10 signs of incompetent parenting manifested in a child's behavior

Many parents, unfortunately, do not notice (or do not want to notice) their mistakes in raising children. Sometimes such parents are very surprised why their children misbehave, do not listen, lie, throw tantrums, and so on. If you suddenly catch yourself thinking, 'Who made this child like this?', remember that actions always speak louder than words, and the attitude and behavior of a child are a reflection of how they are raised by parents.


January 24, 2024

10 signs of incompetent parenting manifested in a child's behavior

The child constantly clings to the parent, annoys and doesn't give a minute of peace. This indicates insufficient attention, emotional or physical detachment from the parent. Through these actions, the child seeks to draw the parents' attention to themselves.


January 24, 2024

10 signs of incompetent parenting manifested in a child's behavior

The child tells many lies. This often happens because in the past, parents reacted too harshly to the child's mistakes. Even if the child made minor mistakes, the parents unreasonably scolded and punished him. Because of this, the child resorts to lying to avoid negative reactions. This shows that the child is afraid to trust their parents.


January 24, 2024

10 signs of incompetent parenting manifested in a child's behavior

A child has low self-esteem, indicating that parents have not provided support and approval for their actions. Such parents mostly criticize their child and compare them to other children.


January 24, 2024

10 signs of incompetent parenting displayed in a child's behavior

The child is unable to stand up for themselves. This happens because parents, through their words and actions, made the child believe that they are bad. Usually, the inability to assert oneself arises in a child after public insults or punishments.


January 24, 2024

10 signs of incompetent parenting manifested in a child's behavior

The child takes other people's things without asking. This may indicate that parents rarely listen to the child's wants and needs. Parents may buy the child numerous toys and items, but it does not make the child happy because it was not what they desired.


January 24, 2024

10 signs of incompetent parenting manifested in a child's behavior

The child is withdrawn and timid, which is a result of excessive parental care. Such parents are accustomed to solving all the child's problems as quickly as possible, not allowing them to cope independently or saying that the child cannot handle it on their own. Growing up, such individuals remain dependent and always rely on others to solve everything for them.


January 24, 2024

10 signs of incompetent parenting reflected in a child's behavior

The child feels envious and jealous. These feelings arise in children due to frequent comparisons with other kids. Children often feel like they will never be 'good enough' for their parents.


January 24, 2024

10 Signs of Incompetent Parenting Reflected in a Child's Behavior

A child is experiencing aggression issues. Every child wants to be praised by their parents, and when they never receive it, it leaves them feeling empty, leading to constant anger and bitterness.


January 24, 2024

10 Signs of Incompetent Parenting Reflected in a Child's Behavior

The child lacks respect for others, indicating that parents never consider their thoughts, feelings, and emotions as important, which causes them a lot of pain. To cope with this, they do the same to others.


January 24, 2024

10 signs of incompetent parenting manifested in a child's behavior

The child behaves rudely and arrogantly. This indicates that a significant adult in their life behaves in the same way. In this case, the child simply imitates the behavior of their elder, adopting behavioral patterns.


January 24, 2024

Baracoda Introduces an Intelligent Psychologist Mirror

Baracoda company has presented an intelligent psychologist mirror called BMind. BMind analyzes your mood and provides comfort if you feel sad. For example, if you criticize your appearance, the mirror immediately starts cheering you up.


January 24, 2024

Energy exchange and self-sabotage in relationships

Equivalent exchange of energy. A woman with negative energy attracts men with internal issues... Because the woman is not satisfied with herself... She is afraid of taking responsibility for her life and seeks a dominant man who can solve everything. And she becomes too dependent. She does not feel love for herself and her body and subconsciously seeks an attractive and self-absorbed man. She is obsessed with money. Always fixated on material values and faces material problems.


January 20, 2024

Gratitude and the Art of Building Strong Relationships

Gratitude. It is always pleasant to feel one's importance and value to another person. Don't forget to thank your partner for everything they do for you: it is important for them to know that their efforts are not in vain. Remember that relationships are hard work, not a given. They require constant effort, learning to compromise, forgive, and yield.


January 20, 2024

Why do we choose those we cannot be with?

Sometimes we fall in love not with a person, but with their image. We project qualities onto our partner that they do not actually possess. Eventually, the image shatters and disappointment sets in. If you suffer from low self-esteem, the thought lingers in your mind – I am not worthy of a mature, tender, reliable partner by my side. As a result, we choose a partner who does not meet our expectations. Leaning towards unhealthy attachments. If you did not receive love in childhood, then in adulthood, you become attached to anyone who shows even a little bit of attention towards you. And of course, there is no guarantee that this person is good and reliable.


January 20, 2024

The Power of the Impossible

Impossible - it's just a loud word behind which small people hide. It's easier for them to live in their familiar world than to find the strength within themselves to change something. Impossible is not a fact. It's just an opinion. Impossible is not a sentence. It's a challenge. Impossible is a chance to prove oneself. Impossible is not forever. The impossible is possible!


January 20, 2024

Does Love Really Last Three Years?

Some studies suggest that the passionate phase of infatuation may decrease after approximately three years, which is related to the levels of chemicals in the brain. However, over time, the initial attraction can transform into a deeper and calmer feeling - mature love, full of respect and trust. Every couple is unique, and the 'expiration date' of love can vary greatly depending on individual characteristics, experience, and efforts from both partners. Therefore, it is important to know one thing - love lasts as long as it is nurtured by mutual respect, understanding, and care. Relationships require work, and if both partners invest in them, love can last a lifetime!


January 20, 2024

The Power of Perseverance

Each failed attempt is another step forward. As long as you keep going, you are already a winner. It's okay to feel sad after making the wrong decision. Sometimes cutting off communication with certain people helps you find yourself. Never give up on your dream just because you lack time to pursue it. You don't have to follow the same path as others.


January 20, 2024

Finding the Right Balance: Positive Thinking and Reality

Learning to maintain a positive balance Positive thinking is beneficial, but it is important to find balance and not ignore reality. Positive thinking can lead to disregarding actual problems, which can worsen the situation if no action is taken to address them. If a person cannot cope with negative thoughts and emotions, they may feel even worse when they try to forcefully embrace only positive thoughts. Positive thinking can lead to idealizing the world and denying its problems, consequently leading to incorrect conclusions and actions.


January 20, 2024

Let go of guilt!

Don't worry about everything! This does not mean that you will become a terrible selfish person who doesn't care about anyone. Your exaggerated worries can simply be the cause of serious illnesses, such as stomach ulcers or hypertension. However, it is important to distinguish between worrying and compassion. The reason for the first is fear, while the second is love. Compassion means that you empathize with the situation and try to help another person using your knowledge. If helping is impossible, then stop damaging your nerves. By the way, there is no need to take responsibility for the actions of others - there are smart and self-sufficient people around who themselves should be aware of all the consequences of their decisions.


January 18, 2024