What can a manganese deficiency in the body lead to?

To begin with, this element has beneficial antioxidant properties and, in addition, it is very necessary for proper bone formation. Lack of manganese can lead to a decrease in immunity, weakness of the body and rapid fatigue (fatigue), and can even provoke vomiting with dizziness. And if you have an acute shortage of manganese, then it can cause paralysis, as well as deafness and blindness. How to recognize a manganese deficiency in the body: you will have severe hair loss and broken nails. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.


June 4, 2022

Why can't you eat sausage?

Sausages, sausages and other meat products from processed meat are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as products with carcinogenic activity. For example, the pink color of sausage is due to sodium nitrite or potassium nitrite. You can’t do without them, because they prevent the development of botulism pathogens in the product. When ingested, these substances can be converted into carcinogenic nitrosamines. Smoked sausages are real cholesterol bombs, and according to the World Health Organization, high blood cholesterol is the cause of 50% of all heart attacks and 20% of heart attacks.


June 4, 2022

Rice flour is a great option for a mask!

Rice contains starch in its composition, which promotes tightening and rejuvenation. You will need: Rice flour, castor oil, oil solutions of vitamins A and E. Mix rice flour with warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Add a teaspoon. castor oil and 5 capsules of Aevit. Apply to a pre-cleansed face, avoiding the eye and lip area. Keep the face mask for no more than 15 minutes. The combination of castor oil with rice gives hydration and cell saturation. The mask gives intensive restoration, smoothing wrinkles and irregularities, easy color alignment.


June 4, 2022

What is useful milk with different spices!

Milk with spices is the perfect combination for those who care not only about their physical, but also about their mental state. Such a healing drink will help activate the vitality of the body. Milk with kardamon stimulates the brain and relieves depression and fatigue. If you prepare it with Saffron - such a drink stabilizes the work of the nervous system, respiratory tract and blood vessels, and regular drinking of "Saffron Milk" relieves puffiness under the eyes and prolongs youth. By adding a little cinnamon to milk, you will get a light stimulating drink that has a beneficial effect on potency. Turmeric in combination with milk is good for the liver and fights wrinkles. But Ginger "cleanses" the body and improves immunity. Nutmeg also adds special benefits to milk: it relieves headaches, tones up and improves memory. At the same time, a small pinch of Nutmeg in your milk can relieve insomnia and feelings of fatigue.


June 4, 2022

Let's have a healthy breakfast!

A healthy breakfast is a very complex and controversial topic for many. We all seem to understand its importance, but in the rhythm of modern life we ​​pay unacceptably little attention to this meal. In the morning, it is very useful to eat oatmeal with vegetable salad (fill with 1 teaspoon of olive or linseed oil) or berries. This is a classic and the most optimal breakfast. In the absence of appetite, you can have breakfast with non-acidic fruits. The composition of the morning meal should include proteins and carbohydrates, you should make a menu so that you do not feel hungry a few hours after eating. An important point is the intake of water. When you wake up, you need to drink at least 200 g of warm water to renew the body's water reserves. An apple as a breakfast is not suitable because it does not saturate and increases acidity. It is better to combine fruits with porridge and other products.


June 4, 2022

What to do if your head hurts?

We are used to taking the pill right away. But you can do without it. Anything can be the cause of a headache: from accumulated negative emotions to poor blood supply to the vessels of the head. In the second case, the neurologist suggests doing without drugs and solving the problem with ear massage. “You can massage your ears with your palm. Close the auricle completely with it, press lightly and slowly make movements. This will create increased pressure, which is very useful for relieving headaches, improving cerebral circulation and getting rid of tinnitus. The main thing is that there should be no pain during this massage. Another method recommended by a neurologist is camphor oil. It is dripped into the auricle 2-3 drops and the ear is covered with cotton - this method also activates cerebral circulation.


June 3, 2022

Breathing technique to increase energy.

This is a powerful exercise that helps reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) that destroys our youth and health so often. Method: ▫️ Sit in a comfortable position keeping your back straight. ▫️ With the thumb of your right hand, clasp your right nostril and take a deep breath through your left nostril. ▫️ At the peak of the inhalation, close the left nostril with your ring finger and exhale through the right nostril. ▫️Try to fill and empty your lungs to the limit. Perform this exercise for five times, then switch nostrils. That is, inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left one. After that, make five inhalations and exhalations through both nostrils. Don't rush or strain, just relax and breathe.


June 2, 2022

Grapefruits are 92% water.

This makes them one of the most hydrated fruits on the planet. If we remember that a person receives up to 20% of the daily need for water from food, then the inclusion of just one grapefruit in your diet can significantly reduce body dehydration.


June 2, 2022

How to love linseed oil?

Special taste, demanding on storage, but so useful! Why do nutritionists and nutritionists recommend it to those who want to lose weight? How does it work on our beauty and youth? And why, despite the difficult nature, is it really worth falling in love with flaxseed oil? Let's figure it out. Flaxseed oil is a source of an ideal combination of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, thanks to which it helps in effective lipid metabolism in the body, improves metabolism, which means it accelerates weight loss; In terms of omega-3 content, it is comparable to fatty fish (for best results, you can regularly consume both); Contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels; It enhances the anti-age (rejuvenating) effect, insofar as it removes toxins (thanks to alpha-linolenic acid), nourishes the skin and hair, and supports the cardiovascular system; Strengthens the immune system, has an anti-inflammatory effect.


June 2, 2022

Fats for us are not only energy!

It's plastic too! Thanks to fats, the cells of our body are restored, and high-quality fats in your diet should not be cut too much. After all, for the construction of new cells, not only amino acids are needed, but also fats. Since fats are part of the shells of cell membranes - the brain, liver, muscle cells, that is why we need them so much. After all, cell regeneration is ongoing! Of course, an overweight person has fats "in reserve" in the form of deposits on the body. But at the same time, we must remember that fats are different and that they consist of a different set of fatty acids. Therefore, the fat accumulated in our body cannot provide all the needs of our body. Remember! With a pronounced deficiency of fats (35 g per day or less), a person may experience health problems. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a balance in the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates when losing weight.


June 2, 2022

Did you know that yoga not only helps us feel better, but also gets rid of cellulite?!

Even though yoga is not the main way to get rid of the “orange peel”, regular practice can really tighten the body. So what asanas can help? Adho Mukha Svanasana ("Downward Facing Dog") This is one of the most effective poses in yoga, which, in addition to a good stretch of the spine, allows you to work out the back of the thigh and gluteal muscles - those places where you can most often encounter cellulite. The correct performance of this asana is easy to control: while in this position, try to stretch the yoga mat with your hands and at the same time lower your heels on it, while trying to pull the coccyx up to the ceiling.


June 2, 2022

What should be leggings for sports during menstruation?

Comfortable and waterproof, just the way adidas designed them for active women. Before creating leggings, adidas conducted research, during which it turned out that at least 65% of residents of different countries of the world refuse to do fitness classes if they are on their period. Emotional and social factors significantly reduce the effectiveness of training for those girls who still continue to attend them. That's why adidas introduced the TechFit Period Proof, a legging made with Flow Shield technology. They consist of three absorbent layers and a sealed membrane that prevents leakage. Leggings should be worn with a pad, menstrual cup, or tampon.


June 2, 2022

Coffee drinkers are less likely to die in the next seven years.

Adults who drink 2.5-4.5 cups of coffee daily are less likely to die in the next seven years than those who don't. Coffee drinkers have a 29% lower risk of death. It doesn't matter if they add sugar. This is evidenced by a study by the Southern Medical University in Guangzhou. The results are based on the analysis of data from 171 thousand people from the British Biobank database. Chinese scientists have been tracking the fate of volunteers for seven years since 2009.


June 2, 2022

The myth that without exercise you can quickly lose shape.

Any cold, even in a mild form, activates cortisol, which means it suppresses anabolism - stops the growth of muscle tissue. In the process of training, catabolism (muscle breakdown) is triggered, and recovery after training in this state will not occur. You will work on the muscles in the minus. What to do ? ◽️ do not exercise until all symptoms of a cold are completely gone ◽️ if you have suffered a severe illness (temperature above 37.5, prolonged cough and runny nose) - give the body 3-4 additional days to recover ◽️ Vitamin C 1000-2000 mg per day, from the first day of symptoms ◽️Zinc 10 mg per day ◽️ Phytoncides (raw onions, garlic for food) ◽️Keeping the usual calorie intake, divide it into 4-5 meals at intervals of 3-4 hours. Focus on long carbs ◽️Plentiful warm drink


June 1, 2022

The myth that exercise speeds up recovery.

In a study by Dr. Thomas G. Weidner, the Indiana University of Medicine USA compared students who were injected with contaminated serum. Some of them continued to go in for sports intensively (running, exercise machines), the other part was calmly ill, not doing physical exercises. As a result, recovery rates were equivalent for all.


June 1, 2022

Colds and sports.

The common cold is the common name for an acute infectious inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It is almost impossible to distinguish between SARS, influenza and, now, covid on your own. This is the main risk: the influenza virus can penetrate into the heart muscle - the myocardium, and cause inflammation - myocarditis. 15% of all complications after influenza are precisely myocarditis, pericarditis and heart failure. What are you at risk of getting later? Interruptions in heart rate, shortness of breath with little physical exertion, swelling, sweating, etc. Decide for yourself whether you need it. If you find such symptoms after the illness, immediately consult a cardiologist.


June 1, 2022

Hair care during training and after:

Apply dry shampoo to your scalp before exercising to help absorb sweat. Avoid contact of hair with the skin of the face and neck. Use headbands made from natural fabrics that won't pull or break your hair. An excellent example is silk or thin cotton. The bandage will also help absorb sweat and protect the skin. Exposed hair should be treated with protective hair sprays with SPF factors. Do not touch your hair during training (do not comb, do not change your hairstyle). Wash your hair twice (not a week, not a day, but twice in a row during one wash) immediately after training. Once every 1-2 weeks, use a scalp peel to cleanse the stratum corneum of the scalp; add physiotherapy methods - rinsing with cold water (contrast shower, darsonval for the scalp).


June 1, 2022

Mushroom coffee is a growing health food trend.

Of course, pieces of mushrooms do not float in it, just mushroom powder is mixed with ground coffee, and a drink with a mild earthy taste is obtained, which, according to nutritionists, is very useful, since mushrooms have been used in medicine since ancient times as a healing agent and adaptogen. “There are thousands of mushroom species, and their purported benefits range from supporting liver and heart health to boosting energy and more,” explains allergist and immunologist MD Heather Modey. The most striking properties of medicinal mushrooms: - normalize blood sugar levels; - support for liver function and the balance of "good" cholesterol; - mushrooms are prebiotics, "food" for beneficial microflora; - antiparasitic properties (for example, in maitake mushrooms); - support for cognitive functions, including memory and concentration; Mushroom coffee is also great as a transition drink if you're looking to cut back on caffeine.


June 1, 2022

German scientists have created a spiked robot that can move through the intestines.

It is capable of carrying three times its own volume and up to 20 times its own weight. This means it can carry drugs, wireless electronic sensors, or even microneedles. He is also able to release microscopic drug particles through his microspikes. The robot's microspikes are coated with a thin layer of chitosan (a substance found in the shells of shrimp), which creates enough friction and stickiness on the "legs" to cling to the layer of mucus in the pigs' lungs, esophagus, stomach and intestines. The wireless device is 3.7 mm long and 1.5 mm wide.


June 1, 2022

The importance of trace elements.

✅Zinc Affects simultaneously all parts of human immunity. It increases the production of interferons, prevents the spread of the virus in the cell, protects lymphocytes from destruction. ✅Vitamin D Strengthens innate immunity, activates antimicrobial peptides that eliminate pathogenic organisms such as microbes, bacteria and viruses6. Vitamin D strengthens cellular immunity, supports lung function by reducing the inflammatory response caused by viruses. ✅Vitamin C It enhances the production of interferon proteins, which are among the first to fight viruses. It has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to neutralize free radicals and protect lung cells from their aggressive effects. ✅Quercetin A natural bioregulator and antioxidant that prevents the destruction of cell membranes by free radicals and the development of inflammation, contributes to the faster disappearance of cough, shortness of breath, swelling of the bronchi, and normal breathing.


May 31, 2022