Learn to be happy

There are various methods of influencing the body, including through hormones, to improve your overall well-being. Serotonin is the hormone of happiness, which plays an important role in your mental and emotional state, promoting the emergence of positive emotions, mood stabilization, and the creation of a sense of happiness. Engage in regular physical activity. It is believed that physical activity triggers the release of a hormone that boosts mood. Sleep as much as necessary to restore your body. Have an active social life.


November 17, 2023

Quitting social media doesn't always improve mental health

Participants in the study were asked to refrain from using social media apps for one week and the effects were observed. According to daily surveys, people experienced a decrease in negative emotions, including boredom and loneliness, but a similar decline was also seen in positive feelings. The results indicate that quitting social media abruptly does not solve any problems, while moderate use of social networks can be beneficial for mental well-being.


November 15, 2023

The Importance of Ventilation When Using Candles

If you love lighting candles at home, please remember that they burn oxygen. Low oxygen levels can result in poor sleep, morning fatigue, and dull skin. Therefore, make it a rule to open a window when you light candles.


November 12, 2023

The Importance of Using Day and Night Creams

Do not use night cream during the day. The division of creams into day and night is not just a marketing tactic. Day cream, in addition to moisturizing and nourishing, serves as a protective shield against the environmental impacts and ultraviolet rays. Night cream focuses on skin rejuvenation and restarting the natural regenerating functions during rest. It is not advisable to swap or replace these creams with each other.


November 12, 2023

Honda develops hands-free wheelchair for people with limited mobility

Honda has developed a wheelchair that allows users to move without the use of their hands. The UNI-ONE wheelchair is designed to provide more freedom to individuals with disabilities, as it moves when the user shifts their body in the desired direction.


November 12, 2023

The Importance of Setting Goals and Maintaining Good Health

If you have no specific goal and you don't want anything, it means either you have low energy or your mind has completely confined your soul. In the first case, you can increase your vitality by taking care of your health. You may not even know what good health is. With good health, life brings pleasure and you want everything all at once. The soul cannot not want anything, as this life represents a unique opportunity for it.


November 12, 2023

Frequent smartphone use decreases sperm quality

Frequent smartphone use has been found to lower the quality of sperm, according to a study involving 2,886 men aged 18 to 22. The participants provided samples of sperm and reported the date of their last ejaculation. Additionally, the young men's height, weight, testicle volume, and body mass index were measured. It was discovered that men who used their smartphones more than 20 times a day had an average sperm concentration that was 21% lower than those who used their gadgets once a week.


November 10, 2023

How Sleep Duration Affects Brain Health

Scientists have discovered that sleeping less can be beneficial for brain health. It turns out that people who sleep for 6.5 hours usually have the thickest cortex and the largest regional brain volumes. By the way, experts recommend closing the curtains at night to prevent light from entering the room, sleeping in well-ventilated spaces, avoiding caffeine intake a couple of hours before rest, and not overeating.


November 4, 2023

Deadly Nipah Virus Outbreak in India

A deadly Nipah virus outbreak has begun in India, transmitted by bats. Two people have already died, and there is no vaccine available. This is the fourth virus outbreak in five years, with each outbreak potentially spreading to neighboring cities and countries. This type of virus causes a severe illness characterized by brain inflammation (encephalitis) and respiratory diseases.


November 3, 2023

Blood analysis reveals markers for bipolar disorder

British researchers have identified a set of biomarkers in blood that are specific to bipolar disorder. This has helped distinguish the condition from clinical depression. The findings confirm that blood analysis can be used in the future for the differential diagnosis of these disorders.


November 3, 2023

The role of wine in protection against tumors

Moderate wine consumption reduces the risk of developing skin, stomach, and brain tumors, according to scientists from Spain. They claim that phytoestrogens and antioxidants in wine protect cells from damage by reactive oxygen species, and the increase in gastric acidity after drinking a glass suppresses the most harmful bacteria for our stomach - Helicobacter pylori.


October 31, 2023

Unexplained and Unprecedented Outbreak of Infectious Parasite Causes Stinky Diarrhea in the UK

An unexplained and unprecedented outbreak of human infection with a parasite causing stinky diarrhea has been reported in the United Kingdom. The infected individuals not only experience diarrhea, but it is unusually foul-smelling. In addition to diarrhea, they may also develop fever, nausea, fatigue, headaches, and weight loss. These symptoms can persist for up to 6 weeks.


October 30, 2023

Innovative Chair by Movably: Impossible to Sit Still

Movably has invented a chair that makes it impossible to stay in one position. The seat consists of two reclining halves, allowing users to work while sitting, standing, or in a semi-sitting position. In automatic mode, the chair adjusts itself, prompting users to change their posture. The price is $1500.


October 30, 2023

Tea or Coffee with Sugar Does Not Increase Health Risks, Study Finds

Tea with sugar in small quantities does not harm health. Researchers analyzed data from 2923 individuals and concluded that consuming tea or coffee with sugar does not elevate the risk of mortality from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. They attribute this to the low dosage of sugar. In contrast, other sweet non-alcoholic beverages have much higher sugar content, leading to more pronounced negative health consequences.


October 30, 2023

Chocolate and Whisky

A hundred-year-old British woman has declared chocolate and whisky as her personal elixir of longevity. She claims that her health and long life are attributed to consuming large amounts of fast food and sweets, as well as regularly indulging in strong alcoholic beverages. However, the woman admitted that she has never seriously battled these unhealthy habits.


October 30, 2023

Ring One - Smart Ring for Health Monitoring

Ring One is a smart ring for monitoring health. Sensors monitor pulse, blood pressure, and other indicators. The data is transmitted to a smartphone, analyzed, and displayed in the application. The ring also notifies about calls and messages, allows you to control music and make payments.


October 29, 2023

Top 8 Vitamin-rich Hot Drinks for Winter

A rating of the most beneficial vitamin-rich hot drinks for winter has been published online: Sea buckthorn tea with ginger; Blackcurrant compote; Sbiten with cranberries; Berber-style tea with pine nuts; Cranberry punch; Feijoa and quince compote; Fruit infusion with savory and honey; Kalina and lemon tea. Sounds very appetizing!


October 29, 2023

Stair climbing: an effective replacement for 10,000 steps a day

Researchers have found what can replace 10,000 steps a day. Analyzing data from 400,000 individuals over 10 years, scientists concluded that climbing 5 flights of stairs a day can reduce the risk of heart and lung diseases, while burning twice as many calories as walking.


October 26, 2023

How Sad Music Can Diminish Pain

Listening to sad music reduces pain. In an experiment, 63 participants had a specific area on their hand heated to induce a sensation similar to touching a hot cup of coffee. During this time, individuals listened to their favorite tracks or random relaxing music. The results showed that participants perceived the pain as less intense when listening to songs they chose compared to other sounds or silence. The most effective were sad songs that gave them goosebumps.


October 26, 2023

Body Temperature: Individual Variations and Influencing Factors

Everyone has their own normal body temperature. Stanford scientists have stated that body temperature depends on age, sex, weight, height, and time of day. The researchers have concluded that men have lower body temperature compared to women. Another important factor is the time of day. In the morning, the temperature is lower, while in the evening it is higher. The researchers hope that knowing one's body temperature will help people better control their health.


October 25, 2023