Childhood abuse increases the risk of early death in adulthood.

The researchers studied data from 67,726 American nurses aged 37-54 who took part in a massive health study that began in 1989. They calculated total abuse rates and linked them to medical records, autopsy reports, or death certificates to determine age and cause of death. Nurses who were sexually abused or coerced into childhood and adolescence had a higher rate of premature mortality than others.


May 11, 2023

The U.S. has approved the use of the Heart Seat smart toilet seat.

It monitors vital signs: measures heart rate and oxygen saturation. The seat collects health data and analyzes it to provide a detailed picture of the person's condition. This will help to track the alarming symptoms in the early stages and consult a doctor in time. The company plans to add other features in the future, such as blood pressure measurement. The devices will be on sale by the end of 2023.


May 11, 2023

American biologists have learned to treat HIV with the help of gene editing.

Molecular biologists have developed a gene therapy that simultaneously clears infected cells of most traces of HIV and alters the DNA of healthy immune cells to make them immune to the virus. An experiment on infected mice showed that such treatment completely suppressed the reproduction of the virus in the body of 58% of rodents, and also led to a stabilization in the number of T cells that normally infect HIV.


May 10, 2023

ChatGPT turned out to be more qualified than doctors.

As a result of the study, it turned out that ChatGPT gives much more qualified and empathic answers to patients' questions than ordinary doctors. In the experiment, the answers of the neural network and real doctors were compared by a group of experts in medicine. In their opinion, ChatGPT recommendations were 79% more helpful and much more empathic. At least due to the fact that the neural network is not annoyed by the influx of patients. According to the researchers, AI will not replace doctors, but will significantly simplify their work and treatment in general.


May 10, 2023

Apple is joining the AI race.

Bloomberg says that the corporation is preparing its Quartz artificial intelligence. They plan to make it the perfect assistant to a healthy lifestyle - with the help of the Quartz watch, it will monitor sleep, diet and activity, offering tips for longevity.


May 10, 2023

Japanese food protects against liver fibrosis.

Japanese cuisine includes 12 traditional ingredients: rice, pickles, miso soup, soy products, seafood, fruits, green and yellow vegetables, mushrooms, seaweed, beef and pork, green tea and coffee. It turned out that the closer a person's nutrition is to the Japanese diet, the less he progresses with liver fibrosis. First of all - thanks to soy and sea products. This means that the diet can be used to prevent the disease and as an addition to therapy.


May 9, 2023

Music lessons keep the brain young.

A new study has found that learning music provides additional brain benefits by preserving neural patterns in older people. This allows them to better understand speech. The results of the study can also be used in future therapy.


May 9, 2023


We all know from our own experience that like tends to like. When our thoughts are clear and our hearts are calm, we are more often lucky, and even the difficulties encountered along the way are resolved more easily. Moreover: happy people stay healthy, young, beautiful longer. But there are times when it seems that it is impossible to achieve harmony in the inner world - after all, the surrounding space regularly throws up reasons for stress, anxiety and other intense negative emotions. Special meditations will come to the rescue to cleanse the negativity, which are described by the Australian singer in the World Music genre, the author and host of self-development trainings for women - Peruquois.


May 8, 2023

Unclear motivation

If you want to do yoga, then first you need to decide what yoga is for you: just stretching or spiritual practice. If the first, then your road is to a fitness club. There you will get physical training, coupled with stretching to pleasant music. But if yoga for you is a process of knowing yourself and the world, then it is better to go to specialized studios. They are easily recognizable by the aromas of incense and the images of the god Ganesha at the entrance.


May 8, 2023

Clock exercise.

It is often used in Pilates and will help you relax your ligaments and muscles. Stretch on your back, put your hands along the body, bend your knees. Feel the weight of your feet, hands, sacrum, and lower ribs. Do not tense your neck and shoulders. For simplicity, imagine that the sacrum is in the middle of the clock face. Inhale and slowly, without leaving the floor, roll the pelvis to the six. Exhale and also smoothly move your hips to the number 12. If the back of your head slides along the floor, do not try to control and stop the movement. All muscles and ligaments should be as relaxed as possible.


May 8, 2023

Japanese scientists cured mice of influenza with the help of alcohol.

They infected mice with influenza, and then forced the rodents to breathe alcohol vapors. The virus stopped reproducing after 10 minutes. For its successful inactivation, vapors with an ethanol concentration of 20% were needed. It is not dangerous for the cells of the body. Scientists believe that ethanol inhalations can become a universal and affordable treatment for respiratory diseases, as they should fight any viruses in a protein shell. Including the covid-causing SARS-CoV-2.


May 7, 2023

Alcohol abuse makes a person more sensitive to pain.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that when alcohol is abused, a person becomes more sensitive to pain due to damage to the nervous system. Moreover, the pain is caused by two different molecular mechanisms: one is associated with the intake of alcohol, the other - with its withdrawal. And both paths lead through pain.


May 7, 2023

"Smart" scales.

French electronics brand Withings has released a "smart" scale that can hide weight and show the weather or motivational messages instead. A special Eyes Closed regime is supposed to help people suffering from eating disorders, who can become depressed at the slightest change in weight. Or, on the contrary, those who often weigh themselves, but do not want to be disappointed due to the lack of progress. In this case, the scales will remember the user's weight and, if desired, show it in a special application.


May 7, 2023

Zinc and selenium deficiency.

With selenium deficiency: - hair loss; - dystrophic changes in nails; - pain in the heart, muscle pain; - violation of the liver; - frequent urination (in men); - male infertility. In some cases, a deficiency of zinc and selenium in the body can be caused by any diseases, the inability of the body to absorb them. But in most cases, the "culprit" is an unbalanced or depleted diet. However, before you go to the pharmacy for the treasured mineral complex, it is worth finding out whether the unpleasant symptoms are really caused by the wrong type of diet, or a more serious problem lies behind the lack of zinc and selenium.


May 6, 2023

Zinc and selenium deficiency.

Do you know why your diet must include beef, chicken liver, oats, buckwheat, beans, fruits and vegetables, as well as fish, mushrooms, chicken eggs, cottage cheese? These foods are rich in zinc (meats, organ meats, cereals, legumes) and selenium (seafood, dairy products, eggs). This means that they are able to provide your body with a sufficient amount of these minerals and prevent many unpleasant symptoms. Including - with zinc deficiency: - decreased immunity; - colds, allergies, - digestive disorders; - brittle nails and hair loss; - nervousness, irritability, mood swings; - fast fatiguability; - prolonged healing of wounds; - deterioration of vision, including night vision; - distraction, poor coordination; - complications of pregnancy (anomalies in the development of the fetus, - premature birth); - decreased libido and deterioration of sperm quality in men.


May 6, 2023

Vitamin D improves the effectiveness of melanoma treatment.

Scientists came to these conclusions during a study involving 200 people with skin cancer. A positive effect of treatment was observed in 56% of patients with normal levels of vitamin D - it was initially such or it was increased with the help of nutritional supplements. Among people who had a deficiency of the substance, this figure was 36.2%. In addition, patients from the first group lived almost twice as long after the start of therapy. Vitamin D is not a cure for cancer and in itself does not save you from the disease, but it supports the proper functioning of the immune system.


May 6, 2023

Stress really ages.

The biological age of humans and animals increases due to physiological stress and decreases rapidly after long periods of rest. Biologists from Harvard came to such conclusions during experiments with mice. Severe forms of stress increase the likelihood of death, including due to the fact that they dramatically increase the biological age of a person. This suggests that the ability to quickly recover from stress plays an important role in human aging and longevity.


May 6, 2023

Wounds heal three times faster under the influence of electricity.

Chronic wounds are a major problem for diabetic patients and the elderly. The researchers sped up their healing process by a factor of three using electrical stimulation. More research is now needed to develop effective products that generate enough electric field strength to suit every individual.


May 6, 2023

Cranberry juice helped women fight cystitis.

The use of cranberries and juice from it reduces the risk of recurrence of infectious diseases of the urinary tract (UTI) in women by 25-30%. In children - more than half, and in patients predisposed to UTI after medical intervention - by 53%. These conclusions were reached by the experts of Cochrane, a non-profit organization that compiles reviews based on evidence-based medicine. They are considered authoritative in the professional community.


May 6, 2023

Scientists have found stem cells that protect against gray hair.

Researchers have found that melanocyte stem cells have the unique ability to move between growth zones in hair follicles. Understanding this process can help prevent graying of hair.


May 6, 2023