What is Willpower?

There is no concept of willpower in science, it is a term used by laypeople. Its scientific equivalent is the ability to resist impulsive behavior. What is an impulse? It is a strong desire that arises in the moment under the influence of emotions and often contradicts our long-term plans. There are people who are usually able to resist impulsive urges to do something pleasurable now but harmful in the long run. It is these people that we call willpower.


October 26, 2023

Supporting Mental Health through Letter Writing

Letter writing is a great tool for sharing secrets, expressing emotions, or remembering something important. That's why keeping diaries has remained popular for many years. And if you know some exercises, you can support your mental health with this simple habit.


October 26, 2023

Egoism and Egocentrism

The simplest explanation of these two concepts: Egoism is when you want what is best for yourself. Egocentrism is when you try to achieve what is best for yourself by using other people. Healthy egoism carries a completely normal ability for a person to act in their own interests and achieve results. And it does not violate the rights and freedoms of others.


October 26, 2023

Letting Go of Toxic Relationships

If someone does not value you, does not cherish you, and does nothing to make you feel good with them... then do not try to change that person, fix them, or remake them. It won't work. Change your attitude towards them instead. Being with someone who does not know how to be grateful, who does not understand a good relationship, who takes everything for granted, who only thinks about themselves, who doesn't care about you, who says hurtful words, who apologizes just for show for all the offenses, for all the pain they cause you, and then does the same thing over and over again... being with such a person is suicide. Slowly destroying yourself as an individual, withering away as a woman. Leave them. Run away. Forget.


October 26, 2023

Willful ignorance

Nearly half of people do not wish to know the consequences of their decisions. Scientists from the Netherlands conducted a meta-analysis of 56 studies and concluded that about 40% of individuals deliberately choose not to be aware of the consequences of their choices, which impact others. They avoid information about the negative consequences of their actions in order to justify their selfishness. This behavior is referred to as deliberate or intentional ignorance.


October 26, 2023

The Rarity of a Worthy Man

A worthy man is a rarity in the modern world. It's like an exclusive piece that is not easy to distinguish among a vast number of replicas and counterfeits. The most frustrating part is that such a man is usually modest, he won't shout and show off his worthiness. On the other hand, a counterfeit always attracts attention with its brightness and apparent uniqueness. It's important to be discerning and not settle for the first thing that comes along, out of fear of not getting anyone at all.


October 26, 2023

The Importance of Understanding Your Value to a Man

If you can't understand how important you are to a man, take a pause. Hold back, don't initiate conversations yourself. Everything will become clear in the next few days. It's possible that everything relied solely on you, and you didn't even notice. And now is the time to draw a conclusion: an uninitiative man is a man who is not very interested in you. And these are failed relationships.


October 26, 2023

The Importance of Being Busy

Every self-respecting girl should be busy. Busy in a way that leaves no time to think about someone or get lost in meaningless dreams. A girl should be occupied with reality: a beloved activity, a good book, spending time with loved ones, acquiring knowledge. Anything, but not getting stuck in thoughts, degrading because of someone or something. No stranger man is worthy of a girl's most valuable asset - time. And no stranger man is worthy of a girl thinking about him. Let them think about you. And, by the way, you can do without it.


October 26, 2023

Rules that improve life

Be more observant. Keep track of everything that happens around you. The surrounding life is a great source for new experiences and ideas. Do not miss any idea that comes to your mind. Write down each one — even if you can't implement it right away, you can come back to it later. Take more from the people around you. Surrounding you, there is a circulation of examples, ideas, words, relationships, mistakes, and experiences. Notice and use it for your benefit.


October 25, 2023

Signs of low self-esteem

Signs of low self-esteem: high self-criticism, dissatisfaction with one's activities; increased sensitivity to criticism, touchiness; indecision and fear of making mistakes; fear of not meeting someone's expectations, desire to please everyone; unfounded guilt; pessimism and melancholy.


October 19, 2023

The Mysterious Impact of Low Self-Esteem

The problem of low self-esteem affects a large number of people, but what's most surprising is that only a few realize it. When we turn to a psychologist because of depression or increased anxiety, in most cases the cause of these pathologies is low self-esteem, but people usually don't even understand this, they don't realize how low self-esteem detrimentally affects their mental health.


October 19, 2023

Secrets of a Productive Morning

1. Wake up earlier than everyone else. It's nice when you don't have to rush, worry about being late, or forget something. Setting your alarm clock half an hour earlier is totally doable. 2. No news. 80% of the news in the media is negative. It's easy to ruin your mood for the whole day if you focus on it. 3. Find joy in little things. Nice weather, aromatic coffee, or pleasant music? Life is unfair, so in any situation, you need to be able to distract yourself and truly enjoy what you have.


October 19, 2023

Wise Advice

5. Everyone makes mistakes. A worthy person admits their mistake. A courageous person apologizes. A strong person rebuilds relationships. 6. Be courageous if you want to change something. Be patient if something cannot be changed. And be wise to know when courage is needed and when patience is necessary. 7. Never regret what you have done if you were truly happy in that moment. 8. If you plan to create something great one day, remember that this day is today.


October 18, 2023

Wise Advice

1. People think they will be happy if they move to another place, but then it turns out that wherever you go, you take yourself with you. 2. Value the people who come to you in times when things are bad for you, not for them. 3. Do not shut your mouth to those who open your eyes. 4. There is no point in trying to help people who do not help themselves. It is impossible to make a person climb the stairs if they do not want to climb themselves.


October 18, 2023

You can't change a person

Unfortunately, you cannot change a person who fails to see the problems in their actions. You must ask yourself - do you know that they will not change anymore, can you accept them as they are today? Will you still respect yourself or will you compromise your principles? If the answer is yes, then it is time to let go of that person. You will find someone who will love you so beautifully and naturally that you will never doubt these things.


October 18, 2023

Why is forgiveness needed?

Resentment is a burden that we carry deep inside. Furthermore, it attracts many unpleasant things. In order to live a happy life, you simply need to learn how to forgive. Forgiving doesn't mean pretending that nothing happened. You can forgive a person but choose not to communicate with them, prioritizing your own peace of mind. To forgive means to erase the negativity between you, releasing the tension.


October 18, 2023

The insidiousness of resentment

When we argue with our closest people, it is hard to believe that we can overcome the feeling of hurt, as betrayal from them is the most painful thing imaginable. In such a state, we want to distance ourselves as much as possible from the world, retreat into ourselves and not see anyone. But be careful, this feeling is a sign that the hurt has started to destroy you. At first, you simply experience a bad mood, but then it develops into chronic depression or anxiety.


October 18, 2023

The Allure of Complex Women: A Challenge Worth Pursuing

Strangely enough, almost all men are drawn to complex women with strong personalities, whims, desires, goals, and dreams. These emotions, this passion, and the absence of dullness in relationships are what attract them. However, only true men, the truly strong and capable of love, are able to make these women happy. Others, unable to handle them, merely attempt to extinguish their fire.


October 18, 2023

The Power of Small Acts of Kindness

You may think that you are not important in this world. But someone drinks their morning coffee from the favorite mug you gave them. Someone hears a song on the radio that reminds them of you. Someone reads a book you recommended and gets lost in it. Someone remembers your joke and smiles while coming home from work. Someone now loves themselves a little more because you gave them a nice compliment. Never think that you don't influence anything. Your trace, which you leave behind, even with small acts of kindness, is impossible to erase...


October 14, 2023

The Power of Love

Love is what makes us human: alive, enthusiastic, crazy, and ready for anything. We go mad with love for another person. We achieve unimaginable goals thanks to our love for our work. We find support and understanding from our loved ones. All the most important things in life are built on love, and its bonds are the strongest. Love is the best impulse to move, to change, and to live. To love sincerely is the best way to be happy.


October 14, 2023