Test for early detection of cancer

Scientists have developed a panel of ten different biomarkers that can accurately indicate the presence of early operable-stage tumors in the body. These biomarkers can be present in very low levels but can still be used to identify even pre-cancerous conditions, before any systemic negative effects on the body occur. Currently, the results need to be validated on a larger sample size. If successful, blood analysis could become part of routine population screening for cancer.


January 24, 2024

Innovative toothbrush

The innovative Y-Brush toothbrush, capable of cleaning all your teeth in just 20 seconds, was presented at the international CES electronics exhibition. Resembling a boxing headgear, the brush contains 35 thousand nylon bristles inside. With the device, you can clean your teeth from all sides. The gadget costs $80.


January 23, 2024

Energy drinks and longevity: the taurine connection

Energy drinks can slow down your aging - thanks to taurine. Taurine is one of the main components in these beverages. Monkeys and mice that consumed more taurine lived longer than others. Not only that, they also experienced healthier aging. The only thing left is to find a way to avoid the potential side effects of energy drinks and not die from them.


January 19, 2024

Nanoplastic in bottled water

A liter of bottled water contains 240,000 plastic particles. Previous estimates for this indicator were approximately 100 times lower. Chemists have studied water from three brands and found plastic particle counts ranging from 110,000 to 370,000 in the samples. About 90% of them are nanoplastics, which are fragments smaller than one millionth of a meter. The study authors argue that nanoplastics may be more harmful to health than microplastics, as polymer nanoparticles can penetrate into cells, bloodstream, and affect internal organs.


January 19, 2024

Dangerous Chemicals Found in Popular Foods

Dangerous chemicals that cause cancer and infertility have been found in carbonated drinks, burgers, and children's food. Researchers have discovered bisphenols and phthalates in popular food products, which enter the food through packaging materials and can lead to serious health problems. Further studies will be needed to confirm the theory, but it is already recommended to abstain from consuming these products.


January 18, 2024

Withings introduces a magical home diagnostic wand

French company Withings has created a magical wand for diagnosing vital signs at home. The gadget can measure body temperature, pulse, and blood oxygen levels, take an electrocardiogram, and even detect heart murmurs and lung wheezing - all of which is instantly transmitted to a smartphone. It will be available for sale in the summer at a price of $250.


January 18, 2024

The Dangers of Working Late with Phones and Laptops: A Recipe for Depression

Scientists have found that working late with phones and laptops at night can lead to depression. According to the study, the most dangerous period of work is from 10 pm to 4 am. During this time, people are more likely to experience symptoms of depression, feelings of hopelessness, and a decline in motivation.


January 17, 2024

Smoking Shrinks the Brain

Smoking reduces the size of the brain, according to research carried out by American scientists. Over time, the smoker's brain becomes smaller, and quitting the harmful habit does not restore it to its original size - it only halts the shrinking process.


January 16, 2024

North Korea invents weight-loss beer

North Korea has invented a beer for those who dream of losing weight. The trick of this low-calorie drink is that the sugar content has been deliberately reduced in order to make Friday a happy day for everyone.


January 16, 2024

Improving Brain Functions by Smelling Aromas During Sleep

Scientists have proven that brain functions can be enhanced by 226% when smelling the right aromas during sleep. These include aromatherapy oils such as rose, orange, eucalyptus, mint, rosemary, and lavender. However, the results are not immediate - achieving the desired effects will require falling asleep to different scents for six months.


January 14, 2024

UK proposes penalties for employers with overweight employees to fight obesity

The UK authorities have suggested imposing fines on employers with overweight employees as a measure to combat obesity. They aim to adopt the experience of Japan, where employees' waist measurements are taken once a year.


January 14, 2024

How One Sleepless Night Can Reduce Depression Symptoms

Scientists conducted experiments to induce sleep deprivation in mice. After a sleepless night, the animals became more aggressive, hyperactive and hypersexual. Researchers measured the activity of dopamine neurons, which are responsible for the brain's response to reward, and found that it was higher in sleep-deprived animals. Doctors warned that long-term sleep deprivation is extremely harmful, so it's better to go to the gym or take a walk. However, the new findings can help in selecting the right antidepressant.


January 14, 2024

Gut Microbes and Their Influence on the Development of Sociophobia

Gut microbes may have an impact on the development of sociophobia, according to a recent study. The research has shown that gut microbes can play a role in the onset of social anxiety disorder, opening up new possibilities for treatment. Mice with gut microbes from healthy individuals quickly regained interest in their peers, while mice with microbes from individuals with social anxiety were afraid to approach strangers.


January 9, 2024

Benefits of pets

Pets Reduce the Impact of Loneliness on Cognitive Functions. Scientists have analyzed data from almost 8,000 people over nine years and have concluded that having a pet slows down the decline of cognitive functions in elderly individuals who are living alone.


January 9, 2024

Scientists Prove the Power of Games in the Fight Against Depression

Scientists have proven the effectiveness of games in combating depression. In Germany, they decided to test whether Mario Odyssey helps in such cases and conducted a study. Participants with depression were divided into three groups: one played the game, the second did brain training on a special simulator, and the third underwent conventional treatment. Mario unexpectedly turned out to be much more effective: half of the participants in the third group reported a reduction in depression symptoms.


January 8, 2024

Alcohol and Loneliness Increase the Risk of Early Mental Retardation

Alcohol and loneliness increase the risk of early mental retardation. Scientists conducted a study with the participation of 350,000 people under the age of 65. It was found that alcohol abuse, combined with low socio-economic status, loneliness, and hearing impairments, increases the risks. Other health problems such as vitamin D deficiency and depression were also considered dangerous factors. All of these are associated with early-onset dementia.


January 7, 2024

Carrots Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Carrots have been found to reduce the risk of developing cancer, according to scientists. A meta-analysis of 198 scientific studies involving over 4.7 million patients revealed that consuming carrots in both raw and cooked forms can lower the risk of cancer. On average, consuming 400 grams of carrots per week was associated with a 20% reduction in the risk of oncological diseases. The positive effect was even observed with smaller quantities of the vegetable.


January 6, 2024

Mediterranean Diet Improves Sperm Quality

A group of doctors from Italy decided to further study the impact of diet on male fertility. They investigated how nutrition would affect testosterone levels and sperm quality. It was found that adherence to the Mediterranean diet, rich in antioxidants, significantly increased testosterone levels and reduced sperm DNA fragmentation. The Mediterranean type of diet is based on vegetables, fruits, olive oil, grains, dairy products, and nuts. Those who follow it also moderately consume fish and wine.


January 6, 2024

US launches world's first CarePod clinics with AI replacing doctors

A new era in healthcare has begun in the United States with the launch of CarePods - personalized health portals that provide access to a wide range of medical services, including disease detection, body biometric scanning, blood tests, and more.


January 3, 2024

US scientists develop vibration tablet for weight loss that provides a feeling of fullness

A vibration tablet has been developed in the USA for weight loss that gives a feeling of fullness. The tablet dissolves in the stomach, shakes, and for the next half an hour, you feel satiated with less food. Animals that swallowed the tablet before eating consumed 40% less than others.


January 3, 2024