Don't ruin the day

It's not worth it because you got up on the wrong foot in the morning to spoil your whole day. Imagine how many plans you can ruin because of a bad mood. I advise you not to dwell on this and try to inspire and motivate yourself for the coming day. Whether it’s a delicious breakfast, a helpful podcast, singing in the shower, whatever gets you in the mood for a productive day.


April 27, 2022


My dears, a man should not be chosen according to his character, the size of his wallet. And the feeling next to him. With one you feel like a hooligan with a sharp tongue, with another - a home mom, with a third - a doll for entertainment, with a fourth - an intellectual for talking about the eternal, with a fifth - an awkward clumsy, with a sixth - a naive fool, with a seventh - a convenient option waiting more suitable. But when you finally feel that you are valued, respected and taken care of, when the worldview next to a person rises to a new level - then only you understand that the person was sent just for you and for you. A woman can make mistakes in her calculations, but never in her feelings!


April 27, 2022


A person who talks about problems in a couple to anyone - in fact, robs his family. He drains energy to strangers, allowing them to penetrate the intimate affairs of partners. Moreover, he spends energy that should have been spent on solving the problem. From the conversation, especially if you were consoled and sympathized, there is a feeling that you did something useful. But in fact, you haven't moved even a millimeter towards a solution. And even worsened the situation by draining energy to the side.


April 27, 2022

Spontaneous actions

Spontaneous activities are the world's most popular way of organizing your day. Its essence is not to plan anything in advance, but simply act according to circumstances. When choosing what to do now, a person is not guided by long-term goals, but simply reacts to some external and internal “irritants”. We do not rely on long-term plans, and without them it is very difficult to improve our lives. As a result, the effect of "squirrels in the wheel" appears. Therefore, this method is great for the following situations: Organization of the weekend. A break from time management. Adviсe. If one day you decide to use "spontaneous planning", try to start by remembering: do you have any mandatory tasks today? Don't forget about "thinking traps". Starting the next lesson, ask yourself: is it really important? If a lot of things suddenly hit you, it's better to return to more traditional time management at least for a while.


April 26, 2022


Reproach for past mistakes. Reminding them every time to induce guilt is pure manipulation. Your interests, victories or defeats are not a reason for conversation. In a healthy relationship, everyone's life is important. Your family is worried about you. You can’t fool other people - they look at your relationship from the outside. The partner claims "that it will be better for everyone." A partner who achieves results with such words is manipulating you. Your "no" doesn't matter. If your “no” is an empty phrase, and the partner’s actions are more and more like violence, put an end to these relationships.


April 26, 2022


To harmonize the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, we act as follows: Do not allow open confrontation Avoid insults to the mother-in-law, even in response to outright rudeness. Gently set personal boundaries To remarks from the series “and I'm at your age”, answer that times are different and the requirements for girls too. Reproaches “bad cooking and ironing” retort “your son likes it.” Do not let your husband withdraw or take the side of his mother. Explain that conflict is unpleasant for you, it destroys family happiness. Let the husband be part of the solution, not the problem. Teach your mother-in-law to coordinate her plans with yours Explain that you do not always have time for communication, but you will be glad to see her at certain hours.


April 26, 2022


It can and should be used every day. It is not difficult at all, but gives noticeable results, creating and maintaining good family relationships. The method is called "Do not pass by." Its essence is simple: you never pass each other without a touch, a hug or a kind word, even if you are very busy and in a hurry. You can compliment or give your partner a quick kiss, but don't ignore them.


April 25, 2022


Some couples are characterized by a model of behavior when a woman plays the role of a mother, and a man is a spoiled child. The beloved woman turns into a second mother, while becoming uninteresting sexually. The chosen one develops a psychological barrier, because the son cannot have sex with his mother. Hyper-custody makes an adult male henpecked. In normal relationships, a man acts as a leader, with excessive guardianship - a weak-willed creature.


April 25, 2022


This is a real problem that hinders the lives of many women. An insecure girl needs constant approval from her lover. “Am I beautiful?”, “Am I smart?” ... These phrases slowly but surely squeeze all the juice out of a man. Understand, he does not want to be a comforter or a nanny. He wants to see an inspired woman next to him, radiating positivity and confidence!


April 25, 2022


For them you will not get an Oscar, but only loneliness and sadness. 1. Gray mouse. Oh, that fine line between modesty and self-abasement. Work on your self-esteem! 2. Mommy. Do not confuse caring with overprotectiveness and lisping. 3. Little girl. It is pleasant for a man to feel strong and courageous, and it is very important to give him such an opportunity. But there are many other ways to do this. 4. Lifebuoy. Stop being a lifeline for all the disadvantaged, you deserve more. 5. Victim. If you hope that one day your sacrifice will be noticed and appreciated, you are greatly mistaken.


April 25, 2022


"I do so much for him, but he...". Sometimes a husband and wife make almost identical claims to each other, the essence of which is: "I do much more for the family, but you don't even appreciate it." Who is right and what to do if you also find yourself in a similar situation? Become more attentive and start to notice what the husband is doing. It's even worth writing a list. Usually, if you start listing, it turns out that the partner does a lot and certainly no less than you. We just don't usually pay attention to it.


April 20, 2022


Under any circumstances, you now and then hide in a kind of cocoon. If a conflict arises, it is easier for you to shift the insult to the chosen one than to understand the root cause. You can talk for hours about the fact that your husband loves only himself, and you tolerate his bad temper. In fact, the situation is only getting worse! Try to work through your fears and finally understand that appreciating yourself is your task.


April 20, 2022

Properly reward yourself for success

We learn how to properly reward ourselves for success so that we want to achieve even more. Use four simple rules to help you keep and increase your motivation. Choose a reward that doesn't conflict with the goal. Rewarding yourself with something that is contrary to your goal, you instill a bad habit in yourself. As soon as you get tired of working hard, the desire to eat delicious food or buy something will take over. That kind of motivation just doesn't work in the long run. Do not replace the goal with a reward. Rewards are needed, but to celebrate success and remind yourself that you can handle everything. Reinforce yourself every step of the way. Do not forget that the reward should be commensurate with the task performed. Save big rewards for big goals. For an hour and a half of work, you are unlikely to deserve to watch a two-hour movie, but a coffee break is easy. Recognizing the reward is just as important as receiving it. At such times, tell yourself what work you did, what skills you used to do it, and how it brought you closer to a big goal. This is a good self-esteem exercise.


April 20, 2022


48% of young people at the end of 2021 faced depression. Scientists from San Francisco came to such an unexpected conclusion. Even more surprising was the fact that most people could not or did not seek professional help.


April 20, 2022


A woman with high self-esteem bathes in male attention. A worthy man will never pay attention to a squeezed young lady who does not love herself. If his goal is a long-term union, of course. Alas, most insecure women are increasingly drawn into toxic, addictive relationships.


April 19, 2022


1. Your dad was cold, did not praise, did not stroke, maybe he left and forgot. Maybe he beat and called him a dumbass. So you are looking for a replacement for your “daddy”, that you never fell in love, so that this time you can be super good and break the loop, falling in love with this frostbitten and proving to yourself that you still deserve love. 2. Low self-esteem attracts poisonous snakes. Yes, that's how abuser attraction works.


April 19, 2022


The easiest way to do this is to flirt, but without pressure. By flirting, you give certain signals. And if a man is really not indifferent to you, he will definitely consider them and take a step towards you. You can't take it on a whim. A man will not appreciate what he got too easily. So play. Depending on the situation, choose active flirting or lighter, unhurried flirting. Be open to communication, radiate feminine energy, love.


April 19, 2022

The road of life

The problem with many people is that they expect to see the road already ready and only after that to set off… But the world works according to other principles. The road develops only after you take a step. And even if you do not see it completely, let there be darkness and uncertainty around. But you have a fire of the heart that will light up everything wherever you go. And you will not notice how everything starts to line up on its own. You can transform everything around you with just your intention, your courage and the burning fire inside. And then the whole world will help you go, opportunities will line up, doors will open. Life cannot be contained within the framework of something ready-made. There is only one most accurate map of the world and your life. And she is in your heart.


April 19, 2022


Tell your husband that you need his help. But without reproaches and insults. Tell him simply: "Darling, I'm tired, please stay with the children for a couple of hours." Make a to-do list for him. Men love to act. Therefore, when a spouse has specific instructions, he will perceive this as an entertaining quest. Try to make at least one household chore regular for your husband. Something like a ritual. For example, on Saturday he goes to the park with his children, and you go to the cinema or shopping with your girlfriend.


April 18, 2022


"Let go" of yourself. If you want to shed tears, then cry, you can even scream, sing, dance, lie in bed for hours. Allow yourself to feel the feelings. Answer yourself honestly: what qualities did you love in a partner and did he really possess them. It is also important to understand what you wanted from the relationship and what you got in the end. Don't blame yourself for the breakup. Two people are always to blame for breaking off relations, because contact was gradually lost between you. Keep your distance. Immediately after parting, it is necessary to keep a distance from each other. Do not look for a replacement for the former. Flirting or casual sex can help, but not for long, because now you are very vulnerable and suddenly you will begin to pin hopes on casual relationships. Start planning for the future. Everything that makes you happy should be on the list. It is important to regularly replenish the list, and when sadness and depression pile up, be sure to re-read it.


April 18, 2022