To cope with emotional cravings for food and avoid the consequences of stressful eating, following 3 main recommendations will help.

1. Know the causes of stress If there is a desire to eat, but in the absence of hunger, you need to stop and mentally ask yourself: why, for what or why. Perhaps food is needed to calm down or divert attention from something. Or you just need to seize some feelings and sensations. Which? Finding out the source of your stress will help you find constructive ways to deal with the root cause instead of relying on food as a temporary solution.


May 23, 2022

Relief from pain.

The source of pain can be different conditions and diseases; and yoga, as scientific data show, in some cases can be one of the means that relieve pain. With the participation of 42 people aged 24 to 77 years, scientists conducted an experiment to find out how yoga can relieve the condition of people with carpal tunnel syndrome (pain in the hands and wrists due to pinched nerves between muscles). After eight weeks of practicing with practices twice a week, the strength of pain sensations decreased by almost half. A similar study was conducted by scientists from the United States, inviting people with osteoarthritis to participate; after two months of weekly 90-minute practices, they felt much less pain in their knees.


May 23, 2022

Drink hibiscus every day.

The drink is recommended for people of any age, because it quenches thirst, regulates appetite and improves digestion. It is noticed that the drink in the cold lowers, and in the hot increases the pressure. The main "actors" in its composition are fruit acids, essential amino acids, trace elements, a complex of vitamins, including vitamin C. The quercetin contained in hibiscus improves eyesight, relieves eye fatigue, and helps cleanse the body by removing unnecessary metabolic products. Hibiscus helps in the production of bile, increases the protection of the liver from adverse effects, improves metabolism.


May 23, 2022

Top useful herbs for your hair.

Chamomile. Gives your hair not only strengthening, but also a slight natural lightening. Nettle. Great for strengthening your hair. Linden. Gives hair shine, elasticity, radiance. Birch. Gives hair softness, helps hair grow faster. Horsetail. Fights hair loss. Oak bark. Not only prevents hair loss, but also eliminates dandruff and increased greasiness. Air. Needed to strengthen hair. Burdock root. In addition to strengthening hair, it adds growth to them.


May 23, 2022

It is very useful to eat pistachios before going to bed.

They contain a lot of magnesium, vitamin Β6 and protein. These trace elements are responsible for fast falling asleep and perfectly replace sleeping pills. With regular use, the psycho-emotional state of a person is normalized, the syndrome of chronic fatigue and susceptibility to stressful situations go away.


May 23, 2022

Foods that should not be consumed with antibiotics.

In general, there are practically no hard restrictions. There are only temporary recommendations. Antibiotics should not be washed down with milk and orange juice. Eating butter, yogurt, cheese, and calcium supplements is also not worth an hour and a half before taking an antibiotic and three hours after. It is also undesirable to consume a lot of caffeine and alcohol.


May 23, 2022

Useful carrot mask.

Mix 1 tbsp. cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. warm milk and 1 tbsp. carrot juice. 1 tsp is added to the mixture. olive oil and mix thoroughly. Gently apply the mask with dry hands on the skin, avoiding the eye and lip area. Leave on for 10 - 15 minutes, then rinse with gentle massaging movements. Then rinse your skin with cold water.


May 23, 2022

Why does a person in a sauna not start cooking?

Because he sweats. In the sauna, the air temperature reaches 130 degrees. A person does not boil there, because he sweats profusely. Evaporating in the dry atmosphere of the sauna, sweat cools the body, allowing it to maintain a normal temperature. However, this mechanism cannot work for a long time, so a person is only able to stay in the sauna steam room for a short time.


May 23, 2022

Magnesium baths.

Magnesium deficiency must be replenished regularly, because it is involved in many processes. One way is to take magnesium baths. MAGNESIUM BATH: - relaxes, calms the nervous system; - relieves muscle spasms; - relieves joint pain; - helps to cope with insomnia; - relieves pain during PMS; - removes puffiness; - helps in the fight against colds; - perfectly removes toxins. HOW TO USE: Take a shower. Take a bath with warm water 38-40 degrees. For 1 bath you will need: 500 gr. sea ​​salt and 100 gr. magnesium sulfate. Drink a glass of warm water before diving. You need to dive into the bath strictly to the level of the heart. The recommended bath time is 20-25 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and pat dry with a towel. A magnesium bath is a great way to improve emotional and physical health, cleanse the body and rejuvenate.


May 21, 2022

A new healthy habit before the first meal.

10-15 minutes before a delicious breakfast, eat 1 teaspoon of natural honey (not chemical) and drink honey with a glass of warm boiled water. Honey contains a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients, such as fructose, glucose, etc., which give energy to our brain, saturate the brain with oxygen and cleanse toxins. It also increases the body's immunity and slows down the aging and wear of our skin and organs.


May 21, 2022


To experience less stress, it is not necessary to have a yoga session every morning instead of a workout (although this tool will be effective in dealing with stress). Scientists conducted an experiment - For more than 10 weeks, participants in an Australian study, 130 people, whose level of stress in everyday life was assessed as moderate, devoted regular time to practices. Before and after the experiment, they took a detailed survey, which showed that during this time, according to them, they began to feel less stress and anxiety. At the same time, yoga turned out to be more effective than relaxation sessions in terms of its effect on mental health and its stable state.


May 20, 2022

How to speed up metabolism.

Metabolism - in simple words, "metabolism", a set of chemical reactions that occur in a living organism to maintain life. Overweight people have a low metabolic rate. To start losing weight, we need to speed up the process of burning calories. I will give just a few simple rules that you need to follow regularly to start your metabolism: Drink water on an empty stomach in the morning before your first meal. Eat 5-6 small meals a day. After 16:00 mainly protein food. Have a full breakfast.


May 20, 2022

Drinks that really energize!

Cocktail number 1 For a cocktail you will need 250 ml of milk, 1 banana, yogurt, 2 tablespoons of honey, oatmeal, ice cream. Mix everything and grind with a blender. Cocktail number 2 100 g of cottage cheese, 200 ml of milk, 1 banana, a tablespoon of honey, 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal. Cocktail number 3 2 bananas, 500 ml of milk, 100 ml of cream or ice cream, a packet of vanilla sugar, a little cinnamon to taste. Mix everything and grind with a blender.


May 20, 2022

Heartburn is not such a harmless symptom.

You can ignore a strange burning sensation in your chest for a long time, attributing everything to a poor-quality snack instead of lunch. But sometimes sensations similar to heartburn do not signal a complex relationship between the stomach and esophagus, but problems with the heart. So you need to think not about where to get soda, but about how to make an appointment with a cardiologist.


May 20, 2022

What are the benefits of slow carbohydrates.

Slow carbohydrates have a complex structure and consist of polysaccharides - complex molecular chains that the body breaks down into simpler ones - and this takes time (about 2 hours). While the body is busy with this process, you feel full. At the same time, the energy comes in dosed, but stably - without sharp jumps in sugar, drops in vigor / fatigue. Slow carbohydrates are found in whole grains, legumes, vegetables - they have more nutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants) than in foods with simple carbohydrates.


May 20, 2022

Benefits of flaxseed.

Flaxseed is a very multifunctional product, it contains a huge amount of useful substances, vitamins and trace elements. They are useful for both men and women. It is an excellent source of fiber, minerals and plant-based Omega-3s. Seeds can be eaten whole, but in order for them to be well absorbed, it is best to germinate or grind into flour. Flax seeds are good for women's health due to the content of phytoestrogens - plant analogues of female hormones in the outer layer of seeds (they are especially abundant in white flax). Regular consumption of flax seeds alleviates the negative manifestations of menopause and is an excellent prevention of cancer of the breast and uterus. In 2005, a study of 30 women showed that consumption of 40 grams of flaxseed per day can reduce the frequency or severity of hot flashes in women who do not use estrogen therapy during menopause.


May 20, 2022

We collect breakfast according to the principle of a rational plate.

Try to keep protein sources varied so that the body receives the full spectrum of amino acids. Make sure your diet contains enough fats, both saturated and unsaturated. Try to have at least 400 grams of vegetables in the diet per day and that they are varied. Make sure you have enough carbohydrates. Approximately half of your entire diet should come from carbohydrates - this is what recent studies say - less and more - increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Make sure you enjoy food!


May 19, 2022

Products that slow down aging.

It is enough to follow simple rules of nutrition so that old age recedes. The main thing is no frills and a little bit of everything. Therefore, I have identified several products to slow down aging. The main ones are vegetables, fruits, yogurt, milk, wine. Yes, wine, but real and in small quantities! In the first place is natural yogurt made with the help of a Bulgarian bacterial bacillus. Natural yogurt is the most digestible food. It prevents cancer of the stomach and colon, stops the development of osteoporosis.


May 19, 2022

Head massage is beneficial because:

Stimulates hair growth. Massage of the scalp stimulates blood circulation, increasing blood flow to the hair follicles - the birthplace of the hair, thereby providing oxygen and nutrients necessary for its growth. As a result, hair growth is enhanced. Preserves the beauty of the hair. Due to more active oxygen saturation, the scalp is easier to get rid of waste products and excess sebum. This creates a healthier hair environment, resulting in stronger, healthier and shinier hair. Prevents hair loss. Freed of waste products and sebum that block oxygen to the roots, healthy hair is less prone to falling out. Head massage also helps prevent stress-related hair loss due to its relaxing effect.


May 19, 2022

Three good reasons to eat apples more often

Just two apples a day can cleanse your circulatory system of cholesterol cells by 10-25%. Therefore, all people who neglect proper nutrition and eat foods that increase blood cholesterol levels should eat apples more often. Regular consumption of apples contributes to the fact that the walls of blood vessels protect the blood from the occurrence of cancer cells, and also reduce their number if they have already appeared. Fresh apple juice calms the nerves, so it is useful to drink it after a nervous shock. By the way, doctors are confident that natural apple juice can calm a capricious baby who cries non-stop and does not allow parents to sleep.


May 19, 2022