The benefits of shawarma

Doctors have stated that shawarma ingredients have numerous beneficial properties. For example, the dough contains manganese, which reduces the chance of developing diabetes. The key is to not add too much sauce: maximum of 170 kilocalories per 100 grams.


February 28, 2024

Smart Earrings

Researchers from the University of Washington have developed Thermal Earring - a pair of wireless smart earrings that can monitor multiple health parameters of the user. The device, which is the size and weight of a small paperclip, can continuously operate for 28 days without charging. Equipped with a built-in antenna and Bluetooth module, the earrings transmit readings to a smartphone at specific intervals throughout the day, while going into sleep mode in-between.


February 26, 2024

Dancing Boosts Mental Health Better than Physical Exercises

Dancing strengthens mental health better than physical exercises. Australian scientists analyzed records from 27 studies with a total sample of 1392 individuals of different ages. Among them were both healthy people and those suffering from chronic diseases. The analysis showed that dancing was more effective than other types of exercise in alleviating symptoms of depression and improving memory. This applied not only to young people but also to the elderly.


February 26, 2024

10 meals a day for better weight loss

10 meals a day is better than three meals a day for weight loss. It makes it easier to shed pounds and can also help the stomach, but the meals should be small and light. The secret is that the body finds it difficult to digest large portions. This can lead to heartburn and other stomach problems.


February 20, 2024

Computer games and the risk of hearing loss

Computer games can lead to hearing loss. Researchers have concluded that gamers are at risk of irreversible hearing loss and ear noise due to frequent exceeding of safe sound levels in games. They analyzed 14 peer-reviewed studies from 9 countries, involving a total of 53,833 participants. These studies assessed the link between gaming and self-reported hearing loss, auditory thresholds, or ear noise. The majority of them confirmed the potential problems.


February 20, 2024

The Impact of Food Photos on Obesity

Photos of unhealthy food can contribute to obesity. According to a study published on the PubMed portal, repeatedly viewing pictures of food bloggers with fatty and unhealthy food triggers feelings of hunger and cravings for something harmful, such as burgers or pizza. If this is done constantly, a person will be increasingly drawn to calorie-rich products. They will consume more calories and gain weight. Getting hooked on photos of junk food is particularly dangerous.


February 17, 2024

Elon Musk is lagging behind

It turns out that Elon Musk and his Neuralink are far behind. Chinese scientists implanted a similar chip to a paralyzed man in October of last year, allowing him to regain control over his hands. Furthermore, the Chinese Neural Electronic Opportunity chip is smaller and safer for implantation.


February 16, 2024

The Benefits of Playing Musical Instruments for Elderly People

Playing musical instruments and singing reduces the risk of cognitive decline in elderly individuals. Participants in the experiment who played musical instruments performed significantly better in tasks related to working memory, executive functions, as well as tasks involving numbers and speech. The results of this study confirm that playing a musical instrument can be seen as an effective method to enhance cognitive reserve and prevent the development of dementia.


February 16, 2024

The Impact of Energy Drinks on Mental Health in Children

It turns out that children who consume energy drinks are more likely to suffer from mental disorders in adulthood. Among these disorders are depression, ADHD, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. Not to mention the fact that at some point, you can't even wake up without that coveted can.


February 16, 2024

The Effect of Strong Coffee on Calorie Intake

Scientists have proven that a cup of strong coffee before a meal reduces the amount of calories consumed. Specifically, thanks to caffeine, which speeds up metabolism, and chlorogenic acid, which effectively burns fat. However, it's important to note that adding sugar or cream compensates for any positive properties of coffee. By drinking 4 cups a day, it's possible to reduce body fat by 4%.


February 15, 2024

Health and friendship

According to a study conducted by Oxford, men need to drink with friends twice a week in order to stay healthy. Men who spend time with friends are less likely to suffer from depression and are less prone to stress. Socially active men recover faster from illnesses. Endorphins, produced when meeting friends, stimulate the immune system and reduce overall anxiety levels.


February 7, 2024

New Robot Revolutionizes Eyelash Extensions

A robot has been created in the USA that can perfectly apply eyelash extensions, and it is already being sold in beauty salons. It is promised that the results will be better and longer-lasting than those done by a human technician, and the procedure itself is several times faster - only 30 minutes compared to two or three hours done by a person.


February 7, 2024

Potato Chips and Soda: Hazards for the Brain

Potato chips and soda are dangerous for the brain, warns a neurologist. The bad carbohydrates found in these foods cause a feeling of fatigue and artificially increase appetite. Additionally, chips and soda contain an excess of glucose, which leads to memory and concentration issues.


February 7, 2024

Education Reduces the Risk of Death and Increases Life Expectancy

Education reduces the risk of death and increases life expectancy. A meta-analysis by American scientists has shown that extended time spent on education is statistically associated with a lower risk of death from all causes in adults. On average, each year of education correlated with a 1.9% reduction in the risk of death. After 18 years of education, the risk of death decreases by 34.3% compared to those who did not receive education. The greatest effect was observed in individuals aged 18 to 49 years. However, even adults over 70 years old experienced a reduction in the risk of death of approximately 0.8%.


February 7, 2024

The Minimum Daily Steps to Keep Your Brain Functioning Properly

4000 steps per day is the minimum requirement for the brain to function properly. To prove this, scientists conducted 10,000 X-ray scans of skulls. If you take fewer than 4000 steps per day, your brain functions worse and the risk of dementia increases.


February 5, 2024

Three cups of tea a day slow down aging

Scientists have studied the data of 14,000 people, calculating the percentage of fat, cholesterol, and blood pressure in their bodies. It turned out that tea lovers experience less anxiety and insomnia - it's all thanks to polyphenols, which improve the immune system, metabolism, and cognitive functions.


February 5, 2024

Climate Change to Reduce Human Life by Six Months, Scientists Warn

Scientists from the United States and Bangladesh have concluded, after analyzing data from inhabitants of 191 countries collected from the 1940s to the 2020s, that climate change will shorten human life by half a year. It has been found that a global temperature increase of just 1 °C is associated with a reduction in human life by 5-6 months. Women and residents of developing countries are at higher risk, with this figure reaching 10 months. The causes include natural disasters, poor healthcare, susceptibility to respiratory and mental illnesses.


February 2, 2024

How to Improve Well-being and Eliminate Daytime Sleepiness

According to the conclusions of a sleep specialist, if we don't get out of bed immediately after waking up, we disrupt our circadian rhythm - and from the beginning of the day, we feel tired. Experts recommend getting up with the first alarm, opening the curtains, and leaving the bedroom right away. This way, the brain will gradually realize that it's only a place for relaxation, and you will sleep better and stay awake during the day.


January 30, 2024

Benefits of Cool Room Temperature

A study by scientists from the Netherlands has shown that gradually lowering room temperature to 14-15 degrees Celsius improves glucose metabolism. The participants' bodies were found to eliminate excess sugar 40% faster. In addition to this, staying in a cooler room contributes to combating cardiovascular diseases.


January 29, 2024

New MindLink Air glasses improve productivity and focus

MindLink Air glasses, recently presented in the USA, enhance user's performance. The glasses detect fatigue and apply infrared light to the eyes, sending impulses to the brain. This boosts productivity and attention.


January 24, 2024