Sprouts for health and youth.

Sprouted seeds (sprouts) will help to strengthen the immune system, avoid stressful conditions and spring beriberi. You can use any seedlings: wheat, oats, flax, sunflower, watercress and even pumpkin.


June 16, 2022

The best option for dinner is lean protein and fiber.

It can be lean fish, seafood, poultry, rabbit, or a low-carb protein shake. In this case, the protein must be accompanied by fiber, that is, vegetables. If you feel uncomfortable eating salad in the evening, especially during the cold season, you can replace it with thermally processed vegetables, such as cauliflower or broccoli. Just make sure that root vegetables such as carrots or beets do not predominate in your vegetable side dish. They may be there, but in moderation. However, the best option for dinner is lean protein and a vegetable salad with a spoonful of olive oil.


June 16, 2022

The most important thing for an evening meal is its timeliness.

It must be remembered that at night we have insulin resistance, that is, a state when we store fat well, while practically not using carbohydrates. It is better if you eat dinner no later than three hours before going to bed. Dinner should be hearty but not heavy, so high glycemic foods should be avoided. Foods like classic sausage pasta or fried chicken mashed potatoes only increase hunger and disrupt metabolism.


June 16, 2022

What should be the perfect dinner.

No breading or frying The way food is cooked matters too: breadcrumbs or deep-frying are extra calories or an additional load on the pancreas. Dinner loaded with unnecessary fats and calories will only hurt. Therefore, all dishes for him should be cooked on a grill pan, in a double boiler. You can boil or bake in foil - this will preserve the taste and useful properties of the products, but will allow you to refuse excess oil.


June 16, 2022

The correct time for dinner is 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Dinner before bedtime while watching your favorite series is clearly not worth it. Your body needs 3-4 hours to absorb all the nutrients. Moreover, late dinner, according to scientists, is directly associated with a high risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease. The reason is simple: insulin is released for every meal, which slows down metabolic processes, contributes to the appearance of excess weight, if after eating the body is not subjected to at least minimal physical activity. If you go to bed immediately after a late dinner, it will be very difficult to control your blood sugar.


June 16, 2022

New in HIV treatment.

A new therapy has been identified that may help fight HIV infection. The researchers combined CRISPR with viral carriers and ensured that white blood cells independently and continuously produce antibodies to HIV. Preclinical models have shown that a single treatment for HIV may be a very viable prospect.


June 16, 2022

Balance between yoga and life.

“The balance between yoga and life is a reflection of our inner state. Can we dance with change? Can we fall and try again with playfulness? Do we have the focus, the skills, and the attunement to find a point of peace within it all? » - Shiva Ri.


June 15, 2022

Useful tips for low blood pressure.

Taking sleeping pills for hypotensive patients is dangerous. To fall asleep faster, it is useful to do the following procedure at night:⠀ 1. Fill the bath with cool water so that it covers the ankles, and stand in it for several minutes. Then warm up your feet with a towel, put on woolen socks and go to bed.⠀ 2. It is very useful to walk before going to bed for at least half an hour. In cold weather, it is necessary to keep warm not only the legs, but also the hands and head. In order to warm the limbs, the heart has to work harder, and this is an extra load. Blood will intensely flow to the legs and arms, as a result, the brain will miss it. This can cause dizziness and headaches.


June 15, 2022

What is useful melon.

A sweet juicy piece of melon will always refresh you on a hot summer day. Melon contains a large amount of water, but this does not mean that it does not have beneficial properties. For example, melon contains a lot of vitamin C. Eating 200 grams of melon, you will get a daily dose of a valuable antioxidant that preserves health and youth. A lot of melon and vitamin A, which supports the health of your eyes, skin, bones and immune system. Melon is rich in potassium, which is important for the heart, muscles and normal blood pressure.


June 15, 2022

Charlotte recipe with apples and berries.

Free of gluten, milk and white sugar! Need: 1) Apples (by eye) and Berries (to taste). I took frozen cranberries and strawberries. 2) 4 eggs. 3) Any gluten-free flour 1 cup. I got almond and coconut. 4) Coconut sugar 1/3 cup. 5) Maple syrup 1/3 cup. 6) Baking powder. 7) Nutmeg 1 tsp 8) Cinnamon. Taste. 9) GHI oil. - beat the eggs, add coconut sugar and syrup to them and beat again, - add flour with baking powder, beat until the consistency of sour cream. If the dough is too thick, just add water. - nutmeg. It gives a subtle spicy taste, - Put sliced ​​apples and frozen berries into a baking dish, previously greased with GHI oil. The main thing is not creamy, it can not be heated too much, - we cover apples and berries with cinnamon and more, - Pour batter on top. Also covered with cinnamon. - put in the oven at 180C for about 30 minutes. Enjoy your meal!


June 15, 2022

Where are lectins found?

Yes, in almost all plants! They are very toxic, but they can also be useful. Those who are fond of a raw food diet know what we are talking about - if you have tried eating raw beans, you probably know that they contain the toxic lectin phytohemagglutinin, which is highly poisonous even in small quantities. Lectins are the defense mechanism of plants, so many of them are still considered beneficial phytonutrients that can adequately stimulate our immune system. These include banana, astragalus, bitter melon, carob, and garlic lectins. But some of them can have a pronounced negative impact on health. Thus, wheat germ lectin agglutenin can provoke leaky gut syndrome, diabetes, obesity and various autoimmune diseases. It sticks together and destroys the cells of the mucous membranes, suppressing immune cells and fueling inflammation. Foods rich in unwanted lectins include: ✔️All grains (including corn and quinoa) ✔️ all legumes (peanuts and cashews as well); ✔️ nightshade (tomato, potato, eggplant, pepper, goji berries); ✔️ meat and dairy non-organic products (those that were grown on grain); ✔️ sunflower oil; ✔️ pumpkin.


June 15, 2022

Gluten has a competitor in terms of its negative properties on the body - this is a lectin. What it is?

Any food contains valuable nutrients - nutrients. These include vitamins, trace elements, dietary fiber. They benefit the body: they help strengthen immunity, maintain a healthy weight and avoid premature aging. But there are also antinutrients - substances that are harmful to health, and therefore, their consumption should be avoided. Lectins are called proteins that have the specific ability to recognize and reversibly bind various carbohydrates. They were discovered at the end of the 19th century, but full-fledged studies of their influence on the human body began to be carried out only recently.


June 15, 2022

What other foods contain probiotics.

Pickled olives. They can be added to a fresh vegetable salad, served with wine (which, by the way, is rich in valuable antioxidants - polyphenols) or as an appetizer along with a cheese plate. The natural fermentation process of green olives makes them an excellent source of lactobacilli, which are essential for normal bowel function. Coconut milk and cream. If you don't drink cow's milk, then coconut yogurt made with milk or cream can be a great alternative. To achieve fermentation, you will have to use a special starter for dairy-free gluten-free yoghurts. The optimum fermentation temperature is 44º C.


June 15, 2022

Probiotics are needed, probiotics are important!

Often it is not necessary to buy them in the form of dietary supplements, you can “take” them from products. fermented foods. We'll talk more about sauerkraut and kombucha, but the list of fermented foods doesn't end there. Miso, kimchi, yogurt - they also use bacteria that absorb sugar, multiply and secrete beneficial acids. This process is called "external digestion" - and thanks to it, the product is enriched with useful minerals, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, sodium, iron, antioxidants and probiotics.


June 15, 2022

Scientists managed to print a piece of a real heart on a 3D printer.

A team at Harvard's Wyss Institute has developed a method to 3D print cardiac macrofilaments, muscle filaments that can, in perspective, mimic the complex alignment of the contracting elements of the human heart. According to scientists, the technology has every chance to gain a foothold in regenerative cardiology. So far, only a small piece of heart tissue has turned out, but the technology has proven its promise. And while it's still too early to talk about creating a full-fledged organic heart, the development can already be used to replace scars after heart attacks or even to correct the hearts of newborns affected by congenital malformation.


June 14, 2022

A routine eye test will soon be able to detect heart problems.

Based on 500,000 human health data collected by the UK Biobank, scientists have found a pattern in retinal scans and heart disease risk. Now, they plan to put it on stream and the optometrist will also be able to see heart problems.


June 14, 2022

Frequent nightmares are a precursor to Parkinson's disease.

Scientists came to such conclusions during a long-term study involving almost four thousand men over 67 years old. None of the volunteers had Parkinson's disease at the start of the observation. Seven years later, 91 people were diagnosed with it. Most in the first five years. Those who had frequent nightmares were three times more likely to develop Parkinson's within five years than the rest.


June 14, 2022

British scientists have developed a gel that helps the heart recover from attacks.

Thanks to advances in medicine, every year more victims of heart attacks survive. But the heart has a very limited mechanism of regeneration. It is designed to accelerate the new gel, which could potentially make life easier for millions of people.


June 14, 2022

Drinking milk increases the risk of developing prostate cancer by a quarter.

This can be explained by the fact that the product contains hormones - 75% of dairy cows are pregnant. There is a similar link between milk consumption and breast cancer in women. It turned out that men who consumed 430 grams of dairy products per day had a 25% higher risk of developing prostate cancer than those who ate 20 grams of such food per day (half a cup of milk per week). The risk increased compared to those who did not drink milk at all. As a result, the risk of prostate cancer in general begins to rise after the threshold of 150 grams of milk per day. There is no difference between the consumption of a regular and low-fat product.


June 14, 2022

Simple hacks:

-10 minutes walk after eating. This will normalize sugar levels and help calm people with increased feelings of anxiety. - Try to meditate while walking. There are special types of meditation for this. - after sitting for a long time in one place, stretch, pull the muscles that are numb. - turn on the music and start dancing. This will give not only a surge of strength to your body, but also cheer up. -start cleaning: it doesn't matter if you're at work or at home. This activity will help raise your energy levels. -buy a tracker that will monitor how much you sit and remind you that it's time to move. -every time you feel like sitting down, don't do it. You can print on the computer while standing.


June 12, 2022