Life is surprisingly vengeful

Life is surprisingly vengeful. Sooner or later, everyone will find themselves in the place of the person they made cry. And every tear will be paid back twice. Call it a boomerang or retribution, but any pain inflicted on someone will have to be atoned for eventually. If not in this life, then certainly in the next.


August 10, 2024

Learn to Enjoy Your Life

Force yourself to think about what makes you happy, not the little things that ruin your mood. You can endlessly whine, delve into yourself, seek understanding and sympathy. Or you can just love what you have, set a goal, and start achieving it. Right now, without complicating life with terms, stereotypes, and comparisons with other people.


August 10, 2024

The Secret to Happiness in Relationships

Passion and emotions gradually leave loving couples, but what then remains the key to long-term relationships? After all, beautiful lingerie cannot keep a relationship together forever. That will not be enough. The secret to happiness is attention. Kind smiles in the morning, mutual help and support in difficult circumstances, cooking breakfast or dinner. It is care and sincere concern for the person: how things are at work or how the person is feeling. You accept and love the person as you love yourself. In such relationships, there is no room for selfishness and indifference.


August 10, 2024

Understand Your Feelings

Your feelings are not random. They can tell a lot about your inner world. Understand why you experience certain feelings. If they are positive, continue to act; if they are negative, try to change something.


August 10, 2024

Less Trust in Men with Beards

People trust men with beards less. This was revealed from a study. Only 13% trust men with beards. Men with smooth faces are trusted three times more.


August 10, 2024

Happiness is Here and Now

Happiness is when you wake up and you just feel good. Just because. You have breakfast, and it tastes good. You go to work, and you even like the tram. You come home and spend time with your child because you enjoy it, not because you're fulfilling a parental duty. It's when the path to your goals is equal to the moment of their achievement. Do you understand? Happiness is HERE AND NOW.


August 8, 2024

You are boring

You are boring. When he left her, he threw this phrase that changed everything. Damn, how much it hurt. She wanted to climb the walls in frustration. She reads smart books, watches arthouse films, and develops spiritually. What does boring mean? After that, she reorganized her whole life. Split it into 'before' and 'after'. Changed jobs, shifted her mindset, got a couple of tattoos and became free from everyone except him. Overcoming each new peak, she looked around hoping he would see and appreciate. You see, it doesn't matter what you're willing to do for someone. If he is yours, you will be together. If not, no improvements will change the fact that you are not loved.


August 8, 2024

Falling in Love in a Relationship

In a relationship, it can happen that you fall in love with someone else. This does not mean that you no longer love your partner or want to be unfaithful. Infatuation itself is a surge of various hormones like dopamine, serotonin, etc. And it can be triggered by completely different factors. If you value your partner and are ready to discuss this with them, then do so. It is important not to hide the fact of falling in love from your partner so that it doesn't become a secret. Feelings of guilt can quickly reveal you, so it's better to talk about it yourself and come to a solution together.


August 8, 2024

How to Deal with the Fear of a Partner Leaving

How to deal with the fear that a partner will leave? Shift focus to yourself, improve as a woman; Accept your fear, acknowledge it, and do not get emotionally involved. “Yes, I understand that I have this feeling, I see it, but I do not let it govern my actions”; Become interesting to yourself; Develop, learn, improve, until complete harmony is achieved within.


August 8, 2024

No one will wait for you forever...

No one will wait for you forever... While you are wandering around or wasting your life hoping that someone will wait for you - they won't. Every person has a boiling point. No matter how much they love you or are crazy about you - it will end sooner or later. Don't forget to give attention to your loved ones.


August 8, 2024

To Err is Human

Making mistakes is normal. There is not a single person in the world who gets everything perfect. Everyone has their flaws. You, me, and even those whose lives seem flawless at first glance. I understand, right now it feels like you're standing at the edge of a cliff, the unknown void of which terrifies you to your core, but look around, there is no one here wishing for your fall.


August 8, 2024

Mistakes are not the end

A mistake is not the end. It is only an opportunity to become stronger. The time has come to recover without blaming others or complaining about fate. It’s time to gently wash off the smudged mascara with warm water and prepare yourself a warming drink. Put on clean clothes and take the first measured sip. Feel the warmth rapidly spreading through your body and say: Mistakes are the road to individuality.


August 8, 2024

Principles of Correct Relationships

Your relationships should be your top priority. For them to become stronger, it is necessary to follow some principles. Here, the term relationships is used in a broad sense. Why? Because these principles are universal. They apply to romantic, business, and friendly relationships. See in the posts below.


August 3, 2024

1. Willingness to Give

One of the main problems in relationships is selfishness. It arises when one party only takes and gives nothing in return. A person who is incapable of self-sacrifice and focuses only on gaining personal benefit turns into a selfish individual. The ability to give is the foundation of relationships.


August 3, 2024

2. Willingness to Change

There are no perfect people, but everyone can strive to become better. In healthy relationships, both sides are willing to change. They understand that they are not perfect and that at times they need to change themselves rather than blame their partner. This makes the relationship stronger.


August 3, 2024

3. The ability to admit your mistakes.

You should not be afraid to admit your mistakes. Together, it is much easier to find a way to fix them.


August 3, 2024

4. Ability to Listen

Ability to listen. Learn to listen. This will help you understand your partner's position. It's much easier if you are ready to commit yourself (see point 1).


August 3, 2024

5. Mutual Support

The law of reciprocity states that when we do good for others, they will also do good for us. We reap what we sow. By supporting each other, both sides in the relationship get what they need.


August 3, 2024

6. Openness

Misunderstanding is one of the fundamental problems in relationships. That's why it's important for both parties to be open with each other. If there is something about your partner that bothers you, you should let them know. Of course, in a gentle, delicate manner.


August 3, 2024

7. Honesty

In good relationships, both parties should act according to what they think and say. Keep your promises, trust each other, and your relationship will become stronger. Of course, all these principles must be observed by both parties. But one must start with oneself, then you can build strong, reliable relationships.


August 3, 2024