On the Elegance of a Woman

By how elegant a woman is, you can judge how much a man loves her, how much he can afford to take care of his beloved, and what he is willing to do for this woman. Or how independent the woman is from circumstances, men, and stereotypes! This is the case when she decides to be beautiful despite everything! When she loves herself and pampers herself, does not try to transform herself, but strives to improve herself, sets goals, and achieves them! Such women evoke envy and admiration!


August 20, 2024

I am happy!

I am happy! Just happy by itself. Without a reason, without an occasion. Because happiness is not the result of something. Happiness is not determined by achievements and even less by material goods, happiness is not even measured by people. It is not measured at all and is found within ourselves. You cannot lose happiness, it cannot be taken away, and it's a pity that it cannot be shared. You can give smiles, charge with good mood, but you cannot force a person to be happy.


August 20, 2024

Fate is not a fool

Fate is not a fool. It brings to you either the people you need or those who need you. At any stage of life. And no matter how strange life's twists may seem. Sometimes even incredible... know this — these are exactly the people you need right now... you are either saving them... or they are saving you.


August 20, 2024

Immature and Mature Love

Immature people, when in love, destroy each other's freedom, create dependency, and build a prison. Mature people in love help each other to be free; they help each other destroy any dependencies. When love lives in dependency, ugliness arises. But when love flows together with freedom, beauty emerges.


August 20, 2024

Girls with Character

A real man knows that a girl with a complicated character is the best choice. It may seem that she has a completely unbearable character, but you are not ready to leave her. This girl never calms down. Life with her will not be a bed of roses, but she will make you desire more. Girls with a complicated character are usually creative and emotional. They are often called crazy or bitches. But no one will love you more than she will. No one else will make you move towards your dreams and goals. With a 'complicated' girl, you can have deep philosophical conversations. She will challenge your ideas and beliefs. It won't be easy with her, but it will never be boring.


August 15, 2024

How to Know You Are in Love

How to know you are in love? You show love even when you don't feel like it. It's easy to think you are in love when everything in the relationship is smooth. But the most important time is when difficulties begin. You are in love if, during disagreements, your goal is to find a compromise, not to identify a winner. You are in love if you don't take your partner's words personally and don't doubt them. You don't keep score. You don't hold grudges. You don't withhold your love as a punishment. You are in love if, first and foremost, you aim to understand rather than be understood. You listen and value what is shared with you. And you don't immediately dump your own problems.


August 15, 2024

Every Life is a Painting

Every life is a painting. Parents provide the canvas, fate the frame, society the colors, and we have to do the painting ourselves! Remember the zebra: stripe of white, stripe of black. But if you don't overcome your troubles or even tragedies, you will remain forever on the black stripe.


August 12, 2024

Opposites Do Not Attract

Opposites do not attract. Yes, you may have different hobbies and views on life, but that holds only until you touch very important aspects of life for your partner. In relationships, it is still better to look in the same direction, at least in essential things.


August 12, 2024

A Woman Senses a Man Perfectly

A woman senses a man perfectly: hints, nuances, secrecy, unspoken words. No investigations or lie detectors are needed here, a woman sees everything by the eyes, by the gestures. A man, when he lies or cheats, even smells differently, and a woman senses that. But there is one BUT! A woman senses only her own man! If the man is not hers, she might not notice, even if he cheats right in front of her.


August 12, 2024

Happiness in Marriage

Happiness in marriage is not something that just happens. A good marriage must be created. In the framework of a shared marital life, little things become big. It's never too late to hold hands. Saying 'I love you' at least once a day. Never going to bed angry. Under no circumstances take each other's actions for granted; courtesies should not end with the honeymoon; they should last a lifetime.


August 12, 2024

It was a mistake

It was a mistake. Everything is decided! Divorce and period. Sat down to talk, the conversation went into deep thoughts, and eventually ended up in bed. Even if two people have separated, within one of them there still exists a hope for a possible return. Why does this happen? Over time, negative emotions fade, and pleasant memories remain. Doubts: "Maybe it was a mistake to leave? Maybe it wasn’t so bad?" These are more feelings than a rational decision. A reunion is usually pointless; illusions rarely meet expectations. By the way, the morning after such a night will be very painful for the soul.


August 12, 2024

How to Tell if Your Partner is Using You

It's very simple. A man in love invests emotional and financial resources in you. If a man just finds it convenient to be with you, you are the one investing. Only under these conditions is he ready to maintain the appearance of a relationship with you. Everyone lives as they want and pays for it themselves. Respect yourself and don't settle for anything less than love.


August 12, 2024

Don't Turn a Man into a Mama's Boy

When a woman falls in love, she is ready to make many sacrifices for her man. A woman in love always fulfills all the whims of her chosen one. She comforts him, gives him gifts, is ready to become a mother for him and even take on the financial burden. By doing all the tasks for both, she expects reciprocity and even greater love for herself. But in most cases, this only destroys their union. The man stops thinking about his duties, becomes increasingly indifferent to his partner. He gets used to the fact that you always solve everything for him.


August 12, 2024

How to Avoid Turning a Man into a Mama's Boy

To maintain balance in a relationship, follow these simple rules: 1. Do not provide the man with regular financial support. 2. Do not give expensive gifts to attract his attention. 3. Do not force the man to constantly talk about his problems. He should be able to solve them on his own. 4. Try to give him as little advice as possible. He should make his own decisions in various situations.


August 12, 2024

Keep Your Relationship Private

Only the two of you should know about your relationship. There will be fewer unnecessary ears, eyes, and gossip. It's so great when you have your own secret, your own little mystery. When no one knows what you call each other, what your plans are, what you talk about, how you spend your time. Relationships become stronger, and you want to spend more time together. All this show-off isn't needed by anyone. Love should be just for the two of you and no one else...


August 12, 2024

Perfect or not, just do it

If you can't do it perfectly, just do it. When you have no strength left and no motivation, don't blame yourself for it. Don't scold yourself if you can't perfect something. Keep doing your job and moving forward. The essence of success is not in reaching perfection, but in the action itself.


August 12, 2024

Guys with Cats are More Attractive to Women

More than half of the surveyed women admitted that they are crazy about cat-loving men and only 6% feel negative emotions about it. Photos of kittens are also a plus - 60% of women appreciate a cute kitten face.


August 11, 2024


A wise man once said: Praise people in front of others. Criticize a person in private. Give people a second chance, but not a third. If you want to become rich, do not think of increasing your possessions, but only reducing your greed. Think of great things, but find pleasure in small joys. First, think three times, and then keep silent.


August 10, 2024

Why Relationships End

Why do relationships end. It does not happen in an instant. To be more precise, it may seem like that, but it is not. One foolish act or one mistake cannot wipe out years together. The breakup matures, like love, over weeks and months. The idea is painful, so to accept it, time is needed as well as a final reason. The reason can be anything: a quarrel, betrayal, a foolish word, or a forgotten date. Essentially, it is a formality that has already been awaited in this system. Relationships end when it is time to move on. Move on in different ways, in different directions beyond the played-out scenarios. The decision to end cannot be simple if there were feelings. The bitterness of loss cannot pass quickly if you were together for a long time. But it makes no sense to continue if nothing has changed for a long time.


August 10, 2024

Perfection is a Disease

Perfection is a disease that many nations suffer from... We apply tons of makeup to our faces. We regularly inject something into our faces and starve ourselves for perfect shapes. We constantly want to fix what doesn’t need fixing. And what we should be taking care of first remains unnoticed. It's about our soul. It needs more careful care and attention. And it’s time to take care of it.


August 10, 2024