Green Areas Slow Aging Process, Study Finds

Cells of people living in green areas age slower. Scientists analyzed medical records of 7800 individuals and compared them with census data to assess the amount of greenery in each participant's residential area. It turned out that individuals living in areas with more greenery have longer telomeres, which are associated with increased lifespan and slower aging.


December 8, 2023

Gender Differences in Flu Symptoms and Recovery

According to doctors, men are more severely affected by the flu than women due to differences in immune systems. Doctors note that women, thanks to high levels of estrogen and progesterone and low levels of testosterone, experience milder flu and cold symptoms and recover faster.


December 8, 2023

Beer improves memory

Scientists have found that daily drinking of 0.5 liters of beer has a positive effect on the brain. As part of the study, 1652 people were asked about their alcohol consumption habits, and then tests were conducted on the speed of their thinking and short-term memory. The results showed that those who drink beer performed much better on the tests.


December 7, 2023

Israeli invention: electronic nose that protects you from food poisoning

An electronic nose has been developed in Israel that will prevent you from getting poisoned. The sensor from the startup Sensifi detects odors or VOCs emitted by harmful bacteria, which the human nose cannot detect. The nose can sniff out salmonella or E. coli and save you from consuming bad food.


December 3, 2023

Xiaomi Introduces Smart Bed with Adjustable Flex Points

Xiaomi has unveiled a smart bed that features three adjustable flex points, allowing users to bend the bed to their preferred sitting position. The bed offers three pre-set modes for yoga, TV viewing, and anti-snoring. In China, the price for this bed starts at ¥2799, and there are also larger and more expensive versions available.


December 3, 2023

A unique antibacterial drug

Scientists have developed an antibacterial drug from fig and crab shell that is twice as effective in destroying bacterial films on wounds and breaking down dental plaque. Figcin is derived from fig, while chitosan is obtained from crab shells and insect chitin. Both substances possess antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.


November 30, 2023

Doctors demand a ban on Skittles due to potential health risks

Doctors are calling for a ban on Skittles, as they believe that these colorful candies can cause liver or lung cancer as well as infertility in girls. The culprit is the food coloring E171, also known as titanium dioxide. It is noteworthy that this food additive has already been banned in Europe for a long time, as it is believed to accumulate in the body and initiate the oxidative process.


November 29, 2023

Swiss team achieves breakthrough in prosthetics with lifelike 3D-printed hand

In Switzerland, a lifelike hand with imitated bones, muscles, and tendons has been printed on a 3D printer. The development has already been hailed as a breakthrough in prosthetics.


November 29, 2023

Maximum Allowable Alcohol Dosages Established in Japan

In Japan, maximum allowable alcohol dosages for men and women have been determined. For men, it is 40 grams, and for women - 20 grams per day. 20 grams of pure alcohol is equivalent to one average beer bottle or slightly less than two wine glasses. Experts also added that the effects of alcohol depend on a person's age and body type.


November 29, 2023

Robot Smoker

A foreign blogger decided to visually demonstrate the harmful effects of smoking by creating a robot smoker that consumed a pack of cigarettes per day for a month. The result was shocking – by the end of the experiment, the robot's lungs were filled with thick tar, resembling pitch.


November 28, 2023

Gluten-free Products and the Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Fashionable gluten-free products can lead to type 2 diabetes. Gluten, a protein found in grains, is dangerous for people with celiac disease. However, even people without this condition are following a gluten-free diet, influenced by celebrities. Scientists from Harvard have proven that such a diet without medical indications increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 80%. The lack of gluten in a healthy body is the main cause.


November 27, 2023

Americans Introduce Self-Service Medical Cabinets Equipped with AI

Americans have developed medical cabinets that allow for examinations without a doctor. A person enters the Forward CarePod booth, undergoes tests, and independently uses the provided tools for analysis by following AI instructions. These cabinets can be installed in gyms, offices, and shopping malls.


November 23, 2023

Why Does Red Wine Cause Headaches?

Scientists have deciphered why red wine causes headaches. They suggest that phenolic flavonoids, compounds derived from grape seeds and skins, are to blame. These substances give red wine its color and flavor. In the body, these compounds are metabolized into substances that accumulate toxic acetaldehyde in the bloodstream. At high levels, it causes headaches, nausea, facial flushing, and sweating.


November 22, 2023

Genital herpes may accelerate brain aging

Genital herpes has been found to correlate with a reduction in brain cortex thickness, as determined by a positive blood test analysis. This suggests that herpes simplex virus type 2 may be a marker of accelerated brain aging, which in turn increases the risk of developing dementia.


November 22, 2023

Dental Pain Relieved by Cannabis Extract: A New Study

Dentists have learned to treat toothaches with cannabis extract. They have found that cannabidiol, which is contained in cannabis, effectively relieves dental pain. Moreover, the substance does not possess psychoactive properties and can replace other analgesics.


November 22, 2023

First Hair Growth on 3D Printer: Breakthrough in Regenerative Medicine

For the first time in the United States, scientists from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have successfully printed hair follicles using 3D bioprinting technology and then transplanted them into printed skin. Researchers consider their work a breakthrough in regenerative medicine.


November 22, 2023

WHO establishes international commission on loneliness

The WHO has created an international commission on loneliness. This means that loneliness is now a global issue and a serious threat to health that needs to be addressed. According to surgeon Vivek Murthy, soon 11 politicians, opinion leaders, and doctors will start building a world that is less lonely and more resilient.


November 21, 2023

Microplastic Found in the Clouds atop Mount Taishan

Microplastic has been found in the clouds atop Mount Taishan. The particles could have come from the nearby city of Tai'an, which has a population of over 5 million people. As a result of rainfall, these particles end up in water bodies and eventually enter the bodies of humans and animals. However, scientists currently lack precise data on the impact of microplastics on humans.


November 20, 2023

New Trend: Washing Hair Once a Month?

The new trend in social media is washing hair no more than once a month. The hashtag hairtraining has already gained over 164 million views. Supporters of the trend claim that washing hair once every 30 days strengthens both hair and scalp. However, experts warn that such a trend can lead to hair loss and other problems.


November 19, 2023

Scientists create slimming wine based on Eurotium cristatum mushrooms

Scientists have come up with a weight loss wine - a drink based on Eurotium cristatum mushrooms that tastes like vermouth. The development boosts metabolism, enhances immunity, and improves stress resistance.


November 19, 2023