Aggression on Soft Paws

If someone openly attacks us - we have the right to defend ourselves. And those around us see the attack, they see very clearly who attacked first: threatened, insulted, hit… There is another type of aggression. Perfectly unpunished and incomprehensible to others, unnoticed. Other people wonder why we are not pleased with such a nice person? Why don't we want to communicate with him, react sharply or cry after the conversation? After all, he hasn't done anything bad to us, on the contrary, he brings us coffee in bed and keeps our workplace tidy!


April 9, 2024

Agression on Soft Paws

Why does a person irritate us? Soft aggression serves coffee in bed at six in the morning. And gently forces you to drink this coffee. Although we can’t have coffee and we want to sleep. He climbs into the closet and lays out our linen. And at work he rummages around in our table or rearranges things to his liking. And rearranges the furniture. Or he constantly leaves a cup of tea and a candy wrapper on our table. This is how enveloping aggression manifests itself. It drives you crazy - it’s so difficult to answer. They didn't do anything bad to us!


April 9, 2024

Aggression on Soft Paws

In a soft aggression conversation, the gentle aggressor asks questions that cause pain. Specifically interested in what torments us. Is your husband still drinking?, Why have you improved so much?, When will you have a baby? And gives advice we didn't ask for. And gently criticizes our clothes, our loved ones, our successes. And tries to get as close as possible, to reach us, even hug, not realizing that we are moving away. Familiarity is also a form of enveloping aggression.


April 9, 2024

Aggression on Soft Paws

And we are perfectly justified in being outraged by the violation of our boundaries. And rightfully refuse to communicate with such an aggressor. The one who violates boundaries becomes an intruder. And measures must be taken to rectify the situation. But first, aggression must be recognized; and acknowledge our right to react.


April 9, 2024

The meaning of high self-esteem

For every woman with high self-esteem, there is a man with a high level of responsibility. Therefore, if you want to attract a serious man with a high level of responsibility into your life or awaken these qualities in your husband, you must increase your self-esteem. Remember that the people around you influence your self-esteem. Avoid being around those who belittle your worth and diminish your value. Do not take negative words towards yourself personally; just keep growing, taking care of yourself, preserving your integrity, and seek the company of like-minded, interesting, and ambitious individuals.


April 9, 2024

The meaning of high self-esteem

Maintain a high standard, no matter what happens. And you will undoubtedly attract a trustworthy and worthy man into your life, even if you have to doubt the correctness of your values a thousand times and be disappointed by filtering out potential candidates. But over time, men of your caliber will start gravitating towards you. Mature, deserving, responsible. And after a thousand mismatches, the suitable one will come as a fortuitous gift. The key is to become worthy yourselves, BE a woman of value, not just appear as one.


April 9, 2024

Progressive views and mental health

People with progressive views are more likely to be unhappy than conservatives, according to a study conducted by Finnish scientists. In this case, progressive views refer to feminism, racial theory, and social justice. Respondents who support these ideas are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and mental health problems.


March 28, 2024

Scientists Develop a Course for Learning Happiness

Scientists from the University of Bristol and Yale University have developed a course aimed at teaching happiness. The researchers hypothesized that people can create and maintain a sense of happiness if they know the factors that influence this state. Immediately after completing the course, participants rated their state of happiness 10-15% higher than before the training. However, after two years, the effect persisted only for those who made the correct behavior a regular habit. One of the unexpected findings of the course was that many scientifically proven ways to feel happy are linked to paying attention not to oneself, but to others.


March 24, 2024

Hidden depression

Hidden depression is a form of depression where the symptoms are not expressed overtly. People with hidden depression often do not communicate that they feel sadness most of the time. Instead, they tend to mask their symptoms, downplay their suffering, and present themselves as very happy individuals.


March 15, 2024

Hidden Depression

Hidden depression is not an accidental occurrence. Unfortunately, many cultures reinforce the idea of concealing negative emotions, and when it comes to mental disorders, many people would rather label someone as crazy than try to understand their problem. Moreover, in many countries, people still have a skeptical attitude towards discussing mental health issues, considering them unimportant. The prevailing belief is that you should focus on your work and you won't have any depression, or that people managed to live without psychologists before, so everything is fine.


March 15, 2024

Hidden depression

No matter how much people may want to ignore mental disorders or hide their symptoms, the problems do not disappear. By knowing the symptoms of hidden depression, you will have the opportunity to seek help from a specialist in a timely manner, as well as be more sensitive to the emotional state of your loved ones who may be in need of assistance. Below are eight signs that will help you recognize this insidious condition.


March 15, 2024

Behavior of people with hidden depression

1. They make efforts to appear happy and normal. They try their best to demonstrate an optimistic attitude, even when they feel broken and hopeless in life. This is one of the most common habits of people with hidden depression. 2. They avoid close relationships, both romantic and friendships. They consider themselves a burden and do not believe that anyone can truly love them. 3. They lie a lot. Depression affects their work, relationships, and normal daily life. To hide the real reasons for their lateness, absence, ignoring, and so on, they come up with various justifications for their behavior.


March 15, 2024

Behavior of people with hidden depression

4. Problems with eating habits and sleep patterns. They feel helpless, which deeply affects their sleep and eating habits. They either sleep too much or too little. They either lose their appetite or indulge in overeating. 5. Tendency towards perfectionism and constant self-criticism. 6. Difficulty expressing emotions such as sadness, pain, and suppression. 7. Avoid situations they cannot control. 8. Overload themselves with tasks and obligations because it gives them a sense of worth and significance.


March 15, 2024


A study has shown that empathy is contagious. It turns out that people do not stop learning this skill as they age. When surrounded by empathetic individuals, a person becomes more empathetic themselves. Unfortunately, this mechanism also works in reverse - the absence of empathy is transmitted 'through the air.' We're talking about close circles of communication, so don't be afraid to catch it on the subway.


March 13, 2024

Beauty Bias in Hiring

It has been revealed by a Cambridge study that beautiful people have a harder time finding a job. It turns out that if you didn't attend a prestigious university but you are attractive, you are likely to be rejected for a job. This is because HR professionals expect a beautiful person to excel in everything, while their expectations for less attractive individuals are lower, making it easier for them to be hired.


March 2, 2024

The Power of Low Voices in Relationships

Low voices make partners more attractive for relationships, according to scientists. Researchers conducted an experiment and asked people from 22 countries to listen to recordings of male and female voices of varying pitch and evaluate the attractiveness and character of their owners. It turned out that women were more attracted to men with low voices, and people of the same gender perceived them as more authoritative and intimidating, especially in competitive societies. Men preferred women with high voices for short-term relationships, while for long-term relationships they preferred women with low voices.


February 26, 2024

Happiness and Age

Scientists conducted a survey among people of different ages and came to the conclusion that the older a person is, the happier they are. Experts attribute this to the fact that with mature age comes stability and confidence, and mental health improves. People have already raised their children, they are not interested in money, and they simply enjoy life.


February 26, 2024

Happiness is Not About Money

Scientists have found out that happiness does not come from wealth. To prove this, researchers surveyed residents of various tribal nations. The results were surprising: inhabitants of isolated communities were just as happy as those in developed Western countries. What's more, they lived with minimal comfort and without any sources of income.


February 19, 2024

Stress due to lack of money

Stress due to lack of money turned out to be more harmful to the body than stress due to the loss of loved ones or divorce, scientists from University College London found. Such long-term stress can lead to hunger, family problems and even homelessness, the researchers note.


February 18, 2024

Abuse of negative emojis indicates mental health issues

British scientists conducted a study and found that individual traits of character determine the choice of emojis in online communication. Those whose mental health is in poor condition tend to choose negative emojis.


February 2, 2024