA Food Lab. They came up with not only meatballs with worms. Also bug burgers, soilless salad, "green" ice cream and a vegan hot dog. These are all experimental dishes and will not be available in all IKEA stores. But this is a possible future for our nutrition, as the insect world is more environmentally friendly than farmed animals. Sooner or later the world will come to this. It remains to be hoped that it will be edible to taste.


March 6, 2023

By 2035, half of the people on Earth will be overweight.

This was stated by experts from the World Obesity Federation (such exists). The experts added that obesity will be higher among children and young people. At the same time, the number of obese people will grow faster in poor countries. And at the moment, 38% of people in the world suffer from the disease.


March 6, 2023

Exercise is one and a half times better than medications for depression symptoms.

Scientists from Australia say that exercise should be the main treatment for depression. They cope with the symptoms of this disease one and a half times more effective than regular consultations with doctors and taking medications. The most effective were high-intensity, but short-term sports, such as a short run in the park. Yoga, Pilates and walking have also had a positive effect.


March 4, 2023

Practicing tree pose with mindfulness.

Technique. The whole leg is vertical, straight. The second leg is bent at the knee, its foot is located on the inner thigh of the skating leg, the heel is closer to the groin of the skating leg, and the fingers are pointing down to the floor. The knee of the bent leg is directed to the side (right, if it is the right leg). The supporting leg, torso, head and arms are vertical. Vrikshasana is a very simple pose. Any experienced yoga teacher will tell you this. But this is true only at first glance. Technically, it is not enough to stand on one leg - you need to hold on, release all tension, relax the supporting leg. Look for balance not in an external support, not to cling to the surface of the floor with your eyes, but to find it deep inside.


March 3, 2023

11 minutes of daily walks will help to avoid early death.

Scientists have found that brisk walking for just 11 minutes a day reduces the risk of premature death by almost a quarter. These findings are based on the largest study of over 30 million people worldwide. Health experts recommend 150 minutes a week of moderate physical activity. However, even half that amount brought significant benefits, reducing the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease by 7% and 17%, respectively.


March 3, 2023

For one sleepless night, your brain ages by 1-2 years - scientists have determined.

The experiment involved 134 people: their brain age was determined using MRI, starting from the volume of tissues and fluid. It turned out that one sleepless night causes changes in the brain, similar to those observed after a year or two of aging. But there is good news: enough good sleep, as the brain returns to its original state.


March 3, 2023

There was a brain implant that allows you to type text with the power of thought.

It has already been implanted by 7 people. The implant can help patients with paralysis or degenerative diseases. Its work is simple: the implant is brought to the cerebral cortex through the circulatory system, and the contacts are connected to the “prefix”, which turns thoughts into a digital signal.


March 1, 2023

Scientists have named a dietary supplement that can protect against dementia.

The dietary supplement nicotinamide riboside (NR) may protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. HP stimulates the production of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). It helps repair cells and damaged DNA and regulates redox processes. NAD+ levels decrease with age and, for example, due to obesity or smoking. The lead author of the study believes that the results indicate that HP slows down neurodegenerative processes. Further research is needed to prove this.


March 1, 2023

Vapes damage DNA even more than cigarettes.

This is stated in a new study from Nicotine & Tobacco Research. It turns out that vapers have 2.6 times more DNA damage than non-smokers, while regular smokers have 2.2 times more DNA damage. In addition, the sweeter the taste of the liquid, the more harm it does. Now scientists want to find out what diseases can cause these types of DNA damage.


February 27, 2023

The Japanese have created a useful toy that will help keep your posture while working at the table.

The principle is simple: the arms and legs of the toy are attached to the table, and the built-in core rests against it, preventing you from bending over.


February 27, 2023

In the USA, they decided to fight constipation with the help of vibrating capsules.

They do not contain active drugs. They force the intestines to empty, affecting nerve cells and causing muscle contractions. Capsules should be taken orally every day. They reach the large intestine in about 14 hours. After that, they start working. During the tests, the capsules were programmed for several vibration sessions - three seconds after three. The sessions lasted a couple of hours. The capsules were passed out of the body along with the faeces.


February 27, 2023

Good sleep prolongs life by several years.

Research has shown that men who sleep well regularly can live up to five years longer than those who don't, and women can live up to two years. They usually also enjoy better health throughout their lives. However, the quality of sleep is key. The scientists identified the following factors: an ideal duration of seven to eight hours a night, difficulty falling asleep and trouble sleeping no more than twice a week, no sleeping pills, and feeling good after waking up at least five days a week. More research is now needed to determine why men doubled their life expectancy compared to women who had the same quality sleep.


February 27, 2023