How to Survive a Breakup

Accept the Pain. When experiencing loss, the brain activates the region responsible for physical pain, which is why it feels like it actually hurts. It is perfectly normal to experience different emotions, it doesn't mean that something is wrong with you. The worst thing you can do is deny that you are struggling. Give yourself time to mourn the past.


November 16, 2023

Second-born children more likely to exhibit delinquent behavior

Second-born children, especially boys, are found to be more prone to rebellious behavior, according to scientists. The reason may lie in the fact that they look up to their older siblings rather than their parents. The researcher added that this is largely connected to the fact that parents spend slightly more time with their first-borns than with their second-borns.


November 14, 2023

The Illusion of Endurance: Love Can't Bear Everything

Never think that love can endure all. This is a great misconception. A person can love you more than life itself, but if they feel unhappy, sooner or later they will reach their limit. Eventually, a basic fatigue from offenses and bitterness will come. Love should not endure, it should live and make a person happy.


November 11, 2023

5 Habits of Happy Couples

1. Allow each other to spend time apart. 2. Know how to listen to their partner. 3. Solve their problems through dialogue. 4. Don't focus on the negative qualities. 5. Have common interests.


November 11, 2023

Start Your Day with Success

A successful morning starts in the evening. Take a few minutes to decide what you will do in the morning. You don't have to make a long to-do list. Knowing what you will do first is enough. Meditate, set yourself up for achieving your goals. Then, when you wake up, you will already be focused on success. All that will be left is to get out of bed.


November 11, 2023

How to cope with unpleasant events

We often hear that negative emotions should not be suppressed, but accepted and worked through. Can this be done without getting stuck in endless reflection and regret? Try the following methods. 1. Imagine an outsider observer. Literally imagine a fly on the wall watching your situation, or think about how your rational friend would react to this situation. 2. Avoid using the pronoun 'I'. During internal dialogue, focus on third-person pronouns: he, she, they.


November 11, 2023

How to cope with unpleasant events easier

3. Write about it. Come up with a story that will help you abstract from the situation and explain the negative event.4. Focus on your future. Ask yourself: How will I feel about this in a week or ten years? Imaginary time travel helps because it takes your attention away from immediate circumstances. The knowledge that everything is passing is reassuring.


November 11, 2023

The power of hugs

Professional huggers in the U.S. earn $150 per hour simply by hugging clients. The country is facing a serious crisis of lonely and isolated individuals who struggle to establish social connections. When they crave platonic intimacy, they turn to hugging specialists to receive a brief therapy session. Interestingly, researchers highlight the effectiveness of such hugs.


November 11, 2023

Relationships with Married Men

Many women hold onto married men themselves and wonder why they can't meet their soulmate. But let's admit that it is convenient for you: to keep a distance, to be in a position of not owing anything to anyone, to enjoy playing and suffering, because being not in the first place is a life principle. You can avoid taking 100% of the female responsibility. Such relationships are comfortable: he comes to you clean and caressed, each meeting is like an adrenaline celebration, every sex is like a juicy forbidden fruit. However, the thing is that by continuing in such relationships every day, you lose your value. And with each passing day, the chances of this man being exclusively yours diminish.


November 7, 2023

The ability to let go

You should only keep happy moments in your memory and let go of your past forever. Do not tarnish today's day with thoughts of past betrayals, pain, and longing for departed people. Nothing can be returned or changed. Except for thoughts, except for your own sensations of this life. Forgive yourself, forgive others, and feel the freedom from bitterness. It is beautiful, and let it stay with you forever!


November 7, 2023

The Essence of Life: Gratitude, Generosity, Listening, Forgiveness

In life, it is important to know how to give thanks, to give back, to listen, and to forgive. These are the four aspects of the essence of the world. And it would also be great to meet your person, who may not be like you, but in them you will find what you have long been searching for within yourself. The puzzle is complete. If you manage to continue your path with this person, then you will become even brighter, lighter. All the good doubles in quantity, quality. And love within you will grow even stronger and you will want to give even more of it. Giving means sharing, not taking away from yourself!


November 7, 2023

The Energy Exchange: How Negativity Affects Your Life

It's not enough to just avoid letting negative energy into your life. You also need to refrain from emitting it yourself. For instance, if you yell at someone in anger, you can be sure that some unpleasantness or problem will follow. When you let negative energy in, unpleasantness will manifest in your life. When you emit negative energy, it will come back to you in the form of new problems, like a boomerang.


November 7, 2023

The Truth about Lies

Lies are a manifestation of fear. Yes, it is unlikely that you would lie when you have a good life. Most likely, you are afraid of something and feel insecure. At first, it may seem that lying allows you to avoid unnecessary emotional discomfort, but everything happens exactly the opposite. Try to strengthen relationships in a different way.


November 7, 2023

The True Woman

A true woman is something more than just a normal, reasonable, and convenient woman for the world. A true woman is a cosmos of states, an abyss of emotions. It is simple and simultaneously complex - to be oneself. It is the most potent drug, leading to instant and irrevocable addiction to this state within. There is no way back. It is bliss and fulfillment in freedom, an immense power inside you that pulses, lives, and breathes - it is you. This power needs to be released, allowed to exist, let life flow through it. And then you will gain everything... and even a little more... Finding oneself means losing the dependency on others' opinions.


October 30, 2023

Life has never promised anything to any of us

We behave as if we have a contract for uninterrupted delivery of happiness. But there are no deliveries, guys! There are paid gifts, paid by ourselves. Because nothing comes just like that... And the matter is not that everything needs to be earned - the matter is that everything needs to correspond.


October 30, 2023

Philosophy of happiness

From the multitude of souls and bodies, we are drawn only to those who have managed to revive faith and have given us a sense of purpose. It doesn't matter for how long - a day, a month, an hour, or a year. The feeling of happiness compels us to live. Nothing is eternal, but as long as there are those who care and even if our paths have diverged, memories will warm the soul. The Earth is one, and we all walk together. There's no need to be within arm's reach to prevent falling or giving up. Sometimes it's enough to simply know that there is someone who believes in you and that they are doing well.


October 30, 2023

Motivating a Lackadaisical Individual

Can a lackadaisical person be compelled to do something? Individuals with low willpower have weak internal motivation, as it is determined by those very volitional neurotransmitters that function poorly in individuals prone to impulsive behavior. However, external motivation always works. The proper utilization of the prefrontal cortex involves artificially creating external coercion to do what you need, but do not want to do - or conversely, to refrain from doing what is pleasurable but harmful.


October 26, 2023

How do we contribute to our own lack of willpower?

There are factors that can amplify our lack of willpower, even if we are not inclined towards it - and especially if we are. For example, hunger. The brain needs glucose to function. If you are hungry, your body tries to preserve vital functions, and first of all, it shuts down higher brain functions. Another factor is stress. The stress mechanism kicks in when we need to react quickly. Therefore, during stress, all secondary functions are also shut down, leaving only the most essential ones at the moment. And we become more prone to impulsive behavior.


October 26, 2023

What to do if you have inherited weak willpower?

The most important thing is to understand and accept that this is who you are and it cannot be changed. If you know that you are prone to impulsive behavior, you will struggle to resist any temptation through sheer willpower. However, this does not mean that your life is over and you are destined to become overweight, addicted, or lose your job because you will continuously binge-watch TV series. Instead, you need to utilize your weak-willed mind not for exhausting and futile resistance to temptations, but for planning your life in a way that minimizes their impact.


October 26, 2023

Who can demonstrate willpower and who cannot?

Previously, it was believed that every person is capable of developing willpower, but most simply do not want to make an effort, they are lazy, undisciplined, etc. However, recent scientific findings show that this is not the case. If you have inherited genes determining the malfunction of neurotransmitters, they will always function that way. Your brain will always struggle to control momentary emotional impulses, making you more prone to impulsive behavior. So, no matter how many articles you read or engage in specific self-training exercises in front of the mirror, your genes will not change, and a new brain will not grow.


October 26, 2023