Several ways to cleanse the intestines with flax seeds with kefir. 2.

You can also drink kefir with flax seeds at night. In this case, it can replace a late dinner and satisfy the feeling of hunger. You can replace kefir with natural yogurt, low-fat sour cream and other fermented milk products. When cleaning, it is very important to remember that there is enough liquid. Drink at least two liters of water throughout the day. Its first portion can be consumed 40 minutes after drinking a morning cocktail. In the process of cleaning, it is recommended to give up sweet, floury, fatty, alcoholic beverages. But fruits, vegetables, dairy products are recommended to eat more.


July 23, 2022

Several ways to cleanse the intestines with flax seeds with kefir. 1.

The most common course is held for three weeks and involves the following scheme: First week: pour a teaspoon of flax seeds with 100 grams of kefir; Second week: the amount of kefir is the same, but the seeds will already be two teaspoons; Third and final week: 3 teaspoons of flaxseed per 150 g of kefir Drinking kefir is recommended on an empty stomach instead of breakfast. Before drinking the mixture, wait 5-7 minutes for it to swell. After a couple of hours, you can have a light snack. It is recommended to conduct such a course every three months.


July 23, 2022

What is the pelvic floor and why is it so important?

These are deep stabilizing muscles that form a support platform for the pelvic organs. The pelvic floor muscles must ALWAYS be engaged when we do abdominal exercises! In normal functional training, unfortunately, we are not told this. Exercises should be done slowly, consciously, following all the sensations in the stomach! What matters here is not quantity and speed, but quality.


July 23, 2022

What should you pay attention to when training?

- if during exercises on the press you have a “house” on your stomach, then you are doing them wrong.⠀ - Improper muscle tension leads to increased intra-abdominal pressure. And this can only worsen diastasis.⠀ - First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the deepest transverse abdominal muscle. (NOT OBLIQUE!). The fibers of this muscle are located horizontally, covering the stomach, like a corset belt. If you don’t train it, but start immediately pumping the oblique abdominal muscles, as happens in gyms, then there will be no correction of diastasis. Yes, the muscles will externally return the tone, but deep recovery will not happen.⠀ - during exercises, it is necessary to monitor breathing: while inhaling, the stomach and ribs should expand, while exhaling, the ribs must necessarily fall down. On inhalation, we relax the pelvic floor, on exhalation, we pull it to the navel.


July 23, 2022

What we usually do in this case.

Many new moms go to the gym, work their abs really hard, do planks, crunches, and all the exercises that trainers usually recommend doing to build abs. But the problem is that this does not work with diastasis. And one coach admitted to me that 90% of people do not know how to pump the press correctly, because the coaches themselves do not have this knowledge! So it turns out that the coaches don’t know, we don’t know, but in the sweat of our brow we do twists, and the stomach continues to bulge!


July 23, 2022

Causes of diastasis.

Usually in women, diastasis appears after childbirth. Also, the causes of diastasis can be: obesity; rapid weight loss (for example, while following a strict diet); pronounced hacking cough in chronic nosologies of the respiratory system; increased physical activity (especially carrying heavy loads); regular constipation; dysplasia (improper development) of the connective tissue.


July 23, 2022


Anyone who has encountered this knows that diastasis spoils not only the appearance of the abdomen, but also the work of internal organs. In three words, diastasis is a divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles, that is, the abdominal muscles. Because of this, there is an appearance that the stomach, as it were, “falls out” outward.


July 23, 2022

The main recommendations for those who decide on the procedure:

1. The procedure can be done only 2 weeks after active exposure to the sun (sunburn), or 2 weeks before exposure to active sun. 2. It is recommended to use Bepanthen Plus cream within three days after the procedure. 3. Apply sunscreen with an SPF factor to the treated area before going outside (to create a filter from aggressive UV radiation). 4. Do not visit the sauna and bath for a week. 5. It is also recommended to make injections of biorevitalizants or bioreparants in order to provide additional protection against UV radiation. These injectable preparations contain a set of amino acids and hyaluronic acid, which increase UV protection by 10%.


July 23, 2022

Why can BBL be held in the summer?

BBL technology is based on the action of broadband light, and, in fact, under the action of the rays, the damaged cells are removed in a controlled manner. And viable skin cells begin to regenerate collagen (connective tissue protein), making the skin look younger and denser. That is why the BBL procedure should not be rejected in the summer. The only caveat is that the protocol should be aimed specifically at skin rejuvenation, and not at fighting pigmentation. BBL in the summer will be safe if the doctor chooses the right filters and other parameters, and the patient correctly follows all the recommendations after the procedure.


July 23, 2022

How does the BBL procedure work?

Each flash of the BBL produces many short pulses, so that a pulse is obtained without excessively high power peaks. The wavelength is controlled using special replaceable filters, and the size of the treated area is controlled by nozzles. This design makes the procedure efficient and safe. In addition, BBL is a complex procedure consisting of several stages, each of which allows you to solve a specific problem: for example, the treatment of acne, post-acne, vascular pathology (rosacea, telangiectasia), hyperpigmentation.


July 23, 2022

BBL procedure. What's this?

This is a high-intensity broadband light that affects skin cells at the gene level, slowing down the aging process and activating young genes responsible for the quality and elasticity of the dermis. We can say that the result is a “Photoshop” effect: a fresh look, radiant smooth skin without any filters.


July 23, 2022

Marinated zucchini.

Ingredients: 3-4 young zucchini, salt 1 teaspoon, sunflower or olive oil 2 tablespoons, balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon (you can use regular), honey 1 tablespoon, soy sauce 2 tablespoons, garlic 5 cloves, dill 1 bunch, chili pepper 1pc, onion 1pc. Finely chop the zucchini, salt, squeeze out excess water. Mix all ingredients, add zucchini and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Although, they can be eaten immediately. Enjoy your meal!


July 21, 2022

New Fitness Accents

Fitness emphasis is shifting towards mobility, mobility, mental health and wellness in general! For example, a new type of training has appeared - Animal Flow, which has already won love among celebrities. Elsa Pataky and Cameron Diaz choose him for themselves! Animal Flow is based on the primitive movements of animals, such as monkeys, tigers, crab or even frogs. In practice, this is a cross between yoga, Brazilian capuera and breakdancing. This mesmerizing mix of different movements improves endurance, strength, stretching and overall uplifting mood!


July 21, 2022

I honestly do not believe that the usual well-groomed - it's something prohibitively complex.

Manicure, albeit uncoated, but neat. Clothing, even if second-hand, but relevant. Minimal physical activity for muscle tone, even home workouts. Massage, even with a dry brush. Well-groomed hair, even if not dyed with balayage. All this can raise self-esteem and give self-confidence, and then you see, photo shoots and boyfriends will begin :). And if the problem sits much deeper than it seems, then it is more logical to contact a psychologist. Feeling beautiful and desirable is important for every person, in my opinion. Therefore, love yourself and take care of your body.


July 21, 2022

The volume of the figure does not affect the well-groomed women.

Let's remember the same Rihanna and Ashley Graham, they are far from thin, but they look luxurious. It negatively affects the image of a woman - this is the enslavement of everyday life. There are such excuses as: “yes, I work hard at work”, “yes, I don’t care what they think of me”, “yes, I have three children”, etc. It seems that there is no problem, accept yourself as you are, well, cool, right? But, usually such installations are accompanied by fierce hatred for themselves and others. Friends begin to annoy when they are photographed on the beach in underwear, it is a shame to go to the hall “because all the goddesses are there”, it is uncomfortable to go to bed with her husband. It turns out a vicious circle, from which it is not so easy to get out.


July 21, 2022

Why do women start themselves after 30?

A very complex and controversial topic, but I would like to speculate a little why, over time, women stop caring for themselves. A tired look, drooping shoulders, stoop, dirty hair and outdated clothes - all this is a bell that a woman has stopped taking care of herself.


July 21, 2022

Why can't you eat fruit right after a meal?

“Don't eat fruit before meals! Kill your appetite”, “Do not eat fruits after meals! It's going to be bad!" So who should you listen to and when can you still eat them without harming your health? It all has to do with your body acidity. - Healthy people can safely eat an hour after eating. The food has been digested, but the acidity is still high, which will make the fruit easier to digest. - For people with low acidity, it is worth eating 30 minutes before meals. The acids from the fruits help the stomach produce juice, which makes the food digest faster and better absorbed. - People with high acidity, do not lean on sour fruits. It is better to eat them half an hour after eating, so as not to increase the already high level.


July 21, 2022

Interesting quotes about yoga.

Through yoga, one can explore one's inner being with scientific precision in order to understand its nature, structure and functioning. The goal is to achieve self-knowledge by developing our sensitivity and sharpening our clarity of vision. The photographer makes people pose for him. Yoga instructor makes people pose for themselves. Yoga is the practice of calming the mind.


July 21, 2022

Borrowing from tomorrow is a bad idea.

Few people are really able to catch and stop the growing catastrophe. And the result, as a rule, is the same: lost time, rollback in results, failed self-esteem. Well, and zeroing the counter. Not flint. Just a human. It is better to understand about yourself in advance. And follow an adequate course, without testing the strength of what you can’t handle later. The counter is reset only from your side. With his, he remembers everything, knows everything and continues to cheat.


July 20, 2022

Everything has its time and everything has its place.

Every cycle has a beginning and an end. The mind is responsible for building an adequate deficit and loads, the will for the implementation of the plan. A diet (like any other process) has a beginning and an end. It is followed by summing up, course correction, choice of tools and a new segment of conscious work.


July 20, 2022