In Moments of Parting

In moments of parting, you want to hug this magical person very tightly, because only with them can you be yourself, only to them can you entrust everything that has been waiting for so long for a listener in your soul. You seem ready to follow them even into uncharted territories, conquer seas and oceans, wherever, just to feel that indescribable 'comfort'.


September 13, 2024

Be a warm-hearted person

One day you suddenly want to be the same. You want to radiate warmth and light, give joy to other people, and do good. Then you break away from your overly important tasks and prepare a delicious dinner for your parents who come home exhausted after work. Then you write to friends who haven't heard from you in a while, telling them that you miss them and wouldn't mind meeting in the coming days. Then you discover yourself from a completely new perspective. Being a cozy person is very pleasant, although probably incredibly difficult, as people in the modern world are used to receiving, too rarely giving something in return. But it's worth trying...


September 13, 2024

About Time

Do not say that you do not have time. You have just as much time as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein. Time flies – that's the bad news. The good news – you are the pilot of your time. Between success and failure lies a chasm called 'I don't have time.' Do not be deceived by your calendar. A year has as many days as you can use. In this way, one person's year has only 7 days, while another's has 365.


September 12, 2024

About Time

You shouldn't spend time, but invest in it. An ordinary person thinks about how to spend time. A wise person thinks about how to use time. Don't let yesterday affect you today. One of the wastes that cannot be recycled is wasted time. You can't kill time without harming eternity. You will never be able to 'find' time for anything. If you need time, take it.


September 12, 2024

Six Daily Self-Development Practices

To feel physically good, we breathe, drink water, eat, sleep, and exercise daily. But what is needed for emotional well-being and inner balance? Here are six self-development practices that will help you unlock your inner potential and strengthen your resourceful state. These simple yet powerful practices will help you maintain emotional balance and unlock your potential every day.


September 12, 2024

Six Daily Self-Development Practices

1. Silence. Start your day with silence. After waking up, give yourself 5-10 minutes without music, conversation, or external stimuli. This time will help you concentrate, gain clarity, and fill your day with harmony. 2. Affirmations. Recite positive affirmations every morning. In a world full of stress and negativity, these affirmative words will be your beacon, helping you to focus on success and strengthen inner power.


September 12, 2024

Six Daily Practices for Self-Development

3. Visualization. Visualize your goals and dreams daily as if they have already come true. Visualization helps not only to strengthen the belief in success but also to direct energy towards achieving them. 4. Sports. Physical activity has a positive effect not only on the body but also on emotions. Regular workouts help improve mood, increase productivity, and maintain a balance between physical and emotional state.


September 12, 2024

Six Daily Self-Development Practices

5. Reading. Reading books develops imagination, deepens thinking, and stimulates creativity. Unlike movies, reading requires active mental participation, which expands consciousness and perception of the world. 6. Keeping a diary. By writing down your thoughts and ideas, you clear your mind and gain a better understanding of yourself. Keeping a diary helps to structure your thoughts, record creative ideas, and relieve emotional tension.


September 12, 2024

Strong Relationships

1. Communicate openly and honestly: Communication is key in any relationship. Make sure to have open and honest conversations, express your needs, and actively listen to others. When conflicts arise, strive to resolve them impartially. 2. Show appreciation and gratitude: A little gratitude in relationships can take them to a whole new level. Regularly express your appreciation to loved ones and it will pay off immediately.


September 10, 2024

Strong Relationships

3. Develop Empathy: Try to put yourself in another person's shoes and understand their point of view, what they feel, and what they think about. This will help build stronger relationships. In general, empathy allows for deeper connections and promotes compassion and understanding. 4. Take Responsibility for Your Actions: In any relationship, it is important to take responsibility for your actions and how they may affect others. Acknowledge your mistakes and strive to correct them.


September 10, 2024

How to become happier

1. Accept everything ‘as it is’. Many of us spend time fighting against what ‘is’. We fight against our own emotions, nurturing anger and resentment within ourselves. Accept everything ‘as it is’ now. Change the situation if you can, but first, accept it and be happy. 2. Be grateful. The modern world is full of hustle and bustle, and we are very rarely grateful for the benefits it gives us. Right now, think about all the things you are grateful for: family, health, home. Show gratitude every day and you will be happy. 3. Dream. Dreams are the ‘spark plugs’ of your spirit. They add excitement to each day and help you move forward. What do you dream about? Think about it, write down your dreams. And then realize them, and you will be happy! 4. Enjoy the small pleasures. True happiness can be found in small joys and everyday activities.


September 10, 2024

Praise Yourself

Rejoice in your small victories. Sometimes we complain: "Is this a success? This is a small thing. Look at others, what achievements they have!" Never undervalue your own successes, otherwise, they will stop visiting you entirely! On the contrary, praise yourself even for a well-done small task. And reward yourself with a gift. Psychologists suggest placing this gift in a prominent place – like a Trophy of victory. This way, you get an incentive to achieve success again!


September 9, 2024

The greatest value in life is freedom.

The greatest value in life is freedom: the freedom to live as you want; the freedom to read the books you like; the freedom not to depend on the opinion of others; the freedom to say what you think. THE FREEDOM TO BE YOURSELF!


September 9, 2024

Partner neither holds on nor lets go – what to do?

Such behavior can cause feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and disappointment. It is important to understand the reasons for this behavior: 1. Understand the reasons for your partner's behavior. Have an open conversation about their feelings and motivations. Ask why they cannot make a final decision and what is bothering them. 2. Assess your own feelings and needs. Conduct a self-analysis and honestly answer the questions: 'What do I want from this relationship?' and 'Am I happy under these conditions?' 3. Set boundaries and priorities. Tell your partner: 'I need to understand where our relationship is going. I am not ready to remain in a state of uncertainty.' 4. Give yourself time and space. Say that you need time to understand your feelings. 5. Consider all possible scenarios. Write down possible scenarios and your actions in each of them. This will help you be prepared for any outcome.


September 8, 2024

Bob Marley on Life

Bob Marley: "I still don’t understand why people stay angry at each other for so long. Life is unforgivably short as it is. Have the courage to write, call, meet up before it's too late." Do you agree with him?


September 8, 2024

Don't Blame Yourself

Don't blame yourself. You would never have ended up in a pit if you had done nothing. Or you would have worked so slowly and uniformly that the likelihood of mistakes would have been minimized. You chose the path of growth, which means that pits are a mandatory option. A pit is the simplest and fastest, yet quite stressful way to correct you on the path to your goal. At the moment it is very hard to endure, but later you will realize that it was necessary.


September 8, 2024

If a man doesn't text first...

Has the man's initiative decreased? Of course, it suddenly became clear that he doesn't want this relationship, right? Usually, a woman wants to know the truth. Why? That's how she is, every action follows a pattern, especially in relationships. Contemplated, weighed, decided, acted. And she naturally feels that the man acts according to the same logic. Yes, he acts according to this logic, but his priorities may be slightly different. This behavior does not mean at all that he is ignoring you, he just forgot a little. If a man thought like a woman – he wouldn't be a man. Don't be afraid to write first, maintaining the household is your duty, don't hesitate to take control in this matter.


September 7, 2024

Examine Your Surroundings Carefully

Examine your surroundings carefully. The ancient proverb "Tell me who you walk with, and I’ll tell you who you are" is still relevant today. If you are surrounded by people who prefer fast food and are not striving for personal growth, you are likely to find yourself in a similar situation. Your environment plays a significant role in influencing your worldview and social connections. Consider those with whom you spend the most time. Do they inspire you to achieve new accomplishments, or do they hinder your development?


September 7, 2024

The Futility of Jealousy

There is no sense in jealousy. Total control has never protected anyone from anything. You can read your partner's messages, call unexpectedly, conduct interrogations with intensity, and still be cheated on if they want to. During lunch breaks, business trips, or when the phone is supposedly dead. They will cheat, and there's nothing you can do about it. No one can be protected from anything in this life. No one can be controlled one hundred percent. So is it worth tyrannizing your loved ones with your jealousy and limiting their social circle? You need to give the person you love as much freedom as they need. And if they abuse your trust, there is only one way out - to leave them.


September 7, 2024

Positive Thinking Shapes Perception

A person who believes that the whole world is evil will see a lot of evil and come into contact with those who serve as evidence of his theory. A person who searches for the good in everything and everyone will attract events and people that correspond to this thought.


September 6, 2024