Let Them Take Care of You

A simple psychological trick to improve your relationship. When you do something nice for your significant other, you start liking them even more – this effect is called the Benjamin Franklin effect. The psychological phenomenon suggests that we like people for whom we do nice things. Several couples participated in an experiment: One partner constantly showed care – said something nice, brought drinks, and so on, while the other did nothing. At the end of the experiment, the partners who did nice things valued their partners 5% more than at the beginning, according to questionnaires filled out by participants before and after the experiment. The takeaway? Make sure you let your partner take care of you. Don't insist on always paying the bill or driving yourself. Give your partner a chance to invest in you, and they will appreciate you even more.


August 2, 2024

You should praise yourself for this.

Try it right now! 1. Praise yourself for taking care of everyday tasks. You got up on time, went to work or school, made lunch. It may seem like just the usual duties of any adult. You might think, 'It's no big achievement.' But these routine tasks only seem simple at first glance. In reality, they require willpower and discipline. To complete them, you often have to deal with resistance, procrastination, fatigue, and bad moods. And if you manage to do it, you definitely deserve praise.


July 23, 2024

Praiseworthy Actions

2. Praise yourself for overcoming yourself. Let's say you are an introvert but go to a work conference where you plan to speak on stage and interact with colleagues. Or you've never played sports but start going to the gym. Or you gather the courage and tell another person an unpleasant but important truth.


July 23, 2024

Praise Yourself for This

3. Praise yourself for saying No when others try to exploit you. If some requests conflict with your interests and values, it's completely normal to say a firm 'no' to them. This way, you save time, energy, and money, and prevent others from exploiting you. A person who values their resources and doesn't waste them on others without clear necessity may be called selfish. But these accusations can be confidently addressed to those who want to shift their chores onto others and overwhelm them with inappropriate requests.


July 23, 2024

Why You Should Praise Yourself

4. Praise yourself for being able to stand up for yourself. You put rude people in their place. You don't allow yourself to be manipulated. You stand up for your interests. You fight for what is important to you. You don't swallow insults and express your dissatisfaction. You are not afraid to seem unpleasant and don't try to please everyone.


July 23, 2024

Praise Yourself for This

5. Praise yourself for respecting others' boundaries. You don't offer unsolicited criticism and advice, don't devalue or ridicule others, and choose your words carefully when expressing opinions. You respect other people's time: you don't show up late to meetings, and don't ask people to do things you can do yourself. You don't manipulate, and you speak openly and honestly about your feelings, desires, and intentions.


July 23, 2024

Praiseworthy Traits

6. For learning from your mistakes. Mistakes mean that you are not standing still and are trying to take on something that is difficult and unfamiliar to you. And if you don't look for someone to blame and don't wallow in your own sorrow, but instead analyze the causes and try to act differently next time, you will only become better from your own missteps.


July 23, 2024

Love Helps to Stay Young

Love, in turn, helps to preserve youth. You just need to want it. Dissatisfaction with life, grumbling, sadness, and anger turn anyone into a grandpa or grandma. To stay attractive to the opposite sex, radiate more positive emotions. Sincere, friendly, enthusiastic, happy people attract attention at any age.


July 22, 2024

Family is Emotional Closeness

If two people live together, that doesn't mean they are a family. And if there are children, that still doesn't make the two a family. Stamps in passports even less so. Emotional closeness makes a couple a family. If it's not there, a man and a woman can live together under one roof for years, raise children, host guests and relatives, visit each other, give each other gifts, sometimes even travel with the whole family, but still NOT be a family. They are just lonely cohabitants who live parallel lives in parallel universes. Staying in such relationships, comforting oneself with the thought that it is supposedly convenient and comfortable, means living life in vain. Because that convenience and comfort is the convenience of a grave.


July 22, 2024

Four Rituals to Get Closer

Regular joint activities strengthen the bond and create a special atmosphere in the relationship. Here are some ideas you can incorporate into your daily life: 1. Daily hugs and kisses. Start and end the day with hugs and kisses. This is a simple yet effective way to show your partner your love and care. 2. Joint dinners. Have at least one joint dinner per week without distractions. Use this time to communicate, discuss the day's events, and plan for the future.


July 22, 2024

Four Rituals to Get Closer

3. Weekly Dates. Set aside time for weekly dates to refresh the romance in your relationship. Regular dates help maintain the spark. 4. Shared Bedtime Rituals. For example, reading a book aloud, discussing the day, or simply spending time together in bed. These simple rituals will help you get closer and strengthen your bond.


July 22, 2024

9 Realizations That Will Change Your Life

1. The more grateful you are, the more you attract things to be grateful for. 2. Success is 5% intellect and 95% perseverance. 3. Sometimes happiness is not getting what you want. 4. You can always change your mind. 5. Life is not about finding yourself, but about creating yourself. 6. You will never experience the same moment twice. 7. Loneliness is an opportunity to reinvent yourself. 8. You create your own reality. 9. Discipline = Motivation.


July 22, 2024

If the heart is to be filled with anything, it should be love.

If the heart is to be filled with anything, it should be love. Do not hold onto malice, it wrinkles and ages the heart prematurely. When you speak to people, say only what is bright and good. Harsh words blacken the soul and cover it with soot. When interacting with the world, do so with tenderness. Roughness makes the world hostile toward us. Love, give each other kindness, love, tenderness, and smiles.


July 22, 2024

Live in the Now

Don't put on the past, it's no longer there—neither the bad nor the good. Don't regret the lost youth, don't mourn the missed opportunities, the undone, the unsaid—let go, forget. There is no past. There is no future either. I am only here and once. Live now. Love today. Rejoice with those who are near. Don't try on someone else's life, for the life of your past self is no longer yours... You can drown in the past, get lost in the future, and miss the joy, beauty and love that are right here, close by, lurking and waiting for an encouraging glance, a blessing gesture.


July 22, 2024

Wisdom of the Day

Most people expect that everything will change tomorrow. But tomorrow will never come. Never. Every morning you wake up, and it is today. Tomorrow does not exist. Your life will always depend only on what you do today!


July 22, 2024

Three reasons why men don't talk about their feelings

Many women complain that men do not express their love in words, do not shower them with compliments from morning till night, and do not say I love you every day. But why don't men do this? 1. Difference in perception. Women often establish a connection through communication and emotional exchange, while men prefer actions, tactile contact, and sex. For men, sex can be a way to establish closeness and connection!


July 20, 2024

Three Reasons Why Men Don't Talk About Their Feelings

2. Male shutdown in response to a woman's actions. Sometimes women express dissatisfaction to improve the relationship - they shout, accuse men, etc. However, the partner may perceive it as criticism and feel like a failure. In such situations, the man might shut down emotionally. 3. Disappointment and dissatisfaction of the man. He may bottle up his hurts and dissatisfactions for a long time. Ultimately, the accumulated weight can become too heavy, and the man might simply leave without explanation.


July 20, 2024


Until you make a final decision, you will be tormented by doubts. You will constantly remember that there is a chance to turn back, and this will prevent you from working effectively. But the moment you decide to fully commit yourself to your cause, providence will be on your side. Things will start happening that could not happen under other circumstances… Whatever you can do, or whatever you dream of, start doing it. Courage gives a person strength and even magical power. Decide!


July 19, 2024

5 Worst Ways to Mend a Relationship

Sometimes, in an attempt to improve the situation, we might choose incorrect methods that only exacerbate the problems. 1. Ignoring problems. Closing your eyes to problems and hoping they resolve on their own is a sure way to worsen a relationship. 2. Manipulation and ultimatums. These methods create tension and distrust instead of fostering open and honest dialogue. 3. Excessive criticism and blame. Constructive criticism should aim at resolving the issue, not blaming the partner for their shortcomings. 4. Ignoring your own needs. Sacrificing your needs for the partner may seem noble, but in the long run, it leads to accumulated negativity and dissatisfaction. 5. Comparing with other couples. Every relationship is unique, and it is important to focus on your own characteristics and values rather than striving for someone else's ideals. Avoid these bad methods and focus on healthy and constructive approaches to strengthen your relationship.


July 19, 2024

Dungeons & Dragons included in treatment procedures to improve mental health

The tabletop game helps with quick socialization, distraction from reality, as well as stimulating self-awareness and creative thinking.


July 19, 2024