Scientists have created a drug with which you can eat sweets and not get fat.

It's called CRASS and prevents weight gain on a high-sugar diet. The creators of the drug claim that they managed to reduce the weight of experimental mice and keep it under control, as well as protect the body from problems with the liver and heart.


March 25, 2023

Scientists have found a means for almost instantaneous sobering.

An injection of the FGF21 hormone quickly removed alcohol from the body of experimental mice and they continued to drink. The hormone itself regulates glucose metabolism, but it has recently been found that it is also responsible for the process of sobering up. Researchers hope to be able to create a drug based on it to treat alcoholism and protect the liver.


March 23, 2023

Scientists have found an enzyme that can cause depression in women.

Chinese scientists compared the blood serum of 91 women with depression and 98 women without it. It turned out that the first group had almost half the level of estradiol, the main form of estrogen that the body uses in fertile years. Estradiol is formed in the ovaries, and then metabolized in the liver and enters the intestine. From there, it is partially absorbed back into the bloodstream to maintain circulating estrogen levels. The researchers tracked the activity of estradiol in the gut. It was almost completely destroyed by the microbiome of depressed women. Probably, the bacterial strain Klebsiella aerogenes TS2020 is responsible for the degradation of the hormone and the onset of symptoms of the disease. Scientists believe that bacteria that break down estradiol in the gut may be better targets for effective treatment of mental disorders.


March 23, 2023

Pet owners get less sleep.

Scientists studied data from a large-scale health analysis to understand how pets affect the quality of sleep of their owners. The results showed that having a dog was associated with a greater likelihood of a sleep disorder. At the same time, the presence of a cat was associated with a higher likelihood of leg twitching at night, which also does not have the best effect on the quality of sleep.


March 23, 2023

How not to dry your hair.

✖ Do not walk with your hair wrapped in a towel for more than a couple of minutes: this creates a greenhouse effect and enhances the action of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. ✖ You don’t need to rub your hair hard with a towel, it’s enough to get wet, like an expensive cashmere sweater. Otherwise, split ends are guaranteed to you. ✖ Do not dry with a hot hair dryer: high temperatures damage the hair. Choose a hair dryer with regulation and set the temperature to medium, and at the final stage - cool.


March 22, 2023

For hair volume.

Try using hair powder for root volume. You can buy this on marketplaces, choose according to reviews. What are the features: ☑ powder only the root zone along the partings quite a bit. Close half of the holes on the package with your finger so as not to oversleep a lot at once. It just takes a tiny bit ☒ Never apply to even slightly damp hair. Moisture + powder = paste on the head that you can't comb through until you wash it off. ☒ The same goes for rain and snow: don't let them get on your powdered hair, that's it. ☑ but if everything is done correctly, then a magnificent and very persistent volume at the roots is guaranteed to you!


March 22, 2023

Heartburn products.

Include in your daily diet: - some fruits (for example, melon and banana); - cereals from oats and rice; - dairy products; - wholemeal bread (with whole grains); - greens (parsley); - mashed potatoes). Do not drink coffee or acidic juices on an empty stomach. In the morning it is best to drink a glass of clean water. After half an hour, you can eat a bowl of oatmeal and a banana. Set aside oranges, tangerines, apples for an afternoon snack.


March 22, 2023

US approves migraine spray

The new drug inhibits peptides associated with the calcitonin gene. Previous studies have shown that they play a role in migraine pain. The medicine has passed clinical trials involving more than 1000 people. Two hours after taking one dose, 24% said they had no more pain, and 40% were relieved of their most bothersome migraine symptom. However, for some participants, the pain became easier in just 15 minutes. In addition to the quick action, the relief from the medicine was also long lasting. It persisted up to several days.


March 22, 2023

How do spices affect the body?

Seasonings not only help reveal the taste of food, but also help in the fight against various diseases and strengthen the body. Cumin and dill. Help in the fight against cough. Mint. The best medicine for nausea and headaches. Parsley. Useful properties of parsley: removes excess fluid from the body and improves digestion. Anise. The best remedy for bloating, and also fights chronic constipation. Cinnamon. This spice contains a lot of natural antioxidants that cleanse the body. By the way, cinnamon fights the development of diabetes. Turmeric. Fights excess weight, as it reduces appetite. It also helps wounds heal faster. Cardamom. This is a real treasure. Strengthens the heart, improves cerebral circulation. Helps against overactive thyroid. But if the thyroid gland is working normally, do not lean on cardamom. Curry. Tones, heals wounds and helps in the treatment of pneumonia.


March 21, 2023

Three Effective Stress Relief Practices

1. Comb. During the working day spent in front of the monitor, the mimic muscles tense up so much that the head becomes heavy and starts to hurt. One way to avoid stress is to comb your hair for 10-15 minutes. This procedure helps to “disperse” the blood and relax the muscles. 2. Rub your palms. Another simple way to relieve nervous tension and avoid stress. You need to rub your palms against each other with all your might until they become hot. It is also useful to rub the ears well. So you can cheer up and focus on work. 3. Wash away conflicts and stress. A 15-minute shower helps to cope with emotional negativity. Stand under warm water jets to massage your head and shoulders. Soon you will feel how the water takes away everything unnecessary.


March 21, 2023

Difficulty: “I want to practice, but I don’t have time”

Solution: There is time! Only at first you need to 1) Select. If you have just started to practice, then you do not yet have a habit of this, yoga is not part of your daily schedule. And it needs to be brought there - literally entered, along with the rest of the cases. 2) Everyone has heard this a hundred times, and yet: do a little, but regularly. A killer workout for two hours once a week will give less benefit than half an hour every day. Firstly, it is clear that in the second option, the number of hours of classes per week will be greater. Secondly, the load will be uniform. And thirdly, the habit of exercising regularly will be formed. And so it turns out that you need much less time than you thought - and you definitely have it.


March 17, 2023

Focus on breathing.

Breathing exercises are very energizing, give strength, improve thought processes. They also have a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. For those who are completely unfamiliar with any breathing techniques, you can try simple but effective breathing exercises: Exercise cat. To perform it, squat springily with the body turning either to the right or to the left - in turn. In this case, it is necessary to breathe synchronously with the movements of the body. Do 4 sets of 8 turns each. Exercise "palms": arms bent at the elbows, palms facing forward. We inhale vigorously 4 times, clenching our palms into a fist, lower our hands, rest for 4 seconds. You need 24 approaches, you can perform lying, sitting, standing.


March 17, 2023

American doctors cured infertility by lowering cholesterol levels.

Doctors from the Houston Methodist Hospital cured infertility in sterile mice by lowering their cholesterol levels. The results of the experiment may be useful for women with idiopathic infertility - a problem that arose for no clear reason. The scientists injected mice with a protein called serum opacity factor. It reduced cholesterol levels by 40% in three hours. After that, fertility returned to the mice, though only for a while. Now doctors want to conduct clinical trials to study lipid levels in women who are being treated for idiopathic infertility. In the United States, for example, this is one in five women who seek help because of problems with conception.


March 17, 2023

Never drink yesterday's tea

Tea connoisseurs and manufacturers recommend drinking this drink freshly brewed. And the point here is not only that this way the taste and aroma of tea is better manifested. If the drink is left for several hours in the open air, then under the influence of oxygen, bacteria and harmful compounds begin to form in it. On the surface of tea, they look like a dense dark film, from which a coating remains on the mug. These substances have the most destructive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly the liver. Tea that has stood for a day is considered by the Japanese to be “worse than a snake bite,” and the Chinese compare it to poison.


March 16, 2023

Stop around the head.

Misalignment of the heel can cause headaches. And this is not a metaphor, it really can be. The foot does not work properly, there is an incorrect load on the knees. The pelvis tries to compensate for the load, from which the lower back suffers. From a sore lower back, the entire body tenses when walking, including the muscles of the neck and face. And a tense neck is a direct path to a headache! A neurologist will tell you about cervical osteochondrosis, and an MRI will show a couple of protrusions, but in fact, the root of the problem is in the foot! In fact, many of us need to learn to walk again. Especially for those who wear uncomfortable, unphysiological shoes. And whenever possible, try to walk barefoot.


March 16, 2023

More bacteria live in reusable bottles than on a toilet seat.

American water purification experts have found 40,000 times more bacteria on refillable bottles than on a toilet seat. Two types of microbes live on dishes: Gram-negative rods and bacilli. The former can cause pneumonia and other serious infections, while the latter can cause gastrointestinal problems, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.


March 16, 2023

Apple headphones will turn into a hearing aid.

In the next year or two, the headset will be improved to meet the requirements of devices for people with hearing loss. However, experts are sure that improved headphones will not replace a full-fledged hearing aid.


March 16, 2023

Autism in humans could be due to an ancient virus.

Ancient viruses altered the human genome, which could cause some forms of autism in people. These conclusions were reached by Japanese scientists after experiments with mice. The human genome contains fragments of ancient retroviruses - approximately 8% of DNA. In most cases, they do not affect the state of the body, but sometimes they can play a role in some processes. Geneticists need more research to determine exactly how the activation of regions in the genome affects susceptibility to autism. This will help develop new therapies.


March 16, 2023

Gadgets increase the risk of suicide in children.

In children aged 9-11, every extra hour spent on a smartphone or tablet screen increases the risk of suicidal thoughts or even attempts in the next two years by 9%. Correspondence in instant messengers, video chats, watching videos and video games negatively affect the psyche of children. American scientists came to such conclusions during the observation of 11.6 thousand children of the corresponding age.


March 16, 2023

Uttanasana - forward bend

It will help not only stretch the back of the legs and lower back, but also add flexibility to the mind. It will also calm the tossing of thoughts, relieve symptoms of depression and stimulate the liver and kidneys. This asana itself relieves headaches and eliminates insomnia. And when performed outdoors, the positive impact will only increase. Practical advice: if you want to increase the stretch in the lower back, slightly bend your knees: then the load will go to the sacrum. Parivritta Parshvakonasana - Turned Side Angle Pose. This asana strengthens the legs, ankles and knees and stretches the muscles of the entire body: the groin, along the spine, chest and shoulders. That is, it will perfectly relieve stress after, for example, a steep ascent or a long walk. If you can't balance, place your back heel on a support, such as a tree trunk or large rock.


March 15, 2023