Scientists learn to control specific genes using electric currents

Scientists have discovered a groundbreaking method to switch on and off specific genes using electrical currents. In a recent experiment, they successfully activated the required gene in a diabetes patient, leading to the production of insulin in the human body. Researchers believe that their technology could potentially be applicable to numerous diseases.


August 23, 2023

Plastic in the Microwave: Potential Release of Billions of Nanoparticles

Plastic in the microwave can release billions of nanoparticles. It has been found that after three minutes of heating in the microwave oven, various liquids placed in containers contained billions of particles of nanoplastic released from the cookware. Previous studies have shown that such particles have the potential to be harmful to the intestines and key biological processes, but scientists currently lack precise evidence of their danger.


August 23, 2023

Beef + red wine = healthy longevity.

Israeli scientists after a series of studies have proven that the combination of meat with red wine is very useful, because it reduces the level of absorption of cholesterol, which is harmful to the human body, which enters the body in large doses with meat. It turns out that red wine contains a considerable amount of polyphenols, which significantly inhibit the absorption of harmful compounds from the stomach and intestines. Therefore, much less cholesterol enters the bloodstream, which clogs blood vessels and interferes with the normal functioning of organs.


August 14, 2023

New Yorkers consume the most cannabis in the world, at least 62.3 tons.

The researchers looked at countries with the highest and lowest marijuana use, including those where marijuana is partially or fully legal. They compiled a list of 140 cities to compare cannabis prices in different regions. The most expensive cannabis is sold in Tokyo - $33.8 per gram, and the cheapest - $5.9 - in Montreal. The cheapest illegal drug, at around $6 per gram, is found in Bangalore, India. New York is the largest city in the world in terms of cannabis consumption: 62.3 tons per year. The least consumed in the Canadian Annapolis and the American Denver.


August 14, 2023

LED sleep mask.

A magnificent invention from China, specially created for those who suffer from insomnia. When you fall asleep, this mask creates an atmosphere of complete darkness so that you can completely relax. And in the morning, it gradually begins to shine before our eyes, emulating a gentle dawn and helping you wake up fresh and rested. Additional pre-recorded melodies promote even more harmonious sleep.


August 11, 2023

An experimental Alzheimer's vaccine slowed symptoms in animals.

The new vaccine works by targeting a protein that appears in aging cells if they stop dividing and cause inflammation, and the body cannot remove them on its own. The mice received the drug at two and four months of age, then the researchers tested them in a maze at six months. The vaccinated animals showed significant improvements in behavioral tests.


August 9, 2023

Four minutes of active exercise a day reduces the risk of cancer.

The results are based on an analysis of data from 22,398 adults who wore activity trackers on their wrists for seven days. The scientists then studied the participants' cancer-related diagnoses over several years. Those who engaged in physical activity for an average of 4.5 minutes a day, the risk of cancer of the kidneys, bladder, stomach and lungs, on average, decreased by 32%.


August 9, 2023

Indian nut prevented obesity and diabetes.

Native to the southeastern United States, the pecan may prevent obesity, diabetes, and fatty liver disease. People need to eat 22-38 fruits a day. Texas scientists came to such conclusions during experiments on mice.


August 9, 2023

You cannot sit on the toilet with a smartphone.

First, you may develop hemorrhoids. And the second reason is the bacteria that will get on your smartphone. A study found that smartphones can carry E. coli and other germs that can cause diarrhea, stomach cramps and sometimes fever.


August 7, 2023

Olive oil consumption can prolong life with dementia by 28%.

For the effect to manifest itself, you need to consume more than half a tablespoon of oil per day. Its action can be explained by the large amount of antioxidants in the composition. They can pass the blood-brain barrier - that is, affect the brain directly. There is also a version that the positive effect of olive oil indirectly affects the brain, healing the cardiovascular system.


August 7, 2023

Muscat wine helps keep skin youthful.

Muscat wine increases the elasticity of the skin and helps it retain moisture longer, thereby prolonging its youthfulness. These conclusions were reached by scientists from Florida during a study involving 17 women aged 40-67. The beneficial effect of wine can be explained by the polyphenols it contains. Their composition is unique in red muscat grapes.


August 5, 2023

Researchers have named 8 habits that will allow you to live 20 years longer.

Eight habits that prolong life: • Eat well. • Avoid cigarettes. • Get good sleep. • Be physically active. • Manage stress. • Drink less alcohol. • Avoid opioid dependence. • Maintain positive social relationships The study is based on data from questionnaires and medical records collected between 2011 and 2019.


August 5, 2023

Psilocybin may help with anorexia nervosa.

Anorexia nervosa is a severe psychiatric disorder characterized by impaired perception of one's own body, often resulting in death, and there is no approved medical therapy for it. The patients were given a single dose of 25 milligrams of synthetic psilocybin, followed immediately by a psychotherapy session. After that, some women showed a significant decrease in their concerns about their own weight. The effect persisted even three months after the treatment received.


August 4, 2023

Environmentally friendly products prolong life by a quarter.

The use of organic products can extend life by 25%. These conclusions were reached by American scientists in the course of a meta-analysis of several studies in which a total of more than 100 thousand people participated over 30 years. Organic and healthy foods include fruits, starch-free vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and unsaturated oils. To harmful - processed and red meat, eggs. The latter can harm not only humans, but also nature.


August 2, 2023

Espresso can prevent Alzheimer's disease.

In espresso and directly in coffee beans, substances have been found that prevent the formation of toxic protein plaques that appear in Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases. The discovery of Italian scientists will allow the development of new methods of therapy. Molecules with a therapeutic effect - caffeine, trigonelline, genistein and theobromine. Together with the full extract of espresso, they block the growth of plaque. Individual substances are also effective, but their combined effect is stronger.


August 2, 2023

Cannabis use affects gene activity.

The researchers asked participants about their experiences with marijuana over a twenty-year period. Using this material, the researchers found numerous markers of DNA methylation in blood samples that may be associated with neurological disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.


August 2, 2023

A little fullness does not harm a person.

Scientists analyzed the data of 554,332 people from 1999 to 2018 and proved that people with the first degree of obesity get sick as much as thin ones, which means that a little extra weight does not stimulate disease.


July 31, 2023

A good combination is parsley and lemon.

Vitamin C is a very important substance for good immunity. It normalizes metabolic processes and helps to increase the protective ability of the body. The lack of ascorbic acid requires its replenishment. Iron contributes to the effective absorption of this vitamin into the blood. The process is greatly accelerated, thanks to ascorbic acid, so iron cannot do without it. In addition to meat, iron is present in a certain amount in vegetables and herbs. For example, parsley. She, like other greens, is great for citrus fruits, which are the best supplier of vitamin C to the body. This indicates the mandatory inclusion of parsley and lemon in the menu.


July 26, 2023

Kefir and sour cream do not help with sunburn.

According to the expert, kefir and sour cream do not treat irritated skin. Moreover, they can aggravate the situation with inflammation.


July 26, 2023

Lovers of cleanliness are at risk of getting cancer.

Scientists say that people who clean often are more prone to get cancer than others. All because of the large amount of household chemicals that contain carcinogens. Experts recommend giving preference to natural products and advise reading the composition of detergents before buying.


July 24, 2023