How to Improve Your Discipline

Define Your Goal: What exactly do you want to change? Set a specific, measurable, and achievable goal that will motivate you. Create a Strategy: Break down your goal into small, manageable steps. Write an action plan where each point brings you closer to achieving your goal. Set Deadlines: Establish timeframes for each step. Deadlines help create a sense of urgency and prevent you from procrastinating. Discipline is not a gift, but a skill that requires practice. Start today! Your fate is in your hands.


July 19, 2024

What Does Tilting the Head Back Mean?

Tilting the head back most often occurs as a reaction to a corresponding stimulus. It demonstrates courage. Combined with a piercing gaze, tilting the head back gives an impression of challenge, and when the entire body turns toward the partner, it appears intrusive. The more abrupt the movement, the more nervous excitement it contains, which can express a decisive protest and an insult to honor or self-esteem. With a calm execution, it can indicate a sense of superiority, masculinity, or readiness for activity. It can also express a silent invitation or an unspoken question.


July 19, 2024

A Special Evening

In everyone's life, there is one evening somehow connected with time, memory, and a song. One day, it must definitely come - it will arrive spontaneously, and once it ends, it will fade and never repeat exactly the same way again. All attempts to recreate it are doomed to failure. But when such an evening comes, it is so beautiful that you remember it for the rest of your life. (Ray Bradbury)


July 19, 2024

Learn to take care of your inner WELL-BEING

At first, you learn to take care of your inner WELL-BEING. You wrap it in warm thoughts and feelings, feed it only with delicious images. You stand guard, filtering out the unnecessary. You strengthen it with strong focus. You make it firm, stable, powerful — on a universal scale! And then everything changes — and the well-practiced Well-being takes care of you. It attracts the best meetings, the best events, the best manifestations. It grandly spins the vortex of your dreams and turns into physical Splendid, Abundant, Luxurious.


July 19, 2024

The Warmth of a Man

It's nice when you look at a man and feel warm inside... You observe how he talks, moves, smiles, eats, fixes something, laughs at your jokes, how his muscles move, how he draws you in, how he tenderly and protectively hugs you, how skillfully and delightfully he has sex with you, how cute he looks in the morning, how confidently he talks to someone at work and changes his tone when addressing you, how he sometimes unexpectedly offers help in things you don't anticipate. You are surprised. You observe. Quietly you smile inside. You are happy. There are men who make you feel warm, calm, sweet, and pleasant inside... And there is no need to rush or change anything. Everything is already... good.


July 19, 2024

A Sign of His Affection

He liked you. A partner opens up to you when you have impressed him. But there is one BUT. Of course, if during the first meeting a man starts unloading all his emotional baggage or problems on you, it should be more of a warning sign. However, when a young man engages in a pleasant conversation and talks easily about his work, his parents and his relationship with them, his friends, and so on, it's a very, very good sign. Think about it, if a man had no real affection for you, why would he lift the veil on his private life?


July 16, 2024

The Habit of Missing

Develop a habit of missing your partner by remembering everything you love about them. However, the task becomes a bit more complicated if they are right next to you at that moment. Therefore, try to plan your leisure time in such a way that you manage to go to the movies with friends, have lunch with colleagues, and in the evening be a happy person who has managed to miss their partner!


July 16, 2024

A Day Full of Happiness

Make every day a positive day, a day of happiness, a day of growth, a day with friends, not just with old habits. Do you understand what I mean? Be alive, seek what you want, do what moves you, take that happiness and joy and share it with others, treat everyone around you well (Lama Ole Nydahl).


July 16, 2024

It's normal for your heart to ache a little

If your heart aches a little after you've let someone or something go, it's normal. It just means that your feelings were genuine. No one likes an ending. And no one likes pain. But sometimes we have to end things that were once good after they've become toxic to our well-being. Not every new beginning is meant to last forever. And not every person who comes into your life is meant to stay.


July 16, 2024

Maintain a relationship at any cost. But what is this cost?

Maintain a relationship at any cost. But what is this cost? It is too expensive. The price of this relationship is you, your soul, your life, and everything you wanted. To maintain a relationship that is falling apart means making all the concessions, agreeing to any terms, breaking yourself. The price is you. Preserving yourself is much more important and valuable. And by the way - cheaper. Because the price of keeping you is the loss of the person who wanted to break you.


July 14, 2024

Reflections on Life and Humanity

Sometimes you suddenly realize clearly that life passes by. And quite quickly. People are funny. If we lose a couple of dollars, we get upset. But every second we lose a second of life. And nothing, we don't notice. The whole world is a stage, and the people in it are actors. The story tells about this theater, where actor-people from century to century play the same play. They change costumes—togas, doublets, frock coats, tailcoats, pantaloons, jeans. But the play remains the same. Power, money, and lust drive the plot of this play. But everything is covered by obligatory promises of freedom, equality, and happiness of humanity. Throughout the 20th century, people implemented theories of a bright future. But the greatest technical progress and all these bright future theories ended in concentration camps, terror, and the blood of millions. There's much to reflect on...


July 14, 2024

You Can't Have Two Fates

You can't have two fates. You can't simultaneously have the fate of an unrestrained fool and a moderate sage. You can't maintain a nightlife and be able to create something during the day. You can't indulge in food and alcohol that destroy the body, and yet hope to have a body that functions with minimal destruction. A candle that burns at both ends may, of course, spread the brightest light, but the darkness that follows will be long.


July 14, 2024

Life Instructions from Bernard Werber

1. You will receive a body. It may be liked or disliked by you, but it is the only thing that will certainly be at your disposal until the end of your days. 2. You will have to learn in a school called Life on planet Earth. Every person and every event is your universal teacher. 3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Failures are an integral part of success. There are no innocent victims - everyone is just a student. 4. The lesson will be repeated in various forms until it is fully learned. If you do not learn the easy lessons, they will become harder. When you learn them, you move on to the next lesson. 5. External problems are an exact reflection of your inner state. If you change your inner world, the outer world will also change for you. 6. You will understand that the lesson is learned when your behavior and attitude towards suffering change. Wisdom is achieved through practice. A little of something is better than a lot of nothing.


July 14, 2024

The True Woman

A man does not love the woman herself, but his state when he is near her. Therefore, the True Woman is not the most beautiful, not the smartest, and certainly not the most successful in social terms. The True Woman gives a man not intelligence, not beauty, not body, not success, but a state of being. A woman who creates a special state for men – masculine, will always be loved. This state she creates by enjoying the company of her man and admiring him. And to this special state, a man will always be drawn like to a magnet.


July 13, 2024

Someday you will understand

Someday you will understand that there are people who never betray... But for this, you will have to go through many betrayals. Someday you will understand that outer shine is nothing compared to inner beauty. Because everything that is outside is only until the first rain... But what is inside burns always! Even if it has faded to barely visible embers. But, just purse your lips into a tube and blow gently — the fire will gradually ignite and warm you. Someday you will understand that many formulas and aphorisms you have picked up in the surrounding world are empty, though beautiful, sets of words — nothing more. Only the truths you have reached yourself are important. Someday you will understand that kindness, gentleness, tenderness, and care are manifestations of inner strength, not weakness.


July 13, 2024

Three Signs That You Are a Strong Personality

1. You calmly accept your failures. Only people with strong minds can accept their life problems and failures calmly. 2. You can forgive people. The ability to forgive people is inherent only in strong-willed individuals who can forget about problems and annoyances. 3. You acknowledge your mistakes. Mistakes happen to everyone in life, but only strong people can acknowledge them. They will not deny them or try to deceive to avoid problems and misunderstandings.


July 11, 2024

Don't Postpone Happiness!

Promise yourself to spend more time with those who give your life meaning. Cherish wonderful moments, bask in them. Do what you've always wanted to do. Climb the rock you've dreamed of climbing or learn to play the trumpet. Dance in the rain or start a new venture. Learn to love music, learn another foreign language, and rekindle the capacity for wonder that you had as a child. Don't postpone happiness for the sake of achievements.


July 11, 2024

Shake Off All Foolish Thoughts from Your Head

Shake off all foolish thoughts from your head. Stop poisoning your life with sorrow and longing for things that didn't happen or didn't come true. Leave the past in the past by firmly closing the door behind it. Stop treating the incurable and reviving what has long been dead. Throw away everything broken and remove from your life what does not bring joy. Do not cling to people who do not value you, are not afraid to hurt you, and do not respect you. Stop loving those who do not love you, who do not consider you the only one, and can easily replace you with something better, more convenient, or more profitable. Distance yourself from those who constantly undervalue your abilities, try to instill a sense of guilt in you for actions you did not commit. And remember - you have only yourself and deserve a person for whom you will be a real treasure, who will love you with all their heart and never exchange you for anyone else.


July 10, 2024

Make Time for Loved Ones

Make time to communicate with good people. Time won't find itself. Time is a strange substance. It tends to get filled with work, household chores, and hustle. Time is eternal. But people are not. Therefore, you need to learn to stretch time and insert moments of communication with those who are dear and interesting to you. Make an extra call. Ask how they are. Invite them for tea. Stretch time and find ten minutes for a walk with friends in the city after work and for a cup of tea with your sister or brother. It only seems like such moments are insignificant. But in reality, everything depends on them.


July 10, 2024

Ideal Relationships

Ideal relationships are when you see each other as idols. You are the goddess of beauty for him, he is the god of sex for you. Why so primitive? Because in fact, nothing stirs a woman's consciousness like a man infinitely admiring her. Nothing stirs a man's consciousness like a woman infinitely desiring him.


July 10, 2024