Floor Cleaning Reduces the Risk of Stroke and Heart Attack

Floor cleaning reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. During the observation of 25,000 volunteers, researchers came to the conclusion that short physical activity for a couple of minutes (like floor cleaning or climbing to the fifth floor) is incredibly beneficial for preventing cardiovascular diseases.


October 4, 2023

Interval Running: Burn Fat and Boost Performance

You can start burning fat without burning glycogen by incorporating interval running into your routine. Interval running involves alternating between a light jog and a sprint, with the sprint being at maximum speed. For example, start by sprinting at maximum speed until you start to feel out of breath. Then slow down and walk 100 meters to allow your body to recover. Afterwards, start a light jog and repeat the cycle of sprinting and walking. For instance, you can do 200 meters of light jog, followed by 100 meters of sprint, and then 100 meters of walking. For more advanced individuals, you can increase the distance for the sprint. In just 15-20 minutes of interval running, you can burn as much fat as you would in a regular light jog for two hours. Additionally, interval running provides a greater challenge to your muscles, making them stronger. In conclusion, interval running saves you time and delivers far better results than a monotonous long run.


October 3, 2023

The Most Effective Way to Burn Fat

When running at an easy pace for a short amount of time, the body hardly burns any fat. This is because during a slow jog, the body gets its energy from glycogen. Only after approximately an hour of running, when energy can no longer be taken from glycogen, does fat burning begin. Of course, if you run faster, glycogen will be burned faster and fat burning will start earlier. However, running for over an hour is not the most effective way to lose weight. At a moderate pace (9-12 km/h) that lasts for more than an hour, fat burning rate is not the highest. Furthermore, after glycogen stores are depleted, the body not only uses fat for energy but also starts breaking down muscle protein. So, if the goal is to burn fat while preserving muscle, long-distance running is far from the most efficient option.


October 3, 2023

Fast food and sugary drinks may trigger depression, scientists say

Fast food and sugary drinks can cause depression, scientists say. This was revealed by a study of 32,000 middle-aged women. Participants who consumed processed food more often suffered from depression 50% more, and sugary drinks increased the risk of developing the disease by 37%. The study authors added that they cannot accurately determine a cause-and-effect relationship: it is possible that people with depression tend to adhere to a certain type of diet.


September 27, 2023

First Drug to Slow Alzheimer's Disease Approved in Japan

Japan has approved the first drug, Leqembi, to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Leqembi is designed to reduce the buildup of beta-amyloid proteins in the brain of Alzheimer's patients. The studies conducted on Leqembi have shown that the drug slows down memory and cognitive decline by approximately 27% after 18 months of treatment in patients with early stages of the disease.


September 27, 2023

Japanese pharmaceutical company promises a breakthrough tooth regrowth drug

Japanese pharmaceutical company Toregem BioPharma has achieved success in developing a drug that stimulates the growth of new teeth. Currently, the studies are in the initial stage of testing. Intermediate results have been achieved on laboratory ferrets. Scientists are basing their research on the fact that humans have embryos that potentially can develop into teeth. Trials on adult humans are scheduled to begin in July of next year.


September 26, 2023

Obesity to Affect 20% of the World's Population by 2025

By 2025, 20% of the global population will suffer from obesity. According to the Institute of Statistical Research and Economics, 18% of men and 21% of women, as well as 205 million children aged 5 to 19, will have weight problems.


September 25, 2023

Xiaomi introduces Xiaomi Meet: The Smart Sleep Mask for a Better Rest

Xiaomi has released Xiaomi Meet, a sleep mask that can be used anywhere to catch up on those extra precious hours of sleep for workaholics who struggle to get out of bed in the mornings. Essentially, it is noise-cancelling headphones that track the quality and phases of your sleep. Currently, it is only available in China for $40.


September 24, 2023

Neuralink Begins Testing Brain Chips for Paralyzed Individuals

Elon Musk's company Neuralink has started recruiting volunteers to test brain chips. Neuralink recently received permission to recruit volunteers and is now looking for people with paralyzed hands and legs (tetraplegia) due to spinal cord injuries or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The volunteers will have a chip implanted in the area of the brain responsible for movement, allowing them to control a computer mouse or keyboard with their thoughts.


September 24, 2023

Risks of Early Consumption of Children's Champagne

The consumption of children's champagne at a young age poses a risk of future alcoholism. Narcologists claim that children can experience not only allergies and stomach problems after drinking carbonated drinks, but also the subsequent use of a beverage stylized as alcohol can be perceived by children as a game, which is likely to lead to alcoholism.


September 20, 2023

Swiss students develop a guide robot dog

Swiss students have developed a guide robot dog called RoboDog. It uses AI for autonomous navigation and obstacle avoidance, equipped with modern sensors and computational units for efficient task execution.


September 20, 2023

The Perfect Water Pillow Invented in Germany

Germany has invented the perfect water pillow. Nitetronic F1 consists of two parts: the first 'water' part needs to be pre-filled with water and then attached to the second 'air' part. Thanks to the interaction of the water and air layers, the pillow acquires the most comfortable shape for your neck and head during sleep, providing ideal support and a cool sensation. It can be pre-ordered for $79.


September 20, 2023

Ultrasound Treatment: New Hope for Mental Disorders

Scientists in the UK have learned to treat mental disorders using ultrasound. Researchers have found that ultrasound therapy on specific areas of the brain can induce positive changes that last up to an hour. In the future, this discovery could pave the way for treating mental disorders, such as anxiety.


September 16, 2023

Dangers of Lying Down or Sleeping After Lunch

Endocrinologists declare that lying down or sleeping after lunch is dangerous for health. They state that due to the horizontal position, the esophageal sphincter performs its functions worse. Therefore, the habit of lying down or falling asleep after a meal can lead to a hiatal hernia. It is recommended to walk or sit after eating. It is only advisable to sleep after 2.5 hours.


September 16, 2023

The Brain's Own Cannabinoids Help Fight Stress

New research has revealed how the brain produces its own endocannabinoids to cope with stress. These endocannabinoids activate the same receptors as tetrahydrocannabinol from cannabis plants. In experiments conducted on mice, animals with removed endocannabinoid receptors experienced more severe stress.


September 16, 2023

Watermelon Seeds: A Healthy and Nutritious Snack

Watermelon seeds are not dangerous to health. Researchers have revealed that watermelon soothes muscle pain, improves skin condition, and even reduces the risk of cancer. Watermelon seeds are a natural source of manganese, phosphorus, potassium, protein, folic acid, essential fatty acids, iron, and zinc. These nutrients contribute to proper brain and nervous system functioning, while phosphorus promotes healthy bone formation and improves digestion.


September 15, 2023

Inheritance of Harmful Habits: Smoking, Alcohol Consumption, and Dietary Patterns

Do harmful habits get passed down through inheritance? Scientists have discovered that harmful habits can be inherited. Research has revealed that habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and dietary patterns can be transmitted from parents to children. Furthermore, children can inherit specific dietary preferences.


September 14, 2023

The Dangers of Packaged Juices: Harmful for Your Health

Packaged juices are dangerous for your health! These juices contain nothing beneficial — only artificial flavors, sugar, and preservatives. It is advisable to remove such beverages from your diet. The same goes for cocktails, energy drinks, and sugary alcoholic beverages. Due to their consumption, the risk of pancreatic damage is doubled, and one can develop reactive pancreatitis and type 2 diabetes much faster.


September 14, 2023

Cannabis Improves Quality of Life for People with Chronic Conditions

A study has shown that cannabis significantly improves the quality of life for people with chronic conditions. Chronic illnesses can seriously impair a person's physical, mental, and social functions. Therefore, scientists decided to investigate whether medical cannabis can enhance the lives of these individuals. According to the study's results, the overall quality of life assessment of patients significantly improved after several months of using medical cannabis. Chronic pain became less bothersome, and symptoms of fatigue, depression, and anxiety were reduced. Furthermore, despite a decrease in fatigue, cannabis had no impact on sleep quality.


September 13, 2023


Insomnia. We have all experienced the torturous state at least once in our lives, when the darkness, accompanied by its silence, the loud snoring of a spouse, a crying child - all of this becomes too much. You have already been to the bathroom three times, drank a glass of water, had a snack, counted all the sheep, and now eagerly await morning. Sleep is a natural physiological process in which excessive mental activity plays a negative role. If you are a young, healthy person, insomnia is likely related to your emotional state. Sleep is too delicate a substance to not be affected by your life problems. Among other causes, restless leg syndrome (Ekbom's syndrome), obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, various pain syndromes, and much more can be to blame.


September 12, 2023