Scientists have found thousands of times more germs on pillowcases than on a toilet seat.

According to surveys, the average person changes pillowcases once every three weeks, while dermatologists recommend doing this at least twice a week. Otherwise, sleep can cause allergies, skin infections, and skin inflammation. One type of bacteria found on pillowcases is Staphylococcus aureus. It causes skin and soft tissue infections such as boils and deeper lesions.


July 5, 2023

Japanese researchers have learned to kill cancer cells with a single injection.

Japanese researchers have developed a new technique that could potentially treat multiple types of cancer with a single injection of the drug. It also causes fewer side effects. Scientists injected mice with a substance to emit small amounts of alpha radiation, which kills cancer cells but spares healthy tissue. The survival rate of experimental animals reached 100%. Doctors hope that this method can be used to treat cancer at a very early stage, even if it is not known exactly where the tumor is located. A variant of this technique is already being tested as a way to diagnose at the cellular level.


July 5, 2023

Scientists have found that gas stoves are more harmful than passive smoking.

According to the work of American researchers, the use of a gas stove can increase the concentration of benzene in the room. This figure is higher than with passive smoking, or even higher than the level observed near oil and gas facilities. Low temperature stoves and gas ovens also emit significant amounts of benzene. However, even low doses of benzene in the air increase the risk of developing various types of cancer, including lymphomas and leukemia.


July 1, 2023

In the US, a neural network has been created to detect caries in dental images.

It will simplify the work of dentists and will become the basis of mobile applications for initial self-diagnosis. She was trained on photographs of the upper and lower jaws of several hundred patients. The algorithm identified the destructive process with an accuracy of 79.5%. He managed to find more than 83% of the affected teeth and correctly determine the boundaries of caries in almost 80% of the enamel areas.


June 30, 2023

Eating watermelon improves metabolism and heart health.

The antioxidants contained in watermelon juice, vitamin C and lycopene inhibit oxidative processes and are useful for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the volunteers began to eat better in general. They began to include more vitamins, dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium and other beneficial compounds in the diet. In parallel, they consumed less added sugars.


June 30, 2023

In Japan, recorded the first case of infection and death of a person from the Oz virus.

This infection is transmitted through tick bites, but there have not yet been cases of human infection. The bitten woman had a liver malfunction and an ischemic stroke, after which she died.


June 30, 2023

Bad childhood accelerates aging, doctors have found.

Doctors attributed violence, abuse, neglect, instability in the family to adverse childhood experiences. The epigenetic age of volunteers was calculated from the degree of DNA methylation. In people with a bad childhood, it was higher than the chronological one. They also smoked more, were less married, earned less, and exercised less.


June 28, 2023

The world's first pregnancy test using saliva has appeared.

The UK has developed the SaliStick, the world's first saliva pregnancy test. It works on the principle of oral tests for covid. The result is displayed after ten minutes. Saliva samples should be collected in a handheld applicator and placed in the block for analysis. It will measure the level of β-hCG - just like a regular test strip. Traditionally, the hormone can be detected in the third or fourth week of pregnancy. More than 300 women have participated in the SaliStick trials. The accuracy of the method is 95% from the first day of delay. Test sells for £9.99


June 26, 2023

Short naps can keep your brain healthy.

Researchers have suggested that a short midday nap may help protect brain health as you age. Most likely, this habit is associated with an increase in its volume. Scientists relied on data from the British Biobank, during which extensive information was collected on the genetics, lifestyle and health of people aged 40 to 69 years.


June 26, 2023

Taiwanese doctors brought a man out of a coma that lasted about a year using magnetic therapy.

It is usually used to treat depression, epilepsy, and Parkinson's disease, but the method has proven effective in this case as well.


June 23, 2023

BORK has released AVALON massage capsule.

A distinctive feature is that the capsule massages not only the body, but also the brain: BORK engineers, with the help of neuroscientists, have implemented the Brain Massage function. Binaural beats affect the brain and provide its concentration or relaxation, depending on the selected program.


June 23, 2023

Gene therapy for HIV has been introduced to humans for the first time.

This is the first genetic drug against HIV, which was invented 40 years after the discovery of the disease and which is not a vaccine. Moreover, for the first time such serious tests are carried out not on monkeys, but on humans. The new technique allows you to edit the genes, thus removing the DNA of the virus from infected cells. Thus, therapy completely destroys the infection in the patient's body.


June 23, 2023

American scientists have created insulin from genetically modified lettuce.

It contains three peptides from a natural hormone. It will be possible to take the substance orally - without injections. This will make life easier for people with diabetes.


June 22, 2023

The European Court of Justice ordered Pfizer to publish internal documents on the side effects of the Covid vaccine.

Only from December 19, 2021 to June 18, 2022 was registered: • 73,542 vascular diseases • 696,508 diseases of the nervous system • 61,518 eye diseases • 47,000 ear diseases • 225,000 skin and tissue diseases • 178,000 reproductive disorders. • 190,000 respiratory diseases • 77,000 mental disorders • 127,000 heart diseases • 100,000 blood diseases • 3711 tumors In total - 1.6 million side effects in 10 thousand categories associated with every single organ. And after all, these are only people who went to the hospital and managed to be included in the statistics.


June 19, 2023

An American pharmaceutical startup sent the first factory satellite into space.

The spacecraft is intended for the production of drugs in microgravity - it will launch the experimental development of a drug for HIV. The satellite will spend a little over a month in orbit at an altitude of more than 1000 kilometers, after which it will return to Earth.


June 18, 2023

Contraceptives can cause depression in women.

Taking birth control pills is associated with an increased risk of depression in women - it is rising by 92%. For those who started drinking drugs in adolescence - by 130%. These conclusions were reached by Swedish scientists during the analysis of data from 250,000 women.


June 18, 2023

Cannabis lovers are less likely to damage the liver, Chinese doctors found.

Cannabis users are 25% less likely to develop hepatic steatosis, a disease associated with the accumulation of fat in the organ. Those who have smoked marijuana at least once in their lives have a 7% lower risk compared to those who have never used cannabis. These conclusions were reached by Chinese doctors during a study involving 2.6 thousand people, more than half of whom used cannabis. The results can be explained by the peculiarities of the work of the endocannabinoid system.


June 18, 2023

In Poland, they created a T-shirt for monitoring the work of the heart.

The Silesian University of Technology has created a T-shirt that conducts 24-hour ECG monitoring - assesses the state of the heart throughout the day. It can be washed and reused many times. The heartbeat is monitored in real time by a superconductive material on the inside of a T-shirt. It replaces traditional chest electrodes and a special device that people are forced to wear for daily monitoring.


June 16, 2023

The blogger made a mug that will protect against intoxication.

The mug won't let you sip alcohol until you drink plain water. Thus, the guy hopes to maintain the water balance in the body and protect himself from rapid intoxication.


June 16, 2023

Scientists have found that a drink with a toxic taste can prolong life.

It's all about taurine, which is part of the drink. It turned out that this component slows down aging, and also suppresses depression and anxiety disorders. Mice were chosen as experimental subjects: they were given ordinary food, but with the addition of taurine - as a result, the life expectancy of females increased by 12%, and that of males by 10%. In human years, this is 7-8 years.


June 15, 2023