What to do?

In fact, forgiving yourself is good. Feelings of guilt are useless. And to understand that mistakes happen, this is normal. Awareness is the first part of working on mistakes. It is also useful to realize that miscalculations can be simply pleasant. A vacation without a total loss of awareness is not a slip, but a conscious release of control, but not to a state of chaos. Holidays, when you eat more and tastier for a couple of days, and then calmly return to the regime, this is not a slip, but common sense.


July 20, 2022

The result of self-deception.

This tactic has two outcomes: 1. The literal lack of results, coupled with a sense of guilt, 2. Development of unhealthy cycles of ate-fasted/prayed-again ate, Both, as a rule, lead to an actual breakdown and ... resetting the counter. Like, what happened, then passed, I'll pretend that nothing happened. New Monday, new me. Zeroing does not imply work on the mistakes, it only implies the start of the next cycle with the accumulation of debt according to the snowball method with the inevitable collapse at the end.


July 20, 2022

Self-deception in counting calories.

The most cunning guys and girls eventually deceive themselves by doing this: the appetite on the diet grows, the planochka begins to squeeze. And blunders begin to occur with the transfer "for tomorrow." Well? We have a flexible diet, tomorrow I will compensate. However, the next day, the appetite does not go anywhere, and in the same way it tickles the stomach and knocks on the head. The comrade, in collusion with his appetite, again hamsters in excess, and the debt passes to the next day, as a rule, slightly growing. This cycle is addictive, like using a credit card: it’s even nice to take other people’s funds, but it’s painful to give your own.


July 20, 2022

There is another non-obvious problem (even a rake), which consistently brings losing weight.

Some form of self-sabotage. Lack of flexible diet. We all know perfectly well that not only the daily calorie content is important, but also the weekly one. And that you can vary your consumption from day to day, for example, set the bar higher on a training day. Or raise on the weekend (Attention! Do not cancel, but raise!). Or abuse it in Sabantuy and subtract from the next day or two.


July 20, 2022

Calorie counting formulas. Should they be trusted?

Calorie counting formulas. Should they be trusted? Calorie counting formulas work just as accurately as fortune telling predictions. Formulas don't know a lot about you, and that's why they miss.


July 20, 2022

The myth of microcalories.

People who live on microcalories and feel great are either very positive vegetables in the garden, or liars, conscious and not very. And if you look closely, all the broken and slow metabolisms immediately take on a measurable form and it immediately becomes clear who the snail is in life (creeping a hundred kilograms along the slope of Fukushima) and what kind of appetite it has.


July 20, 2022

Counting calories. Popular mistakes.

Counting calories. Popular mistakes. Counting is also a skill. You need to learn to be more precise, trust the eye less, stop writing at the end of the day from memory and start choosing positions with adequate calorie content. Everyone who counts “by eye”, they have a tariff of one hundred: one hundred grams of this, two hundred of that. And most importantly - consistently past.


July 20, 2022

Eat pomegranate, it is good for cancer prevention.

Pomegranates are best known for their high antioxidant content. However, such invaluable properties of these fruits as the ability to dissolve gallstones, nodules, as well as small ones, for example, ganglion cysts, often remain outside the brackets. They are very effective in combating calcium deposition in tissues and are an excellent means of preventing cancer.


July 19, 2022

Licorice against tooth decay and age-related pigmentation.

Licorice contains glycerrisine and triterpenoids, which strengthen the immune system and are used to treat oral diseases, gum disease and tooth decay. Licorice Root Extract regulates melanin production to help fight age-related dark spots. Licorice extract evens out skin tone, making age spots less noticeable, tightens the contour of the face. You can apply it by simply brewing licorice root, insist - wipe your face or rinse your mouth.


July 19, 2022

After 40 years, these elements must be monitored.

Magnesium. The lack of this electrolyte is a fairly common problem among older women. It can cause constipation, muscle spasms, headaches, and digestive dysfunction. Get tested to see if your diet is high enough in magnesium. It is found in foods such as beans, nuts, and leafy greens. Vitamin E. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that can protect your cells from oxidative damage and slow down the aging process. Add hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, peanuts, and corn oil to your diet. Iron. Women often lose iron as a result of heavy menstrual bleeding, which can occur for many reasons. Another problem is that as we age, less acid is produced in our stomach, which impairs iron absorption.


July 19, 2022

Pumpkin seeds are great for heartburn.

An excellent remedy for excruciating burning sensation. It should be consumed raw, not fried. Once in the stomach, pumpkin seeds contribute to the production of enzymes that process excess hydrochloric acid and thereby neutralize its negative effect. In addition, in the process of digestion, pumpkin seeds envelop the walls of the stomach, and burning pains behind the sternum disappear.


July 19, 2022

The benefits of Hibiscus tea.

A warm drink raises blood pressure and helps to cheer up. A cold drink, on the contrary, reduces pressure and soothes. Hibiscus has a diuretic and laxative effect, linoleic acid lowers cholesterol and prevents the appearance of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. It also fights bacteria and viral infections, so tea is especially useful in the autumn-winter period for colds. Citric acid supports immunity. The bright red color of the tea is due to the substance anthocyanin. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Calcium and phosphorus strengthen bones, teeth, hair and nails.


July 19, 2022

Myths in hair care.

Trimming the ends speeds up hair growth. It has been proven that hair growth depends only on the hair follicle and blood circulation. Shampoo must be changed regularly. Although the myth is very common, it is absolutely not true: high-quality modern beauty products are not addictive. Do not tuck hair into the collar of a sweater. By hiding the strands behind the collar of a sweater or turtleneck, on the contrary, you protect them from temperature changes. The more often you wash your hair, the better. Frequent use of shampoo strips hair of natural oils that add shine and thickness. Limit shampoo use to three times a week.


July 19, 2022

Did you know that our mobility and immobility directly affect our IQ and emotions?

Recent research suggests that our thoughts and our inner sense of self are connected to the movements of the body together. For example, walking or running is equally good for our psychological state. But, if you need new ideas, it is better to go on a low pulse. This will reduce activity in the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for rational thinking. Thus, you will have more creative ideas and thoughts. Dancing also has a very good effect on our emotional state. Because during the dance, our brain guesses what will happen in the next moment and what the next movement will be. And when we get into a rhythm, the brain releases a dose of dopamine as a reward.


July 19, 2022

The choice of sunscreen should be treated carefully.

Did you know that most sunscreens contain avobenzone, which breaks down into harmful chemicals on the skin? Therefore, on all spf products, you need to carefully read the composition so that there are no these most common chemical filters: 4-Aminobenzoic acid (PABA) Avobenzone Вenzophenone-3 Cinoxate Diethanolamine methoxycinnamate Dioxybenzone Ensulizole Enzacamene Meradimate Octinoxate (except Encapsulated octinoxate) Octisalate Octocrylene Oxybenzone Padimate O Sulisobenzone Triethanolamine salicylate.


July 19, 2022

Sitting around a campfire causes significantly more harm to health than smoking cigarettes.

Studies show that smoke from burning wood contains 30 times more carcinogens than tobacco smoke.


July 19, 2022

Proper zucchini.

The idea of ​​​​a delicious and proper dinner is to keep and delight your figure. Ingredients: 1 large zucchini, 400g minced meat, 200g sour cream, 2 medium tomatoes, 100-200g hard cheese, salt, pepper. Cooking: 1. Cut the zucchini into large rings. 2. Cut out the middle of the rings and finely cut it. 3. Salt the mince, pepper and add the finely chopped middle of the zucchini rings. 4. Put the zucchini rings on a baking sheet covered with parchment, put the minced meat in the middle and grease with sour cream. 5. Cut the tomato into slices and spread on top of the zucchini. 6. Send to a preheated oven at 180 • for 30 minutes. 7. Cut the cheese into slices and after the time has passed, put it on the zucchini and send it back to the oven for 10 minutes.


July 17, 2022

Exercises against fat on the abdomen and sides

1. Squats. Start with 20 squats. The back is straight, the abdominal muscles are tense. 2. Tilts to the sides. 20 times several approaches. 3. Lying on the floor on your side, raise your legs to a level of 90 degrees to the body. 20 reps on each side for several sets. This is the most effective exercise. 4. Lying on the floor, hands behind your head. We pedal. The exercise is familiar to you. Very effective for the stomach. 5. Exercises with a hoop or hula hoop remove fat well from the sides and from the abdomen. Do not spare the money and get yourself this gymnastic equipment. Make it a rule to do these 5 exercises every day and in a month you will notice how the fat began to leave the sides and abdomen, thallium will acquire beautiful outlines, and some will even appear :) well, less flour and sweet.


July 17, 2022

New innovative Coca Cola product.

Coca Cola has created a new innovative product for the Chinese market: a beauty drink that you drink (Attention! Before going to bed!!) and wake up beautiful and rested in the morning. New Beauty Magic Cola contains: -GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which improves sleep quality, memory and well-being. collagen peptides. What is the use of collagen, and how it has a beneficial effect on our skin, we all know. Coca Cola knowingly entered the Chinese market with this product. After all, it is Chinese medicine from time immemorial based on the fact that a person is what he eats. And the right food can cure many ailments. It is very interesting to see how such giants as Coca Cola, associated exclusively with harmful drinks and "prohibited", head for wellness.


July 17, 2022

Facial care. 4. Care for Biologique Recherche "Second skin"

Facial care. 4. Care for Biologique Recherche "Second skin" This procedure stimulates regenerative processes, has a lifting effect and "draws" the oval of the face. In terms of effectiveness, it is comparable to injection methods. The Second Skin Facial is an intense, regenerating treatment that acts on the extracellular matrix of the skin to accelerate cell renewal, stimulate the synthesis of collagen and optimize healing.


July 17, 2022