Relationships shouldn't be bad!

Relationships are about people feeling good together, developing themselves, and making joint plans. Of course, arguments are inevitable, but you need to resolve them rather than ignore them and harbor grudges. If something bothers you, you consider it abnormal or see no future, leave them. Don't sacrifice yourself! It is unlikely that things will change.


July 10, 2024

Quotes about Relationships between Men and Women

1. Remember that the best relationships are those in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other. 2. Love is the only thing that sharpens the mind, awakens creative imagination, and cleanses and frees us. 3. Being together means feeling as comfortable as when alone and as joyful as when in company. 4. When a man and a woman are drawn to each other, no one can stop them. 5. Relationships based on trust depend on our willingness to consider not only our own interests but also the interests of others.


July 10, 2024

Strange but true

Strangely enough, not everything in life needs to be watched, read, listened to, or tried. Not everyone should be let into your life. You shouldn't try to be friends with everyone. Not everything needs to be commented on, not everything needs to be planned, not all ideas and plans need to be implemented, not everything needs to be delved into and interfered with. Sometimes you need to protect your soul and consciousness. Restraint is the shortest path to yourself, to a clear understanding of things and events. The highest degree of selfishness is grabbing everything you can, just in case, so you have it. Later, you don't know what to do with it, get irritated, and find it hard to carry all the accumulated wealth. Be careful what you wish for, as it tends to come true. Mindfulness is when you stop taking what you actually don't need.


July 9, 2024

Once in the evening

One evening I realized how important it is to love women. In an underground passage, I helped an elderly lady with her bags up the stairs. She thanked me and then, hesitantly, asked me to escort her to her apartment courtyard. It turned out that my help was needed so she could get there quickly, as her husband greets her every time she leaves the house. A nearly blind old man with a cane was barely moving across the courtyard. He was on his way to meet his beloved and take her shopping bags. I immediately recalled how often I had refused to meet my girlfriend from the store or the train because I was too lazy.


July 9, 2024

Discussing Boundaries in Relationships

Everyone has the right to live as they wish. But if you are in a relationship, you must understand that each of you is responsible for actions that can affect the partner. That is why it is so important to discuss in advance what is acceptable to each person and what is not. This can save both of you from painful situations and violations of each other's personal boundaries. Most often, boundaries are violated where they have not been defined.


July 9, 2024

We love people for their flaws!

Have you ever wondered that it is precisely the combination of good qualities and flaws that determines our choice? If a person has flaws that are internally taboo to us, we cannot sympathize with them. But when it comes to true love, this law no longer applies. In healthy relationships, we accept the person with all their qualities, we simply love and enjoy the time we spend with them.


July 9, 2024

Immature Personality

Immature personalities try to change others to fit themselves. Mature personalities try to change themselves and move to self-regulation. Immature personalities try to change circumstances, mature ones adapt to them. Immature personalities want someone else to arrange their affairs, mature ones arrange them themselves. Immature personalities hope, mature ones act. Immature personalities try to control others, mature ones control themselves. Immature personalities often know, but cannot do. Mature personalities not only know, but also can do. Therefore, immature personalities criticize, while mature ones act.


July 7, 2024

Workaholism Officially Recognized as an Addiction

Workaholism has been officially recognized as an addiction - psychologists rank this condition alongside alcoholism, drug addiction, and shopping addiction. The disease can be detected in oneself when life consists only of work. According to psychologists, an endless work schedule quickly leads to burnout and resignation.


July 7, 2024

Happiness is LIVING!

Happiness is LIVING! Don't wait for the crisis to pass. Smile right now, hug the person next to you, and think warmly of those who are far away. Knead dough for a pie, drop a warm letter in the mailbox, forgive the person you are angry with, close your eyes for a minute, and when you open them, start life anew. Don't take life too seriously, don't seek meaning, gain, or revenge. Just live, smile, and love. It's not hard.


July 5, 2024

When a Woman Loses Patience

When a woman gets tired of fighting against male misunderstanding, she lets him go. No, it doesn't necessarily mean they break up. She lets him go from her days, thoughts, and heart. She no longer cares where he is or how he is. He is granted the desired freedom from her endless limitations and whims. And she is freed from worries. He continues to live his usual life, and she starts living hers. In the end, he begins to miss her and clearly realizes the mistake he made. But nothing can change anymore. He lost her a long time ago, but noticed it too late.


July 5, 2024

Everyone has the right to live as they wish

Everyone has the right to live as they wish. If family or friends do not accept your choice, that is their problem. You have your own life, they have theirs. Love is when you are loved as you are, without someone trying to improve you. If it is important to you to act your own way, you need to agree with yourself in advance that you know the consequences, are ready for losses, and are not afraid of them.


July 5, 2024

Attention - what is it?

Flowers, compliments, pleasant surprises, messages, calls, shared leisure. Is this all attention? Yes! Does all this confirm your importance to your partner? Not in the slightest. There is one sign that precisely indicates whether you are important to the person (partner, friend, relative). They won't leave you. They will come to help right away. They will travel from afar, not spare time, money on a ticket, there won't be a single excuse. Everything else is tinsel, gilding. The shine of your relationship will fade as soon as you find yourself in such a situation. The person will show their true attitude towards you, how deeply they cherish and breathe you. And this does not mean at all that they are bad or evil. They are simply not yours. So don't make someone who gives you only gilding dear to you. It's not enough.


July 4, 2024

Serious Relationships

Tell me, how is it possible to understand at the acquaintance whether we will have a serious relationship or not? Relationships are not a commercial contract where you can prescribe all the mutually beneficial conditions. The very definition of serious relationships definitely reminds me of a straitjacket, into which most people climb to mutually torment each other. The associations with this expression are only one - stereotyped, step-by-step, according to instructions. In short, everything is Serious with us. Sex, love, caresses - only with a serious expression on the face. Something like that? I like another phrase - close relationships. It just reflects what it is worth entering into relationships in principle - knowing yourself and another through intimacy with another.


July 4, 2024

Dealing with Relationship Problems

In any relationship, problems and misunderstandings arise. The way to overcome them is to talk. But sometimes, one partner in the couple is ready to talk, while the other is not. He stays silent, postpones discussions, or pretends nothing is happening. This behavior can have several reasons: 1. The partner is afraid to admit that there are problems in the relationship. He thinks that if they talk about them, they will become real, and they might have to break up. 2. The partner is not used to talking. He doesn't know how to express his emotions.


July 4, 2024

How to Find a Worthy Man

The secret is simple: take care of yourself and treat yourself with maximum respect and dignity. When you care for yourself, choose the best available to you, you raise the bar for the man who will want to start courting you. You will immediately weed out those who would want to exploit you and use your resources because it will be clear to the surrounding men: the woman loves herself, she cannot be used. Worthy men will see a woman who feels complete and does not spare time and money on herself, and will be prepared in advance to meet the standards of such a beauty.


July 3, 2024

The Two Sides of Loneliness

Loneliness has two sides. When you hate loneliness, no one hears you, you can go crazy, feel dizzy, and you are tired. And the second side - when you belong to yourself, no one tells you what to do and how to do it. You are with your dreams, thoughts, and need nothing else, the entire space around you is yours. In loneliness, one can go crazy, but one can also find oneself. Everyone chooses for themselves...


July 3, 2024

Be Yourself and Break Stereotypes

Allow yourself everything you want. Wear a black dress on naked skin, paint your lips in your favorite color, drink champagne, wear heels, or run barefoot in the snow to the man who is waiting for you. Be diverse, be yourself. Break stereotypes right now, because tomorrow everything will be different.


July 3, 2024

7 Secrets of the Perfect Wife

Secret 1. Femininity! The first thing that men will always want is our femininity. Things like skirts, dresses (and the longer the hem, the more feminine energy we have), various jewelry (especially bracelets on our hands), heels, clean hair, and well-groomed skin contribute to this. After all, when we are still brides and go on dates, we wear dresses, jewelry, do makeup, and let our hair down. But as soon as we become wives, we quickly relax. In reality, everything only begins after the wedding! The main thing: lovely women, remember that you seduce your man anew every day!!! Tip: Make your home wardrobe comfortable but beautiful. Emphasize your waist more often.


July 2, 2024

Secret 2. Sexuality!

A man will always want a woman to know how to derive pleasure, and naturally, those who can derive pleasure can also give it! The more pleasure a woman gets from life, from a man (from daily routine, from motherhood, from work, from self-care), the more powerful signals she sends into the Universe! If during the day you do 80% of what gives you pleasure, a very powerful energy emanates from you, and then both you and your man will begin to succeed in everything!!! Why does this happen? Because pleasure vibrations are the strongest vibrations! Remember, you were born to be happy!


July 2, 2024

Secret 3. Emotionality!

Every man wants to see a light, cheerful, genuine, emotional woman next to him, even if she sometimes gets offended or cries, even if she sometimes gets mischievous, but mostly sunny and playful! Men need an emotional massage! Be diverse! Tip: A woman can develop emotionality even just by dancing while cleaning. The 15-minute rule: For a quarter of an hour after the husband comes home from work, DO NOT ask or request anything from him! It is better to simply hug him silently and kiss him, giving him time to unwind after the workday.


July 2, 2024