Support Your Loved Ones

Support your loved ones. Even the smallest praise from your mouth, which may seem insignificant to you, can mean a lot to the person for whom it is said at the right moment. The support of a loved one is an incredibly valuable resource.


August 27, 2024


Respect is one of the fundamental qualities valued in relationships. When you can express respect for your partner: their opinions, feelings, space, and personal boundaries, it creates a foundation for a deep and trusting relationship. Without respect, it is impossible to build deep and long-term trusting relationships.


August 27, 2024

Long-standing Resentment Towards a Partner

Long-standing resentment towards a partner is usually manipulation. Even if the person has hurt you very badly and you can't forgive them, think about why you are in this state of resentment. As a rule, this means that you are expecting something from them that will change your opinion of them. But if it is so difficult for you to forgive the situation, you may not be able to forgive it. And if you want to hear something specific from your partner, it's better to ask them directly.


August 27, 2024

All in due time

You will get everything done. Don't listen to phrases about ticking clocks. Don't react to provocations that it will be too late later. It's not true. Everything has its own time. And if our desires are not fulfilled, it means that the time simply hasn't come. It is waiting for us to be ready.


August 27, 2024

What to Avoid in a Relationship

Control and accusations. No one likes their personal space to be invaded, especially when trust is lacking. Try to trust your partner, and if you feel there is a reason to suspect them of something, it is better to talk first. Comparisons and belittlement. Do not compare your partner with others around you, especially with ex-partners, as you might deeply hurt the other. Lack of dialogue. Talk with your loved one, discuss what is happening around you, share your thoughts, and learn their viewpoint.


August 26, 2024

The Power of Positive Attitude

If you are hostile towards the world, it will respond in kind. If you continuously express your dissatisfaction, reasons for it will keep increasing. If negativity dominates your attitude towards reality, the world will turn its worst side to you. Conversely, a positive attitude will naturally change your life for the better. You get what you choose. That's the reality, whether you like it or not. Develop the 'stupid' habit of rejoicing at failures. It is much more fun than getting irritated and whining at every occasion.


August 26, 2024

How to Identify a Resourceful Man for a Relationship

1. He always has goals and plans for his life. 2. He improves and develops himself. 3. His word is valuable, not just talk. A man who says something does it. 4. More actions, fewer words. 5. He can solve problems and make decisions. 6. He always calls and informs if plans change. It's a matter of respect. He respects himself, so he respects you. 7. He invests his resources in the woman: time, emotions, money, provides protection and security. 8. He is ready to take responsibility for the woman and the family. 9. He respects the personal boundaries of the woman. 10. He values his woman because he respects his choice. He is interested in the woman's preferences.


August 26, 2024

Remember Once and For All

Remember once and for all that you don't need to beg for love from those who are unable to express this wonderful feeling. You don't need to ask to meet, to call, to come over, to buy medicine, to order pizza, to take you to the doctor, to cook meals, to clean the apartment, and everything else. When someone truly cares, perhaps even loves, you don't need to ask. This applies to both women and men. And begging for love and attention means training the one with whom you plan to create a family and build relationships. Don't forget that you will always be a priority if you are needed, valued, and loved.


August 26, 2024

A Special Kind of Love

There is a special kind of love. When you are loved in such a way that you remember your true self, long forgotten by yourself. It is not an overwhelming feeling that sweeps you off your feet. Quite the opposite. It is a love that helps you see yourself because you are loved. It is the feeling when, thanks to one person, you find what you have hidden from everyone for so long and have forgotten yourself how unique you are. It happens the moment you meet someone who sees you for who you truly are. Who does not try to change or break you, and you feel that you become better in their presence. You are not playing. You become yourself again. You can love yourself and another person again because it is this kind of Love that helps you uncover yourself. We are always magnetically drawn to those who bring out the “real you.”


August 25, 2024

Signs of Healthy Jealousy

Healthy jealousy is a reaction that arises when our relationships are threatened. When experiencing healthy jealousy, we are capable of taking reasonable actions aimed at protecting our relationships. Here are the points by which you can understand that you are experiencing healthy jealousy: 1. The person acknowledges their jealousy, admits it, and takes responsibility for their feelings and emotions. 2. The person may ask you to help them cope with this feeling but does not require you to radically change your life.


August 25, 2024

Life is not a movie

I know that life is not a movie — there are no takes that can be reshot, replayed, and perfected. But there are moments that cannot be fixed or repeated. I know that there are sweet and bitter times. I know that happiness is the cruelest of illusions, the most beautiful fairy tales end in complete collapse, people leave, any unions are not eternal, and the worst betrayals always have the most familiar eyes.


August 25, 2024

Moving Forward in Life

As you travel along the road of life, you must learn to leave behind without regret everything that hinders your progress: bad memories and old grudges, past mistakes and former disappointments, and most importantly — people who have proven through their words and actions that you are no longer on the same path with them...


August 25, 2024

Why Love at All?

Why love at all if it will likely hurt in the end? I think you need to accept it as one of the outcomes of your relationship. It will hurt, but not necessarily. The point is not to focus on this question at all – it could drive you crazy. And you could lose all meaning in everything. Missing out on an opportunity like love is very sad due to such prejudices. The point is not to suffer because of what might happen in the future, but to enjoy the here and now. Do not be afraid to love and be loved!


August 23, 2024

About Male Love and Women's Wishes

When a man spends the night with a woman, it speaks of passion. When he dines with her, it shows his interest. When he is jealous, he shows his seriousness. But male love begins with caring for his woman. How is male love measured? By gifts? By care? By attention? Every woman has her own yardstick. I think when a man loves, he is always on your side in front of the rest of the world, even if you are wrong a thousand times. A man is the one who can piece together even a shattered heart and be proud that he managed to win the love of the one he truly needs. That's a woman's happiness, to be a whimsical woman in the hands of a caring man. Don't lose the woman who continues to love you despite your flaws. Women have only 3 wishes from a man. If you think it’s an apartment, a car, and a fur coat, you are mistaken. It is loyalty, gratitude, and attention.


August 23, 2024

Do you notice the little things that make our love more important?

For example, when the door is closed so quietly not to wake anyone. Or how they taste the tea before handing over the cup. How they let you eat the cherry from their cocktail. How they leave the last sip of water in the bottle when you're thirsty. How they get up a bit earlier in the morning to prepare breakfast and tiptoe around. How they gently stroke you to help you fall asleep faster. Love is in these tender little things when you pay attention to them.


August 23, 2024

Forget All Negative Emotions

Emotions can be compared to waves that come and go. Try to imagine an emotion as a wave. And remember, waves come and go. The same happens with emotions: they come and go. It is important to describe and perceive emotions with words. Then we begin to recognize them and understand that we are capable of withstanding them. Over time, they lose their intensity.


August 23, 2024

Should you confess your love to your girlfriend?

Should you confess your love to your girlfriend? Definitely, and there are several reasons for that: She expects the decisive step from the guy and is unlikely to be the first to speak about her feelings; If you are dating but haven't talked about your love yet, she does not understand the nature of your relationship and your intentions are not fully clear to her; Women love with their ears. It sounds cliché, but it's true. Even if you have proven your feelings a hundred times through actions, reinforce them with words as well – your girlfriend is waiting for that! However, not all situations are clear-cut. If you feel the risk of rejection, don't rush.


August 21, 2024

Don't Live in the Future!

Don't live in the future! The future is an uncertainty that instills fear and insecurity in us. We fear failures, problems, wrong decisions, and unexpected consequences. Why think about the rain that will come tomorrow when today is sunny and cloudless?


August 21, 2024

Don't Let Fate Control Your Life

Don't hold on to fate. If something goes wrong in your life, it's not because of fate. Don't allow yourself to settle for your situation. Look for solutions to your problems, look for ways to change your circumstances. Take action!


August 21, 2024

Freedom in Relationships

Freedom in relationships is not about a history of debauchery, as is commonly believed in our society. If there is freedom in relationships, then certainly there is debauchery, infidelity, and betrayal. Freedom is about trust and confidence in your partner, when you do not try to control every action. When you are morally developed enough to give the right of choice to the person you love. He himself chooses with whom to be friends, where to work, which sport to engage in, and which project is worth implementing. Your task is to accept and support this, even if it is an insanely stupid idea. First and foremost, it is the choice of your partner that must be respected.


August 20, 2024