Bearded men: more attractive or a turn-off?

A study showed that women are much more attracted to men with beards. Bearded men receive three times more matches on dating websites compared to men without facial hair. Approximately 86% of surveyed single women believe that facial hair makes men more masculine and mature. However, 77% of women are repelled when beards or mustaches are not properly groomed.


May 10, 2024

How Social Media Scrolling Before Bedtime Can Destroy Your Relationships

American psychologists have found that scrolling through social media before bedtime has a negative impact on relationships. This phenomenon is referred to as parallel scrolling. Instead of harmful scrolling, dedicate an hour to engaging in live communication with your partner to preserve and strengthen your relationship.


May 9, 2024

Six Habits of Low Self-Esteem

1. The habit of comparing. The habit of comparing oneself to others and looking down on others is a sure sign of dependence. By denying your uniqueness, you betray yourself. By evaluating yourself through others, you risk never discovering your true self. By ignoring the source of your own power, you are doomed to search for a master, a guide who (be sure) will inevitably be found. If you don't figure out what to do with your life, there will be those who will do it for you.


May 7, 2024

Six Habits of Low Self-Esteem

2. The habit of competing. Behind the zealous desire to be better than someone lies a feeling of inferiority and an attempt to prove the opposite. As long as the wounded ego is your only motivation, you will live in constant competition. There will always be those who are better and have more. The true purpose of life is not to compete, but to be. To be oneself, not better than the neighbor. Only an unhappy person tries to prove that they are happy; only a dead person tries to prove that they are alive; only a coward tries to prove that they are brave. Only a person who knows their own insignificance tries to prove their greatness. (Indian philosopher Osho)


May 7, 2024

Six Habits of Low Self-Esteem

3. The Habit of Hope. By refusing to believe in yourself, you live in hope and expectation. You hope that the current will carry you or that someone will carry you through life. You are constantly waiting for something and you don't know what to expect. Life scares you, but responsibility scares you even more. By living according to someone else's script and guidance, you deprive yourself of the magic of life. Miracles do not happen on well-trodden paths, but on unexplored trails. Once you take a risk and turn at your own corner, you will discover that you don't need guides.


May 7, 2024

Six Habits of Low Self-Esteem

4. The habit of getting sick. Illness is a good reason to escape from problems, and at the same time receive the sympathy of others. After experiencing this side effect, many people began to love getting sick. Proving their weakness, they show such strength that any big man would envy them. The downside of this idea is that the more attention and pity you need, the more convincing the illness is and the more terrible the diagnosis. At some point, it will no longer be possible to simulate - you will have to get sick seriously and for a long time.


May 7, 2024

Six habits of low self-esteem

5. Beer seek approval. When you don't know your worth, you have to resort to external valuation. In search of recognition, you do not do what you want, but what will bring you a coin to your treasury of merit. But the ego does not know saturation. And the more recognition you receive, the more you need to reinforce your own worth. It turns out to be a vicious circle. You can break out of it by realizing that your value comes from within, and does not consist of the sum of third-party assessments.


May 7, 2024

Six Habits of Low Self-Esteem

6. The habit of manipulation. When you don't believe in your own abilities, you use others to achieve your goals. Whether you like it or not, you become a manipulator. You have to resort to all sorts of tricks and gimmicks: playing on pity, appealing to conscience, and using guilt as a weapon. And when the old buttons get stuck, you have to find new ones. Dexterity of hands develops, but not self-belief. By using and belittling others, you won't strengthen your self-esteem. Instead of manipulating, find out how to motivate yourself.


May 7, 2024

Strong and Sensitive Personalities

Strong and sensitive personalities. In reality, the combination of strength and sensitivity is quite rare. Usually, those who are considered strong are complete opposites of the sensitive ones. People who manage to combine these two qualities can rightfully be considered unique. The characteristic feature of people with a strong sensitive personality is that they seem to radiate an atmosphere of perfection and strength. Below are signs that you have a strong personality, but at the same time, you are quite sensitive.


May 6, 2024

Strong and Sensitive Personalities

1. You are selective in choosing friends and partners. If someone is not worth your time, you already know it. You prefer to communicate only with genuine and sincere people, not allowing those who exist for their selfish desires into your life. 2. You do not tolerate bad treatment. You are not one to stay silent and forget. You know how to stand up for yourself, your loved ones, and anyone in need of help. You have clear personal boundaries, and you quickly make it known when someone crosses the line and goes too far.


May 6, 2024

Strong and sensitive personalities

3. Your mind is overloaded with thoughts, and everyday life is filled with tasks. You take on a lot and it is important for you to immerse yourself in the process. You are often self-critical, which leads you to have constant internal dialogues. You are the type of person who does not give up, even in the face of failure. Your mind is filled with so many plans and ideas that you simply cannot sit still, you always need to carry out what you have planned. This often leads to emotional burnout. You are almost unable to relax.


May 6, 2024

Strong and Sensitive Personalities

4. You don't like empty chatter. You like to discuss real problems, ideas and revolutionary things, not brands, celebrities or people you know. 5. You are a good listener. People are drawn to you and trust your opinion, consider you the wisest of their friends. You not only know how to listen, but also give useful advice. You know how to make the other person feel better or at least a little less worried.


May 6, 2024

Strong and Sensitive Personalities

6. Time alone replenishes your inner resources. You simply need to be alone sometimes. It is your personal way of gaining strength and energy. 7. Despite all your popularity among your acquaintances, you do not become selfish. In most cases, you are in the spotlight, but it is not by your own choice, but because of your strong personality and charisma. You are a simple person who shows kindness, care, involvement, and genuine interest in the lives of your loved ones.


May 6, 2024

Don't throw around people and words

Don't end a relationship with someone as if you will never see them again. Don't say farewell with words that they will never forgive you for. There is a long life ahead of you. You never know at which turn of fate you may encounter them again. If your friendship or love did not work out, be grateful for the happy moments you had. Let anyone who ever knew you remember you with a smile and without hatred. Don't discard people like unwanted things, don't scatter words, and don't say goodbye prematurely. Take care of those who are not indifferent to you, and always give a chance to someone who asks for it.


May 6, 2024

The Principle of Giving and Receiving

In order to receive, one must learn to give and express gratitude. Nothing comes out of nowhere for no reason. It doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman, age and social status are irrelevant, even our desires don't matter. Whatever we want, we have to pay for it. It's not always about money; it's usually about time, emotions, and reciprocity. Sometimes we think we're receiving something as a gift, but even for a gift, we pay, it's just that each thing has a different price.


May 6, 2024


A smile costs nothing but gives a lot. It enriches those who receive it without impoverishing those who give it. It lasts for a moment, but sometimes remains in memory forever. No one is so wealthy that they can do without it, and there is no such pauper who wouldn't become richer from it. It creates happiness in a home, fosters an atmosphere of friendliness, and serves as a password for friends.


May 6, 2024

Cultural Gap: How Values Have Diverged Worldwide

The cultural gap between countries has sharply increased over the past 40 years. Scientists have analyzed survey data from 1981 to 2022, involving 406,185 people representing 76 different national cultures, and examined their attitudes towards various controversial issues. It turned out that values emphasizing the importance of tolerance and individualism have diverged most sharply, especially between Western countries with high income levels and the rest of the world.


April 27, 2024

Chinese Company Allows Bad Mood Days Off

A Chinese company has allowed employees to not come to work with a bad mood. The initiator of this policy is the owner of the corporation who believes that everyone should have the right to take a break during a rough patch. But the boss didn't stop there - he also increased the number of vacation days from 30 to 40 days per year.


April 20, 2024

Japanese Researchers Discover Effective Way to Manage Anger

Japanese researchers have found a method of calming down that is more effective than shouting at colleagues. It turns out that the best way to deal with anger is to write negative thoughts on a piece of paper and throw it away, according to the scientists. This method is believed to almost completely eliminate stress and is suitable for office workers who are unable to express their emotions freely.


April 20, 2024

Aggression on Soft Paws

Enveloping aggression - when parents come to adult children, opening the door with their own key. Without asking and without warning. Enveloping aggression - when our story is interrupted in mid-sentence, diverting the conversation to something else, or making fun of our sufferings. Toxic jokes, devaluation, lack of attention, and strange compliments like: Oh, how clever you've become! - this is the aggression that drains our strength. Soft and venomous.


April 9, 2024