Vegetable protein increases muscle no worse than meat.

As part of the study, participants were divided into two groups. Some followed a meat or omnivore diet, while others followed a vegan diet. They measured the level of metabolism and indicators during training. There was no significant difference in muscle mass gain and strength between the two groups. People on an omnivorous diet, on average, gained about 2500 grams of muscle, and vegans even more - about 3100 grams.


April 12, 2023

Dark chocolate for bad cholesterol

Cocoa beans contain useful acids: oleic and stearic. Oleic reduces the content of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Dark chocolate can also reduce insulin resistance, one of the risk factors for heart disease and diabetes. Eat one or two slices after dinner - and watch for pleasant changes.


April 10, 2023

Natural fat burners

Grapefruit - with regular use (150g per day) can reduce a person's weight by 2kg in 2 weeks on average Green tea - Asian nutritionists advise drinking 4 cups of green tea a day, this will give the greatest effect for burning fat. Spicy food - mainly seasonings: ground black pepper, pepperoni, mustard, horseradish. For example, chili peppers, which contain the substance capsacin, "melt" excess calories within 20 minutes after finishing a meal. Low-fat dairy products - increase the production of the hormone calcitriol, which causes cells to burn more fat. Cinnamon - one teaspoon a day lowers blood sugar levels and prevents the transformation of excess carbohydrates into fats. Water - insufficient use of it negatively affects getting rid of extra pounds. Protein food - more calories are spent for the assimilation of proteins than for the assimilation of fats and carbohydrates.


April 10, 2023

Scientists have found the cause of anger during hunger.

It's all about the bacteria inside the body. A new study says that when nutrients are deficient, a range of bacteria in the body release toxins, causing an angry mood.


April 10, 2023

Scientists have succeeded in making artificial tooth enamel harder than natural.

Tooth enamel is hardened by the mineral hydroxyapatite. Scientists added a cocktail of amino acids to it. The dentist will need to apply the mixture to the affected area of the tooth. The resulting protective layer will help reduce tooth sensitivity if the enamel is damaged due to erosion or an inappropriate diet.


April 10, 2023

Scientists believe that people will soon live much longer.

The researchers suggested that the biological duration of human life has not reached its limit and will increase in the near future. To do this, they analyzed data on human mortality in 19 countries. The results showed that people born in the first half of the 20th century now live much longer. This suggests that the maximum age at death will increase dramatically in the coming decades. The oldest woman in the world is now considered Jean-Louise Calment, who lived to be 122 years old. Probably, now such cases of longevity will occur much more often.


April 5, 2023

How to get the most out of vegetables and fruits.

The most capricious of vitamins is C. It is easily destroyed by heating and oxidation, therefore, in boiled vegetables, fruit purees and even salads, if they stand in the open air for a while, its content decreases significantly. Other vitamins are more resistant to heat and oxygen, but still their long-term exposure reduces the content of vitamins in foods. When boiling vegetables, root crops, herbs, pour as little water as possible. It's even better to steam them. In this case, the vitamins do not pass into the decoction, but are stored in the fruits themselves. Vegetables are best boiled as a whole in a peel, and only then peel and cut. This allows you to save up to 20-40% of vitamins. Dip food in boiling water or spread on a preheated baking sheet. Slow heating destroys more vitamins. Do not cut fruits, vegetables and herbs in advance, as exposure to oxygen significantly reduces the content of vitamins.


March 27, 2023

Tomatoes help fight depression.

To reduce any depressive manifestations, it is enough to eat tomatoes several times a week. The thing is that tomatoes contain tyramine, an organic compound that turns into serotonin in the body, which really helps fight depression.


March 27, 2023

Plasma therapy

For the procedure, blood is taken from the patient, after which it is processed in a centrifuge and platelet-rich plasma is isolated. It is platelets that trigger a chain of physiological processes, resulting in the formation of collagen fibers and intercellular matrix, and activation of local immunity. Procedure results: Slowing down the aging process of the skin; Smoothing wrinkles and skin creases; Restoration of skin tone; Pigment spots, puffiness and bags under the eyes are eliminated; General improvement in skin condition and appearance. The procedure is safe and does not require long-term rehabilitation. It does not cause allergic reactions and other side effects, so this procedure can be performed on any, even the most sensitive skin!


March 27, 2023

Plasma therapy

Plasma therapy is an injection procedure that helps to heal and rejuvenate the skin of the face and body. Unlike injection procedures with fillers and other drugs, plasma therapy helps to achieve the effect at the expense of the body's own reserves. The drug is created on the basis of the patient's own blood plasma, which makes the procedure as safe and effective as possible. Indications for the procedure: Signs of facial skin aging; Unwanted skin pigmentation; Deterioration of turgor and skin elasticity; Acne and post-acne; Flabbiness, blurring of the oval of the face; Scars and stretch marks on the skin. In addition to the effect of rejuvenation and lifting, patients receive a general therapeutic effect, as a result of which the skin acquires a healthy and well-groomed appearance.


March 27, 2023

The mixed type is the most common, so here are some care tips.

Care for this type will also be combined: - cleansing: delicate, with the help of non-comedogenic products - you need to clean the oily areas, do not dry out the dry ones; – deep cleaning: weekly with scrubs and peels; - toning: a tonic or lotion with anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects, by the way, products with salicylic acid are also suitable; - masks: non-drying on the skin, containing fruit acids, film can be left on places with oily skin, nourishing - on dry.


March 27, 2023

Facial Skin Types

3. Dry. Thin and delicate, with almost imperceptible pores, dullness and lack of oily sheen, a tendency to peel, from time to time - a feeling of dryness, tightness, in youth it usually looks very good, but with age there is a tendency to wrinkles and early aging. 4. Combined or mixed. It occurs most often: it combines signs of oily and dry, increased sebum secretion and noticeable pores only in the T-zone, comedones, pimples disturb from time to time, problematic in adolescence, but not prone to premature aging.


March 27, 2023

Facial Skin Types

You can't change your skin type! It is determined by genetics, we can only do everything to look our best with the initial data. It is classified into four main types: 1. Normal. Characteristics - dullness, medium density, subtle porosity, very little shine in the forehead-nose-chin area, resistance to external influences and the influence of the menstrual cycle, with proper care, ages gradually. 2. Oily. It looks dense and rough, there is an enlargement of the pores, increased sebum secretion, a tendency to the appearance of black spots, clogging of the pores, this skin is problematic in adolescence, but the least prone to the appearance of mimic wrinkles.


March 27, 2023

Do all oils clog pores and cause acne?

- Of course not! To be comedogenic, an oil must form a thin film on the surface of the skin. It is she who leads to the development of acne in people who have a tendency to this. And only oils based on saturated fatty acids have such a function - they are more dense, refractory and film-forming. A prominent example is coconut oil. But this group also includes cocoa butter, mango butter, cupuaçu, babassu, palm oil and monoi de tahiti.


March 27, 2023

"Acne at 30? Something is wrong here ..." - many people think

In fact. Acne patients aged 30+ are common. And it doesn't depend on gender at all. Both young women and young men come with inflammatory skin disease. The spread of the problem is influenced by both internal and external factors: In women, the appearance of acne is associated with the presence of hormonal problems. Including during pregnancy, lactation, taking hormonal contraceptives. - Girls also have malfunctions in the work of the adrenal glands, ovaries, thyroid gland. Sometimes there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to acne. - Men are more likely to come with this problem after taking medications and nutritional supplements (testosterone, anabolic steroids). - Another reason for the development of acne is a genetic predisposition. For example, increased work of the sebaceous glands or hormonal factors. - External factors that can provoke the development of acne include: constant stress and overwork, malnutrition and sleep, bad habits. Also, insufficient walks in the fresh air and even living in areas with polluted air lead to inflammatory skin diseases.


March 27, 2023

How to quickly help yourself get rid of puffiness in a short time.

5. We do a facial massage with ice cubes in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening before going to bed along the massage lines, from the center to the periphery, with smooth and light circular movements. 10 minutes is enough, no longer. Even if you have rosacea and in ordinary life face massage with ice cubes is contraindicated for you, then nothing terrible will happen for 2 times, do it calmly. 6. For the area around the eyelids, hydrogel pads (not patches!), which are usually stored in the refrigerator, are great, after massaging with ice cubes, put the hydrogel pads on the eyelids for 25-30 minutes. I draw your attention to the fact that if you are concerned about puffiness only under the eyes, you still need to massage your entire face with ice cubes. Who has home devices with microcurrents and ultrasonic waves, be sure to use them. With not very difficult actions, in two days you will already be without edema.


March 26, 2023

How to quickly help yourself get rid of puffiness in a short time.

1. We remove alcohol, carbonated drinks and even mineral water, tea and coffee from the diet, even without caffeine! 2. We drink only clean water as needed, but stop drinking even water 3-4 hours before bedtime 3. We go on a salt-free diet, that is, we do not use edible salt when cooking, if there is no way at all without salt, then we buy salt with a low sodium content and salt a little the already directly prepared dish 4. Enterosorbents will help the body recover faster. But it is worth noting that they should not be taken for a long time, 2-3 days are enough.


March 26, 2023

Are you afraid of a visit to a krsmetologist? Let's dispel the main fears!

Fear number 1, because of which people do not go to the beautician: "I will stop being myself." Many of us have seen photos of "stars" that have changed a lot after cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery. Some famous people began to look exactly differently - not better, not younger, but just like a different person. It is quite understandable that the townsfolk who have seen such photos and dozens of similar ones think: “To the forest of these cosmetologists! Even though I’m already very much not twenty years old, but I still want to recognize myself in the mirror! In fact, most of these photos are not about cosmetology, but about plastic surgery. Now, throughout the civilized world, the trend for a natural appearance is gaining momentum. Ideally, after a visit to a beautician, it should not be clear at all that a person went through some kind of beauty manipulation!


March 26, 2023

Doctors have learned to diagnose Alzheimer's disease in the eyes.

Scientists at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles examined the eyes and brain tissue of 86 deceased people diagnosed with cognitive impairment. During the study, it was possible to find features that allow diagnosing Alzheimer's disease in the early stages - before the appearance of obvious symptoms. The retina was found to have excessive amounts of beta-amyloid 42, a protein that forms "plaques" that accumulate in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease. Also in the samples were cells of the nervous system called microglia - they also appear in the development of dementia.


March 26, 2023

Building Healthy Habits

In order for a habit to be formed, we need to choose the habits we need at the particular moment. Set a comfortable bar for yourself to determine your daily steps. For example, you want to read every day, but now you don't read at all. In that case, start reading at least 10 pages a day. The bar should be a little higher than it is at the moment, but comfortable enough to keep you interested and motivated. You can get inspired by other people's results, but never compare yourself to anyone. Each has her or his own background, character traits, life circumstances, and other circumstances.


March 25, 2023