Signs of alcoholism

2-4 glasses of wine per week - the first sign of alcoholism and the stage of casual drinking. This was stated by an expert in addiction medicine. Another sign is when you realize that alcohol causes more harm than pleasure, but you continue to drink.


March 14, 2024

Regular cannabis use linked to increased risk of heart and vascular diseases

Regular cannabis use is associated with a risk of heart and vascular diseases. The main active compound in marijuana has hemodynamic effects, including tachycardia, vasodilation, and fluctuations in blood pressure, which can harm the body. Through a new study involving 434,104 respondents, scientists have found a connection between daily cannabis use and ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke, with the risk being proportional to the frequency of use.


March 14, 2024

Listening to Meditations During Sleep is Beneficial for the Heart

Listening to meditations during sleep has been found to be beneficial for the heart. Specialists decided to analyze the electrical activity of the heart. Sleeping participants were played audio recordings of human speech with different emotional tones. When listening to calm speech, the volunteers' heart rate slowed down. This means that the quality of their deep sleep improved, as well as the duration of this phase. The authors of the study are confident that their findings can help find a comprehensive approach to ensuring a healthier and more restful sleep and utilize them in the future.


March 14, 2024

Discovery of Three Classes of Natural Antibiotics in Tibetan Bacteria

Molecular biologists have discovered that certain soil and lake bacteria in Tibet produce molecules of three classes of antibiotics - rifamycins, cadamycins, and hadamycins. These compounds are already known as antibiotics, but this finding makes Tibet a promising region for the search for unknown substances and the production of new drugs.


March 14, 2024

Hidden Additives in Tattoo Ink Can Cause Cancer

83% of tattoo inks contain hidden additives that can lead to cancer. The study involved 53 tattoo ink brands, and only 8 of them were found to be safe.


March 14, 2024

American Scientists Create MoodCapture App That Uses AI to Detect Depression

American scientists have created the MoodCapture app, which can recognize depression by facial expressions using AI. The app monitors the user through the front camera, reads their expressions, body language, eye movements, head tilt, and determines whether the user is suffering from depression. It is said that the app works with 75% accuracy and can detect signs of the disorder even before the person notices it themselves.


March 14, 2024

Dogs Can Detect Parkinson's Disease with Nearly 90% Accuracy

Scientists have taught dogs to recognize Parkinson's disease by smell with an accuracy of almost 90%. This may be due to special substances emitted by human skin. Dogs can potentially be used to screen samples from individuals with early symptoms of Parkinson's disease to determine who will need further analysis and subsequent treatment. In the future, this could become an effective and affordable method of diagnosing the illness.


March 13, 2024

Heat Increases the Risk of Preterm Births, Australian Study Finds

Heat increases the risk of preterm births, according to a study conducted by Australian scientists. The researchers analyzed data from 1.2 million newborn babies and discovered that extreme heat raises the risk of preterm births by 50-60%. The effect was most pronounced when prolonged exposure to daytime and nighttime heat occurred during the last trimester of pregnancy.


March 13, 2024

Samsung introduces the Galaxy Ring

Samsung's latest innovation, the Galaxy Ring, is capable of measuring the life force of its owner. It offers all the features of fitness bracelets, including sleep and heart rate data, but also assesses the physical and psychological readiness for the upcoming day. Sales are expected to launch this year, although pricing details are not yet available.


March 13, 2024

TV Viewing Can Cause Nighttime Bathroom Trips

Watching television may lead to nighttime bathroom trips. Chinese researchers analyzed data from a large-scale survey of people in the United States and found that 32% of them reported the need to wake up for a bathroom trip more than once a night. It turned out that the risk of experiencing symptoms was 48% higher for those who spent five or more hours per day watching television or videos, compared to those who watched for less than an hour. This could be related to fluid retention in the legs due to a sedentary lifestyle and the consumption of beverages often accompanying TV viewing.


March 13, 2024

Fried potatoes are harmful for brain function, say dietitians

Dietitians have claimed that fried potatoes are harmful for brain function due to their high glycemic index. As a result, the level of glucose in the blood rises sharply, depriving the brain of sufficient oxygen and nutrients. Regular consumption of such food can lead to circulatory problems and blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques.


March 12, 2024

Why 3-in-1 Gels are Harmful for Men

Doctors have concluded that 3-in-1 gels are harmful for men. The skin of the scalp and body are different from each other, which means that care should be different as well. It is also advisable to avoid using women's cosmetics. Men's skin is much denser and thicker.


March 12, 2024

Hangover Prevention: The Key Factors to Consider

Increasing or decreasing the amount of alcohol consumed does not save you from a hangover the next day. Scientists have found that drinking beer and strong alcohol can be done in any order. To save yourself from a hangover, you need to pay attention to the volume and speed of consumption. These are the main factors that affect your condition in the morning.


March 7, 2024

New test for breast cancer

Scientists have developed a test for detecting breast cancer using saliva. The new technology has shown promising results in experimental trials. To use the device, a small saliva sample is placed on a test strip. It is then processed with specific antibodies that react to cancer biomarkers. The developers claim that the testing time is less than five seconds.


March 3, 2024

The Ultimate Workstation Exercise Bike

LifeSpan has released the Ampera exercise bike chair to help you stay in shape while you work. One of its advantages is gadget charging: LifeSpan's power is more than enough to charge laptops and smartphones. The chair can generate up to 65 Wh of electricity per minute at 60 revolutions per minute. It is priced at $800.


March 2, 2024

Beer Spa

A new spa center has appeared in Toronto that offers rejuvenating beer sessions. Guests immerse themselves in a tub filled with beer, receive a bottle of frothy goodness from a local brewery for maximum relaxation, and enjoy movies or TV shows. The beer indulgence costs $65. Those who have visited it already say they have never relaxed so well before.


March 2, 2024

A discovered method to improve sperm quality

A method has been discovered to improve the quality of sperm. Researchers have found that applying an ultrasound device to a woman's abdomen after sexual intercourse speeds up the path of sperm through the vagina and cervix. The reproductive cells were exposed to waves with a power of 800 megawatts for 20 seconds. As a result of the exposure, the mobility of the sperm dramatically increased - up to 266 percent.


March 2, 2024

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Human Brain: Implications and Future Directions

Neurobiologists have discovered that COVID-19 can strip the human brain of up to 20 years of life and causes a decrease in the volume of brain regions responsible for attention. Luckily, it remains unknown whether the brain fog persists permanently or if the consequences of the infection are reversible.


March 2, 2024

US startup creates modular insoles

US startup has developed modular insoles. Thanks to the set of removable EcoDasher cushions, they can switch between three modes: 1. sports, 2. comfort, 3. pain relief.


March 2, 2024

How Scents Can Help Overcome Depression

Scents can help overcome depression. To do this, you need to smell something that brings back good memories. The study included ground coffee, coconut oil, cumin powder, red wine, vanilla extract, cloves, shoe polish, orange essential oil, and ketchup.


February 28, 2024