Biologists have identified a mixture of bacteria and viruses that helps people live longer.

Biologists from Copenhagen studied 176 Japanese centenarians who reached the age of 100 years or more. All of them had a mixture of bacteria and viruses in their gastrointestinal tract. It is likely that the composition of the microbiome is one of the reasons why some people live longer than others. They are better protected from diseases associated with aging. These findings could be used to extend the lifespan of others by changing the microbiome to an optimal balance of viruses and bacteria.


June 12, 2023

Daily use of a new pill, Tagrisso, reduces the risk of death from lung cancer by 50%.

According to The New England Journal of Medicine, almost a thousand patients with lung cancer took part in the experiment for 5 years, and the drug fully justified the claimed properties.


June 12, 2023

Obesity increases the risk of developing mental disorders.

It turned out that in the vast majority of cases, the diagnosis of obesity precedes the development of mental problems. At the same time, women have a higher risk of getting sick than men, with the exception of dependence on nicotine. According to the rules of the World Health Organization, the diagnosis of obesity is put on people with a body mass index of more than 30.


June 12, 2023

The scientists managed to "hack" the cells.

Scientists have managed to "hack" the cells of mice and force them to produce insulin when sugar levels rise. Thus, the mice were cured of diabetes. In the coming years, they will try to test this technology on people.


June 11, 2023

The researcher lived at the bottom of the ocean for 93 days and became 10 years younger.

Joseph Dituri spent more than three months living in a 100-square-meter capsule in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean - in this way, scientists studied the positive effects of pressure on the human body. The results are impressive: Joseph's telomeres, which are responsible for the youthfulness of cells and shorten with age, lengthened by 20%, and the number of stem cells increased 10 times. In addition, inflammatory markers were halved and cholesterol levels were greatly reduced.


June 8, 2023

Junk food changes brain activity and interferes with sleep.

Even short-term consumption of foods high in fat, salt, or sugar alters brain activity and impairs sleep. In people, the proportion of delta rhythms decreases, because of this they do not sleep so deeply, and the body recovers worse after a working day.


June 8, 2023

Octopus ink has been found to cure cancer.

Mexican scientists have discovered a molecule in the ink of common octopuses that destroys tumors without harming healthy cells. It was synthesized artificially and named ozopromide (ozopromide). The new molecule slowed down the growth and reproduction of tumor cells, which caused them to die en masse. Their number was halved, while healthy cells were not damaged by ozopromide. Perhaps, on its basis, it will be possible to create more benign methods of treating cancer.


June 8, 2023

The original way to fight smoking.

Sports organization RSEQ has released an AR filter for TikTok that shows the effects of smoking by changing your appearance. This is how Canadians want to discourage teenagers from smoking.


June 8, 2023

In Canada, warnings about the dangers of smoking will be printed on every single cigarette.

The new rules are part of the Government of Canada's ongoing efforts to help smokers quit, protect youth and non-users from nicotine addiction, and further reduce the appeal of tobacco. The labeling of individual cigarettes would make it almost impossible to completely avoid health warnings.


June 7, 2023

Evening communication in social networks delays sleep by three hours.

If a person leaves a message on social networks about an hour before his usual bedtime, then he is unlikely to go to bed in the next hour or three. And if he publishes several posts, he will fall asleep even later. This is probably due to the increase in dopamine levels - it rises when people are waiting for answers and comments from other users. It makes it difficult to relax and fall asleep. Previous studies have shown that blue light from gadgets also causes sleep problems - it interferes with the production of melatonin.


June 7, 2023

Artificial intelligence helped scientists discover a new super-powerful antibiotic.

Scientists have taken thousands of drugs with precisely known chemical structures and manually tested them against Acinetobacter baumannii. It is one of three superbugs that the WHO has identified as a critical threat. It can cause meningitis, pneumonia, wound infection, bloodstream infections, and urological infections. Based on the results, artificial intelligence created a list of 6680 compounds whose effectiveness was unknown, and then a final list of 240 positions. And this is an hour and a half later. Subsequent laboratory tests helped scientists identify 9 potential antibiotics.


June 5, 2023

Xiaomi is stepping on the heels of Dyson.

The Chinese have released a "high-speed" hair dryer Mija Dryer H501. Almost like the famous Dyson line, but 10 times cheaper. The motor develops up to 110,000 revolutions per minute, creating an air flow at a speed of 62 m/s. The company promises that the dryer will dry short hair in just a minute, and very long and thick hair in five. In China, they charge 300 yuan for a new hair dryer.


June 5, 2023

Scientists managed to put a man with a torn spinal cord on his feet.

For this, a special chip implant was used, which relays brain signals directly to the muscles of the legs - there special pulse generators make the legs perform the action set by the man. So far, this is only the first experiment on one brave volunteer, but I hope that there will be more such positive experiments in the future.


June 5, 2023

The ISS will test new ways to treat cancer.

They suggest that microgravity accelerates the regeneration of diseased cells. Cells infected with leukemia, breast cancer and colorectal cancer were launched into space during the Axiom Space mission. Now a team of four is testing inhibitory drugs. Scientists will study the ADAR1 enzyme, which allows cancer cells to clone themselves and evade the body's immune response. Perhaps its suppression can stop the development of the disease.


June 4, 2023

Indicators of physical health may indicate mental illness.

Australian researchers have suggested that poor physical health scores may be a more accurate indicator of mental illness than changes found on brain scans. Scientists attribute this effect to the side effects of medications, chronic stress, and an increase in infections that people with chronic mental illness suffer from.


June 4, 2023

CurrentBody has released wireless headphones that literally grow hair on your head.

Under the helmet are 120 special LED lamps that stimulate hair growth and slow hair loss. They promise that it will be possible to achieve results if you wear a helmet for 10 minutes daily for 16 weeks in a row. The price starts from 763 euros.


June 4, 2023

Zigzag skin incisions heal five times faster than straight ones.

Scientists used in the experiments epithelial cells from the kidneys of dogs, which are similar in structure to human skin cells. They make up the structural tissue that covers our body. Next, biologists made incisions of various shapes and widths and looked at how this affects the healing process. It turned out that with curved cuts, it is easier for cells to connect with each other. Physicians and surgeons can use this knowledge to develop better strategies for operating and caring for patients' wounds in the future.


June 2, 2023

Experiments have shown that you can satisfy your appetite just by looking at pictures of food.

More than a thousand people took part in a series of experiments. They were first shown pictures of M&Ms and then asked how many candies they wanted to eat. People asked for a smaller amount if they had looked at a lot of food photos before. Scientists explain that appetite is closely related to cognitive perception. The participants in the experiment received a physiological response to what they thought, so they could feel completely satisfied without eating anything.


June 2, 2023

Cryostimulation helps to lose weight.

Cryostimulation treats obesity - after sessions, obese people lose weight and become physically stronger. They also improve metabolic rates - the levels of cholesterol, glucose and other substances are approaching normal. This was shown by the experiments of Italian scientists.


June 2, 2023

Mobile gaming is a direct road to a psychiatric hospital.

A new study by Sapien Labs has shown that the earlier a child starts using a smartphone, the more likely they are to become a psychopath in the future. The researchers conducted a survey among 29,000 adults aged 18 to 24 years old on the topic “when they first got a phone in their hands” - the data obtained was compared with the current state of the psyche of the respondents. It was found that getting access to social networks and games at a young age leads to the threat of a serious mental disorder.


June 2, 2023