AI Detects Cancer Missed by Doctors in 11 Women

AI has identified cancer in 11 women that doctors missed. The AI reviewed over 9000 mammograms and accurately identified all individuals with oncology diagnoses. One woman had a 6-millimeter tumor that could have only been noticed through routine mammography three years later, without the involvement of artificial intelligence.


April 3, 2024

Coffee and a Cigarette: Not the Ideal Breakfast

Having coffee with a cigarette is not a proper breakfast. A dietitian claims that such a menu in the morning can lead to various gastrointestinal and reflux diseases. It is not necessary to eat a lot, but along with this combination, it is important to consume at least some cheese or a banana.


April 2, 2024

Guide glasses for the blind

Romanian startup Lumen has invented guiding glasses that help the blind navigate their surroundings. The device detects obstacles through cameras and lidars, and then guides the user with vibrations and sound signals. The glasses are currently undergoing final clinical trials and are expected to be available for purchase by the end of 2024, although the price has not been disclosed yet.


April 2, 2024

Robot massage therapist

Startup Aescape has created a massage robot that studies human bodies and delivers massages as good as professionals. Users can choose the pressure level on the screen, play music or relaxing sounds, and the robot analyzes the body and reaction during the process, improving its understanding of each client's preferences with every session. These robots will be placed in fitness clubs. The price for a 30-minute massage is $60.


April 2, 2024

Loneliness is Worse for Health Than Smoking, Alcoholism, and Obesity

Loneliness is a significant biopsychosocial stressor, with a mortality risk comparable to smoking more than 15 cigarettes a day, according to scientists from a university in the United States. 53% of elderly people receiving medical assistance experience loneliness.


April 2, 2024

The dangers of sedentary work

Sedentary work for 9-11 hours a day increases the risk of early death. It is 57% higher compared to those who sit for less than 9 hours. Taking breaks and exercising cannot eliminate the risk. To address the situation, it is necessary to take 9-15 thousand steps per day and reduce the amount of sedentary work.


March 30, 2024

Late rise on weekends

The habit of waking up late on weekends does not help to get enough rest. On the contrary, it hinders recovery and contributes to the accumulation of fatigue. Late wake-ups on weekends disrupt the schedule. The only solution to this problem is to go to bed and wake up at approximately the same time throughout the week. Also, it is important to sleep for at least 7 hours.


March 28, 2024

Gut bacteria linked to baldness

Intestinal bacteria are associated with baldness, according to a new study. The research showed that certain types of bacteria prevent baldness, while the presence of Ruminococcaceae UCG-003 microorganisms in the gut was found to be a risk factor for alopecia areata. Scientists hope to develop treatment and prevention strategies for pathological baldness by studying the mechanism of gut bacteria's influence on alopecia.


March 27, 2024

The Influence of Quality Wine on People's Emotions

Good wine makes people happier, while cheap wine does not. A total of 50 people participated in the experiment, and their emotional response was measured using pulse monitors and questionnaires. Researchers note that those who drank truly high-quality wine, unlike the cheap one, experienced a more noticeable surge of joy and tranquility, as well as a reduction in fear and sadness. The effect was further enhanced when jazz music was played for the participants. The key takeaway: a bottle of good wine should be sought starting from 8 pounds sterling.


March 27, 2024

The effect of dogs on stress

Scientists from South Korea have found that people who spend a lot of time with dogs experience decreased stress and improved concentration. They monitored the brain activity of dog owners and discovered that interacting with dogs activates the part of the brain associated with relaxation, focus, creativity, and attention.


March 25, 2024

Hot shower is detrimental to health - scientists

Hot shower is detrimental to health - scientists. It can lead to hair and heart problems in people. But that's not all - hot shower strips the body of natural oils, leading to dryness, flaking, and itching.


March 24, 2024

Healthy Sleep Improves Immunity

German researchers conducted an experiment in which volunteers were observed for two 24-hour sessions. During this time, the concentration of T-lymphocytes in their blood, which play an important role in the immune system, was measured. It turned out that the blood analysis results largely depended on the amount of sleep. People who slept at night had an improved ability of T-cells to migrate to lymph nodes. The crucial factors for such behavior were growth hormone and prolactin. These substances can be used in the future to stimulate the immune response of the body after vaccination.


March 24, 2024

Hearing loss due to headphones

A girl from China lost her hearing after listening to music in headphones during sleep for two years. Fortunately, the problem is only with her left ear, but it will remain permanent. The girl will have to use a hearing aid.


March 24, 2024

Oh, this school

In China, parents are suffering from heart attacks due to their children's homework. In the recent period, there have been at least 5 such cases. They are extremely worried because their children do not understand the lessons, and this is affecting their health. The biggest problem is with mathematics.


March 21, 2024

Even a small amount of physical activity can help prevent stroke

Even a small amount of physical activity helps prevent stroke. Scientists analyzed the results of 15 surveys, in which a total of 752,050 adults participated - their health status was monitored on average for 10.5 years. The analysis showed that compared to a complete lack of physical activity, even a small amount of exercise reduces the risk of stroke by 18%, while intense exercise reduces it by 29%. Researchers concluded that even minor physical activity, such as slow walking, climbing stairs, and leisurely cycling, can help prevent stroke in the long term.


March 20, 2024

The Scent of Pheromones Accelerates Aging

The scent of pheromones accelerates aging. Scientists from New Zealand conducted an experiment on mice and found that males age faster and die when exposed to the attractive aroma of female pheromones. They placed the mice in a cage next to female mice and observed increased mortality among the males. It is believed that the inability to attract the possessor of an appealing scent causes constant stress in the individual, which accelerates the aging processes. Furthermore, scientists have suggested that this phenomenon may also occur in humans, which could explain why men have shorter lifespans compared to women.


March 20, 2024

Increased Hangover Symptoms Linked to COVID-19

Due to COVID-19, hangover symptoms may have worsened. Researchers have found several pieces of evidence supporting this theory. Those who have had COVID-19 for several months mostly complain about intensifying hangovers. Previously, they could drink and not suffer in the morning, but now hangovers occur after just one glass. The reason is that the illness has disrupted the blood-brain barrier, which helps prevent pathogenic microorganisms from entering. As a result, the brain becomes more susceptible to what is happening in the body.


March 20, 2024

Potential Heart Problems Associated with High Consumption of Sugar-free Coca-Cola

If you consume about 2 liters of sugar-free Coca-Cola per week, you may experience heart problems. For instance, a specific type of arrhythmia may develop. Scientists from China have established a correlation, indicating that the likelihood of developing the condition is 20% higher compared to those who do not drink as much Coca-Cola.


March 20, 2024

Foods that can disrupt your sleep

If you couldn't fall asleep at night, one of these dishes may be to blame: Spicy dishes and anything with tomatoes should not be eaten before bed as they can cause acid reflux; Burgers and pizzas with ketchup and tomato sauce fall into the same category; Ice cream and carbonated drinks increase sugar levels and prevent sleep; Milk also triggers processes in the stomach that interfere with sleep. A group of doctors has revealed this information.


March 20, 2024

Obesity surpasses hunger as a global health problem

Obesity has surpassed hunger on the list of global health problems. The number of people with clinically excess weight has exceeded one billion for the first time. The trend is most noticeable among teenagers - the obesity rate has quadrupled since 1990.


March 20, 2024