Quick sex

For some reason men love it. The instinct of the male wakes up in them when he pounces on his not yet “awakened” female, takes possession of her powerfully and rudely, and dissolves in his affairs. Do not refuse such sex - this is your bonus in favor of the future of real sex. And then - well, isn't it wonderful to feel at least sometimes weak and supple?


May 14, 2022

Sex in a public place

Sex in a public place should be tried by every self-respecting couple. Of course, without too much exhibitionism. It is enough just to lift the skirt. Dressing room, bar, powder room - choose darkened and as secluded places as possible. Thrills will still be enough.


May 14, 2022

Мanual stimulation.

70% of girls require manual stimulation of the clitoris in order to get the coveted orgasm. Therefore, during sex, do not hesitate to help yourself or ask a partner.


May 14, 2022

Don't be shy about your erotic desires

Any man wants his woman to be “easy-going” and not shy about her erotic desires. There is nothing sexier than making your partner's love fantasies come true.


May 14, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex

Reluctance to experiment in sex If offers of new positions and role-playing games scare you, then the thrill of having sex with you is definitely not going to be achieved. Sexual fantasies are not divided into “good” and “bad”, so let them go. Try to start by discussing your preferences in sex with a partner over a glass of wine - this will help you begin to translate them into reality.


May 14, 2022

Zodiac signs with perfect compatibility

A compatibility horoscope can be a good help in a couple's relationship. Knowing the personality traits, character and how the planets affect our lives, you can avoid many pitfalls and make the connection stronger. It is curious that in India there is an ancient tradition: before getting married, future spouses turn to an astrologer who draws up their compatibility horoscope. If the percentage is low, then the couple may be officially denied registration of their relationship. This is not the case in most countries, but if you check how people fit together, the union will be more successful. Astrologers have named 10 pairs of zodiac signs with perfect compatibility. Top 1. Taurus and Cancer Compatibility: 100% Representatives of these zodiac signs are destined to be together, astrologers assure. Calm, reasonable and stubborn Taurus will be able to suppress the temper and emotionality of Cancer in a good way. Their elements Water and Earth are mutually supporting and complementing each other, so the union will turn out to be interesting, harmonious and passionate. However, it should be borne in mind that the Earth still needs Water more, so in a pair Taurus can act as an older brother, which must be taken into account.


May 14, 2022

How much a man should have sex depending on age

Scientists from the Kinsey Institute, together with Indiana University, conducted a survey, as a result of which they came to a sad conclusion for adult men. Having calculated the average number of sexual acts among the representatives of the stronger sex of different age categories, American experts announced the statistics. Statistics Young people aged 18-29 have sex 112 times a year (2 times a week) Men aged 30-39 years - 86 sexual acts per year (1.6 times a week). 40-49-year-old men - only 69 times for 365 days (almost 2 times less than guys under the age of 29).


May 12, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex

The habit of analyzing It is unlikely that a person can be reproached for the fact that he prefers to think and weigh everything properly before deciding on any act. But in sex, sometimes you just need to give in to desire, experts remind. So to speak, without a second thought. If you analyze every step, then the relationship is deprived of spontaneity - the main quality of memorable sex.


May 12, 2022


Most sexologists, sexologists, psychologists and doctors of other areas believe that masturbation can not only help you get to know your body, but also positively affect our health in general. She, like sex, can normalize blood pressure, improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, strengthen the heart muscle. Orgasm gives us the release of endorphins, hormones of happiness, which raises our mood, we relax and subsequently become more stress-resistant. Harvard scientists have shown that men who masturbate frequently can significantly lower their risk of prostate cancer. They even compared their research with others done before, and quite reasonably argue that this is the case. And for women, regular masturbation is a way to reduce irritability and aggression if there is no permanent sexual partner.


May 12, 2022


There are many nerve endings in the legs. Foot licking is a game similar to massage, but complete with a feeling of closeness to a partner, it turns into a very pleasant experience. In addition, the feet are considered one of the most sensitive erogenous zones, both in women and men.


May 12, 2022

Foot massage

During a long and gentle foot massage, a man gets intense arousal. ▪️ Rub your calves with your palms, go from knee to ankles, squeezing the skin a little. ▪️ Grasp his ankle with your hand just above the ankle and rotate first to the left and then to the right. ▪️Leave a hotline of kisses on his ankles.


May 12, 2022

To shave or not to shave?

48% of women prefer always shaven men, they love those who take care of themselves. Men are more categorical on this score, more than 80% prefer not to have sex with an unshaven lady.


May 11, 2022

An interesting fact about oral sex

A study published in the American Journal of Human Sexuality notes that about a quarter of women admitted to giving blowjobs but never receiving cunnilingus in return. Among men, only 10% of the respondents found themselves in such a situation. The reason for gender inequality in oral sex is not always in male reluctance, often women deny themselves this pleasure.


May 11, 2022

Imitation rape

Мasochistic tendencies. Finally, one more reason for fantasies on the subject of rigid domination of a partner may be hidden in the masochistic inclinations of a lady, be the result of experiences associated with violence repressed by her. Most likely, such women, as children, experienced humiliation, pain, or restriction of their freedom, which the brain, for some reason, associated with care and love. When the girl grew up, her body began to respond with excitement to the inflicted suffering, perpetuating this pattern: physical violence equals passion and sexual pleasure. However, the vast majority of rape fantasies are considered the norm, because almost all women are aware of the difference between a real threat or an imaginary imitation. Should she share her feelings with you? It's up to her to decide. But if trust and love reign in your relationship, if both of you are sympathetic to each other’s weaknesses, sometimes it’s worth bringing this game to life in order to refresh your feelings a little.


May 11, 2022

Imitation rape

Relationship between stress and sexual pleasure. Yes, yes, sexual desire can be artificially increased by teasing your nerves a little. Light stress increases the moment of arousal, helping to increase sexual appetite. When we are afraid of something, when we are forced to experience strong conflicting feelings - interest and fear, passion and hatred, attraction and disgust - the fuses in our brain break down, causing the heart to beat faster, the lungs to breathe deeper, increasing the excitation and hydration of the mucous tissues.


May 11, 2022

Imitation rape

Biological program laid down by nature. This theory is also valid. So, some psychologists believe that the nature of men and women contains the instinctive programs of the animal world, which are transmitted to us genetically. For example, have you noticed how the process of intercourse between animals occurs in nature? Most often, the male hunts the female, she runs away, he catches up with her and subordinates her to his desires.


May 11, 2022

Imitation rape

The result of a conservative upbringing. Another category of women who often present scenes of sexual violence with their participation are those who were brought up in strict Puritan families, where sexuality was banned for a long time, and even condemned in every possible way. Parents of such girls from childhood teach them to be ashamed of their body and desires, forbid them to communicate with boys, go on dates, make up, dress femininely, read a love letter. Needless to say, instincts do not go anywhere, the hormonal boom still makes itself felt. And then the girl begins to actively fantasize that she is being forced into sex by force in order to avoid feeling guilty for her desire, in order to punish herself for "dirty" thoughts. It was not she who succumbed to temptation, she was forced against her own will!


May 11, 2022

Imitation rape

One of the most common female erotic fantasies is the theme of male sexual dominance. So, every 6 woman out of 10 at least once was aroused by thoughts about staged rape, although in real life this is completely uncharacteristic of her. Why is this happening, and what is it connected with? I suggest looking into it in more detail. Women's imagination is stirred by scenes of violence, although in reality none of them would like to experience this experience. One reason is the desire for unconditional love. Oddly enough, fantasies with a similar context are often inherent in insecure women who are full of a variety of fears and complexes. In fact, this feeling haunts them even from puberty, especially if they have not been able to accept their new body, looking for flaws in themselves. In society, such women do not feel part of the team, they live with a constant feeling of loneliness, not feeling support even from their parents.


May 11, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex

Too loud or not loud enough to express emotions Revealingly loud moans or mooing, repeated repetition of some words - all this is annoying in bed as well as complete silence. But the manner of simpering and giggling like a schoolgirl can also turn sex life into a child's game, and there is nothing good in that.


May 11, 2022


Sexual pleasure and orgasm are not the same thing. It may seem incredible, but a girl can feel quite satisfied even without an orgasm. So forget your habit of torturing her with the question "Did you feel really good?" Learn to guess without words.


May 10, 2022