Introducing ErgoSportive: The Smart Bed that Combats Snoring

In the USA, a 'smart' bed has been invented to combat snoring. ErgoSportive automatically adjusts to the user, monitors their sleep activity through trackers, wakes them up with gentle vibrations, and raises their head to open up the airways for optimal oxygen flow.


September 12, 2023

Benefits of Air Humidifiers for Home

Air humidifiers. The main advantage of this device for home is maintaining the optimal microclimate in the apartment. Already in a week, you will notice the benefits of using an air humidifier, namely: breathing becomes easier, sleeping becomes more comfortable; mucus stops accumulating in the throat, the nose does not dry out overnight; the skin becomes more elastic; allergies to household dust decrease. There will also be benefits for the home. In 2-3 months, the appearance of indoor plants will improve, wooden furniture will stop drying out and creaking, and children will get sick less with a cold.


September 12, 2023

The Benefits of Blueberries

Blueberries are used for treating diarrhea, nausea, and indigestion. They help strengthen the immune system and are beneficial for anemia. Blueberries reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They significantly improve memory and cognitive abilities, helping to keep the brain young. Blueberries are highly praised for the invaluable health benefits they bring to humans. No medications can replace the healing properties of these forest berries.


September 12, 2023

Is chewing gum good for your teeth?

Is chewing gum good for your teeth? It's important to consider when and how long you chew gum. If the gum is sugar-free and you chew it for 2-3 minutes after a meal, then yes - it's more likely to be beneficial as it helps clean your teeth and aids digestion. However, if you chew gum frequently, for extended periods, or instead of eating, it can cause significant damage to your stomach.


September 12, 2023

How to Properly Digest Meat and What Not to Eat with It

How and with what to eat meat for proper digestion. It is not recommended to consume high-carbohydrate and starchy foods along with meat - sugar, sweets, fruits, potatoes, pasta, cereals. Vegetables are an excellent side dish for meat. They help in the more complete assimilation of animal protein. Do not drink water or other beverages while consuming meat. After consuming any protein food, especially animal protein, take a break for at least 2 hours (preferably 3-4 hours). Do not eat meat for breakfast. In the morning, our body needs carbohydrates, from which cells produce energy. Eat meat warm. Cold meat is much more difficult to digest - it spends less time in the stomach, does not have enough time to process and enters the intestines in an insufficiently ready form.


September 11, 2023

MeetLily: Free AI-powered Alternative to Psychotherapy in Real Time

MeetLily is a virtual psychotherapist that not only sounds like a real conversation partner, but also adapts to the individual characteristics of each person in real time. The neural network will listen to you and provide guidance on how to solve your problem or overcome depression. The service is free and supports conversations in Russian.


September 11, 2023

Scientists Find a Simple Way to Make Unhealthy Food Healthier

Scientists have found a simple way to make unhealthy food healthier. They have experimentally proven that the use of herbs and spices can reduce the amount of harmful fats, salt, and sugar in food. Its taste, meanwhile, will not deteriorate.


September 8, 2023

Apples + Chocolate = Health and Joy

Apples are rich in the anti-inflammatory quercetin, which also lowers the risk of allergies, heart attacks, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, prostate and lung cancer. Chocolate contains catechins, which reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cancer. When combined, quercetin and catechins prevent thrombosis and improve the condition of the cardiovascular system. It is not necessary to peel apples, thus depriving yourself of antioxidants that fight liver, breast, and colorectal cancer. Apples are best eaten unpeeled, but be sure to thoroughly chew them. And they are best enjoyed with chocolate fondue.


September 7, 2023

Reducing Salt Intake can Decrease the Risk of Heart Diseases by 20%

A study of over 500,000 individuals aged 40 to 70 years has revealed that cutting down on salt intake can reduce the risk of heart diseases by 20%. The study also found that individuals who never add salt to their food have an 18% lower chance of developing atrial fibrillation compared to those who always do. People who occasionally added salt had a 15% lower probability of falling ill. Even individuals who added salt frequently, but not always, had a 12% lower risk of getting sick. It is recommended to consume no more than 6 grams of salt per day.


September 7, 2023

Effects of Marriage on Testosterone Levels: A Brief Overview

Married men have lower testosterone levels compared to unmarried men. Researchers suggest that this could be due to stress related to family life and childcare. However, this is just one theory without concrete evidence. It is still unclear how the slight decrease in testosterone levels observed in married men can affect their behavior and well-being.


September 7, 2023

Should meat be washed before cooking?

Is it necessary to wash meat before cooking? In fact, it is not recommended to wash raw chicken, beef, pork, lamb, or veal before cooking. This is because bacteria from raw meat can spread to other food products, dishes, and kitchen surfaces during washing. This is called cross-contamination.


September 7, 2023

Night Shift Work Increases Memory Problems Risk by 79%

Night shift work increases the risk of memory problems by 79%. Those who regularly work in this mode are mostly at risk. However, even if a person who works on a regular schedule occasionally has to stay up late working on tasks, it also has a negative impact on their cognitive functions.


September 6, 2023

Rock Music Boosts Insulin Cells

The song 'We Will Rock You' makes insulin cells work. Scientists from Switzerland have found that rock music can trigger the release of cellular insulin. And the louder and heavier the bass, the better the insulin cells perform. It is too early to talk about creating a sound-triggered insulin release system, but the obtained results can be applied to other types of cells to treat not only diabetes.


September 6, 2023

Smart Home Skating Mat Invented in China

A smart skating mat for indoor ice skating has been invented in China. By wearing special boot covers, users can glide on the mat as if they were on ice. The mat is connected to a television, which displays a skating rink image for complete immersion, and it also tracks the number of calories burned.


September 4, 2023

Canadian and Mexican Engineers Create Lens for Phone that Highlights Infections

Engineers from Canada and Mexico have developed a lens for smartphones that illuminates infections. Swift Ray 1 is attached to a smartphone and determines if wounds are infected. The device outperforms doctors, as it was able to identify 100% of infected wounds and 91% of non-infected wounds.


September 4, 2023

Is Air Drying More Hygienic Than Hand Dryers?

Enthusiasts decided to test how dirty hand dryers in public places are. The experiment showed that hand dryers contain significantly more microbes than the surrounding space, and it is safer to dry your hands by simply waving them in the air.


September 4, 2023

Long screen time hinders infants' development

Researchers have found that infants who spend more than four hours a day in front of screens experience delays in the development of communication skills, fine motor skills, and problem-solving abilities. The results were based on surveys filled out by parents of nearly 8000 young children. However, only 4% of children spend more than 4 hours a day in front of screens, 18% spend 2 to 4 hours, and the rest spend less than 2 hours.


September 4, 2023

Carbonated drinks and fast food increase the risk of mental disorders

Researchers from the University of Melbourne conducted an investigation that showed participants with the highest consumption of ultra-processed foods increased their chances of experiencing heightened psychological stress. The selection was made among teenagers aged 13 to 17, and the observation was carried out over a period of 15 years. The observation revealed that teenagers who consumed fast food and carbonated drinks almost every day were more vulnerable to psychological stress and subsequent health problems in life compared to those who limit themselves in these habits.


September 4, 2023

Scientists Develop Brain Implant allowing Speech via Mind Control

Scientists have created a brain implant that enables communication through the power of thoughts. The device has already been tested on a paralyzed girl, and it worked – she was able to speak through her virtual avatar. The device can process up to 80 words per minute, which is a significant achievement for someone who hasn't spoken for many years.


September 4, 2023

Smart camera in the US creates personalized workout program based on body weight

A smart camera has been invented in the US that analyzes your weight and provides an ideal workout program. The FitMe device scans the user, detects excess fat and then suggests optimal exercises for weight loss.


September 1, 2023