The Inevitable Longing

No matter who you part ways with, there will always be moments when you will miss them specifically. Their signature word, their smile, their voice, the way they speak, their figure, lifestyle, or their thoughts. Someday, your subconscious will recall that this was a part of your life, connected to a certain person, and you will remember that you were once linked to them somehow. And you will realize how nice it would be if the same thing happened again right now. No person passes through your life without leaving a trace.


June 7, 2024

Living each moment

It is important to live and experience every moment. Strive for it. Do not worry about the future because everything is wonderful there, my dear. Do not regret the past - remember, everything happened on schedule and for you. Just live each day. Value the smiles of loved ones. Your inner harmony. Your dreams and goals. Explore. Learn. Enjoy. And live. We live our amazing life. And every single day, we have the opportunity to discover how much more beautiful this world can be.


June 6, 2024

Presence in the Moment

Staying in the present moment. Feeling the wind in your hair. The warmth of the sun on your face. All of this allows you to be in the moment. Noticing everything, perceiving and experiencing. And with your gaze explore everything around, like a child seeing this world for the first time. It is in this state that you can fully feel yourself. And you can enter it not only on the riverbank or by the sea but at any moment in time. Feeling the coolness of the floor in your apartment, the softness of the carpet, the taste of the food that awaits you for dinner.


June 6, 2024

Finding Your Man

When you meet your man, you will recognize him immediately, because he will not try to teach, change, or train you. He will enjoy being with you because you are you. He will not consider it madness when you want to go for ice cream with jelly candies at three in the morning. He will be ready to suddenly go on a weekend trip to a different city with you because he also loves traveling. He will understand you without words. You will talk with your eyes.


June 6, 2024

The Secret to a Successful Date: Taxi

Taxi at the end of a date - the secret to success. Researchers have finally discovered what women want on a date. 59% of girls find it important for a guy to call a taxi or give them a ride after the meeting. 55% will be pleased if the man doesn't use his phone. And the third, the most challenging part - 50% want honest compliments.


June 5, 2024

Are Your Relationships Comfortable?

I offer you a few questions that, after answering them, you will understand why you are in a relationship. Is it love or just a habit? 1. If someone tells you that you resemble your partner a lot, would you take it as a compliment? 2. Are you truly satisfied or have you simply become less lonely? 3. Do you love who your partner is currently, overall, or do you only love their good qualities, their potential, and the image of them? 4. Would you want your future or imaginary child to date someone similar to your partner? Try to answer honestly.


June 5, 2024

Letting Pain Go

Everything in this world passes. And even the most unbearable pain. Even the one you thought you would never recover from, and which disfigured your heart, leaving it covered in scars of different sizes. It leaves on its own when something inside you lets it go, no longer able to cope with it, or perhaps someone up there decides that it's enough, you've suffered too much. In any case, no matter how strong your pain is right now, remember that one day it will go away to make room for joy.


June 5, 2024

The Joy of Giving: A Divine Experience

A person has two joys: the first one is when they receive, and the second one is when they give. The joy one feels from giving is incomparable to that of receiving. Those who take experience human joy, but those who give experience divine joy. To understand if one is on the right spiritual path, they should first look at whether they rejoice in giving rather than receiving.


June 5, 2024

The Art of Patience: Trusting the Cosmic Kitchen

Everything happens when you are ready for it. Dear one, if your desired outcome has not yet manifested in your reality, do not worry. Imagine ordering a meal in a restaurant. You know that it will be prepared to perfection and brought to you when it is ready. You don't constantly call the waiter every minute. Instead, you trust and calmly wait for your order. The same applies to desires and goals. You simply send your order to the cosmic kitchen and move forward, knowing that your order will be delivered at the perfect time for you.


June 4, 2024

Different Perspectives

Do not try to prove anything to anyone. Each person lives in their own mental reality, which is created from their beliefs. The main cause of disagreements between people is that everyone considers their view of things to be the only correct one. Observing reality helps us understand that these are just different perspectives on the same thing, and the criterion of reliability is our own life experience. By learning to analyze from different angles, we will realize that any position turns out to be unreliable - just a point of view.


June 4, 2024

The Wise Parable

Once upon a time, an old manuscript accidentally fell into the hands of a beggar. He had planned to use it to start a fire and warm himself, but before doing so, he decided to read it. This is what it said: the person who finds a hot stone on the seashore will obtain everything they have ever dreamed of in life. The beggar thought that he had nothing to lose and set off towards the sea. He picked up stone after stone, but they were all cold, so he threw them into the waves. Days turned into weeks, months, and years went by... And one day, the beggar's hand touched a hot stone... He picked it up and... out of habit, threw it into the sea. Our life is like a seashore, we search for our destiny day by day. It is a great pity if, like that beggar, we pass by what we were searching for, simply because we are accustomed to searching instead of finding...


June 4, 2024

Embrace the Change

No matter what reality may be, it is good. Love it, rejoice in it, and relax in it. If something goes away, forgive. Everything changes... life flows and changes. No one remains the same; sometimes vast expanses open up, sometimes there is nowhere to go. Both are good. Both are gifts of existence. Learn to have such gratitude that appreciates everything that happens. Just enjoy what is happening — it, and nothing else, is happening right now. Tomorrow, something may change and it will be something else; then enjoy something else. The day after tomorrow, something else may happen. Enjoy the third. Do not compare it with the past, with useless fantasies about the future. Live in this moment. Sometimes it's hot, sometimes very cold, but both are necessary; otherwise life will disappear.


June 4, 2024

Decision paralysis

Jack Knech conducted an interesting experiment. He placed a cup of coffee in front of each student in the classroom, waited a few minutes, and then offered to exchange it for a chocolate bar. 90% of the students chose to keep the coffee. These were regular students, not diabetics, who had a normal attitude towards chocolate. To other students, Jack gave a chocolate bar and offered to exchange it for coffee. Now, the same 90% of the participants wanted to keep the chocolate. This is known as decision paralysis and signifies our tendency to avoid making any decision, even if it's not the optimal choice. People tend to stick with a boring job, stay with a person they no longer love, and so on. The experiment proved that people find it more comfortable to leave things as they are rather than making a thoughtful decision.


May 31, 2024

Outstanding Quotes

1. I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. © Thomas Edison. 2. Hard work is the accumulation of easy tasks that you didn't do when you should have. © John Maxwell. 3. I used to say, 'I hope that things will change.' Then I realized that there is only one way for things to change - to change myself. © Jim Rohn. 4. The lesson I learned and follow throughout life is to keep trying, and trying, and trying again - but never give up! © Richard Branson. 5. Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, but more wisely. © Henry Ford.


May 30, 2024

Outstanding Quotes

1. Do today what others don't want to, and tomorrow you will live as others cannot. 2. If a problem can be solved, there is no need to worry about it. If a problem is unsolvable, worrying about it is pointless. © Dalai Lama 3. Even if you are very talented and put in great effort, some results simply take time: you cannot have a child in a month, even if you impregnate nine women. © Warren Buffett


May 30, 2024

Living for the little things

Someone once said that you should live for the little things. Live for the sunrise at five in the morning and the sunset at five in the evening, live for road trips, biking with music in your ears and wind in your hair, live for dancing in the rain, live for the laughter that hurts your stomach, live for beloved songs and good books, for smiles without reason, for long conversations, for cookies with tea, for rest after a long hard day, for the sparkle in your eyes. Live for nocturnal adventures and for the stars that accompany you home. Live for the people who remember that you drink tea without sugar and hate onions. Live for the first kiss and long walks, for hugs and new acquaintances. Live for unexpected gifts and long-awaited YES. Live for those little things that make you feel alive.


May 30, 2024

Everything for the better!

I don't know what you're going through right now. Perhaps you lost a job or are experiencing betrayal from someone close, maybe you have financial problems, maybe a serious illness, or maybe you just don't see the point of living anymore... I want to tell you: EVERYTHING CAN BE CHANGED! Your past cannot determine your future!


May 30, 2024

Preparing for Important Events: Reflecting on Past Communication Challenges

Consider options for event development. Recall the most stressful and difficult situation in your life related to communication, such as a failed public speech. Now, imagine what you would do to save the situation if you could go back in time. This exercise will help prepare for an upcoming important event. Think of different scenarios: what could go wrong, what difficulties might arise. Remember everything you have done before to learn from mistakes and not repeat them in the future.


May 30, 2024

Finding a Supportive Partner

Do not be afraid to lose the man who does not feel when you need his support, his shoulder to cry on, rather than a pillow. The one who is only there when you smile and say everything is fine. It is better to break it off immediately, even if it hurts. People do not change. Look for someone whose shoulder will be a solid wall and a soft pillow for you. Someone who will understand from the tone of your text message that you need them. Someone who will drop everything to be with you because they sensed the tears of your heart. And if you find that person, do not let them go. Because that is your soulmate and your happiness.


May 29, 2024

The Invisible Threads of Destiny

Your person is waiting for you too. Perhaps they are busy with their career or rushing to the gym. Maybe they are finishing a book or browsing for a new car on a website. It is quite likely that they are planning a trip or moving to a new apartment. You may be far apart from each other, in different statuses, ages, and cities. You currently have different environments, friends, and, by the way, personal lives too. But you are connected by something more important. You are bound by invisible threads of destiny, therefore, you will meet. Despite difficulties and other factors, it is ingrained in the Universe. It is necessary for higher powers. After going through a thousand tests and trials, you will unite, complement each other, and embark on great endeavors. You will build a home, plant many flowers, and create your own world. And then, after some time, sitting by the fireplace, you will ponder on how amazing our destiny is, how much you needed this particular person, and you didn't even realize it all this time.


May 29, 2024