Problem: inflammation on the face. There is a solution!

1. Tea tree oil. Moisten a cotton swab with one drop of oil and spot treat all inflamed areas. After 20-30 minutes, they will noticeably turn pale. 2. White vinegar. Prepare a weak solution: 1 tablespoon of vinegar to a glass of water. Shake thoroughly, quickly wipe the inflamed areas of the face with this mixture. Wash off with cool water after 2-3 minutes. The skin will immediately freshen up, acne will decrease. 3. Yeast. Mix 1 teaspoon dry yeast with 2 teaspoons lemon juice. Cleanse your skin with your regular toner or milk, then apply the mixture all over your face. After 5-10 minutes, the mask will harden and can be easily removed or washed off with warm water. The effect is amazing: irritation will disappear, acne "in the initial stage" will change their mind to appear. 4. Vitamin C. A radical remedy. One tablet of the vitamin should be crushed, moistened with water and applied to the pimple for a few seconds. It literally disappears before our eyes. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to get burned.


July 24, 2023

How to contour your face?

Even out your complexion with foundation. Using a wide, flat brush, apply the creamy concealer under the eyes and onto the cheeks. Use a highlighter to highlight the middle of the forehead and the back of the nose. Work also on the chin area and cupid's bow (dimple above the upper lip). Now it's time for the bronzer. Apply it under the cheekbones with an angled brush. Bronzer on the forehead area along the hairline. To make the nose narrower will help two longitudinal strips on both sides. Carefully work out the jaw line and chin. Blend clear lines with a cosmetic sponge. With a fan-shaped brush, add a little blush to the "apples" of the cheeks.


July 24, 2023

Benefits of walking.

In addition to a healthy diet, a simple walk is great for lowering bad cholesterol! If you are not used to exercise and don't like going to the gym - just go for a walk. It's easy, useful, and all you need is a good pair of shoes. Activities such as walking reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease, help you lose weight and strengthen your bones. Therefore, if you decide to go for walks, start with 10 minutes a day, gradually increasing the duration.


July 24, 2023

Facts about collagen.

The production of high-quality and effective peptide collagen is an expensive and complex process, unlike the production of gelatin, so often a gelatin product is slipped into you under the guise of cheap collagen. Collagen peptides are much easier to digest and more effective than regular collagen. When taking peptide collagen, you do not need to drink vitamin C. If you're buying a cheap low quality product, chances are it will taste terrible. Collagen peptides do not need breaks, they can be drunk all your life on an ongoing basis. According to the amino acid composition, fish collagen is closer to human, therefore it is much better perceived by the body.


July 21, 2023

What happens if you completely abandon the flour?

Recently, many have been talking about the dangers of bread and other flour products. However, this does not mean that you need to completely abandon baking. Whole grain and black bread made from rye, oatmeal or bran, on the contrary, are very useful. But white really does not have the best effect on the body. Among other things, this is due to the fact that in the last century the quality of flour from which bread is baked has significantly decreased. Here is what will happen to your body if you decide to eliminate white bread from your diet: - you will lose weight - Skin rashes disappear - Improve digestion - There will be energy - Get rid of addiction - Prolong youth.


July 21, 2023

A high pillow is unhealthy.

If the pillow is high, then the head will rise above the level of the back, which has an adverse effect on the vessels and worsens the outflow of blood from the brain. This is especially evident in the morning: stiffness and pain in the neck are the first alarm signal to think about the sleeping position and the pillow. Too high a pillow is as harmful as too low.


July 21, 2023

Cleaning the tongue in the morning is the key to health.

We all brush our teeth in the morning, but you should definitely remember about such an important task as brushing your tongue. The importance of this procedure has been known to people since ancient times. You can do this with a toothbrush, or you can use a special scraper. Why should you clean your tongue? 1. You will get rid of bacteria that can enter the stomach and cause a variety of ailments. 2. Bacteria on the tongue is a common cause of bad breath, as well as oral diseases.


July 21, 2023

Should you sleep during the day?

YES! Even a couple of times a week would be helpful. So working people, do not despair! Set aside 30 minutes on the weekend to keep yourself young. You need to sleep no more than 26 minutes, while 5 and 10 and 20 are also good. Other rules: - Do not sleep in the afternoon after 16:00. - Use earplugs or headphones, white or pink noise, a mask, or a darkened room. - Set an alarm clock - if you sleep for a long time, then there is a risk of sleep inertia (you will wake up broken).


July 20, 2023

Peru has declared a nationwide state of emergency due to an increase in cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome.

This is a rare autoimmune disease that reduces the sensitivity and performance of the limbs. Infectionists do not understand why it began to spread so quickly.


July 15, 2023

Scientists have found a way to fight depression: for treatment it is enough not to sleep.

The researchers conducted an experiment on two groups of people: the first suffered from depression, and the second were completely healthy. Some of them spent a night without sleep, as a result of which they complained about their well-being and mood, but 43% of patients with depression noted an improvement in mood.


July 14, 2023

Paracetamol and ibuprofen could be made from pine.

British scientists have synthesized paracetamol and ibuprofen from a pine component that is a waste product of the paper industry. The discovery will help make the production of drugs more environmentally friendly and cheaper. Traditionally, these two most popular painkillers in the world have been synthesized from chemical precursors found in crude oil. This is a problem for pharmacology: now the world is trying to abandon the production of hydrocarbons, moreover, their prices are unstable. New technology solves it.


July 14, 2023

There was a packaging warning about dangerous bacteria in products.

Canadian scientists have created a packaging tray that reports the presence of salmonella, E. coli, listeria and other dangerous bacteria in raw meat and other products. The tray has sloping sides. Thanks to them, the juice from the food flows to the sensor at the bottom of the package. Its indicators can be read using a special mobile application. So buyers will be convinced of the safety of products. Such technology will replace expensive and time-consuming food tests in laboratories, and will also reduce the number of poisonings. Every year, up to 600 million people are affected by infections due to tainted food.


July 14, 2023

AI has found new substances that allow you to fight aging.

The researchers trained the model on known examples of substances. As a result, she learned to distinguish between them and was able to predict what else could be used as senolytics. Artificial intelligence checked the initial 4340 molecules and identified the 21 most suitable ones. To do the same work manually would require a huge amount of time and money just to buy connections. The scientists then tested these drug candidates on two types of cells: healthy and aging. The results showed that the three compounds were able to destroy aging cells while maintaining healthy ones.


July 14, 2023

How to relax on the weekend.

1. Leave work empty-headed. In order to forget about work on the weekend, which has already taken enough energy from you for the week, try to discard all thoughts by leaving home on Friday. 2. Look for contrasts. If you are forced to sit at the computer for five days, it is best to devote time to sports on weekends. 3. Think less about Monday. Stop, take a few conscious, deep breaths, and fix yourself in the present moment.


July 10, 2023

Scientists have calculated that living near parks and forests rejuvenates people by 2.5 years.

The scientists looked at the data of 924 people, taking into account the number of trees near their homes, and then compared the information with the results of blood tests and other parameters. It turned out that people whose housing within a radius of five kilometers is 30% surrounded by forests and parks were biologically younger than those who had less access to green spaces.


July 10, 2023

The jocks were more resistant to Alzheimer's disease.

Scientists from the US, England and Denmark have identified a link between muscle mass and dementia. It turned out that athletic, muscular people have a lower risk of developing dementia.


July 8, 2023

5 conditions for proper foot massaging.

1. It is advisable to spend every evening, before a night's rest. 2. Before the massage, you should walk barefoot for several minutes, stretching your feet: rise on your toes, trample, alternately transferring the weight of the body from the inner edges of the feet to the outer ones. Then - take a warm foot bath. 3. An important point of self-massage is the convenience of a posture that provides relaxation of the foot: - sitting, with a bent leg, when the foot lies on the thigh of the other leg; - sitting, with the foot on the support, when the foot is located on the seat of the chair; - reclining-half-sitting on a chair, when the leg rests slightly on the edge of the chair; - lying on your back with a raised bent leg. 4. Massage is carried out with warm warm hands. 5. General massage of each foot should be done for at least 3 minutes.


July 7, 2023

Harmful ingredient in the cream.

If you care about the health and beauty of your skin, I advise you to check the composition of your creams for the presence of this ingredient: Alcohol Denat. A high concentration of this component in the cream is unacceptable if the brand positions itself as a manufacturer of hypoallergenic products. Even 3-7% alcohol can cause dry skin. Pay attention to the alcohol content with denatured alcohol in the composition if you have sensitive skin.


July 7, 2023

Humans will be able to "grow" a third set of teeth.

Japanese scientists are confident that they have found a cure that will allow you to grow new teeth. They discovered a protein that limits tooth growth. The new drug blocks this protein, which promotes tooth growth. Tests on mice were successful. Human clinical trials will take place in 2024.


July 7, 2023

Vitamin D reduces the risk of heart attack.

Vitamin D may reduce the risk of heart disease in people over 60 years of age. The effectiveness of the supplement is enhanced if the person is taking medication for heart health. These conclusions were made by Australian scientists in the course of a six-year study involving 21,000 residents of the country aged 60-84 years. It turned out that those who regularly took vitamin D all this time, a heart attack occurred 19% less often than in the placebo group.


July 5, 2023