Study Reveals Differences Between Cat and Dog Owners

A study has shown that cat owners are prone to neuroticism, stress, and loneliness. Dog owners, on the other hand, proved to be more resistant to stress and more sociable. It is believed that the lower level of loneliness among dog owners is the result of various social activities related to their pets, such as walking. Cat lovers, on the other hand, often just want to stay home.


August 15, 2024

First Allergy Vaccine for Pollen and Nuts to Be Tested This Fall

The world's first vaccine against pollen and nut allergies will start testing this fall. With this miracle allergy medication, you can be free from allergies in 3-5 injections. Trials will begin this fall. If successful, the medication will be supplied to hospitals. This vaccine can also be used to prevent allergies in the future.


August 15, 2024

Sausages and processed meats make you dumber - new research

Scientists have found that food made from processed red meat increases the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. The most dangerous products are sausages, bacon, salami, and other types of processed meats. Researchers followed the health of 130,000 people for 43 years - at the end of the observation, nearly 11,000 people developed dementia due to the consumption of processed meats.


August 6, 2024

Robot Dentist

An AI-controlled dental robot has performed the world's first procedure on a human. The initial specialization of the device is tooth preparation for a crown. After a detailed OCT scan of the oral cavity, the robot autonomously drills the teeth and performs all necessary procedures. According to company representatives, the machine operates accurately, painlessly, and eight times faster than a human dentist.


August 6, 2024

Operations are being conducted remotely

A Chinese surgeon removed a tumor from the lung of a patient who was 5,000 kilometers away from him. The doctor controlled the robot from Shanghai, while the patient was in the city of Kashgar. The operation was successful.


August 3, 2024

Scientists accidentally discover a cure for baldness: sugar syrup

They were studying wound healing using a sugar gel and noticed that hair began to grow actively on the spots where the medicine was applied to the mice. Then they tested the gel on mice with hereditary baldness and achieved the same result.


August 2, 2024

Scientists successfully transplant mechanical heart into human for the first time

Scientists have transplanted a mechanical heart into a human for the first time - it operates without valves and is made of titanium. The titanium heart weighs little, hardly wears out, and pumps up to 12 liters of blood per minute, allowing the patient to even engage in sports. The solution is temporary - the engine is installed while the patient waits for a full donor heart.


August 1, 2024

Hong Kong Startup Invents Perfect Home Gym Concept

A Hong Kong startup has come up with the perfect home gym concept - everything you need is hidden in one box. The GymPad Bench, measuring only 82×46×40 cm, offers a range of functions for over 100 exercises targeting all muscle groups, with resistance adjustment up to 80 kg. The developers have already raised funds for production and will sell the set starting at $1699.


August 1, 2024

No Safe Level of Alcohol Consumption

There is no safe level of alcohol consumption. A new study has been published that refutes many previous ones. However, there is an important point – such studies are conducted on drinking people. They often smoke, buy cheaper food, and generally live worse. So, you can keep drinking, but not to the extent of becoming part of the study.


July 29, 2024

Gadget that puts you to sleep with vibrations goes viral on Kickstarter

The developers of Wethm claim that their device soothes you to sleep with gentle pulsations reminiscent of a train ride, and slows down your stream of thoughts. It also functions as an alarm clock and sleep analyzer.


July 29, 2024

Two Weeks Without Social Media

Two weeks without social media is all it takes to improve psychological health, scientists have found. The experiment involved people aged 18 to 30 - they were allowed to scroll through social media feeds for no more than 30 minutes a day. As a result, all participants experienced improved sleep, reduced anxiety and stress, and most importantly, regained the ability to enjoy life.


July 29, 2024

Doctors in Germany Cure Patient Completely of HIV

Berlin's Charité Clinic has announced that they have cured a patient with the human immunodeficiency virus. The 60-year-old man tested positive for HIV in 2009. After undergoing treatment, he did not undergo antiviral therapy for more than five years. During this time, he showed no symptoms of the disease and his immune system functioned normally. To date, five cases are known where people have been cured of HIV. The first patient was also treated at the Charité Clinic, but this time the doctors used a new treatment method.


July 24, 2024

Coffee Shrinks the Brain

Coffee consumption shrinks the brain. Scientists conducted a study and found that caffeine during sleep deprivation reduces the volume of gray matter in our main organ, especially in those areas responsible for cognitive and sensory functions. In the group of subjects who did not receive caffeine during sleep deprivation, the opposite result was observed: the volume of brain matter increased.


July 24, 2024

Scientists Defeat Aging

Scientists have defeated aging, Americans have invented a pill that extends life by 25%. The drug acts on the protein interleukin-11, which causes aging. Tests on mice were successful: their fur and muscles improved. Now scientists are preparing to test the drug on humans.


July 21, 2024

Scientists Discover Lead and Arsenic in Feminine Hygiene Tampons

In total, they analyzed 60 samples representing 30 unique tampons. All 16 studied metals were present in all samples. The highest concentrations were observed for zinc and calcium, and the lowest for arsenic. Among the toxic metals, the highest concentration was of lead - 120 nanograms per gram. Further research will determine whether the metals can leach out of the tampons and penetrate through the epithelium into the systemic bloodstream.


July 19, 2024

American Startup Develops Innovative Helmet

An American startup has created an innovative  helmet that stimulates hair growth and reduces hair loss. According to numerous studies, the Graphene Times device interacts with minoxidil-based lotions, enhancing the activity of hair follicle cells. After the emergence of this gadget, the number of trips to Turkey for hair loss treatment could be halved.


July 19, 2024

Scientists Defeat HIV

Scientists have managed to develop a drug that provides 100% protection against the virus. The results of the drug Lenacapavir were so convincing that the commission halted trials to make the injections available to those in need faster. Of the 2136 women who received the first injections, not a single one was infected. The downside is that for 100% protection, two injections per year are needed, each costing $21,125. But scientists hope to solve the issue of price as well.


July 17, 2024

Toyota develops muscle-training chair

In Japan, a chair is being developed that trains your muscles. Toyota's innovation constantly tilts, forcing you to tense and relax. 20 minutes of sitting are equivalent to a short workout.


July 17, 2024

Americans invent invisible mask against respiratory viruses

It is a helmet with air nozzles on the visor that blow downwards, creating an air flow in front of the person's face.


July 15, 2024

Dementia Prevention

How to Avoid and Prevent Dementia: Be more active, quit smoking and drinking alcohol, eat correctly, control your weight, avoid stress, keep your blood pressure normal, monitor your hearing, sleep well.


July 14, 2024