What is the key to happiness?

▪ Silence. Refrain from oversharing. Neither about the past, nor about the present, nor about your plans for later. As little information about yourself as possible. ▪️A private person is a calm person. Such a person does not worry about anything that is said or done behind her or his back. Such a person doesn’t care. He or she moves and lives the whole life in silence. ▪ Be confident and persistent. Do not live in a fool’s paradise, nobody owes you anything. You can make it on your own! ▪ Do not ask for help. Help yourself first. And live in silence. Quietly. At peace with yourself. In tranquility. ▪️Always treat yourself! Forget dreaming about the new iPad for $1,000, start earning money and buy it! Live freely and beautifully to the maximum! ▪ Always be Human, no matter what happens. Silent and kind. Honest. Know your worth. Live your life. Do not say too much. Never say you have a bad life.


June 2, 2022

How to improve the sense of humor?

A good sense of humor helps us find a common language with society, makes us more attractive, slightly reduces stress levels and develops creative thinking. To work on it, follow these tips: Watch more comedies and performances. They allow you to become more effective when immersed in the subject. Try to make something funny and out of the ordinary. Surround yourself with people who you’ll have a lot to learn from. Analyze the audience, because for some people your joke will be appropriate, but for others it will be completely absurd.


June 1, 2022

Learn to choose what is important for yourself.

The main idea that should be learned is that opportunities are always around and always will be. Opportunities do not depend on the day of the week or the time of day. Another thing is that from an incredible number of all sorts of interesting and diverse activities, you need to choose what you really like. It may be that you refused to go to the party, and then began to blame yourself for it. At this point, it's worth listening to your heart. Try to understand why you feel guilty and how you can help yourself.


June 1, 2022

Where to find energy?

To begin with, let the idea that each one of us has inner energy source sink in. As soon as we allow this source to be inside us, it begins to signal and respond.⠀ How to catch its signals? Recognize even the slightest signs of lively interest in whatever. When your face lights up because of something, that's certainly what you need. It's all about that interest that connects everyone with her or his living, creative part. With the part that is capable of experiencing pure joy. By gathering these little things you can open up your mind and become a better you.


June 1, 2022

Exploding with anger.

What should we do to prevent an "explosion"? After all, a str.ng emotion, like any explosion, leads to devastation, and after that it takes a long time to restore what has been lost...⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣What can we do when emotions overwhelm us? Free inner space. Let it expand.⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣How?⁣⁣⠀ Deep breaths. When we start breathing through the mouth, we automatically engage the stomach. It is as if we manipulate the stomach with our consciousness.⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣Try it right now! There is more space in the stomach, it’s wider, softer and warmer... do you feel it? The words themselves seem to create a space for accommodation, reassurance.⁣⁣


June 1, 2022


Warm and calm nearby. Most of the moments together are neutral-positive. Not an emotional swing from anger to violent joy, but peacefully and lightly. Rest your soul in the presence of each other, fill up. Emotional intimacy. Freely share desires, dreams and experiences, you know that you will hear each other. The secret quality of happy couples is the ability to withstand other people's anger, sadness, fear - not to merge, not to reduce to a joke, devaluing. Respect and equality. There is no dominant party and submissive slave. Fairness in the distribution of finances and household duties. Team play. The common WE is slightly more important than the interests of each individual. Sex compatibility. One direction of desires and tastes.


June 1, 2022

In London, booths have been set up on the streets to communicate with a psychologist.

People can pick up the phone and listen to the advice of psychologists, and relieve stress due to climate change. This is the level of social responsibility: to catch anxiety because you are worried about the climate on the planet.


June 1, 2022

Have you ever come across stubborn people who are difficult to convince?

Or perhaps you yourself are not very open and have difficulty changing your beliefs, behavior, perception. In fact, this is a manifestation of a special quality, which is called RIGIDITY. It can control our lives, but getting rid of it is not so easy, because rigidity is associated with many mental processes, and often we are predisposed to it from birth.


May 31, 2022

Basic rules of taking down notes for study:

▫️process what you have heard or read and write it down in your own words. ▫️leave a few blank lines between the main ideas to return to them later and add new information. ▫️make your own system of abbreviations and special characters to save time. ▫️write in short separate phrases, not whole sentences. ▫️learn to highlight the essence and leave out the unimportant stuff.


May 31, 2022

Questions to get to understand yourself better.

The answers to these questions will help you get to know yourself better, what you want and what you should strive for. 🔸 What’s my number one priority in life? 🔸 What do I really want to do with my life? 🔸 What can I do well? 🔸 And what not so well? 🔸 What is important for me in a job? 🔸 Who are the closest people in my life? 🔸 What is my dream? 🔸 What kind of person I see myself in 3 years? 🔸 Who or what makes me who I am? 🔸 Why am I proud of myself? 🔸 What are my boundaries? What will I never tolerate? Am I the person I want to be? What do I need to change to become one? 🔸 What inspires me?


May 31, 2022

How to be confident.

▫️ Learn to let go. People, interests, experience. All this gives you confidence: when you say goodbye to what you no longer need, something no longer relevant, you begin to look forward to new perspectives and new changes in life. ▫️ Don't gossip about, don't discuss, and don't judge others Don't look for flaws in other people – work on yourself, only then will you be able to build your self-esteem. Don't waste your time discussing someone else's life. Focus on yourself. It will be a more competent investment of time and energy. ▫️Respond to failures and mistakes adequately. Yes, it's upsetting, yes, it's unsettling. But this is not a reason to give up and doubt yourself. Try again and again. Everything that happens helps to reconsider your views, form an opinion, learn new things and, perhaps, turn to the truly right path. Stop being afraid of mistakes – if they happen, then it's a sign that something in your life needs to be changed for the better.


May 31, 2022

Why do you need just girlfriends.

Tell me, what is one of the easiest ways to provoke a girl's interest in you? Make her JEYEAL. What are you saying? "We haven't met her yet, have we?" So who said that this is an obstacle for a girl to become jealous of you. If she feels sympathy, jealousy will arise a priori! Therefore, you simply dial a girlfriend, tell her that you really want to chat with her about this and that over a cup of coffee. And it’s not the point at all - meet anywhere (maybe even at your home). Just make some story or photo about this meeting. No need to take a selfie or the like. The task is to make the girl suspicious and think that you were walking with some "other" girl. You know what kind of owners they are.


May 31, 2022

The man is a provocateur.

His favorite game is to provoke you to emotions, and unpleasant ones, those that will make you feel uncomfortable.🥲 There are several types of them: • Amateur provocateur. The person for whom the only correct opinion is his own does not tolerate dissent. • Provocateur-strategist. Most often, they do something behind their backs to achieve their own success or to put themselves in the best light. • Ruler-ruler. Plays with those who are psychologically weaker, looking for a victim, and then asserts himself through manipulation.


May 31, 2022


This is a form of psychological violence, when one person tries to convince another that he is inadequate, overly sensitive, sees the world distorted. Typical phrases in the gaslighter's arsenal: "You exaggerate" “You just thought! You got it all wrong!” "Don't be so nervous! Don't say a word to you!" “No, I would never say that, why are you making this up?” Sometimes all this is said on purpose to destabilize the victim, deprive him of confidence in his own adequacy and make him more submissive. This is what narcissists, psychopaths, and just plain manipulators usually do.


May 31, 2022

An option for actions in a situation where there are suspicions about the girl's commercialism.

Most often, such suspicions appear, of course, when ordering something in a cafe. Usually it happens like this: the waiter came up, she ordered first, after which she "kindly" offers to place an order for you. So the girls bypass the issue of paying the bill, because if here you start expressing a desire to share it ... Well, the prospects for productive communication will decrease. I have nothing against paying the bill for a girl and this behavior can often be without malicious intent. But sometimes it still happens to him. Therefore, I give you a universal phrase for verification: "well, then next time you treat you." Naturally, this should not be said on a serious face, but with a touch of irony and a smile - this should not look like an ultimatum. By the reaction of the girl, you will understand her mood for communication. In addition, you set boundaries with this.


May 30, 2022

A little focus in communication.

And it works especially well in correspondence - in it we pay more attention to words. Use the word "we" more often. So you subconsciously attach to the girl the idea that you are together - this is not such a "strange" idea. That is, you need to say not "you definitely should meet with me," but "we definitely should meet." Or for example: "I think that we both like the deep house - it's a signal from above." Use "we" almost from the very beginning of communication, as soon as you create the proper degree of comfort.


May 30, 2022

Phrase for dating on the bus.

Or other public transport. "Hi! I already need to rush to the exit, but I couldn't just walk past you" - and hand over your phone, where you need to enter the note number or her account in the Instagram search. This greatly simplifies the task, since you need to say less “terrible” words about dating. Write - then you're done, no - well, no luck.


May 30, 2022

"I don't meet on the street"

Should I ask you how often you heard this answer. So, I wanted to tell you about an extremely simple and quite effective answer to this "argument" of the girl. "Me too! Let's go to a coffee/shisha/pastry shop and get to know each other there." I won’t say that it will work 100%, but the probability of at least a smile is high. Yes, a girl will not run to a coffee shop, but this is not an end in itself. The main thing is to continue the dialogue and make contacts.


May 30, 2022

Important advice.

I understand that NOT talking about your ex is too difficult and almost impossible. How many times would you not hear that "this is not possible" - the conversation about it comes up. And if you have violated this rule - be guided by another. Don't talk negatively about your ex. This will in no way help you in seduction, but will only provoke the girl into negative thoughts. The logical chain is clear - the former "all this is not like that", perhaps something is wrong with him. Yes, and in themselves such "gossip" is not worthy of you voicing them.


May 30, 2022

"Look, I realized that I just don't need a relationship right now..."

Oh, this zakos under the "loss". Naive guys in hopeless attempts fight against this reef of "principledness", wasting their energy in vain. Such a phrase is just one of many ways to covertly send you to hell - a fact. Well, a girl who is interested in communicating with a guy will not say such things to him. Well, except that he turned out to be too "smart" by offering her to marry him after several episodes of intercourse. So, guys, when you hear this, answer like this: "super, I just decided yesterday that you are not suitable for me for a relationship." No more words are needed here.


May 30, 2022