Minor troubles and illnesses can catch on vacation. Therefore, in the summer first-aid kit should certainly be: Means for the treatment and treatment of wounds: antiseptics, bandages, plasters and healing ointments. Preparations for the treatment of sunburn. Sprays, foams and creams with panthenol heal and soothe the skin. Painkillers (ibuprofen, paracetamol) and antispasmodic (drotaverine) drugs. For pain, spasms and fever. Antihistamines. It is used for all types of allergies, including after insect bites. Gastrointestinal agents: sorbents (poisoning), antacids (from heartburn), enzymes (from heaviness in the stomach).


June 19, 2022

Which is good for mature skin.

Everyone's skin ages over time, no matter what they eat. Wrinkles happen and that's okay. Eating collagen-rich foods can slow this process down a bit. Collagen is a protein in our body, we start to lose it after 20 years. You can replenish your collagen stores with protein-rich foods. The most affordable: eggs, fish, dietary meat. Important! Vitamin C helps the body absorb collagen. But the use of salty foods is better to exclude, so as not to dehydrate the skin. When mature skin becomes dehydrated, wrinkles can become more pronounced.


June 18, 2022

The best and worst foods for dull skin.

Adding certain foods to your diet will help you look your best at any time of the year. Dull skin is often due to oxidative stress, such as exposure to pollutants and pesticides. One of the most effective ways to protect our bodies from oxidative stress is to consume antioxidants. Pay particular attention to the micronutrient lycopene. Lycopene is found in many red or pink fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, guava, papayas, and red peppers.


June 18, 2022

How to eat if the skin is prone to acne.

Acne is a combination of oiliness, inflammation and bacteria. We advise people with acne to lean on foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially zinc. Take vitamin C from a variety of berries and fruits. Sources of zinc are plant foods, such as fortified cereals and pumpkin seeds. You also need to minimize or reduce your intake of dairy, as well as sugary or fatty foods. These foods inflame the skin and cause a surge of hormones that regulate sebum production. An increase in the amount of sebum produced can be associated with blockage of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of acne.


June 18, 2022

What to eat if you have oily skin of mixed type.

Since combination skin is a mixture of dry and oily skin, it's a good place to start by combining diets for both skin types. Combination skin types don't need to completely cut out carbs (but not simple ones). It is important to pay attention to what types of grains and wheat you eat. Carbohydrates can cause inflammation and upset the delicate balance of combination skin. Choose carbohydrates that are high in protein and low on the glycemic index, such as brown rice or quinoa.


June 18, 2022

What to eat if you have oily skin

Which products - yes, and which - no. People automatically assume that butter adds fat. Anti-inflammatory oils…on the contrary, can reduce it. Here are some foods containing anti-inflammatory oils: avocados, olives, fish, flaxseed. Limit your intake of fatty, over-processed foods like French fries and keep your sugar intake to a minimum.


June 18, 2022

What to eat if you have dry skin.

People with dry skin tend to be more thirsty. You need to hydrate yourself from the inside. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. And also moisturize the skin with the help of fatty acids contained in avocados, olive oil, salmon fish. And it is necessary to minimize the consumption of dehydrating foods and drinks. Excess caffeine and alcohol can dry out the skin. Dry skin is not just the result of dehydration. Lack of vitamins A and C can contribute to dry skin. Eat more spinach, broccoli, sweet potatoes.


June 18, 2022

Let's talk about how nutrition affects our skin.

Each skin type has its own diet. Just like with cosmetics, which are selected individually. Before compiling a menu for skin, determine your type Do not draw conclusions immediately after washing, wait a few hours and see how the skin behaves. In general, there are four main skin types: dry, normal, oily, combination. Each type can suffer from different problems: peeling, dullness, rashes, oily sheen. ✔️ If your skin is shiny and glossy, you most likely have an oily skin type; ✔️ Peel off, irritated - dry skin; ✔️Glossy and shiny in some areas, flaky and irritated in others - mixed; ✔️Normal skin can be dull with improper care and nutrition.


June 18, 2022

Beer can improve the composition of the intestinal microflora and reduce the risk of developing diseases in this organ.

This was confirmed by a small study by Portuguese scientists from the University of Lisbon. At the end of the four-week period, the researchers found that the volunteers had a more diverse gut microflora and increased levels of alkaline phosphatase, indicating improved gut health.


June 18, 2022

Great replacement for energy drinks.

1. Eleutherococcus. Enough for 4 sessions (on average). Take in accordance with the instructions. 2. Ginseng in granules. 5 pieces per mouth, if you need to be alert for three hours, 10 pieces are enough for 5 hours, from 15 to 20 - so that the brain “after yesterday” starts up. 3. Green tea + 1 lemon wedge + 1 teaspoon honey. Well invigorates. Χwataet for 2 hours. At the same time, it relieves nervous tension. Helps very well before exams, important conversations, etc.


June 17, 2022

Mask against age spots with avocado

We need a quarter of an avocado, it needs to be mashed. Mix it with half a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the paste on the face, neck and décolleté for 15-20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.


June 17, 2022

What about giving up fruits and sweets?

You can definitely refuse sweets on fructose. Fruits as a source of fiber, pectins, vitamins and trace elements will not interfere with us in limited quantities. One, maximum two a day. Still, our body is able to cope with small amounts of fructose, it is important not to overeat foods with a high content of it.


June 17, 2022

How does fructose affect the body?

If you can really cope with excess glucose, for example, by increased physical activity, then excess fructose inexorably turns into fat. In the liver, fructose promotes the formation of triglycerides and causes fatty hepatosis, low-density lipoproteins, which increase the course of atherosclerosis, and uric acid, a gout provocateur. The lack of an increase in insulin for fructose translates into a violation of eating behavior. This leads to overeating. Its increased consumption causes metabolic syndrome, obesity and problems with the cardiovascular system: high blood pressure and the risk of blockage of blood vessels by triglycerides. In addition, fructose contributes to the sugaring of proteins, that is, glycation, which accelerates aging. Finally, fructose causes irritable bowel syndrome.


June 17, 2022

Why is fructose considered dietary?

Fructose is a simple carbohydrate, a monosaccharide, almost 2 times sweeter than sugar and slightly less caloric. It does not cause insulin spikes and its glycemic index is only 20 versus 75 for sugar! At first glance, this is an excellent property, and thanks to it, at one time it was believed that fructose was safe for diabetics. But it's not.


June 17, 2022

What is the difference between fructose and glucose?

Unlike glucose, it does not enter the tissues: the brain, muscles - and is not processed anywhere except the liver. That is, only one and so loaded organ can split it. Honey, table sugar, molasses, corn and maple syrups or, for example, Jerusalem artichoke syrup, sweet soda and juices, as well as sweet fruits (bananas, grapes, pears, apples, and so on) contain a large amount of fructose, which overloads the liver - the body so much is not needed. A small part of it turns into glucose, the rest goes into fat.


June 17, 2022

Insidious fructose: why not replace sugar with it?

Increasingly, we see “sugar-free” labels on products, but, unfortunately, such products are not always useful. Often a sugar substitute is fructose, which causes more harm to the body than regular sugar. Why should you avoid an abundance of fructose and does this mean that you need to exclude fruits from the diet? Let's figure it out.


June 17, 2022

Diet salad.

We will need: 200-300g Chinese cabbage, 200-300g boiled chicken breast, 200g canned corn, 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, 1-2 fresh cucumbers, a bunch of herbs (dill, green onion, cilantro, parsley), For refueling: 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream (10-15%) (or yogurt without additives), 1-2 cloves of garlic (you can do without it, it will also be delicious), 1 tablespoon of mustard, salt, black pepper to taste. Chop all the ingredients, season and mix! The salad is really very tasty, juicy, light and at the same time satisfying! And most importantly, it does not harm your figure!


June 16, 2022

Tips on how not to overeat.

A glass of warm water with honey and lemon very gently pacifies hunger. Any liquid sour-milk product will help you get the necessary dose of protein. Can't sleep from hunger? Drink a glass of kefir. Drink a cup of strong black tea with sugar. A little glucose before bed will not hurt you. Think well: are you sure you want another bite or are you already full? This will help you better understand your body. A favorite way of all dieters is to go brush their teeth. Toothpaste interrupts your appetite and you no longer want to eat. Drink two glasses of pure water in one gulp. The stomach will be full and there will be no desire to eat anything else.


June 16, 2022

Products that reduce the risk of thrombosis.

Kiwi. Daily consumption of 2 kiwi fruit for 28 days reduces the likelihood of thrombosis by 20-28%. Almond. These nuts are rich in vitamin E, which also reduces the risk of platelets sticking together. It is enough to eat 55 grams per knock of almonds to cover the daily dose of vitamin E. Turmeric. Just 7 grams per day of this spice (about a teaspoon) can reduce the likelihood of platelet aggregation by 15-20%.


June 16, 2022

How sprouts work:

Sprouted seeds normalize metabolism and improve immunity. They perfectly remove toxins and normalize digestion.⠀ Sprouted seeds activate the body's defenses. Sprouted cereals contain many B and E vitamins. Rye or wheat sprouts have anti-aging properties. In a grain sprout, the amount of vitamins and antioxidants increases by 5–6 times. Sprouts are a source of protein, slow carbohydrates and amino acids.


June 16, 2022