Rules for a Successful Date

Rules for a successful date. If you want not just to go on a date, but to make this event pleasant and beneficial for you, use these simple rules! 1. "No to the Uninterested". Go on dates only with men who are interested in you, who want to see you and talk to you in person. This is essential! Because if you somehow manage to lure a bachelor out of his "den", be ready to play the role of the "entertainer" at the meeting.


December 16, 2024

Rules for a Successful Date

2. Meet on neutral territory. Arrange to meet in a place from which you can easily and freely leave if something goes wrong or if the man who came to the date turns out to be someone completely different from whom he claimed to be. If you suddenly agree to his persuasion and go to his house to see his collection of Hawaiian cigars, be prepared that you will be shown more than just those. Furthermore, all your future meetings will be dedicated to getting acquainted with other attractions of his home.


December 16, 2024

Rules for a Successful Date

3. Let go of expectations. You should go on a date with only one goal: to have a good and fun time. It seems like you want to say something like: "What if I don't like him?!" Your task is to like yourself! Everything else shouldn't bother you, including his not-so-refined manners. That's his problem, isn't it?! In this mindset, you're content, calm, and relaxed. And that's what it takes to impress a man. You like yourself, and the man likes you. Does it feel like a secret formula for a successful date, and not just that?! Use it to your and the man's advantage!


December 16, 2024

Rules for a Successful Date

4. "Too good is also not good." A date is not the event in life where you need to look "like a million." There is an exception to this rule: if your companion is a millionaire and has invited you to dinner at an exclusive restaurant where the rich and famous hang out. In all other cases, it will be sufficient if you look slightly better than usual. This will save you from unnecessary stress and stiffness.


December 16, 2024

Rules for a Successful Date

5. It's not an exam. A date is not an exam where you have to prove to the examiner how good you are at a certain subject. You have been invited on a date. And that means you're already good just the way you are! This is the main and necessary condition not only to have a good time but also ... to make a man fall in love with you! Because that's exactly what you want, isn't it?!


December 16, 2024

A Hidden Corner

It's essential to have your own 'hidden corner', your personal space where we gather strength, can be in silence, and recover. This is a 'magical place' where no one else is allowed... Such a 'place' shouldn't become a permanent refuge separating us from everyone, but it can be a magic wand that helps us empty ourselves out, to then be filled again. There is always a 'place' where it's warm in any weather. It could be a home, a person, music, or a 'corner' inside you. Go there when you feel tired, when you simply need to relax and gather strength, warmth... And having gathered strength and warmed yourself, be able to warm those who come to you seeking warmth.


December 16, 2024

10 Steps to Uniqueness

If you are tired of going with the flow and feel your life lacks excitement – it’s time to stray from the mediocre path and walk the trail of uniqueness. This is not easy, but within everyone's power. The main thing is to desire and to start. How to do this - Jon Acuff, a person long on first-name terms with uniqueness, will guide you. 1. Find the mediocrity. Decided to break up with mediocrity? Great. The first step is to find it. Look at which areas of your life are 'weak'? Write them down. This will soon come in handy.


December 15, 2024

10 Steps to Uniqueness

2. Ruthless honesty with yourself. Embark on the path of change — abandon self-deception and sweet illusions. Look straight at yourself: Who are you? You can start with social roles: son, father, brother, relative. Decided? Now think about what might hold you back or limit you - mortgage, loans, or maybe military obligations. Ready? Now comes the pleasant stage of reflection — think about your achievements and advantages (count everything, even an honorary certificate from a dog breeder club). Honest and detailed answers will reveal a clear picture of your life.


December 15, 2024

10 Steps to Uniqueness

3. Dream boldly. Let the future not intimidate you. Do not listen to the inner voice if it insists that you will never be a great musician and that playing the bongos is a waste of time (the inner voice loves to convince us of the unattainability of our desires). Dream, write down all your incredible wishes. In the coming weeks, you will make a good hundred steps towards your dreams.


December 15, 2024

10 Steps to Remarkableness

4. Seek balance. There will be no easy path to remarkableness. Do not wait. However, there will always be a contradiction between life realities (point 2) and crazy dreams (point 3). Acknowledge this and stick to the 'golden mean' - do not immerse yourself in worries, forgetting about yourself, and do not become selfish by focusing solely on personal desires.


December 15, 2024

10 Steps to Exceptionalism

5. The goal is not the final destination of the journey. Trying to find your purpose in life is one of the most thankless tasks. And if you think that life’s purpose should be singular, that you must determine it in your youth, or that the goal will give life meaning - you risk getting stuck in the mire of mediocrity forever. Forget about finding your purpose. It's an endless process that will deplete you. Instead, live with purpose. Do what you consider important, what brings you satisfaction.


December 15, 2024

10 Steps to Uniqueness

6. Start. It's cliché, but every journey truly begins with the first step. Return to the list you made at the beginning and write a list of first steps for each item. You don't need anything grand - just a small step. Start. Update your resume, wake up 10 minutes earlier in the morning, lose half a kilogram. The first step is half the battle.


December 15, 2024

10 steps to extraordinaryness

7. Better a little, than nothing at all. Keep these words in a visible place. Make a magnet with this phrase and attach it to the fridge. Stick a sticker with these words to the bathroom mirror. If you don't have time to learn 20 new English words - learn five. If you don't have time to run five kilometers - run one. Better a little than nothing at all.


December 15, 2024

10 Steps to Greatness

8. The finish is always unknown. No one knows where they might end up tomorrow. Don't expect to foresee the consequences of all your actions, or that every step will lead you exactly where you planned. Don't think about it. Just start. And don't stop. 9. Shorten the route. The path to greatness is complex and winding. But there is always the possibility to shorten it by a few hundred steps. The simplest way is to find someone in your environment who has already walked the same path as you. And ask them for advice. Don't forget to thank them afterwards!


December 15, 2024

10 Steps to Uniqueness

10. Fame ≠ Uniqueness. Uniqueness is not defined by fame, money, or crowds of admirers. Uniqueness writes outstanding books, even if no one reads them. Sings, even if no one listens. Because it cannot be otherwise. The most important thing is to walk the path you like. And strive to do it masterfully. If you live like this, external attributes of success will become the sauce for the main course – joy, not its missing ingredient. Understand this and start an extraordinary life from this second.


December 15, 2024


Happiness is a constant, a conscious decision by a person. It does not depend on people, circumstances, and certainly not on money. Happiness resides within ourselves, and when we allow it to unfold and ourselves to feel it, there is no going back. A happy person can be tired, get angry, be upset or even cry, but they are still happy to experience the full range of emotions!


December 13, 2024

Appreciate What You Have!

We need to appreciate everything we have. We cry about our arguments with our parents, while some people don't have parents at all. We complain about our jobs, while some people don't have jobs at all. We hate ourselves for overeating, while some dream of having a regular meal. We get angry at our loved ones, while some have lost theirs and can never get them back. We dislike our mess at home and dream of moving into a big house, while some dream of a small room. Appreciate what you have! Now!


December 13, 2024

Not Too Late

And in the end, you realize that the most important thing in life is not to be late. Not too late to live through childhood with your children before they become adults and leave the nest. Not too late to spend an extra hour with your parents while they are still alive. Not too late to propose to your girlfriend before she marries another man. Not too late to say the right words at the right time. And most importantly, not too late to end things in time so that parting and moving on from unpromising relationships is not painfully difficult. Not too late.


December 13, 2024

The Importance of Reliability

It's not just about having someone to wake up next to. It's about trusting another, knowing they'll not hurt you. Knowing that amidst the chaos, the hurtful words you've spoken, they can see your feelings and feel your pain and just hold you closer. The main thing is to feel support and care, and it doesn't matter if they're there right now, you just know – you matter to them! It's all about reliability, trust, and not leaving when everything becomes too complicated and strange...


December 13, 2024

Love Defines Our Humanity

It is love that makes us human: alive, enthusiastic, crazy, and ready for anything. We go mad with love for a person. We achieve unimaginable goals thanks to our love for what we do. We find support and understanding from beloved and loving people. Everything important in life is built on love, and its bonds are the strongest. Love is the best impulse to move, change, and live. To love sincerely is the best way to be happy.


December 13, 2024