Reasons for jealousy.

The most common is the fear of losing what we consider our property. It can also be: • Unstable self-esteem • Fear of loneliness and addiction • Desire to control partner • Lack of self-interest in life • Own infidelity (a person judges by himself) With love, as you understand, all this has very little in common.


May 30, 2022

How to make a weakling out of a man.

The recipe is simple: decide everything for him: “I know better, step back, let me do it myself!” The more you solve his problems, the less he wants to solve these problems. By this you take away from a man his freedom of choice. Male pride works in such a way that if you take away from him the right to make decisions in his life on his own, he does not feel his weight and authority. It happens differently when a man is completely uninitiated. But who chose him in the first place? And if he became like this with you, then most likely, you yourself systematically cut his balls, and then you are surprised that he does not make a decision.


May 30, 2022

How to choose your love language?

First of all, you need to know what love languages are: The words. Such partners need to say pleasant things out loud. Help. For them, action is more important than a thousand words. Present. Another way to the heart. Time. They need full attention. Touch. Hold hands and kiss. You need to ask yourself at what moments you feel the strongest love of a partner. Choose the three most pleasant options and ask him to do the same. With a high probability, both of you will be able to decide and use the knowledge gained.


May 30, 2022

Healthy relationships.

You mutually love each other and this love grows stronger over time. And this means: • You didn't go into a relationship to attach a man like a plantain to your pain. You closed this pain first. • You feel that you are together, there is no feeling of loneliness. • There are no manipulations, the couple is sincere and open to each other. • The partner doesn't forbid you anything, doesn't infringe and you have no desire to control and forbid. • There are no insults in quarrels, no criticism and depreciation. • There are common goals and plans. There is support, a desire to help and care. And such relationships begin easily, and the dynamics of their development is quite fast and stable. There is no such thing that a man disappears, then appears. Healthy relationships give joy, a sense of security. Sometimes there are storms. But they endure and only get stronger.


May 30, 2022

It is not enough to learn how to speak correctly, one must also learn how to be silent correctly

Forever FORGET phrases that begin with the words: "Actually..." "You again..." "What is this..." "If you are now..." "I told you..." "Here you are again..." Criticism must be stopped. She kills a man. What you are extinguishing him for, he has already done. And that won't change. One thing will change - his attitude towards you. You will achieve that from your voice alone he will be covered with hatred and irritation. Of course you can't be silent. So get yourself a diary. Write everything that has accumulated there. If it’s more important for you to speak out than to get help, support or results from your husband, then don’t be surprised when something or someone turns out to be more important to him than you.


May 30, 2022

Why does the mother-in-law destroy the family and frankly survive you?

There are several reasons. Maternal overprotection. Her son has been by her side all her life, she is used to taking care of him, and she cannot entrust this work to another woman. Lack of attention. Previously, the son ran to her on the first call, but now he has his own family, and the mother-in-law does not have enough attention, even if she does not admit it. Female jealousy. If the mother raised your husband alone, her son to some extent compensated for her lack of male attention. You are perceived as a competitor. War of generations. Perhaps you and your mother-in-law have completely different ideas about the female role. Willingness to help. Sometimes the mother-in-law gets out of a sincere desire to convey the secrets of a happy marriage and does not understand that you do not need unsolicited advice.


May 30, 2022

The most dangerous relationship myths.

It is these myths that will lead you to separation and disappointment in relationships if you believe in them. “The main thing is to have love, and then everything will be fine” There are a huge number of examples when at the beginning of a relationship there was love and mutual understanding, but then the couple broke up. “Somewhere there is my perfect soul mate” Those who believe in this find a partner, and he turns out to be not perfect. Ideal does not exist, there are real people with their pluses and minuses.


May 30, 2022

How your money destroys relationships.

A financially independent wife can either save or destroy her marriage, depending on the scenario chosen: • She can turn her money into an object of manipulation, all the time poking her husband with her nose that he has no power over her. But soon she will hear: pay for everything yourself, since she is so smart. And out of pride, she will plow, pay, and will never see any help and care. • She puts her money at the service of keeping a man. No money for a restaurant? I'll pay myself. Keep an expensive gift, I took out a loan. Need to borrow? Take it! It is not necessary to return or I will not dare to ask. The result: a slacker and gigolo who always pulls money out of her. Understand, it is important for a woman to have her own income! This deprives a man of the temptation to press and threaten. And it gives confidence that you have a choice: leave or stay.


May 30, 2022

Robots in New York have begun to help the elderly fight loneliness.

ElliQ, a robot that looks like a small tablet, is the ideal companion and psychologist for the elderly. On average, participants in the pilot interacted with the robot at least 20 times a day, according to a press release. And all the elderly people noted that he helps them a lot.


May 30, 2022

More than 40% of the world's billionaires are Jews, but how did they achieve this?

Believe in yourself! Mark Zuckerberg says, "A person may be a genius or possess all the necessary skills, but if he does not believe in himself, he will not give his best." Your team and environment. People you respect and who respect you and help you develop. Quote from Zuckerberg: “I would rather be around people who underestimate me. It encourages you to go out and do something big.” Be different. Do what others don't! “I have always felt like a minority,” I quote Sergey Brin, founder of Google with a fortune of 61 billion dollars, “this is partly a consequence of the fact that I am Jewish. However, it was this feeling that gave me the realization that you don’t need to be part of the crowd, you need to constantly maintain your independence, strive for rebellion. Making mistakes is okay. It's not normal not to draw conclusions from your mistakes! This is taught to Jewish children at an early age and this principle helps them throughout their lives. The ability to admit and understand one's mistakes, draw conclusions and move forward is what has always distinguished Jewish business leaders.


May 27, 2022

Study psychology.

Psychology will help to find out the true motives of both others and their own actions. You will learn to critically evaluate your emotional reactions, analyze motives and see the roots of the problem. You will be able to look at the same situation from different points of view, and this helps to find a compromise and build stronger relationships with other people. A skill that will help you both in your personal life and in a professional environment.


May 25, 2022

Go through life in your own way.

We are told from an early age what we should do. There is nothing wrong with this, because the child needs to follow the rules for the sake of safety. However, there is a side effect: as adults, many of us are afraid to follow our desires and continue to be guided by various “shoulds”. We are afraid to stand out from the crowd and disappoint others. Such attitudes limit, interfere with accepting challenges and achieving success. That's why it's so important to remind yourself sometimes, "I need to go my own way."


May 25, 2022

Get out of the vicious circle.

Paradoxically, insecurity and anxiety are closely related to the need to feel better than others. 90% of drivers consider themselves more skilled than other road users. Among them are even those whose fault the accident occurs. Trying to strengthen our self-confidence by constant comparison, we are like people who gorge themselves on candy. Yes, it gets better for a while, but then the sugar level drops again, and we slide into depression and discouragement. To get out of the vicious circle, you should stop evaluating yourself and start accepting. Show kindness and care. Treat yourself like your best friend.


May 25, 2022


Avoidance of attachment. Partners who avoid attachment, at the first sign of trouble, at best, withdraw into themselves, at worst, break off relations. And those who are not capable of radical actions begin to look for sexual connections on the side. Attitude towards casual sex. People who strongly believe in sex as an expression of love within certain relationships are less likely to look the other way than those who are used to changing partners like gloves.


May 25, 2022


Couples who have lived together for a certain amount of time have the word "our" which brings back to the times when you were happy. The place where they first kissed or something else, where he waited in the rain, and, as always, forgot his umbrella. Just walk down those streets, recreate that atmosphere. Do you remember... Emotions awakened by memories that only you know!


May 25, 2022

How to motivate a man to earn more?

To begin with, the answer to this question consists of several conditions: 1. Has a male capable of earning been chosen? Or is he a principled slacker, loser and switchman? 2. Are you the kind of woman for whom you are drawn to exploits? Causes awe, desire to be near, to make you happy?


May 25, 2022

What if I can't dance?

A bit stupid, but still an important question that arises in shy people (especially when they are in unusual circumstances). Naturally, I will not teach you to dance - this is no longer for me. But I want to say one important thing: the overwhelming majority do not know how to dance! The main thing here is not skill, but the desire and lack of fear to seem ridiculous to someone. The girl will equally positively relate to the one who moves plastically and to the one who moves funny, but at the same time gets a pure buzz and broadcasts it to others. That's honest.


May 25, 2022

The most obvious signals that a girl is ready for a kiss ...

Certainly non-verbal. No girl will directly ask you for a kiss. Yes, there are such situations, but this is rather an exception. But in other situations, you need to follow the gestures, facial expressions and behavior of the girl. For example: - the girl does not prevent you from being in close proximity to her (in the zone of personal comfort - a distance of up to 0.5 meters); - when talking, she looks at your lips and eyes; - does not move away when touched and touches you; - touches himself, plays with curls, bites his lips. It's time to act!


May 25, 2022

I forbid you to go on first dates in... Boring places.

Yes, it sounds simple, but for some reason it is not obvious to many. Planetariums, museums, botanical gardens and the like. Yes, it can be cool if a girl is interested in these areas (and then it is desirable that you also understand them - you must communicate). But in all other cases, the crowding of people around and the difficulty of conducting a dialogue will Hinder communication.


May 25, 2022

One little trick to build self-confidence.

I know this is a sore subject for many. Therefore, I decided to tell you about a simple trick that I was told at one of the first trainings. One of the most obvious non-verbal expressions of confidence is when a person holds their chin high, looking at eye level or even higher. So here is the simplest rule-exercise for cultivating this useful habit. Walking down the street, KEEP LOOKING at the level of the second floor of buildings, and in the room, look as if “over the heads” of people. Yes, at first you will forget to do this, but this is normal. The main thing is persistence.


May 25, 2022