There are trigger phrases that often mean that the feelings of a lover have long faded. • “I can't tell you everything!” If your conversation causes a storm of negativity, then he has something to hide. And in order not to blurt out, he prefers to reduce communication to a minimum. • “These are your problems.” This coldness is a concrete sign that he doesn't care about what's going on in your life. • “Do what you want“ If you have to ask for support, and beg for attention to yourself and your problems, then there is no smell of healthy and loving relationships here.


April 18, 2022


Each of us has something to say about our parents, and even more so about the parents of a wife or husband. But don't give in to this temptation. Even if the husband himself complains about his parents, the rule continues to work. Do not give in to provocation, do not get involved and start scolding his mother or father along with him. Just say, "I understand you." Don't say yes, "yes, your mom is a really terrible woman!"


April 18, 2022


Self-irony is a great communication tool. Especially with girls. Because it: - Relieves stress from dating and the girl behaves more relaxed. - Demonstrates your calm attitude to dating, because you even sneer about it. - This approach is universal and can be used in any situation - The ability to self-irony in itself perfectly characterizes you as a thinking and flexible person. Remember, people appreciate it! Self-irony.


April 18, 2022

Enjoy your life

We are often too hard on ourselves. We force ourselves to do things that we don't always like. Give yourself some indulgence, rest time and opportunities for entertainment. Enjoy life, go to concerts, hang out with friends, sit in a bar, take time out for hobbies, goof off in front of the TV, have fun until you drop and look for pleasant pleasures. Life is short, so enjoy it here and now.


April 15, 2022


Loneliness. Coming to terms with loneliness is difficult, especially when a woman fails in a relationship. Relationship with an alcoholic. A woman saves a man, supports the company and becomes an inveterate drunkard herself. environment, heredity. Genetic predisposition plays a role in the development of alcoholism, as does a dysfunctional environment. Tragedy in life, severe stress. After an injury, a woman can start drinking, trying to relieve nervous tension, to forget. Boredom, lack of fulfillment. A new day is similar to the previous one, a woman wants thrills. Life problems, hopelessness. Again, to forget for a while, the woman drinks, relaxes. Feeling of inferiority, complexes. Age also plays a big role. A mature lady will quickly begin to drown her complexes and fears in alcohol.


April 15, 2022

Tricks from psychologists

Tricky tricks from psychologists to stop procrastinating and finally work. It turns out that all we need is a system to get things done. Productive Life System: 1. Motivate yourself to do every task. 2. Set deadlines for yourself at every stage. 3. Accountability to a friend or mentor. 4. Work / study with intervals. 5. Elimination of distractions. 6. Healthy eating. 7. 30-minute daily workouts. The most important thing is motivation. We will always have activities that we do not like, but their level of usefulness for our development is usually high. Therefore, before taking up the next lesson, ask yourself a simple question: “Why am I doing this?” The answer to it will be the best inspiration for you. Muhammad Ali once admitted that he hated the daily monotonous workouts, but the clear realization that this was what would make him a champion allowed him to overcome the desire to shirk.


April 15, 2022


1. Get married. The step is as illogical as possible, but very common. A wedding in our culture is often perceived as a way to nullify all the negative things that happened before marriage. including claims. 2. Have a baby. The appearance of a baby can be a test for strong harmonious couples. 3. Change. If betrayal strengthens marriage, then in some parallel universe. Do not flatter yourself and make hasty decisions. You need to take a break and try to figure out the problems that have arisen.


April 14, 2022


Start loving yourself. You deserve everything you dream of. You have talents. Perhaps they are still hidden from you. Because instead of looking inside yourself, you look at others. • Keep a success diary. Write down all your achievements there, even small ones. • Try to be inspired by someone else's example. Set goals and learn how to reach them. • Catch negative thoughts and switch. • Work with your destructive attitudes. Everything starts from the head.


April 14, 2022


When I hear: "Why praise him, kiss him in the ass, why should I? They don't thank me." I understand that there is no team in this pair and love has hung somewhere in question. Otherwise, why is it so hard for a loving woman to say “Thank you” to her own man? There is competition for scarce resources of warmth, kindness, and good relationships. As if the word “thank you” is the same for everyone, and if you give it to him, then nothing will remain for you. When the family turns into rivalry and revenge and stubbornness begin, everything ends! It's up to us to save her. After all, a woman is an inexhaustible source of kindness, warmth and affection.


April 14, 2022

Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone

When you feel comfortable and happy, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel good. But in the long run, comfort doesn't do him any good. Strive for new experiences, develop new skills, and be open to new ideas. Without mental work, the dendrites, the processes of neurons that conduct nerve impulses to the body of the neuron, shrink. An active life increases dendritic networks and the brain's regenerative capacity, known as plasticity. When you step out of your comfort zone, you "stretch" your brain, and the dendrites grow like trees with many branches.


April 14, 2022


Taking responsibility Both partners should do this. If you absolve yourself of responsibility in every quarrel, then you blame the man. Don't Avoid Problems Avoiding a problem will only make matters worse. Do not criticize When an argument turns into attacks on a partner or criticism of his behavior, this portends trouble. Communicate with each other Don't wait for your partner to read your thoughts, share them.


April 13, 2022


Don't shut yourself off from your emotions, admit them to yourself. Yes, you are hurt, hurt, you feel betrayed, angry. Then proceed according to the following scheme: ▫️Choose a convenient time for a conversation. Ask what your husband's love correspondence means, how you should react to it. Most men begin to make excuses, to confess their boundless love. Make sure your partner is not lying to you. ▫️ Speak out your feelings. Say that you are offended, you are hurt and feel bad. But do not shout, do not scandal: oddly enough, men are frightened by such behavior, they “close”. ▫️Ask your husband how he sees the future life of your family. After that, say that you need time to think and make a decision. It is advisable to spend this time separately: ask him to temporarily move out or change the situation yourself. Take this time to figure out what you want from the relationship. Are you ready to forgive betrayal?


April 13, 2022


In normal relationships, partners do not become one. They still have their own goals and interests. You see these very boundaries well and do not invade each other's personal space. In addition, you react calmly if your lover inadvertently touches your freedom. For example, you explain that at the moment it is important for you to be alone. And he understands you. This is the emotional connection.


April 13, 2022


1. You enjoy being alone Do you remember how you used to look forward to your husband's return from work? And now you catch yourself thinking that it would be better if he went on a business trip or came home when you are already sleeping. 2. You want to receive, not give. A loving woman does everything with joy for her man: cooks, cares, compliments. And the one who has fallen out of love is waiting for something in return, constantly “bargaining”, trying to manipulate. 3. You no longer want intimacy with him. You don’t get goosebumps, you don’t get excited by the touch of your spouse. 4. You constantly criticize your husband Have you noticed that you began to make such claims more and more often? Moreover, you also get a discharge, throwing reproaches at your husband. Worth thinking about.


April 13, 2022

Some Helpful Tips

I have collected some tips for you that will help you not to burn out and stay motivated. Give up overworking. It is impossible to work more efficiently than everyone else in the world. Fully work all 8 hours, not being distracted by trifles, but not overworking either. Stop thinking about missed opportunities. Do not shorten your sleep time. Find a balance between work and leisure. If you work five days a week, use two days for good rest.


April 13, 2022

Lucky Magnet

Remember the state when you felt lucky, confident, and try to keep it as long as possible. And at the same time imagine yourself as a magnet that attracts this feeling to you from everywhere. After all, the outside world is a continuation of your inner self, while you attract favorable circumstances to yourself, as a guarantee of the successful implementation of your plans. A positive mindset is very effective. I am sure you have noticed that there are times when luck follows luck, or vice versa, even the saying is “trouble does not come alone.” This is just due to our internal mood. After all, if we notice every small favorable moment, even in the form of a ruble found on the floor or the last bread bought in the store, we will subconsciously consider ourselves a winner. And if, at the same time, we assign ourselves the proud title of a lucky person, then luck is guaranteed.


April 12, 2022


This is what all men pay attention to. Since childhood, a maternal image has been formed in his head. In psychology, it is he who forms the idea of a woman, her care, affection and warmth. Therefore, I recommend to all women to stroke their men for no reason, simply because you love them.


April 12, 2022


When to introduce the child to the new "daddy"? What if you break up and the child gets injured again? A child will be traumatized only if you declare: "This is your new dad" (he has a dad, wherever he is); "You must obey him, respect him, love him" (shouldn't, this is given to the worthy in exchange for love and care). Or get rid of your child because he interferes with the new husband. Let the new person, without fanfare, simply enter your life as a friend and entertainment partner in the park, at the movies and on vacation. Without pressure and serious faces will find a common language. The more you inflate around this importance, the more difficult it is for everyone to communicate and accept each other.


April 12, 2022

Emotional swings in relationships

Imagine a situation: a guy and a girl met, started talking. After some time, they began to have romantic feelings for each other: the guy confessed to the girl in sympathy, she reciprocated. And then, as in the best romantic film: flowers, dates. But suddenly an unexpected thing happens: the young man disappears, does not answer phone calls, or his “I love you!” changes to "I hate you!" What does a girl do in such a situation? She begins to look for the reason in herself, to feel guilty and remember with admiration how good he was. Her feelings become even stronger, and then the following happens: the young man returns, again confesses his love and says that he missed her very much. Guess what happens after a while? That's right, he disappears again. A similar pattern of behavior in relationships between a man and a woman, when intimacy alternates with alienation, is also called an emotional swing.


April 12, 2022


"I love you". Remind yourself of this more often and do not be afraid to overdo it with this phrase. A man must know that he is loved. "Thank you" And this is not just a demonstration of their politeness. In healthy relationships, people accept actions with special love and value. "Forgive me" Relationships are not a field for pride. Sometimes it is easier to show maturity and wisdom to take the first step towards reconciliation than to pout over some little thing. "I'm lucky to have you" A couple in a happy and strong relationship realizes the value of their union. They are ready to admit it to everyone in the world, but the most important thing is that they tell their partners about it. "How was your day?" Healthy relationships involve a sincere interest in each other's life of their soul mate.


April 11, 2022