How to survive a breakup?

Let's start with the fact that it will not work easily and quickly. Most of us have a lot of hopes and expectations in relation to relationships. And if it all falls apart, disappointment becomes painful, and recovery takes time. • Accept your emotions and live through all the stages of grief. This is usually denial, anger, sadness and resignation. It is only important not to get carried away and not revel in them, but to live and let go. • Try to forgive the wrongs of past relationships and forgive yourself for your own mistakes. Enter into the next relationship strictly after the above, otherwise there is a risk of burdening the new relationship with negativity and repeating all the same mistakes in them.


July 9, 2022

Three ways to increase your productivity. 3.

3. Measure the result of your work. If the result cannot be measured, then it cannot be improved. But it is important to understand that the measure is not always time, money, or something tangible. Sometimes the best way is to look back at previous work and see if it got better this time.


July 9, 2022

Three ways to increase your productivity. 2.

2. Follow a daily routine. This rule is followed better by athletes, musicians and many others. The daily routine will teach your subconscious mind when it's time to work and when to rest. Trying to be productive yesterday morning, this afternoon, and tomorrow night won't do you any good in the long run.


July 9, 2022

Three ways to increase your productivity. 1.

1. Prepare before you start. Productivity doesn't come at the snap of a finger—it starts long before you even get to work. The sooner you prepare and formulate a clear idea of ​​​​what result you want to get, the easier and faster the work will go.


July 9, 2022

Thanks to NLP, it is possible to manipulate other people.

Even without an attractive appearance, you can please a person, make him act not in his own interests, but in his own interests. With the help of simple tricks, any individual can achieve the desired result during negotiations with clients. Using the developments of this discipline, it is possible to negotiate with an intractable person and get secret information from him.


July 9, 2022

Planning day.

Set aside one hour each week (preferably on a weekend) to plan for the next seven days. Decide which personal tasks you have to complete, which projects you should focus on and how much time you have for them. Next to each task, mark the level of energy needed to solve it. Distribute tasks in such a way that their degree of difficulty correlates with the peaks and troughs of your biorhythmic activity. Leave enough time between planned activities to be able to deal with unforeseen tasks that may arise during the day. Always start with a list of the most important things for the day. Be clear about what needs to be done and within what time frame. Remember to plan and take breaks between tasks to get distracted and get ready to work on the next task.


July 9, 2022

Self-care in action.

▫️ Getting a good night's sleep: getting the necessary number of sleeping hours each night is a basic principle of self-care. ▫️ Physical activity: physical activity increases serotonin levels, which improves your mood. ▫️ Relaxation: the ability to relax is a skill that runs through all self-care practices and is directly linked to reduced stress levels. ▫️ Healthy eating: a well-balanced diet is a great habit and method of taking care of your health. It is important to remember that the term "self-care" has the word "self" in it. It is a practice that you carry out for yourself, and no one else will do it for you.


July 8, 2022

Consciousness and Subconsciousness: What Controls Our Lives.

Many people believe that they are in control of their own lives, consciously making decisions and consciously acting. It could be said that our conscious mind has a 5% stake in our life and our subconscious mind has a 95% one. Can you feel the difference? The power of the subconscious mind is immense! It controls and governs all the vital functions of the body, from blood circulation to breathing and digestion. The subconscious mind also records everything that has happened to a person. It registers every event of our life as well as all thoughts and feelings associated with it. Finally, it attracts all the events in your life, both positive and negative. By influencing the subconscious mind and getting rid of destructive behavior, we can completely change our reality!


July 8, 2022

How to find the best possible solution.

The obsessive desire not just to find the best, but THE ONLY POSSIBLE solution out of all possible ones is typical, as a rule, for perfectionists. Such people live in constant fear of making a mistake and are rarely happy with their choices. How to help yourself make the right choice? — Flip a coin. Sometimes it helps. — Write out the pros and cons in two columns. The choice will be obvious. — Make a choice with the understanding that you can always change your mind. — Keep in mind that there're no perfect solutions. And don't also forget that there are no permanent solutions. It is always possible to make the next decision, taking into account new circumstances.


July 8, 2022

Bad guys.

Bad boys are so attractive to girls because they are the alpha males in the human world. The bad guy is cocky, brave, ready for actions that other guys don’t even think about, free, with his own opinion and always rebellious. But it is precisely those qualities that attract you so much that will not allow you to build a long and lasting relationship with him.


July 7, 2022

You know how it is.

You once hurt a man, but he endured. He did two, three or four, forgot here, scored there, but he endures everything and stays by his side. You may think that this will always be the case. That you can do anything. That the person next to you is simply able to endure everything. But it's not. Perhaps this person will endure a lot more, will cope with this pain more than once in order to be with you. But one day he will leave. Quietly, silently and forever. Then you will understand that you have lost something very precious in your life, but you will not be able to return it. Never...


July 7, 2022

Life is Beautiful.

Life is wonderful when you realize that you have a person who gives you his time, regardless of work, fatigue and nerves. The one who can turn an ordinary evening into a holiday. The one who can give those necessary emotions and feelings, even if at the moment there are no those forces for it.


July 7, 2022

"How to develop composure?"

Focus on yourself. Maybe this will seem wrong to someone, but in our situation we will have to show not the best qualities. One of them is selfishness. It must be taken as a principle that you owe nothing to anyone. This is completely your life and you decide what, how and when to do it. There are basic values - love, work, family and friends, and the rest - problems, circumstances, ill-wishers, emotions - just garbage, it needs to be thrown away. This will allow you to take life into your own hands and begin to manage it yourself.


July 7, 2022

Why reading the news is a waste of time.

Reading the news only creates the illusion of useful activity. In fact, it is absolutely useless, and sometimes harmful. Why it is worth deleting a news application from a smartphone, and a news site bookmark from a browser, read below. 1. Really important news you won't miss. 2. News badly affects the brain and spoils the mood. 3. You do not replenish knowledge - you are wasting time.


July 7, 2022

How to make life easier?

Life is so much easier when we recognize the IMPORTANCE of others and respect their choices. Everyone has their own way, and if you get in the way of others by providing help when you're not asked, you won't be even heard. Everyone needs to go her or his own way. Being empathetic and supportive is a great STRENGTH. That is to share your point of view without imposing it and to respect the person to whom you are speaking. The rest is up to the other.


July 7, 2022

A dream.

Well, really, why is it we dream, when in the crazy rhythm of life everything is clear for years ahead? A person needs a dream in order to maintain internal resources for renewal, promotion and striving for new beginnings. ⁣⁣⠀ A person without a dream gives up, he loses interest in life and does not develop as a person.⁣⁣° Often, this indicates the presence of a traumatic event in the person's past. A person has stopped dreaming so as not to be disappointed anymore and lives his life out of contact with himself. It is extremely important to find yourself, revive your feelings, get out of the gray world, fill your life with bright colors and start DREAMING. After all, the one who does not dream — does not know where to go or why, and lives their mundane life without purpose and joy.


July 7, 2022

Criticizing yourself.

It so happens that an inner voice constantly shouts to you: "you won't succeed," "you're clumsy," "look at yourself." What should you do about it? Resist! Do not agree immediately. Find facts and arguments to the contrary. Don't be lazy, write down everything you hear. You can describe this internal conflict in the form of a dialogue. Find two or three counterarguments for each remark. You should not take advantage of this. In a critical situation, it helps a lot in making the right decision.


July 7, 2022

Where to find complete recovery?

If someone hurts you, it can give rise to a lot of inner anger and even hatred. It's normal, and it's important to let yourself accept all these emotions, to express them in a healthy manner. That will help you feel your power and get halfway through your recovery process. However, many people prefer having that milestone of resentment and hatred round their neck. This goes on for ages. Complete recovery is freedom not only from pain, but also from hatred and the desire to blame. Complete recovery gets rid of your willingness to confront your abuser as well. Just smile, forgive, and wish good luck in his path.


July 6, 2022

Doesn't anxiety make life unbearable?

Anxiety makes a person a VICTIM. Life and the world around become unsafe. More often than not, anxiety exists for a very long time without a person noticing it. Anxiety becomes noticeable when stressful situations accumulate. While stress is suppressed, anxiety grows. People tend to come to therapy with excessive anxiety, which is already impossible to tolerate. It often ruins our sleep, makes us less productive, destroys our relationships, and kills happiness. What's to be done? Firstly, sort yourself out. Observe carefully. When does anxiety appear? How stable is it? Figure out whether it comes after some events or it's chronic. Find the cause, talk it out loud, and start working through a particular fear.


July 6, 2022

Don't forget to say thank you.

From ancient times there is a cosmic law: if a person is not grateful for the given help or knowledge, the energy of gratitude will still be taken away from him in one way or another. The unthankful person disrupts the balance of energies, so it seeks restoration at the soonest opportunity. ⠀ Just as a lake, from which water has been taken for irrigation, takes water from other places to restore its level, and it does not matter whether such water comes in a downpour or from nearby wells. ⠀ So always be thankful.


July 6, 2022