Glasses Against Depression Developed in Austria

Glasses against depression are being developed in Austria. The headset from the Vienna startup Syntropic Medical affects the head with directed light impulses. The developers assure that this method will be more effective than antidepressants.


August 26, 2024

Americans have created a regenerative gel

Traumagel stops heavy bleeding in just a few seconds and does not require pressure on the wound, unlike tourniquets and bandages. The miracle ointment will appear in American pharmacies later this year.


August 25, 2024

Mashed Potatoes Extend Life

Mashed potatoes extend life - Norwegian scientists have proven it. They observed 77,000 adults for a long time and concluded: regular consumption of boiled potatoes reduces the risk of death from all possible causes. Every 100 grams of potatoes per day reduces the risk of death by 4%.


August 25, 2024

The Most Famous Superfood: Avocado

The most famous superfood is the avocado. It is very rich in vitamins and microelements, but it is important to remember that this harmless fruit is high in calories and can hinder weight loss. This fruit should ideally be eaten with various foods, especially tomatoes. With them, the avocado burns empty calories. Powerful antioxidants and carotenoids are found in the green fruit, while beta-carotene is found in the red fruit. Therefore, these two ingredients help in the fight against harmful radicals and are highly effective antioxidants.


August 23, 2024

Beer Can Be Consumed Without Health Risks: One Glass per Week

Beer can be consumed without harm to health: one glass of 0.3 liters a couple of times a week. This information was shared by doctors. It is better to choose quality beer without sweeteners and preservatives. It should contain nothing but water, hops, and malt. It is also recommended to drink only when in a good mood and in pleasant company. The main problem of weight gain from frequent beer consumption is that people use chips, crackers, nuts, fatty sausages, and other high-calorie foods as snacks. It is best to choose shrimp, crayfish, natural homemade crackers, lean dried or cured meat. And it is best to avoid snacks altogether and enjoy the taste of beer. In the latter case, statistics show that the amount of beverage consumed will be less.


August 23, 2024

Athlete's Lung Collapses Due to Regular Vaping

An athlete's lung exploded due to regular vaping. He combined regular training with vaping. In a week, he could smoke 4-5 disposable vapes. As a result of such strain, air pockets formed around his lungs. At some point, one of them burst and compressed the lung. The guy survived but promises never to look at vapes again.


August 23, 2024

Faster Aging Due to Pelmeni, Sausage, and Fast Food

The body ages faster due to pelmeni, sausage, and fast food. This was reported by endocrinologists. The combination of salt, sugar, and fat negatively affects the body and triggers the aging process. Such a mixture can provoke inflammatory processes that, in turn, accelerate cell aging. The issue of aging is not only a matter of genetics but also of lifestyle. It is important to remember that our diet plays a key role in maintaining health and youth. Be mindful of what you eat and try to make healthier food choices. This will help not only preserve youth but also improve overall well-being.


August 23, 2024

Intermittent Fasting Causes Colon Cancer - Study

During a test on mice, they had a rather high risk of developing precancerous tumors with such a diet. When a person fasts, their intestinal cells become active, leading to the risk of mutations that cause cancer. If you still decide to take the risk and try intermittent fasting, try to avoid red meat, which often negatively affects the colon.


August 23, 2024

Scientists Discover Antibody Against All Coronavirus Strains

Thanks to its properties, the antibody hits the virus and blocks the infection process in cells, even in viruses that have already mutated. Based on the obtained data, scientists will be able to create a vaccine that protects against various SARS-CoV-2 strains.


August 22, 2024

Scientists Develop Implant to Prevent Opioid Overdoses

Scientists have developed an implant that prevents opioid overdoses in 96% of cases. The miracle capsule with AI on board is injected under the skin and monitors the condition of the drug user. When the implant detects a characteristic breathing disturbance, it injects naloxone within 10 seconds, which blocks the opioid receptors and saves the person's life.


August 21, 2024

Video Games Improve Mental Health

Japanese scientists have concluded, after observing gamers, that stress decreases during gameplay and negative thoughts go away. In addition to games, the purchase of a new console has a positive effect on mood. However, they warned that if you play for more than 3 hours a day, the beneficial effect decreases.


August 20, 2024

Neural networks help doctors detect rare pathology in early pregnancy

Neural networks help doctors detect rare pathology in early pregnancy. Specialists from Yandex Cloud and students of the School of Data Analysis have developed an ML model to identify symptoms of Spina bifida, a rare disease of the central nervous system in children that is difficult to detect in early pregnancy. The neural network analyzes the results of an ultrasound of a pregnant woman and helps the doctor determine the likelihood of a pathology. The project is available for free on the 'Spina bifida' fund website, and the code is open-source - the technology can be adapted for other medical tasks.


August 20, 2024

Blue Supermoon on August 19 Could Have Caused Your Depression

Astrologers claim that during the phenomenon, the risk of apathy, sleep problems, tension, and conflicts significantly increases. Additionally, issues with the cardiovascular system, digestive organs, and exacerbation of alcoholism may arise. Highly sensitive individuals will notice changes for another week after the supermoon.


August 20, 2024

Scientists Discover Cure for Aging

In the USA, a drug has been developed that regenerates cells and slows aging several times over by lengthening the telomeric regions of stem cells. Initial tests of the drug cured a 12-year-old shepherd dog of cancer, and another elderly dog regained the ability to walk. Human trials are expected to begin in 2025.


August 20, 2024

Sugar Substitutes Do Not Help in Losing Weight, Instead Promote Weight Gain - Study

It's all about a psychological trick. Our brain is accustomed to receiving many calories from sweet food. With sugar substitutes, sweet food provides fewer calories than usual, and the brain searches for additional calories. The result: People eat more and gain weight.


August 17, 2024

People Only Truly Age Twice in Life - Study

The most significant changes occur at two ages: 44 and 60 years old. It is during these times that age-related problems and diseases emerge. Doctors have taken samples from 107 subjects over many years to reach these conclusions.


August 17, 2024

Tablet Use Increases Aggression in Children

Using tablets increases the level of aggression in children. Researchers surveyed 315 parents who had children aged 3.5 to 5.5 years. They asked about their habits and behaviors, as well as observed the emotional development of preschoolers. The results showed that tablet use by children leads to more frequent episodes of frustration a year later, as well as problems with aggression and uncontrollable anger.


August 17, 2024


Scientists from the USA have developed an inexpensive electropatch that accelerates wound healing by 30%. To activate the patch, it needs to be moistened, after which it starts emitting a weak current that stimulates cells and suppresses the growth of bacteria. The patch is disposable, but it is promised to cost only $1. However, there are no production start dates yet - clinical trials are still ahead.


August 17, 2024

Men, sleeping in underwear is dangerous to health

Men, sleeping in underwear is dangerous to health - it reduces chances of conception. A doctor from Britain explained that when we sleep in underwear, it increases the temperature in the lower part of the body and negatively affects sperm quality. The best solution according to scientists is to sleep naked; it is more hygienic, the skin can breathe easily, and bacteria do not multiply.


August 15, 2024

Wine Recognized as the Safest Form of Alcohol

Wine has suddenly been recognized as the safest form of alcohol. Scientists have found that wine consumption lowers the risk of death from cancer. But it only works if wine and sparkling wine are not consumed in excess - one glass a day is enough.


August 15, 2024